Decay Data Library for Actinides
Including other Heavy Elements

 The evaluations in this data library were produced by an IAEA CRP between 2005 and 2010

• Fission reactor fuel cycles  

• Nuclear waste management
• Nuclear material accounting
• Nuclear physics research
   and non-energy applications
Data files per Isotope

Decay schemas
List of evaluated decays with links to tables, plots, comments, and formatted files.

Data Tables

Tabulated data for 85 nuclides
These tabulations are also printed as Annex I in the final report. Available as a single pdf (~6 MB).

Evaluators Comments

The evaluations process
An invaluable resource for future evaluators. Included on the accompanying CD-ROM to the final report as Annex II. Available as a single pdf (~4 MB).
ENSDF format

Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File
Format used in the nuclear structure and decay data community. Included on the accompanying CD-ROM to the final report as Annex III. Available as a single txt (~0.5 MB).
ENDF format

Evaluated Nuclear Data File
Format used in the reactor physics and non-energy applications. Included on the accompanying CD-ROM to the final report as Annex IV. Available as a single txt (~2.5 MB).


IAEA Scientifical and Technical Report 1618
Final CRP publication with evaluators comments and data tables in various formats

 Last Updated: 07/12/2016 13:02:11