TENDL-2019 Pointwise
This work represents the processing results for a subset of n-TENDL-2019 s30, including nuclear data only for incident neutrons, for 630 evaluations targets nuclides, Z=1-100, Hydrogen to Fermium, including as target some 28 m (1st) isomeric states. This subset represents the union of all targets for n-induced that exists in the currently available traditional libraries: JEFF-3.3, JENDL-4, CENDL-3.2 and ENDF/B-VIII.0. It would be fair to say that the technological processes behind TENDL are better equipped to model target above Z=12, Magnesium whilst if bridging all fissile targets, it cannot yet achieve the quality required for the traditional applications. It is why not all evaluations are yet independent as the 24 following files are taken from ENDF/B-VIII.0: 1,2,3H, 3,4He, 6,7Li, 10,11B, 7,9Be, 12,13C, 14,15N, 16,17,18O, 19F, 232Th, 233,235,238U and 239Pu, mainly but not only to conserve fission reactors criticality realizations. It also means that in contrast to the 606 original TENDL-2019 s30 files, the 24 targets above are in their original lesser format frame.
Supporting codes
For use in applications the above library has been processed into the usefull form of temperature dependent cross sections at five neutron reactor like temperatures, between 0° and 1200° Kelvin, in steps of 300° Kelvin (the exception being 293.6° Kelvin, for exact room temperature at 20° Celsius). It has also been processed to five astrophysics like temperatures between 1 eV and 80 keV. For reference purposes, 300° Kelvin is approximately 1/40 eV, so that 1 eV is approximately 12,000° Kelvin (twice the Sun photosphere temperature). At each temperature the cross sections are tabulated and linearly interpolable in energy. The steps required, and codes used to produce temperature dependent, linearly interpolable tabulated cross sections, in the ENDF-6 form, are described below; the name of each code is given in parenthesis; for details of each code see the reference PREPRO.
Here are the steps and order in which PREPRO-2020 codes were used:
- 1) Convert all data to a FORTRAN, C and C++ compatible format (ENDF2C)
- 2) Convert to Linearly interpolable, tabulated energy dependent cross sections (LINEAR)
- 3) Add the resonance contribution to cross sections (RECENT)
- 4) Doppler broaden all cross sections to each temperature (SIGMA1)
- 5) Check data, define macro cross sections by summation (FIXUP)
- 6) Update evaluation dictionary in MF/MT=1/451 (DICTIN)
For the "cold" (0° Kelvin) data steps 1), 2), 3) and 5), 6) were used, no Doppler broadening. For the data at other temperatures, after steps 1), 2), 3), the data were Doppler broadened to each temperature using step 4), and the results were then made consistent with the ENDF/B formats and conventions using steps 5) and 6), to produce the mature distributed data. Note - this processing only involved the energy dependent neutron cross sections. All other data in the evaluations, e.g., angular and energy distributions, variance-covariance, etc. were not affected by this processing, and are identical in all versions of the results, i.e., it is the same for all temperatures, 0°K through 1200°K, and 1 eV through 80 keV. For compactness of storage these other data are only included once, as MFOther; here "Other" means other than ENDF MF=1 through 3, temperature dependent data.
The report "TENDL 2019 POINTWISE Temperature Dependent Cross Section Library" INDC(NDS)-0233 is also available here.
Description of the making of TENDL: Complete Nuclear Data Library for Innovative Nuclear Science and Technology.
Whilst TENDL-2019 TALYS-based evaluated nuclear data library.
Numerical Data
The TENDL-2019 POINTWISE library include each of the 630 evaluations at each temperatures and is stored as separate files. The data are in the simple text ENDF-6 forms, which allows the data to be easily transported between computers. The entire library requires approximately 4 gigabytes of storage in compressed form; once uncompressed the data for each temperature requires roughly a gigabyte. This library contains data for 28 metastable materials, which are indicated by an "m" at the end of their name, e.g., ZA052131.M = 52-Te-131m. Most of the 630 evaluations are complete, in the sense that they include all cross sections over the energy range 10-5 eV to at least 20 MeV; mostly to 30 MeV and most extend up to 200 MeV. Data for each 630 TENDL-2019 evaluations are divided into:
- Temperature dependent forms: ENDF-6 MF = 1-3
- Temperatute independent forms: ENDF-6 MF = 4-40
The temperature dependent forms are supplied at 10 temperatures, whilst the temperature independent form are supplied only once. The data for all 630 evaluations are included in each of the 11 compressed tarball and individually. Each of the compressed file are between 100-500 Mbytes, they must be uncompressed. To use complete evaluations, at any given temperature one must fisrt combine the two parts: temperature dependent and temperature independent using the PREPRO/MERGER code. Combine form script: run-merge630
Reactors physics temperatures