MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\Cr050.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:      370

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0: 24-Cr- 50                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:     Cr50
        submaterials:       28
   material location:        0

material= Cr50     awt=  4.95170E+01
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   30   11    0
       293.6 1.00000E+04    1    9    1   50
       293.6 1.00000E+03    1    9    1   56
       293.6 1.00000E+02    1    9    1   62
       293.6 1.00000E+01    1    9    1   68
       293.6 1.00000E+00    1    9    1   74
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   30   11   80
       600.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  129
       600.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  135
       600.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  141
       600.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  147
       600.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  153
       900.0 1.00000E+10    1   30   11  159
       900.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  208
       900.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  214
       900.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  220
       900.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  226
       900.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  232
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    1   30   11  238
      1200.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  287
      1200.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  293
      1200.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  299
      1200.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  305
      1200.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  311
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  317
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  328
       900.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  339
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  351
Reference submaterial vector data for Cr50    
nwt0    nwt1    ntot0   ntot1   nelas   ninel   n2n     nna     nnp     
n01     n02     n03     n04     n05     n06     ncn     ng      np      
nd      na       .h1     .h2     .he4   heat    kerma   dame    mubar   
xi      gamma   invel   

 MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\Cr052.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:      394

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0: 24-Cr- 52                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:     Cr52
        submaterials:       28
   material location:        0

material= Cr52     awt=  5.14940E+01
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   32   15    0
       293.6 1.00000E+04    1    9    1   56
       293.6 1.00000E+03    1    9    1   62
       293.6 1.00000E+02    1    9    1   68
       293.6 1.00000E+01    1    9    1   74
       293.6 1.00000E+00    1    9    1   80
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   32   15   86
       600.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  141
       600.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  147
       600.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  153
       600.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  159
       600.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  165
       900.0 1.00000E+10    1   32   15  171
       900.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  226
       900.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  232
       900.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  238
       900.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  244
       900.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  250
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    1   32   15  256
      1200.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  311
      1200.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  317
      1200.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  323
      1200.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  329
      1200.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  335
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  341
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  352
       900.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  363
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  375
Reference submaterial vector data for Cr52    
nwt0    nwt1    ntot0   ntot1   nelas   ninel   n2n     nna     nnp     
n01     n02     n03     n04     n05     n06     n07     n08     n09     
n10     ncn     ng      np      na       .h1     .he4   heat    kerma   
dame    mubar   xi      gamma   invel   

 MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\Cr053.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:      443

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0: 24-Cr- 53                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:     Cr53
        submaterials:       28
   material location:        0

material= Cr53     awt=  5.24860E+01
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   35   18    0
       293.6 1.00000E+04    1    9    1   68
       293.6 1.00000E+03    1    9    1   74
       293.6 1.00000E+02    1    9    1   80
       293.6 1.00000E+01    1    9    1   86
       293.6 1.00000E+00    1    9    1   92
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   35   18   98
       600.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  165
       600.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  171
       600.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  177
       600.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  183
       600.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  189
       900.0 1.00000E+10    1   35   18  195
       900.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  262
       900.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  268
       900.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  274
       900.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  280
       900.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  286
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    1   35   18  292
      1200.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  359
      1200.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  365
      1200.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  371
      1200.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  377
      1200.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  383
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  389
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  400
       900.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  412
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  424
Reference submaterial vector data for Cr53    
nwt0    nwt1    ntot0   ntot1   nelas   ninel   n2n     nna     nnp     
n01     n02     n03     n04     n05     n06     n07     n08     n09     
n10     n11     n12     n13     ncn     ng      np      na       .h1    
 .he4   heat    kerma   dame    mubar   xi      gamma   invel   

 MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\Cr054.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:      326

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0: 24-Cr- 54                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:     Cr54
        submaterials:       28
   material location:        0

material= Cr54     awt=  5.34760E+01
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   24    7    0
       293.6 1.00000E+04    1    9    1   39
       293.6 1.00000E+03    1    9    1   45
       293.6 1.00000E+02    1    9    1   51
       293.6 1.00000E+01    1    9    1   57
       293.6 1.00000E+00    1    9    1   63
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   24    7   69
       600.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  107
       600.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  113
       600.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  119
       600.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  125
       600.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  131
       900.0 1.00000E+10    1   24    7  137
       900.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  175
       900.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  181
       900.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  187
       900.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  193
       900.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  199
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    1   24    7  205
      1200.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  243
      1200.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  249
      1200.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  255
      1200.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  261
      1200.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  267
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  273
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  284
       900.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  295
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  307
Reference submaterial vector data for Cr54    
nwt0    nwt1    ntot0   ntot1   nelas   ninel   n2n     n01     n02     
n03     n04     ncn     ng      np      na       .h1     .he4   heat    
kerma   dame    mubar   xi      gamma   invel