The Photon Strength Function (PSF) Database contains all the experimental PSF data that were compiled by the IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on Generating a Reference Database for Photon Strength Functions.
The methods that have been used to extract experimental PSF data are extensively described and assessed in the CRP technical report that is published in [1],
and in the recent IAEA reports [2], [3], and [4].
The data files naming convention is self-explanatory and includes: the type and multipolarity of the PSF (1 stands for E1+M1),
if it is data, , method used: , and the NSR keynumber is added for photonuclear data.
For detailed definitions, please refer to our Glossary page.
Each data file is accompanied by a with the same naming convention but with the extension `readme`. The README file contains all the information about the measurement, the experimental method,
the model dependent analysis and parameters, as well as the reference.
You can easily search the database using any combination of the available options:
. A plot will be produced automatically based on your query. To retrieve the entire database, simply click the search button without applying any filters.You can download the latest version of the PSF Database in compressed format:
Previous releases of the database can be downloaded from the Versions page.
The data and metadata in the Photon Strength Function Database are licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), unless explicitly stated. Data may be freely distributed, modified and used for any purpose and without royalty, provided attribution to the database and the original data author(s) is given. Publications using data derived from the Photon Strength Function Database should cite the database and the data authors.