ACELST - List contents of an ACE-lib   

  42-Mo- 92  293.6 K fast data for ADS+ library                       
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo092.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42092.70c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4225
                  Atomic weight ratio :   91.11730
                      Temperature [K] :        293.6
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     295722
              Number of energy points :      18916
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 55  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -1.2692E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   22 -5.6233E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -7.4656E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -1.5095E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   52 -2.2826E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -2.5197E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -2.5271E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -2.6124E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -2.7604E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -2.8497E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   58 -3.0070E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -3.0641E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -3.0913E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   61 -3.3691E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -3.5420E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -3.5803E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -3.6212E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -3.6248E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -3.6880E+00 CM 1 Aen 12  3                                                
   91 -3.6880E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  8.0674E+00                                                               
  103  4.2356E-01                                                               
  104 -5.1536E+00                                                               
  105 -1.1027E+01                                                               
  106 -4.8982E+00                                                               
  107  3.7067E+00                                                               
  111 -5.4257E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 92  600 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo092.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42092.71c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4225
                  Atomic weight ratio :   91.11730
                      Temperature [K] :        600.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     290602
              Number of energy points :      18276
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 55  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -1.2692E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   22 -5.6233E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -7.4656E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -1.5095E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   52 -2.2826E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -2.5197E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -2.5271E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -2.6124E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -2.7604E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -2.8497E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   58 -3.0070E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -3.0641E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -3.0913E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   61 -3.3691E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -3.5420E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -3.5803E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -3.6212E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -3.6248E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -3.6880E+00 CM 1 Aen 12  3                                                
   91 -3.6880E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  8.0674E+00                                                               
  103  4.2356E-01                                                               
  104 -5.1536E+00                                                               
  105 -1.1027E+01                                                               
  106 -4.8982E+00                                                               
  107  3.7067E+00                                                               
  111 -5.4257E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 92  900 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo092.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42092.72c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4225
                  Atomic weight ratio :   91.11730
                      Temperature [K] :        900.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     287082
              Number of energy points :      17836
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 55  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -1.2692E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   22 -5.6233E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -7.4656E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -1.5095E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   52 -2.2826E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -2.5197E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -2.5271E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -2.6124E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -2.7604E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -2.8497E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   58 -3.0070E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -3.0641E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -3.0913E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   61 -3.3691E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -3.5420E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -3.5803E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -3.6212E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -3.6248E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -3.6880E+00 CM 1 Aen 12  3                                                
   91 -3.6880E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  8.0674E+00                                                               
  103  4.2356E-01                                                               
  104 -5.1536E+00                                                               
  105 -1.1027E+01                                                               
  106 -4.8982E+00                                                               
  107  3.7067E+00                                                               
  111 -5.4257E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 92  1200 K fast data for ADS+ library                        
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo092.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42092.73c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4225
                  Atomic weight ratio :   91.11730
                      Temperature [K] :       1200.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     284677
              Number of energy points :      17535
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 55  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -1.2692E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   22 -5.6233E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -7.4656E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -1.5095E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   52 -2.2826E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -2.5197E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -2.5271E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -2.6124E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -2.7604E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -2.8497E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   58 -3.0070E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -3.0641E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -3.0913E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   61 -3.3691E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -3.5420E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -3.5803E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -3.6212E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -3.6248E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -3.6880E+00 CM 1 Aen 12  3                                                
   91 -3.6880E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  8.0674E+00                                                               
  103  4.2356E-01                                                               
  104 -5.1536E+00                                                               
  105 -1.1027E+01                                                               
  106 -4.8982E+00                                                               
  107  3.7067E+00                                                               
  111 -5.4257E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

 ACELST - List contents of an ACE-lib   

  42-Mo- 94  293.6 K fast data for ADS+ library                       
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo094.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42094.70c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4231
                  Atomic weight ratio :   93.09840
                      Temperature [K] :        293.6
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     287013
              Number of energy points :      14725
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 59  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -9.6726E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.7745E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.0722E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -8.4920E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -8.7110E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   52 -1.5737E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -1.7425E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.8643E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -2.0674E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -2.2952E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -2.3932E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.4235E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -2.5339E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   60 -2.5668E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -2.6115E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.7398E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.7681E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -2.8058E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -2.8359E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -2.8702E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   67 -2.8724E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   68 -2.9558E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   69 -2.9651E+00 CM 1 Aen 13  3                                                
   91 -2.9650E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  7.3712E+00                                                               
  103 -1.2627E+00                                                               
  104 -6.1868E+00                                                               
  105 -8.8387E+00                                                               
  106 -6.8120E+00                                                               
  107  5.1344E+00                                                               
  111 -7.8068E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 94  600 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo094.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42094.71c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4231
                  Atomic weight ratio :   93.09840
                      Temperature [K] :        600.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     282922
              Number of energy points :      14214
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 59  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -9.6726E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.7745E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.0722E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -8.4920E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -8.7110E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   52 -1.5737E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -1.7425E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.8643E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -2.0674E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -2.2952E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -2.3932E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.4235E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -2.5339E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   60 -2.5668E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -2.6115E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.7398E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.7681E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -2.8058E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -2.8359E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -2.8702E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   67 -2.8724E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   68 -2.9558E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   69 -2.9651E+00 CM 1 Aen 13  3                                                
   91 -2.9650E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  7.3712E+00                                                               
  103 -1.2627E+00                                                               
  104 -6.1868E+00                                                               
  105 -8.8387E+00                                                               
  106 -6.8120E+00                                                               
  107  5.1344E+00                                                               
  111 -7.8068E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 94  900 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo094.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42094.72c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4231
                  Atomic weight ratio :   93.09840
                      Temperature [K] :        900.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     279845
              Number of energy points :      13829
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 59  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -9.6726E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.7745E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.0722E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -8.4920E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -8.7110E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   52 -1.5737E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -1.7425E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.8643E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -2.0674E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -2.2952E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -2.3932E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.4235E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -2.5339E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   60 -2.5668E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -2.6115E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.7398E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.7681E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -2.8058E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -2.8359E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -2.8702E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   67 -2.8724E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   68 -2.9558E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   69 -2.9651E+00 CM 1 Aen 13  3                                                
   91 -2.9650E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  7.3712E+00                                                               
  103 -1.2627E+00                                                               
  104 -6.1868E+00                                                               
  105 -8.8387E+00                                                               
  106 -6.8120E+00                                                               
  107  5.1344E+00                                                               
  111 -7.8068E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 94  1200 K fast data for ADS+ library                        
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo094.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42094.73c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4231
                  Atomic weight ratio :   93.09840
                      Temperature [K] :       1200.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     278464
              Number of energy points :      13656
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 59  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -9.6726E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.7745E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.0722E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -8.4920E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -8.7110E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   52 -1.5737E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -1.7425E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.8643E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -2.0674E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -2.2952E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -2.3932E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.4235E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -2.5339E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   60 -2.5668E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -2.6115E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.7398E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.7681E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -2.8058E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -2.8359E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -2.8702E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   67 -2.8724E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   68 -2.9558E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   69 -2.9651E+00 CM 1 Aen 13  3                                                
   91 -2.9650E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  7.3712E+00                                                               
  103 -1.2627E+00                                                               
  104 -6.1868E+00                                                               
  105 -8.8387E+00                                                               
  106 -6.8120E+00                                                               
  107  5.1344E+00                                                               
  111 -7.8068E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

 ACELST - List contents of an ACE-lib   

  42-Mo- 95  293.6 K fast data for ADS+ library                       
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo095.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42095.70c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4234
                  Atomic weight ratio :   94.09060
                      Temperature [K] :        293.6
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     288141
              Number of energy points :      12291
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 44  0          51 12 Isotr. 2                        
   16 -7.3690E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61          52 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   17 -1.7046E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61          53 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   22 -2.2420E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61          54 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   24 -9.4360E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61          55 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   28 -8.6320E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
   41 -1.5859E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 61          56 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   51 -2.0412E-01 CM 1 Aen 42  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   52 -7.6580E-01 CM 1 Aen 34  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   53 -7.8620E-01 CM 1 Aen 34  3          57 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   54 -8.2063E-01 CM 1 Aen 33  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   55 -9.4768E-01 CM 1 Aen 32  3          58 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   56 -1.0393E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   57 -1.0568E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   58 -1.0737E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   59 -1.0920E+00 CM 1 Aen 30  3          59 12 Isotr. 2                        
   60 -1.3026E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3          60 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   61 -1.3240E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   62 -1.3697E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   63 -1.3760E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   64 -1.4261E+00 CM 1 Aen 27  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   65 -1.4405E+00 CM 1 Aen 27  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
   66 -1.5408E+00 CM 1 Aen 26  3          61 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   67 -1.5517E+00 CM 1 Aen 26  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   68 -1.6202E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   69 -1.6451E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   70 -1.6603E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   71 -1.6660E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   72 -1.6830E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          62 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   73 -1.6980E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          63 12 Isotr. 2                        
   74 -1.7433E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          64 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   75 -1.7967E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   76 -1.8082E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3          65 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   77 -1.8790E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   78 -1.9379E+00 CM 1 Aen 22  3          66 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   91 -1.0776E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  102  9.1540E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  103  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  107  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  203  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  207  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  444  0.0000E+00                         67 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  600 -1.4400E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  601 -3.7968E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  602 -8.6820E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  603 -8.7400E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  604 -9.0073E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  605 -9.4300E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  606 -1.1550E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  607 -1.2320E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  608 -1.3630E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  609 -1.4170E+00                         68 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  610 -1.5080E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  611 -1.5740E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  612 -1.6580E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  613 -1.7330E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  614 -1.7340E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  615 -1.7670E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  616 -1.7890E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  617 -1.8060E+00                         69 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  618 -1.8540E+00                         70 12 Isotr. 2                        
  619 -1.9570E+00                         71 12 Isotr. 2                        
  620 -2.0470E+00                         72 12 Isotr. 2                        
  621 -2.1160E+00                         73 12 Isotr. 2                        
  622 -2.2020E+00                         74 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  623 -2.2790E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  624 -2.3160E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  625 -2.3910E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  626 -2.4460E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  627 -2.4720E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  628 -2.5170E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  629 -2.5270E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  630 -2.5580E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  631 -2.5750E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  632 -2.6250E+00                         75 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  633 -2.6300E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  634 -2.6840E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  635 -2.7430E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  636 -2.7760E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  637 -2.8140E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  638 -2.8680E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  639 -2.9120E+00                         76 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  649 -2.9120E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
                                          77 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2                        
                                          78 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2                        
                                         601 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         602 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         603 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         604 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         605 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         606 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         607 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         608 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         609 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         610 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         611 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         612 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         613 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         614 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         615 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         616 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         617 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         618 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         619 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         620 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         621 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         622 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         623 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         624 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         625 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         626 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         627 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         628 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         629 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         630 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         631 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         632 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         633 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         634 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         635 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         636 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         637 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         638 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         639 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                          16 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          17 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          22 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          24 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          28 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          41 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          91 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         102 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         649 16 Isotr. 4                        

  42-Mo- 95  600 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo095.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42095.71c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4234
                  Atomic weight ratio :   94.09060
                      Temperature [K] :        600.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     280672
              Number of energy points :      11544
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 44  0          51 12 Isotr. 2                        
   16 -7.3690E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61          52 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   17 -1.7046E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61          53 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   22 -2.2420E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61          54 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   24 -9.4360E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61          55 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   28 -8.6320E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
   41 -1.5859E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 61          56 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   51 -2.0412E-01 CM 1 Aen 42  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   52 -7.6580E-01 CM 1 Aen 34  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   53 -7.8620E-01 CM 1 Aen 34  3          57 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   54 -8.2063E-01 CM 1 Aen 33  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   55 -9.4768E-01 CM 1 Aen 32  3          58 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   56 -1.0393E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   57 -1.0568E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   58 -1.0737E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   59 -1.0920E+00 CM 1 Aen 30  3          59 12 Isotr. 2                        
   60 -1.3026E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3          60 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   61 -1.3240E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   62 -1.3697E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   63 -1.3760E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   64 -1.4261E+00 CM 1 Aen 27  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   65 -1.4405E+00 CM 1 Aen 27  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
   66 -1.5408E+00 CM 1 Aen 26  3          61 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   67 -1.5517E+00 CM 1 Aen 26  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   68 -1.6202E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   69 -1.6451E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   70 -1.6603E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   71 -1.6660E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   72 -1.6830E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          62 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   73 -1.6980E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          63 12 Isotr. 2                        
   74 -1.7433E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          64 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   75 -1.7967E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   76 -1.8082E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3          65 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   77 -1.8790E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   78 -1.9379E+00 CM 1 Aen 22  3          66 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   91 -1.0776E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  102  9.1540E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  103  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  107  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  203  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  207  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  444  0.0000E+00                         67 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  600 -1.4400E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  601 -3.7968E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  602 -8.6820E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  603 -8.7400E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  604 -9.0073E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  605 -9.4300E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  606 -1.1550E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  607 -1.2320E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  608 -1.3630E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  609 -1.4170E+00                         68 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  610 -1.5080E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  611 -1.5740E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  612 -1.6580E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  613 -1.7330E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  614 -1.7340E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  615 -1.7670E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  616 -1.7890E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  617 -1.8060E+00                         69 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  618 -1.8540E+00                         70 12 Isotr. 2                        
  619 -1.9570E+00                         71 12 Isotr. 2                        
  620 -2.0470E+00                         72 12 Isotr. 2                        
  621 -2.1160E+00                         73 12 Isotr. 2                        
  622 -2.2020E+00                         74 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  623 -2.2790E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  624 -2.3160E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  625 -2.3910E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  626 -2.4460E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  627 -2.4720E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  628 -2.5170E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  629 -2.5270E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  630 -2.5580E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  631 -2.5750E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  632 -2.6250E+00                         75 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  633 -2.6300E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  634 -2.6840E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  635 -2.7430E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  636 -2.7760E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  637 -2.8140E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  638 -2.8680E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  639 -2.9120E+00                         76 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  649 -2.9120E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
                                          77 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2                        
                                          78 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2                        
                                         601 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         602 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         603 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         604 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         605 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         606 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         607 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         608 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         609 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         610 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         611 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         612 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         613 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         614 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         615 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         616 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         617 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         618 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         619 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         620 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         621 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         622 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         623 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         624 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         625 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         626 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         627 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         628 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         629 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         630 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         631 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         632 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         633 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         634 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         635 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         636 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         637 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         638 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         639 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                          16 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          17 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          22 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          24 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          28 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          41 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          91 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         102 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         649 16 Isotr. 4                        

  42-Mo- 95  900 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo095.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42095.72c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4234
                  Atomic weight ratio :   94.09060
                      Temperature [K] :        900.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     277121
              Number of energy points :      11189
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 44  0          51 12 Isotr. 2                        
   16 -7.3690E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61          52 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   17 -1.7046E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61          53 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   22 -2.2420E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61          54 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   24 -9.4360E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61          55 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   28 -8.6320E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
   41 -1.5859E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 61          56 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   51 -2.0412E-01 CM 1 Aen 42  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   52 -7.6580E-01 CM 1 Aen 34  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   53 -7.8620E-01 CM 1 Aen 34  3          57 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   54 -8.2063E-01 CM 1 Aen 33  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   55 -9.4768E-01 CM 1 Aen 32  3          58 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   56 -1.0393E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   57 -1.0568E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   58 -1.0737E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   59 -1.0920E+00 CM 1 Aen 30  3          59 12 Isotr. 2                        
   60 -1.3026E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3          60 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   61 -1.3240E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   62 -1.3697E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   63 -1.3760E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   64 -1.4261E+00 CM 1 Aen 27  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   65 -1.4405E+00 CM 1 Aen 27  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
   66 -1.5408E+00 CM 1 Aen 26  3          61 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   67 -1.5517E+00 CM 1 Aen 26  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   68 -1.6202E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   69 -1.6451E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   70 -1.6603E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   71 -1.6660E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   72 -1.6830E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          62 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   73 -1.6980E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          63 12 Isotr. 2                        
   74 -1.7433E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          64 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   75 -1.7967E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   76 -1.8082E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3          65 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   77 -1.8790E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   78 -1.9379E+00 CM 1 Aen 22  3          66 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   91 -1.0776E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  102  9.1540E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  103  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  107  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  203  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  207  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  444  0.0000E+00                         67 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  600 -1.4400E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  601 -3.7968E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  602 -8.6820E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  603 -8.7400E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  604 -9.0073E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  605 -9.4300E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  606 -1.1550E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  607 -1.2320E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  608 -1.3630E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  609 -1.4170E+00                         68 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  610 -1.5080E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  611 -1.5740E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  612 -1.6580E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  613 -1.7330E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  614 -1.7340E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  615 -1.7670E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  616 -1.7890E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  617 -1.8060E+00                         69 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  618 -1.8540E+00                         70 12 Isotr. 2                        
  619 -1.9570E+00                         71 12 Isotr. 2                        
  620 -2.0470E+00                         72 12 Isotr. 2                        
  621 -2.1160E+00                         73 12 Isotr. 2                        
  622 -2.2020E+00                         74 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  623 -2.2790E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  624 -2.3160E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  625 -2.3910E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  626 -2.4460E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  627 -2.4720E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  628 -2.5170E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  629 -2.5270E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  630 -2.5580E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  631 -2.5750E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  632 -2.6250E+00                         75 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  633 -2.6300E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  634 -2.6840E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  635 -2.7430E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  636 -2.7760E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  637 -2.8140E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  638 -2.8680E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  639 -2.9120E+00                         76 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  649 -2.9120E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
                                          77 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2                        
                                          78 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2                        
                                         601 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         602 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         603 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         604 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         605 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         606 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         607 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         608 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         609 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         610 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         611 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         612 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         613 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         614 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         615 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         616 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         617 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         618 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         619 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         620 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         621 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         622 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         623 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         624 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         625 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         626 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         627 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         628 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         629 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         630 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         631 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         632 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         633 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         634 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         635 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         636 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         637 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         638 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         639 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                          16 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          17 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          22 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          24 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          28 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          41 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          91 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         102 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         649 16 Isotr. 4                        

  42-Mo- 95  1200 K fast data for ADS+ library                        
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo095.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42095.73c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4234
                  Atomic weight ratio :   94.09060
                      Temperature [K] :       1200.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     273801
              Number of energy points :      10857
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 44  0          51 12 Isotr. 2                        
   16 -7.3690E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61          52 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   17 -1.7046E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61          53 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   22 -2.2420E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61          54 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   24 -9.4360E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61          55 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   28 -8.6320E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
   41 -1.5859E+01 CM 2 Isotr. 61          56 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   51 -2.0412E-01 CM 1 Aen 42  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   52 -7.6580E-01 CM 1 Aen 34  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   53 -7.8620E-01 CM 1 Aen 34  3          57 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   54 -8.2063E-01 CM 1 Aen 33  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   55 -9.4768E-01 CM 1 Aen 32  3          58 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   56 -1.0393E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   57 -1.0568E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   58 -1.0737E+00 CM 1 Aen 31  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   59 -1.0920E+00 CM 1 Aen 30  3          59 12 Isotr. 2                        
   60 -1.3026E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3          60 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   61 -1.3240E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   62 -1.3697E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   63 -1.3760E+00 CM 1 Aen 28  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   64 -1.4261E+00 CM 1 Aen 27  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   65 -1.4405E+00 CM 1 Aen 27  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
   66 -1.5408E+00 CM 1 Aen 26  3          61 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   67 -1.5517E+00 CM 1 Aen 26  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   68 -1.6202E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   69 -1.6451E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   70 -1.6603E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   71 -1.6660E+00 CM 1 Aen 25  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   72 -1.6830E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          62 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   73 -1.6980E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          63 12 Isotr. 2                        
   74 -1.7433E+00 CM 1 Aen 24  3          64 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   75 -1.7967E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   76 -1.8082E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3          65 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   77 -1.8790E+00 CM 1 Aen 23  3                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
   78 -1.9379E+00 CM 1 Aen 22  3          66 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
   91 -1.0776E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  102  9.1540E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  103  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  107  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  203  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  207  0.0000E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  444  0.0000E+00                         67 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  600 -1.4400E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  601 -3.7968E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  602 -8.6820E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  603 -8.7400E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  604 -9.0073E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  605 -9.4300E-01                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  606 -1.1550E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  607 -1.2320E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  608 -1.3630E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  609 -1.4170E+00                         68 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  610 -1.5080E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  611 -1.5740E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  612 -1.6580E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  613 -1.7330E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  614 -1.7340E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  615 -1.7670E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  616 -1.7890E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  617 -1.8060E+00                         69 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  618 -1.8540E+00                         70 12 Isotr. 2                        
  619 -1.9570E+00                         71 12 Isotr. 2                        
  620 -2.0470E+00                         72 12 Isotr. 2                        
  621 -2.1160E+00                         73 12 Isotr. 2                        
  622 -2.2020E+00                         74 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  623 -2.2790E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  624 -2.3160E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  625 -2.3910E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  626 -2.4460E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  627 -2.4720E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  628 -2.5170E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  629 -2.5270E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  630 -2.5580E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  631 -2.5750E+00                               Isotr. 2                        
  632 -2.6250E+00                         75 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  633 -2.6300E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  634 -2.6840E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  635 -2.7430E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  636 -2.7760E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  637 -2.8140E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  638 -2.8680E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
  639 -2.9120E+00                         76 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
  649 -2.9120E+00                               Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2    
                                          77 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2                        
                                          78 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2,   
                                                Isotr. 2                        
                                         601 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         602 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         603 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         604 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         605 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         606 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         607 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         608 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         609 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         610 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         611 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         612 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         613 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         614 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         615 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         616 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         617 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         618 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         619 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         620 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         621 12 Isotr. 2                        
                                         622 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         623 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         624 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         625 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         626 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         627 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         628 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         629 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         630 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         631 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         632 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         633 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         634 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         635 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         636 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         637 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         638 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                         639 12 Isotr. 2, Isotr. 2              
                                          16 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          17 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          22 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          24 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          28 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          41 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                          91 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         102 16 Isotr. 4                        
                                         649 16 Isotr. 4                        

 ACELST - List contents of an ACE-lib   

  42-Mo- 96  293.6 K fast data for ADS+ library                       
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo096.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42096.70c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4237
                  Atomic weight ratio :   95.08080
                      Temperature [K] :        293.6
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     309096
              Number of energy points :      18701
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 62  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -9.1543E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.6529E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.7639E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.2966E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -7.7820E-01 CM 1 Aen 19  3                                                
   52 -1.1479E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -1.4977E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.6259E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -1.6281E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -1.8695E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -1.9784E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.0956E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -2.2193E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -2.2345E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   61 -2.4261E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.4384E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.4406E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -2.4810E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -2.5015E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -2.5404E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   67 -2.5943E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   91 -2.5940E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  6.8211E+00                                                               
  103 -2.4044E+00                                                               
  104 -6.9919E+00                                                               
  105 -9.3023E+00                                                               
  107  3.9760E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 96  600 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo096.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42096.71c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4237
                  Atomic weight ratio :   95.08080
                      Temperature [K] :        600.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     303218
              Number of energy points :      17967
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 62  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -9.1543E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.6529E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.7639E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.2966E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -7.7820E-01 CM 1 Aen 19  3                                                
   52 -1.1479E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -1.4977E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.6259E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -1.6281E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -1.8695E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -1.9784E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.0956E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -2.2193E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -2.2345E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   61 -2.4261E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.4384E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.4406E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -2.4810E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -2.5015E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -2.5404E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   67 -2.5943E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   91 -2.5940E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  6.8211E+00                                                               
  103 -2.4044E+00                                                               
  104 -6.9919E+00                                                               
  105 -9.3023E+00                                                               
  107  3.9760E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 96  900 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo096.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42096.72c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4237
                  Atomic weight ratio :   95.08080
                      Temperature [K] :        900.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     300282
              Number of energy points :      17600
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 62  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -9.1543E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.6529E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.7639E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.2966E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -7.7820E-01 CM 1 Aen 19  3                                                
   52 -1.1479E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -1.4977E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.6259E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -1.6281E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -1.8695E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -1.9784E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.0956E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -2.2193E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -2.2345E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   61 -2.4261E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.4384E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.4406E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -2.4810E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -2.5015E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -2.5404E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   67 -2.5943E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   91 -2.5940E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  6.8211E+00                                                               
  103 -2.4044E+00                                                               
  104 -6.9919E+00                                                               
  105 -9.3023E+00                                                               
  107  3.9760E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 96  1200 K fast data for ADS+ library                        
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo096.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42096.73c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4237
                  Atomic weight ratio :   95.08080
                      Temperature [K] :       1200.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     297978
              Number of energy points :      17312
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 62  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -9.1543E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.6529E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.7639E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.2966E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -7.7820E-01 CM 1 Aen 19  3                                                
   52 -1.1479E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   53 -1.4977E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.6259E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -1.6281E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -1.8695E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -1.9784E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.0956E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   59 -2.2193E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -2.2345E+00 CM 1 Aen 14  3                                                
   61 -2.4261E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.4384E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.4406E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   64 -2.4810E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   65 -2.5015E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   66 -2.5404E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   67 -2.5943E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   91 -2.5940E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  6.8211E+00                                                               
  103 -2.4044E+00                                                               
  104 -6.9919E+00                                                               
  105 -9.3023E+00                                                               
  107  3.9760E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

 ACELST - List contents of an ACE-lib   

  42-Mo- 97  293.6 K fast data for ADS+ library                       
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo097.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42097.70c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4240
                  Atomic weight ratio :   96.07350
                      Temperature [K] :        293.6
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     305616
              Number of energy points :      15758
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 68  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -6.8160E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.5970E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.8214E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.2204E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -4.8090E-01 CM 1 Aen 21  3                                                
   52 -6.5790E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   53 -6.7960E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   54 -7.1920E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   55 -7.2080E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   56 -7.5300E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   57 -7.9500E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   58 -8.4090E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   59 -8.8810E-01 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -9.9300E-01 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -1.0245E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   62 -1.0928E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -1.1168E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   91 -1.1170E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  8.6423E+00                                                               
  103 -1.1504E+00                                                               
  104 -6.9200E+00                                                               
  105 -7.6325E+00                                                               
  106 -8.7369E+00                                                               
  107  5.3736E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 97  600 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo097.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42097.71c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4240
                  Atomic weight ratio :   96.07350
                      Temperature [K] :        600.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     297755
              Number of energy points :      14776
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 68  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -6.8160E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.5970E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.8214E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.2204E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -4.8090E-01 CM 1 Aen 21  3                                                
   52 -6.5790E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   53 -6.7960E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   54 -7.1920E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   55 -7.2080E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   56 -7.5300E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   57 -7.9500E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   58 -8.4090E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   59 -8.8810E-01 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -9.9300E-01 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -1.0245E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   62 -1.0928E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -1.1168E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   91 -1.1170E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  8.6423E+00                                                               
  103 -1.1504E+00                                                               
  104 -6.9200E+00                                                               
  105 -7.6325E+00                                                               
  106 -8.7369E+00                                                               
  107  5.3736E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 97  900 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo097.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42097.72c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4240
                  Atomic weight ratio :   96.07350
                      Temperature [K] :        900.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     294038
              Number of energy points :      14310
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 68  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -6.8160E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.5970E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.8214E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.2204E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -4.8090E-01 CM 1 Aen 21  3                                                
   52 -6.5790E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   53 -6.7960E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   54 -7.1920E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   55 -7.2080E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   56 -7.5300E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   57 -7.9500E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   58 -8.4090E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   59 -8.8810E-01 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -9.9300E-01 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -1.0245E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   62 -1.0928E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -1.1168E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   91 -1.1170E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  8.6423E+00                                                               
  103 -1.1504E+00                                                               
  104 -6.9200E+00                                                               
  105 -7.6325E+00                                                               
  106 -8.7369E+00                                                               
  107  5.3736E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 97  1200 K fast data for ADS+ library                        
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo097.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42097.73c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4240
                  Atomic weight ratio :   96.07350
                      Temperature [K] :       1200.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     290619
              Number of energy points :      13883
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 68  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -6.8160E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.5970E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -2.8214E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.2204E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -4.8090E-01 CM 1 Aen 21  3                                                
   52 -6.5790E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   53 -6.7960E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   54 -7.1920E-01 CM 1 Aen 20  3                                                
   55 -7.2080E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   56 -7.5300E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   57 -7.9500E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   58 -8.4090E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   59 -8.8810E-01 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -9.9300E-01 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -1.0245E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   62 -1.0928E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -1.1168E+00 CM 1 Aen 18  3                                                
   91 -1.1170E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  8.6423E+00                                                               
  103 -1.1504E+00                                                               
  104 -6.9200E+00                                                               
  105 -7.6325E+00                                                               
  106 -8.7369E+00                                                               
  107  5.3736E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  206  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

 ACELST - List contents of an ACE-lib   

  42-Mo- 98  293.6 K fast data for ADS+ library                       
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo098.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42098.70c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4243
                  Atomic weight ratio :   97.06430
                      Temperature [K] :        293.6
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     380864
              Number of energy points :      29236
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 66  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -8.6424E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.5458E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -3.2727E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.7951E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -7.3480E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   52 -7.8740E-01 CM 1 Aen 19  3                                                
   53 -1.4323E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.5100E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -1.7585E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -1.8809E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -1.9650E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.0175E+00 CM 1 Aen 15  3                                                
   59 -2.0376E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -2.1048E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -2.2063E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.2238E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.3334E+00 CM 1 Aen 15  3                                                
   64 -2.3436E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   91 -2.3440E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  5.9256E+00                                                               
  103 -3.8029E+00                                                               
  104 -7.4873E+00                                                               
  105 -9.3819E+00                                                               
  107  3.2022E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 98  600 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo098.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42098.71c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4243
                  Atomic weight ratio :   97.06430
                      Temperature [K] :        600.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     370104
              Number of energy points :      27891
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 66  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -8.6424E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.5458E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -3.2727E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.7951E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -7.3480E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   52 -7.8740E-01 CM 1 Aen 19  3                                                
   53 -1.4323E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.5100E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -1.7585E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -1.8809E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -1.9650E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.0175E+00 CM 1 Aen 15  3                                                
   59 -2.0376E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -2.1048E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -2.2063E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.2238E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.3334E+00 CM 1 Aen 15  3                                                
   64 -2.3436E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   91 -2.3440E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  5.9256E+00                                                               
  103 -3.8029E+00                                                               
  104 -7.4873E+00                                                               
  105 -9.3819E+00                                                               
  107  3.2022E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 98  900 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo098.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42098.72c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4243
                  Atomic weight ratio :   97.06430
                      Temperature [K] :        900.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     364336
              Number of energy points :      27170
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 66  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -8.6424E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.5458E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -3.2727E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.7951E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -7.3480E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   52 -7.8740E-01 CM 1 Aen 19  3                                                
   53 -1.4323E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.5100E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -1.7585E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -1.8809E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -1.9650E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.0175E+00 CM 1 Aen 15  3                                                
   59 -2.0376E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -2.1048E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -2.2063E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.2238E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.3334E+00 CM 1 Aen 15  3                                                
   64 -2.3436E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   91 -2.3440E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  5.9256E+00                                                               
  103 -3.8029E+00                                                               
  104 -7.4873E+00                                                               
  105 -9.3819E+00                                                               
  107  3.2022E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo- 98  1200 K fast data for ADS+ library                        
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo098.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42098.73c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4243
                  Atomic weight ratio :   97.06430
                      Temperature [K] :       1200.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     360792
              Number of energy points :      26727
               Photon production data : Discrete reactions given                
             WARNING - also specified : Matrix of secondary photon energies     

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen 66  0         102 12 Isotr. 4                        
   16 -8.6424E+00 CM 2 Isotr. 61           3 13 Isotr. 4                        
   17 -1.5458E+01 CM 3 Isotr. 61                                                
   22 -3.2727E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   28 -9.7951E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
   51 -7.3480E-01 CM 1 Aen  8  3                                                
   52 -7.8740E-01 CM 1 Aen 19  3                                                
   53 -1.4323E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   54 -1.5100E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   55 -1.7585E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   56 -1.8809E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   57 -1.9650E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   58 -2.0175E+00 CM 1 Aen 15  3                                                
   59 -2.0376E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   60 -2.1048E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   61 -2.2063E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   62 -2.2238E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   63 -2.3334E+00 CM 1 Aen 15  3                                                
   64 -2.3436E+00 CM 1 Aen  7  3                                                
   91 -2.3440E+00 CM 1 Isotr. 61                                                
  102  5.9256E+00                                                               
  103 -3.8029E+00                                                               
  104 -7.4873E+00                                                               
  105 -9.3819E+00                                                               
  107  3.2022E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

 ACELST - List contents of an ACE-lib   

  42-Mo-100  293.6 K fast data for ADS+ library                       
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo100.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42100.70c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4249
                  Atomic weight ratio :   99.04900
                      Temperature [K] :        293.6
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     233601
              Number of energy points :      26691
               Photon production data : Not given                               

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen124  0                                                
   16 -8.2905E+00 LA 2 Aen 20  4                                                
   17 -1.4217E+01 LA 3 Aen  7  4                                                
   22 -3.1692E+00 LA 1 Aen 18  4                                                
   28 -1.1147E+01 LA 1 Aen 10  4                                                
   51 -5.3560E-01 CM 1 Aen 48  3                                                
   52 -6.9510E-01 CM 1 Aen 46  3                                                
   53 -1.0638E+00 CM 1 Aen 42  3                                                
   54 -1.1361E+00 CM 1 Aen 41  3                                                
   55 -1.4639E+00 CM 1 Aen 38  3                                                
   56 -1.5046E+00 CM 1 Aen 37  3                                                
   57 -1.6074E+00 CM 1 Aen 36  3                                                
   91 -1.6074E+00 LA 1 Aen 35  4                                                
  102  5.3982E+00                                                               
  103 -5.4744E+00                                                               
  104 -8.9228E+00                                                               
  105 -9.5371E+00                                                               
  107  2.4107E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo-100  600 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo100.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42100.71c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4249
                  Atomic weight ratio :   99.04900
                      Temperature [K] :        600.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     223787
              Number of energy points :      25289
               Photon production data : Not given                               

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen124  0                                                
   16 -8.2905E+00 LA 2 Aen 20  4                                                
   17 -1.4217E+01 LA 3 Aen  7  4                                                
   22 -3.1692E+00 LA 1 Aen 18  4                                                
   28 -1.1147E+01 LA 1 Aen 10  4                                                
   51 -5.3560E-01 CM 1 Aen 48  3                                                
   52 -6.9510E-01 CM 1 Aen 46  3                                                
   53 -1.0638E+00 CM 1 Aen 42  3                                                
   54 -1.1361E+00 CM 1 Aen 41  3                                                
   55 -1.4639E+00 CM 1 Aen 38  3                                                
   56 -1.5046E+00 CM 1 Aen 37  3                                                
   57 -1.6074E+00 CM 1 Aen 36  3                                                
   91 -1.6074E+00 LA 1 Aen 35  4                                                
  102  5.3982E+00                                                               
  103 -5.4744E+00                                                               
  104 -8.9228E+00                                                               
  105 -9.5371E+00                                                               
  107  2.4107E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo-100  900 K fast data for ADS+ library                         
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo100.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42100.72c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4249
                  Atomic weight ratio :   99.04900
                      Temperature [K] :        900.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     217475
              Number of energy points :      24387
               Photon production data : Not given                               

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen124  0                                                
   16 -8.2905E+00 LA 2 Aen 20  4                                                
   17 -1.4217E+01 LA 3 Aen  7  4                                                
   22 -3.1692E+00 LA 1 Aen 18  4                                                
   28 -1.1147E+01 LA 1 Aen 10  4                                                
   51 -5.3560E-01 CM 1 Aen 48  3                                                
   52 -6.9510E-01 CM 1 Aen 46  3                                                
   53 -1.0638E+00 CM 1 Aen 42  3                                                
   54 -1.1361E+00 CM 1 Aen 41  3                                                
   55 -1.4639E+00 CM 1 Aen 38  3                                                
   56 -1.5046E+00 CM 1 Aen 37  3                                                
   57 -1.6074E+00 CM 1 Aen 36  3                                                
   91 -1.6074E+00 LA 1 Aen 35  4                                                
  102  5.3982E+00                                                               
  103 -5.4744E+00                                                               
  104 -8.9228E+00                                                               
  105 -9.5371E+00                                                               
  107  2.4107E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00                                                               

  42-Mo-100  1200 K fast data for ADS+ library                        
                          Source file : \ADS\ACE\Mo100.ACE                      
             Material ZAID identifier :  42100.73c
                         Processed on :   06/10/08
                       MAT identifier :    mat4249
                  Atomic weight ratio :   99.04900
                      Temperature [K] :       1200.0
             Upper energy limit [MeV] :         20.0
                    Data table length :     214052
              Number of energy points :      23898
               Photon production data : Not given                               

 Summary table legend:                  
    MT -ENDF reaction MT number         
     Q -Reaction Q value                
     n -number of outgoing neutrons and cordinate system for angular distrib.   
        (CM=centre-of-mass, LA=lab)     
 Angle -Type of distribution (Isotr. or Law 44)                                 
        or "Aen mm" for tabulated distributions at mm energy points             
 E-law -Secondary neutron energy distribution law index list                    
    Ty -Photon production cross section source (12=MF12, 13=MF13, 16=MF 6)      

 Cross sections (excluding elastic)       Photon Production                     
   MT    Q [MeV]     n  Angle E-law       MT Ty  Angle E-law                    
 ----------------------------------     ----------------------------            
    2  0.0000E+00 CM 1 Aen124  0                                                
   16 -8.2905E+00 LA 2 Aen 20  4                                                
   17 -1.4217E+01 LA 3 Aen  7  4                                                
   22 -3.1692E+00 LA 1 Aen 18  4                                                
   28 -1.1147E+01 LA 1 Aen 10  4                                                
   51 -5.3560E-01 CM 1 Aen 48  3                                                
   52 -6.9510E-01 CM 1 Aen 46  3                                                
   53 -1.0638E+00 CM 1 Aen 42  3                                                
   54 -1.1361E+00 CM 1 Aen 41  3                                                
   55 -1.4639E+00 CM 1 Aen 38  3                                                
   56 -1.5046E+00 CM 1 Aen 37  3                                                
   57 -1.6074E+00 CM 1 Aen 36  3                                                
   91 -1.6074E+00 LA 1 Aen 35  4                                                
  102  5.3982E+00                                                               
  103 -5.4744E+00                                                               
  104 -8.9228E+00                                                               
  105 -9.5371E+00                                                               
  107  2.4107E+00                                                               
  203  0.0000E+00                                                               
  204  0.0000E+00                                                               
  205  0.0000E+00                                                               
  207  0.0000E+00                                                               
  444  0.0000E+00