MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\H_001.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:     1284

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0:  1-H -  1                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:       H1
        submaterials:       16
   material location:        0

material= H1       awt=  9.99167E-01
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   12    1    0
       350.0 1.00000E+10    1   12    1  134
       400.0 1.00000E+10    1   12    1  268
       450.0 1.00000E+10    1   12    1  402
       500.0 1.00000E+10    1   12    1  536
       550.0 1.00000E+10    1   12    1  670
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   12    1  804
       650.0 1.00000E+10    1   12    1  938
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    2    2 1072
       350.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2 1096
       400.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2 1120
       450.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2 1144
       500.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2 1169
       550.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2 1195
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2 1221
       650.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2 1249
Reference submaterial vector data for H1      
nwt0    ntot0   nelas   ng       .h2    heat    kerma   dame    mubar   
xi      gamma   invel   

 MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\H_002.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:      571

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0:  1-H -  2                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:       H2
        submaterials:       16
   material location:        0

material= H2       awt=  1.99680E+00
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   14    2    0
       350.0 1.00000E+10    1   14    2   46
       400.0 1.00000E+10    1   14    2   91
       450.0 1.00000E+10    1   14    2  136
       500.0 1.00000E+10    1   14    2  181
       550.0 1.00000E+10    1   14    2  226
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   14    2  271
       650.0 1.00000E+10    1   14    2  316
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    2    2  361
       350.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2  385
       400.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2  409
       450.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2  433
       500.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2  458
       550.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2  484
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2  510
       650.0 1.00000E+10    2    2    2  536
Reference submaterial vector data for H2      
nwt0    ntot0   nelas   n2n     ng       .h1     .h3    heat    kerma   
dame    mubar   xi      gamma   invel