ACELST - List contents of an ACE-lib   

  13-Al- 27  293.6 K fast data for ADS+ library                       
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Al027.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  13027.70c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat1325
                  Atomic weight ratio :   26.74975
                      Temperature [K] :        293.6
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :        150.0
                    Data table length :     245425
              Number of energy points :       6780
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 60  0         102 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
    5  0.0000E+00 CM01 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   16 -1.3058E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   22 -1.0090E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   28 -8.2721E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   32 -1.7140E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   33 -1.8214E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   45 -1.8884E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   51 -8.4375E-01 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   52 -1.0145E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   53 -2.2111E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   54 -2.7348E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   55 -2.9811E+00 CM 1 Aen 11  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   56 -3.0040E+00 CM 1 Aen 11  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   57 -3.6801E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   58 -3.9568E+00 CM 1 Aen  9  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   59 -4.0543E+00 CM 1 Aen  9  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   60 -4.4102E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   61 -4.5103E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   62 -4.5800E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   63 -4.8117E+00 CM 1 Aen  6  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   64 -5.1563E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   65 -5.2482E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   66 -5.4199E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   67 -5.4328E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   68 -5.4384E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   69 -5.4998E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   70 -5.5507E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   71 -5.6670E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   72 -5.7513E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 4    
   73 -5.8268E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3           5 16 Isotr. 4                        
   74 -5.9596E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          16 16 Isotr. 4                        
   75 -6.0800E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          22 16 Isotr. 4                        
   76 -6.1154E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          28 16 Isotr. 4                        
   77 -6.1592E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          32 16 Isotr. 4                        
   78 -6.2870E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          33 16 Isotr. 4                        
   79 -6.4640E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          45 16 Isotr. 4                        
   80 -6.4773E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          51 16 Isotr. 4                        
   81 -6.5118E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          52 16 Isotr. 4                        
   82 -6.5330E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          53 16 Isotr. 4                        
   83 -6.6053E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          54 16 Isotr. 4                        
   84 -6.6515E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          55 16 Isotr. 4                        
   85 -6.7130E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          56 16 Isotr. 4                        
   86 -6.7650E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          57 16 Isotr. 4                        
   87 -6.7754E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          58 16 Isotr. 4                        
   88 -6.8142E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          59 16 Isotr. 4                        
   89 -6.8200E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          60 16 Isotr. 4                        
   91 -6.8200E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 44          61 16 Isotr. 4                        
  102  7.7252E+00                         62 16 Isotr. 4                        
  103 -1.8285E+00                         63 16 Isotr. 4                        
  104 -6.0475E+00                         64 16 Isotr. 4                        
  105 -1.0883E+01                         65 16 Isotr. 4                        
  107 -3.1303E+00                         66 16 Isotr. 4                        
  108 -1.3958E+01                         67 16 Isotr. 4                        
  111 -1.6800E+01                         68 16 Isotr. 4                        
  112 -1.3684E+01                         69 16 Isotr. 4                        
  117 -1.6659E+01                         70 16 Isotr. 4                        
  203  0.0000E+00                         71 16 Isotr. 4                        
  204  0.0000E+00                         72 16 Isotr. 4                        
  205  0.0000E+00                         73 16 Isotr. 4                        
  207  0.0000E+00                         74 16 Isotr. 4                        
  444  0.0000E+00                         75 16 Isotr. 4                        
  600 -1.8285E+00                         76 16 Isotr. 4                        
  601 -2.8132E+00                         77 16 Isotr. 4                        
  602 -3.5265E+00                         78 16 Isotr. 4                        
  603 -3.7685E+00                         79 16 Isotr. 4                        
  604 -4.9379E+00                         80 16 Isotr. 4                        
  605 -5.2554E+00                         81 16 Isotr. 4                        
  606 -5.3038E+00                         82 16 Isotr. 4                        
  607 -5.3192E+00                         83 16 Isotr. 4                        
  608 -5.3877E+00                         84 16 Isotr. 4                        
  609 -5.5889E+00                         85 16 Isotr. 4                        
  610 -5.6144E+00                         86 16 Isotr. 4                        
  611 -5.7125E+00                         87 16 Isotr. 4                        
  612 -5.9783E+00                         88 16 Isotr. 4                        
  613 -6.2267E+00                         89 16 Isotr. 4                        
  614 -6.3813E+00                         91 16 Isotr. 4                        
  615 -6.6046E+00                        108 16 Isotr. 4                        
  616 -6.6558E+00                        111 16 Isotr. 4                        
  617 -6.8208E+00                        112 16 Isotr. 4                        
  618 -6.8565E+00                        117 16 Isotr. 4                        
  619 -7.0005E+00                        601 16 Isotr. 4                        
  649 -7.0005E+00                        602 16 Isotr. 4                        
  650 -6.0475E+00                        603 16 Isotr. 4                        
  651 -7.8562E+00                        604 16 Isotr. 4                        
  652 -8.9859E+00                        605 16 Isotr. 4                        
  653 -9.6358E+00                        606 16 Isotr. 4                        
  654 -9.9880E+00                        607 16 Isotr. 4                        
  655 -1.0366E+01                        608 16 Isotr. 4                        
  656 -1.0379E+01                        609 16 Isotr. 4                        
  657 -1.0397E+01                        610 16 Isotr. 4                        
  658 -1.0882E+01                        611 16 Isotr. 4                        
  659 -1.0948E+01                        612 16 Isotr. 4                        
  660 -1.1020E+01                        613 16 Isotr. 4                        
  661 -1.1338E+01                        614 16 Isotr. 4                        
  662 -1.1521E+01                        615 16 Isotr. 4                        
  663 -1.1738E+01                        616 16 Isotr. 4                        
  664 -1.1763E+01                        617 16 Isotr. 4                        
  665 -1.2173E+01                        618 16 Isotr. 4                        
  666 -1.2304E+01                        619 16 Isotr. 4                        
  667 -1.2669E+01                        649 16 Isotr. 4                        
  668 -1.2792E+01                        651 16 Isotr. 4                        
  669 -1.2925E+01                        652 16 Isotr. 4                        
  699 -1.2925E+01                        653 16 Isotr. 4                        
  700 -1.0883E+01                        654 16 Isotr. 4                        
  701 -1.1468E+01                        655 16 Isotr. 4                        
  702 -1.1858E+01                        656 16 Isotr. 4                        
  703 -1.2495E+01                        657 16 Isotr. 4                        
  704 -1.2848E+01                        658 16 Isotr. 4                        
  705 -1.3447E+01                        659 16 Isotr. 4                        
  706 -1.3621E+01                        660 16 Isotr. 4                        
  707 -1.3684E+01                        661 16 Isotr. 4                        
  708 -1.4288E+01                        662 16 Isotr. 4                        
  709 -1.4297E+01                        663 16 Isotr. 4                        
  710 -1.4791E+01                        664 16 Isotr. 4                        
  749 -1.4791E+01                        665 16 Isotr. 4                        
  800 -3.1303E+00                        666 16 Isotr. 4                        
  801 -3.6026E+00                        667 16 Isotr. 4                        
  802 -3.6936E+00                        668 16 Isotr. 4                        
  803 -4.4717E+00                        669 16 Isotr. 4                        
  804 -4.4748E+00                        699 16 Isotr. 4                        
  805 -4.4768E+00                        701 16 Isotr. 4                        
  806 -4.6429E+00                        702 16 Isotr. 4                        
  807 -4.9764E+00                        703 16 Isotr. 4                        
  808 -5.0158E+00                        704 16 Isotr. 4                        
  809 -5.6437E+00                        705 16 Isotr. 4                        
  810 -5.6928E+00                        706 16 Isotr. 4                        
  811 -6.0340E+00                        707 16 Isotr. 4                        
  812 -6.1081E+00                        708 16 Isotr. 4                        
  813 -6.3471E+00                        709 16 Isotr. 4                        
  814 -6.5022E+00                        710 16 Isotr. 4                        
  815 -6.5437E+00                        749 16 Isotr. 4                        
  816 -6.7194E+00                        801 16 Isotr. 4                        
  817 -6.7588E+00                        802 16 Isotr. 4                        
  818 -6.7868E+00                        803 16 Isotr. 4                        
  819 -6.8120E+00                        804 16 Isotr. 4                        
  849 -6.8120E+00                        805 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         806 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         807 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         808 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         809 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         810 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         811 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         812 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         813 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         814 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         815 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         816 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         817 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         818 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         819 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         849 16 Isotr. 4                        

  13-Al- 27  600 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Al027.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  13027.71c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat1325
                  Atomic weight ratio :   26.74975
                      Temperature [K] :        600.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :        150.0
                    Data table length :     243738
              Number of energy points :       6569
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 60  0         102 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
    5  0.0000E+00 CM01 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   16 -1.3058E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   22 -1.0090E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   28 -8.2721E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   32 -1.7140E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   33 -1.8214E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   45 -1.8884E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   51 -8.4375E-01 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   52 -1.0145E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   53 -2.2111E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   54 -2.7348E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   55 -2.9811E+00 CM 1 Aen 11  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   56 -3.0040E+00 CM 1 Aen 11  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   57 -3.6801E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   58 -3.9568E+00 CM 1 Aen  9  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   59 -4.0543E+00 CM 1 Aen  9  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   60 -4.4102E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   61 -4.5103E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   62 -4.5800E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   63 -4.8117E+00 CM 1 Aen  6  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   64 -5.1563E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   65 -5.2482E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   66 -5.4199E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   67 -5.4328E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   68 -5.4384E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   69 -5.4998E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   70 -5.5507E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   71 -5.6670E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   72 -5.7513E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 4    
   73 -5.8268E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3           5 16 Isotr. 4                        
   74 -5.9596E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          16 16 Isotr. 4                        
   75 -6.0800E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          22 16 Isotr. 4                        
   76 -6.1154E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          28 16 Isotr. 4                        
   77 -6.1592E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          32 16 Isotr. 4                        
   78 -6.2870E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          33 16 Isotr. 4                        
   79 -6.4640E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          45 16 Isotr. 4                        
   80 -6.4773E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          51 16 Isotr. 4                        
   81 -6.5118E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          52 16 Isotr. 4                        
   82 -6.5330E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          53 16 Isotr. 4                        
   83 -6.6053E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          54 16 Isotr. 4                        
   84 -6.6515E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          55 16 Isotr. 4                        
   85 -6.7130E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          56 16 Isotr. 4                        
   86 -6.7650E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          57 16 Isotr. 4                        
   87 -6.7754E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          58 16 Isotr. 4                        
   88 -6.8142E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          59 16 Isotr. 4                        
   89 -6.8200E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          60 16 Isotr. 4                        
   91 -6.8200E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 44          61 16 Isotr. 4                        
  102  7.7252E+00                         62 16 Isotr. 4                        
  103 -1.8285E+00                         63 16 Isotr. 4                        
  104 -6.0475E+00                         64 16 Isotr. 4                        
  105 -1.0883E+01                         65 16 Isotr. 4                        
  107 -3.1303E+00                         66 16 Isotr. 4                        
  108 -1.3958E+01                         67 16 Isotr. 4                        
  111 -1.6800E+01                         68 16 Isotr. 4                        
  112 -1.3684E+01                         69 16 Isotr. 4                        
  117 -1.6659E+01                         70 16 Isotr. 4                        
  203  0.0000E+00                         71 16 Isotr. 4                        
  204  0.0000E+00                         72 16 Isotr. 4                        
  205  0.0000E+00                         73 16 Isotr. 4                        
  207  0.0000E+00                         74 16 Isotr. 4                        
  444  0.0000E+00                         75 16 Isotr. 4                        
  600 -1.8285E+00                         76 16 Isotr. 4                        
  601 -2.8132E+00                         77 16 Isotr. 4                        
  602 -3.5265E+00                         78 16 Isotr. 4                        
  603 -3.7685E+00                         79 16 Isotr. 4                        
  604 -4.9379E+00                         80 16 Isotr. 4                        
  605 -5.2554E+00                         81 16 Isotr. 4                        
  606 -5.3038E+00                         82 16 Isotr. 4                        
  607 -5.3192E+00                         83 16 Isotr. 4                        
  608 -5.3877E+00                         84 16 Isotr. 4                        
  609 -5.5889E+00                         85 16 Isotr. 4                        
  610 -5.6144E+00                         86 16 Isotr. 4                        
  611 -5.7125E+00                         87 16 Isotr. 4                        
  612 -5.9783E+00                         88 16 Isotr. 4                        
  613 -6.2267E+00                         89 16 Isotr. 4                        
  614 -6.3813E+00                         91 16 Isotr. 4                        
  615 -6.6046E+00                        108 16 Isotr. 4                        
  616 -6.6558E+00                        111 16 Isotr. 4                        
  617 -6.8208E+00                        112 16 Isotr. 4                        
  618 -6.8565E+00                        117 16 Isotr. 4                        
  619 -7.0005E+00                        601 16 Isotr. 4                        
  649 -7.0005E+00                        602 16 Isotr. 4                        
  650 -6.0475E+00                        603 16 Isotr. 4                        
  651 -7.8562E+00                        604 16 Isotr. 4                        
  652 -8.9859E+00                        605 16 Isotr. 4                        
  653 -9.6358E+00                        606 16 Isotr. 4                        
  654 -9.9880E+00                        607 16 Isotr. 4                        
  655 -1.0366E+01                        608 16 Isotr. 4                        
  656 -1.0379E+01                        609 16 Isotr. 4                        
  657 -1.0397E+01                        610 16 Isotr. 4                        
  658 -1.0882E+01                        611 16 Isotr. 4                        
  659 -1.0948E+01                        612 16 Isotr. 4                        
  660 -1.1020E+01                        613 16 Isotr. 4                        
  661 -1.1338E+01                        614 16 Isotr. 4                        
  662 -1.1521E+01                        615 16 Isotr. 4                        
  663 -1.1738E+01                        616 16 Isotr. 4                        
  664 -1.1763E+01                        617 16 Isotr. 4                        
  665 -1.2173E+01                        618 16 Isotr. 4                        
  666 -1.2304E+01                        619 16 Isotr. 4                        
  667 -1.2669E+01                        649 16 Isotr. 4                        
  668 -1.2792E+01                        651 16 Isotr. 4                        
  669 -1.2925E+01                        652 16 Isotr. 4                        
  699 -1.2925E+01                        653 16 Isotr. 4                        
  700 -1.0883E+01                        654 16 Isotr. 4                        
  701 -1.1468E+01                        655 16 Isotr. 4                        
  702 -1.1858E+01                        656 16 Isotr. 4                        
  703 -1.2495E+01                        657 16 Isotr. 4                        
  704 -1.2848E+01                        658 16 Isotr. 4                        
  705 -1.3447E+01                        659 16 Isotr. 4                        
  706 -1.3621E+01                        660 16 Isotr. 4                        
  707 -1.3684E+01                        661 16 Isotr. 4                        
  708 -1.4288E+01                        662 16 Isotr. 4                        
  709 -1.4297E+01                        663 16 Isotr. 4                        
  710 -1.4791E+01                        664 16 Isotr. 4                        
  749 -1.4791E+01                        665 16 Isotr. 4                        
  800 -3.1303E+00                        666 16 Isotr. 4                        
  801 -3.6026E+00                        667 16 Isotr. 4                        
  802 -3.6936E+00                        668 16 Isotr. 4                        
  803 -4.4717E+00                        669 16 Isotr. 4                        
  804 -4.4748E+00                        699 16 Isotr. 4                        
  805 -4.4768E+00                        701 16 Isotr. 4                        
  806 -4.6429E+00                        702 16 Isotr. 4                        
  807 -4.9764E+00                        703 16 Isotr. 4                        
  808 -5.0158E+00                        704 16 Isotr. 4                        
  809 -5.6437E+00                        705 16 Isotr. 4                        
  810 -5.6928E+00                        706 16 Isotr. 4                        
  811 -6.0340E+00                        707 16 Isotr. 4                        
  812 -6.1081E+00                        708 16 Isotr. 4                        
  813 -6.3471E+00                        709 16 Isotr. 4                        
  814 -6.5022E+00                        710 16 Isotr. 4                        
  815 -6.5437E+00                        749 16 Isotr. 4                        
  816 -6.7194E+00                        801 16 Isotr. 4                        
  817 -6.7588E+00                        802 16 Isotr. 4                        
  818 -6.7868E+00                        803 16 Isotr. 4                        
  819 -6.8120E+00                        804 16 Isotr. 4                        
  849 -6.8120E+00                        805 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         806 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         807 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         808 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         809 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         810 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         811 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         812 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         813 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         814 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         815 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         816 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         817 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         818 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         819 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         849 16 Isotr. 4                        

  13-Al- 27  900 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Al027.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  13027.72c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat1325
                  Atomic weight ratio :   26.74975
                      Temperature [K] :        900.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :        150.0
                    Data table length :     243216
              Number of energy points :       6504
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 60  0         102 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
    5  0.0000E+00 CM01 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   16 -1.3058E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   22 -1.0090E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   28 -8.2721E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   32 -1.7140E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   33 -1.8214E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   45 -1.8884E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   51 -8.4375E-01 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   52 -1.0145E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   53 -2.2111E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   54 -2.7348E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   55 -2.9811E+00 CM 1 Aen 11  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   56 -3.0040E+00 CM 1 Aen 11  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   57 -3.6801E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   58 -3.9568E+00 CM 1 Aen  9  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   59 -4.0543E+00 CM 1 Aen  9  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   60 -4.4102E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   61 -4.5103E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   62 -4.5800E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   63 -4.8117E+00 CM 1 Aen  6  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   64 -5.1563E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   65 -5.2482E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   66 -5.4199E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   67 -5.4328E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   68 -5.4384E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   69 -5.4998E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   70 -5.5507E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   71 -5.6670E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   72 -5.7513E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 4    
   73 -5.8268E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3           5 16 Isotr. 4                        
   74 -5.9596E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          16 16 Isotr. 4                        
   75 -6.0800E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          22 16 Isotr. 4                        
   76 -6.1154E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          28 16 Isotr. 4                        
   77 -6.1592E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          32 16 Isotr. 4                        
   78 -6.2870E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          33 16 Isotr. 4                        
   79 -6.4640E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          45 16 Isotr. 4                        
   80 -6.4773E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          51 16 Isotr. 4                        
   81 -6.5118E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          52 16 Isotr. 4                        
   82 -6.5330E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          53 16 Isotr. 4                        
   83 -6.6053E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          54 16 Isotr. 4                        
   84 -6.6515E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          55 16 Isotr. 4                        
   85 -6.7130E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          56 16 Isotr. 4                        
   86 -6.7650E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          57 16 Isotr. 4                        
   87 -6.7754E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          58 16 Isotr. 4                        
   88 -6.8142E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          59 16 Isotr. 4                        
   89 -6.8200E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          60 16 Isotr. 4                        
   91 -6.8200E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 44          61 16 Isotr. 4                        
  102  7.7252E+00                         62 16 Isotr. 4                        
  103 -1.8285E+00                         63 16 Isotr. 4                        
  104 -6.0475E+00                         64 16 Isotr. 4                        
  105 -1.0883E+01                         65 16 Isotr. 4                        
  107 -3.1303E+00                         66 16 Isotr. 4                        
  108 -1.3958E+01                         67 16 Isotr. 4                        
  111 -1.6800E+01                         68 16 Isotr. 4                        
  112 -1.3684E+01                         69 16 Isotr. 4                        
  117 -1.6659E+01                         70 16 Isotr. 4                        
  203  0.0000E+00                         71 16 Isotr. 4                        
  204  0.0000E+00                         72 16 Isotr. 4                        
  205  0.0000E+00                         73 16 Isotr. 4                        
  207  0.0000E+00                         74 16 Isotr. 4                        
  444  0.0000E+00                         75 16 Isotr. 4                        
  600 -1.8285E+00                         76 16 Isotr. 4                        
  601 -2.8132E+00                         77 16 Isotr. 4                        
  602 -3.5265E+00                         78 16 Isotr. 4                        
  603 -3.7685E+00                         79 16 Isotr. 4                        
  604 -4.9379E+00                         80 16 Isotr. 4                        
  605 -5.2554E+00                         81 16 Isotr. 4                        
  606 -5.3038E+00                         82 16 Isotr. 4                        
  607 -5.3192E+00                         83 16 Isotr. 4                        
  608 -5.3877E+00                         84 16 Isotr. 4                        
  609 -5.5889E+00                         85 16 Isotr. 4                        
  610 -5.6144E+00                         86 16 Isotr. 4                        
  611 -5.7125E+00                         87 16 Isotr. 4                        
  612 -5.9783E+00                         88 16 Isotr. 4                        
  613 -6.2267E+00                         89 16 Isotr. 4                        
  614 -6.3813E+00                         91 16 Isotr. 4                        
  615 -6.6046E+00                        108 16 Isotr. 4                        
  616 -6.6558E+00                        111 16 Isotr. 4                        
  617 -6.8208E+00                        112 16 Isotr. 4                        
  618 -6.8565E+00                        117 16 Isotr. 4                        
  619 -7.0005E+00                        601 16 Isotr. 4                        
  649 -7.0005E+00                        602 16 Isotr. 4                        
  650 -6.0475E+00                        603 16 Isotr. 4                        
  651 -7.8562E+00                        604 16 Isotr. 4                        
  652 -8.9859E+00                        605 16 Isotr. 4                        
  653 -9.6358E+00                        606 16 Isotr. 4                        
  654 -9.9880E+00                        607 16 Isotr. 4                        
  655 -1.0366E+01                        608 16 Isotr. 4                        
  656 -1.0379E+01                        609 16 Isotr. 4                        
  657 -1.0397E+01                        610 16 Isotr. 4                        
  658 -1.0882E+01                        611 16 Isotr. 4                        
  659 -1.0948E+01                        612 16 Isotr. 4                        
  660 -1.1020E+01                        613 16 Isotr. 4                        
  661 -1.1338E+01                        614 16 Isotr. 4                        
  662 -1.1521E+01                        615 16 Isotr. 4                        
  663 -1.1738E+01                        616 16 Isotr. 4                        
  664 -1.1763E+01                        617 16 Isotr. 4                        
  665 -1.2173E+01                        618 16 Isotr. 4                        
  666 -1.2304E+01                        619 16 Isotr. 4                        
  667 -1.2669E+01                        649 16 Isotr. 4                        
  668 -1.2792E+01                        651 16 Isotr. 4                        
  669 -1.2925E+01                        652 16 Isotr. 4                        
  699 -1.2925E+01                        653 16 Isotr. 4                        
  700 -1.0883E+01                        654 16 Isotr. 4                        
  701 -1.1468E+01                        655 16 Isotr. 4                        
  702 -1.1858E+01                        656 16 Isotr. 4                        
  703 -1.2495E+01                        657 16 Isotr. 4                        
  704 -1.2848E+01                        658 16 Isotr. 4                        
  705 -1.3447E+01                        659 16 Isotr. 4                        
  706 -1.3621E+01                        660 16 Isotr. 4                        
  707 -1.3684E+01                        661 16 Isotr. 4                        
  708 -1.4288E+01                        662 16 Isotr. 4                        
  709 -1.4297E+01                        663 16 Isotr. 4                        
  710 -1.4791E+01                        664 16 Isotr. 4                        
  749 -1.4791E+01                        665 16 Isotr. 4                        
  800 -3.1303E+00                        666 16 Isotr. 4                        
  801 -3.6026E+00                        667 16 Isotr. 4                        
  802 -3.6936E+00                        668 16 Isotr. 4                        
  803 -4.4717E+00                        669 16 Isotr. 4                        
  804 -4.4748E+00                        699 16 Isotr. 4                        
  805 -4.4768E+00                        701 16 Isotr. 4                        
  806 -4.6429E+00                        702 16 Isotr. 4                        
  807 -4.9764E+00                        703 16 Isotr. 4                        
  808 -5.0158E+00                        704 16 Isotr. 4                        
  809 -5.6437E+00                        705 16 Isotr. 4                        
  810 -5.6928E+00                        706 16 Isotr. 4                        
  811 -6.0340E+00                        707 16 Isotr. 4                        
  812 -6.1081E+00                        708 16 Isotr. 4                        
  813 -6.3471E+00                        709 16 Isotr. 4                        
  814 -6.5022E+00                        710 16 Isotr. 4                        
  815 -6.5437E+00                        749 16 Isotr. 4                        
  816 -6.7194E+00                        801 16 Isotr. 4                        
  817 -6.7588E+00                        802 16 Isotr. 4                        
  818 -6.7868E+00                        803 16 Isotr. 4                        
  819 -6.8120E+00                        804 16 Isotr. 4                        
  849 -6.8120E+00                        805 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         806 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         807 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         808 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         809 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         810 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         811 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         812 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         813 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         814 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         815 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         816 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         817 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         818 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         819 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         849 16 Isotr. 4                        

  13-Al- 27  1200 K fast data for ADS+ library                        
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Al027.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  13027.73c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat1325
                  Atomic weight ratio :   26.74975
                      Temperature [K] :       1200.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :        150.0
                    Data table length :     242913
              Number of energy points :       6466
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 60  0         102 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
    5  0.0000E+00 CM01 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   16 -1.3058E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   22 -1.0090E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   28 -8.2721E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   32 -1.7140E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   33 -1.8214E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   45 -1.8884E+01 CM 1 Isotr. 44                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   51 -8.4375E-01 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   52 -1.0145E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   53 -2.2111E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   54 -2.7348E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   55 -2.9811E+00 CM 1 Aen 11  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   56 -3.0040E+00 CM 1 Aen 11  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   57 -3.6801E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   58 -3.9568E+00 CM 1 Aen  9  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   59 -4.0543E+00 CM 1 Aen  9  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   60 -4.4102E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   61 -4.5103E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   62 -4.5800E+00 CM 1 Aen  8  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   63 -4.8117E+00 CM 1 Aen  6  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   64 -5.1563E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   65 -5.2482E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   66 -5.4199E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   67 -5.4328E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   68 -5.4384E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   69 -5.4998E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   70 -5.5507E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   71 -5.6670E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   72 -5.7513E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 4    
   73 -5.8268E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3           5 16 Isotr. 4                        
   74 -5.9596E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          16 16 Isotr. 4                        
   75 -6.0800E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          22 16 Isotr. 4                        
   76 -6.1154E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          28 16 Isotr. 4                        
   77 -6.1592E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          32 16 Isotr. 4                        
   78 -6.2870E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          33 16 Isotr. 4                        
   79 -6.4640E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          45 16 Isotr. 4                        
   80 -6.4773E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          51 16 Isotr. 4                        
   81 -6.5118E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          52 16 Isotr. 4                        
   82 -6.5330E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          53 16 Isotr. 4                        
   83 -6.6053E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          54 16 Isotr. 4                        
   84 -6.6515E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          55 16 Isotr. 4                        
   85 -6.7130E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          56 16 Isotr. 4                        
   86 -6.7650E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          57 16 Isotr. 4                        
   87 -6.7754E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          58 16 Isotr. 4                        
   88 -6.8142E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          59 16 Isotr. 4                        
   89 -6.8200E+00 CM 1 Aen  2  3          60 16 Isotr. 4                        
   91 -6.8200E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 44          61 16 Isotr. 4                        
  102  7.7252E+00                         62 16 Isotr. 4                        
  103 -1.8285E+00                         63 16 Isotr. 4                        
  104 -6.0475E+00                         64 16 Isotr. 4                        
  105 -1.0883E+01                         65 16 Isotr. 4                        
  107 -3.1303E+00                         66 16 Isotr. 4                        
  108 -1.3958E+01                         67 16 Isotr. 4                        
  111 -1.6800E+01                         68 16 Isotr. 4                        
  112 -1.3684E+01                         69 16 Isotr. 4                        
  117 -1.6659E+01                         70 16 Isotr. 4                        
  203  0.0000E+00                         71 16 Isotr. 4                        
  204  0.0000E+00                         72 16 Isotr. 4                        
  205  0.0000E+00                         73 16 Isotr. 4                        
  207  0.0000E+00                         74 16 Isotr. 4                        
  444  0.0000E+00                         75 16 Isotr. 4                        
  600 -1.8285E+00                         76 16 Isotr. 4                        
  601 -2.8132E+00                         77 16 Isotr. 4                        
  602 -3.5265E+00                         78 16 Isotr. 4                        
  603 -3.7685E+00                         79 16 Isotr. 4                        
  604 -4.9379E+00                         80 16 Isotr. 4                        
  605 -5.2554E+00                         81 16 Isotr. 4                        
  606 -5.3038E+00                         82 16 Isotr. 4                        
  607 -5.3192E+00                         83 16 Isotr. 4                        
  608 -5.3877E+00                         84 16 Isotr. 4                        
  609 -5.5889E+00                         85 16 Isotr. 4                        
  610 -5.6144E+00                         86 16 Isotr. 4                        
  611 -5.7125E+00                         87 16 Isotr. 4                        
  612 -5.9783E+00                         88 16 Isotr. 4                        
  613 -6.2267E+00                         89 16 Isotr. 4                        
  614 -6.3813E+00                         91 16 Isotr. 4                        
  615 -6.6046E+00                        108 16 Isotr. 4                        
  616 -6.6558E+00                        111 16 Isotr. 4                        
  617 -6.8208E+00                        112 16 Isotr. 4                        
  618 -6.8565E+00                        117 16 Isotr. 4                        
  619 -7.0005E+00                        601 16 Isotr. 4                        
  649 -7.0005E+00                        602 16 Isotr. 4                        
  650 -6.0475E+00                        603 16 Isotr. 4                        
  651 -7.8562E+00                        604 16 Isotr. 4                        
  652 -8.9859E+00                        605 16 Isotr. 4                        
  653 -9.6358E+00                        606 16 Isotr. 4                        
  654 -9.9880E+00                        607 16 Isotr. 4                        
  655 -1.0366E+01                        608 16 Isotr. 4                        
  656 -1.0379E+01                        609 16 Isotr. 4                        
  657 -1.0397E+01                        610 16 Isotr. 4                        
  658 -1.0882E+01                        611 16 Isotr. 4                        
  659 -1.0948E+01                        612 16 Isotr. 4                        
  660 -1.1020E+01                        613 16 Isotr. 4                        
  661 -1.1338E+01                        614 16 Isotr. 4                        
  662 -1.1521E+01                        615 16 Isotr. 4                        
  663 -1.1738E+01                        616 16 Isotr. 4                        
  664 -1.1763E+01                        617 16 Isotr. 4                        
  665 -1.2173E+01                        618 16 Isotr. 4                        
  666 -1.2304E+01                        619 16 Isotr. 4                        
  667 -1.2669E+01                        649 16 Isotr. 4                        
  668 -1.2792E+01                        651 16 Isotr. 4                        
  669 -1.2925E+01                        652 16 Isotr. 4                        
  699 -1.2925E+01                        653 16 Isotr. 4                        
  700 -1.0883E+01                        654 16 Isotr. 4                        
  701 -1.1468E+01                        655 16 Isotr. 4                        
  702 -1.1858E+01                        656 16 Isotr. 4                        
  703 -1.2495E+01                        657 16 Isotr. 4                        
  704 -1.2848E+01                        658 16 Isotr. 4                        
  705 -1.3447E+01                        659 16 Isotr. 4                        
  706 -1.3621E+01                        660 16 Isotr. 4                        
  707 -1.3684E+01                        661 16 Isotr. 4                        
  708 -1.4288E+01                        662 16 Isotr. 4                        
  709 -1.4297E+01                        663 16 Isotr. 4                        
  710 -1.4791E+01                        664 16 Isotr. 4                        
  749 -1.4791E+01                        665 16 Isotr. 4                        
  800 -3.1303E+00                        666 16 Isotr. 4                        
  801 -3.6026E+00                        667 16 Isotr. 4                        
  802 -3.6936E+00                        668 16 Isotr. 4                        
  803 -4.4717E+00                        669 16 Isotr. 4                        
  804 -4.4748E+00                        699 16 Isotr. 4                        
  805 -4.4768E+00                        701 16 Isotr. 4                        
  806 -4.6429E+00                        702 16 Isotr. 4                        
  807 -4.9764E+00                        703 16 Isotr. 4                        
  808 -5.0158E+00                        704 16 Isotr. 4                        
  809 -5.6437E+00                        705 16 Isotr. 4                        
  810 -5.6928E+00                        706 16 Isotr. 4                        
  811 -6.0340E+00                        707 16 Isotr. 4                        
  812 -6.1081E+00                        708 16 Isotr. 4                        
  813 -6.3471E+00                        709 16 Isotr. 4                        
  814 -6.5022E+00                        710 16 Isotr. 4                        
  815 -6.5437E+00                        749 16 Isotr. 4                        
  816 -6.7194E+00                        801 16 Isotr. 4                        
  817 -6.7588E+00                        802 16 Isotr. 4                        
  818 -6.7868E+00                        803 16 Isotr. 4                        
  819 -6.8120E+00                        804 16 Isotr. 4                        
  849 -6.8120E+00                        805 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         806 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         807 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         808 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         809 16 Isotr. 4                        
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