MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\Si028.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:      633

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0: 14-Si- 28                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:     Si28
        submaterials:       42
   material location:        0

material= Si28     awt=  2.77370E+01
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   73   22    0
       293.6 1.00000E+04    1    9    1   58
       293.6 1.00000E+03    1    9    1   65
       293.6 1.00000E+02    1    9    1   72
       293.6 1.00000E+01    1    9    1   79
       293.6 1.00000E+00    1    9    1   86
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   73   22   93
       600.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  150
       600.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  157
       600.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  164
       600.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  171
       600.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  178
       900.0 1.00000E+10    1   73   22  185
       900.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  242
       900.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  249
       900.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  256
       900.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  263
       900.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  270
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    1   73   22  277
      1200.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  334
      1200.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  341
      1200.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  348
      1200.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  355
      1200.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  362
      1500.0 1.00000E+10    1   73   22  369
      1500.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  426
      1500.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  433
      1500.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  440
      1500.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  447
      1500.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  454
      1800.0 1.00000E+10    1   73   22  461
      1800.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  518
      1800.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  525
      1800.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  532
      1800.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  539
      1800.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  546
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  553
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  564
       900.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  576
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  588
      1500.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  600
      1800.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  613
Reference submaterial vector data for Si28    
nwt0    nwt1    ntot0   ntot1   nelas   ninel   n2n     nna     nnp     
n01     n02     n03     n04     n05     n06     n07     n08     n09     
n10     n11     n12     n13     n14     n15     n16     n17     ncn     
ng      np      nd      na       .h1     .h2     .he4   heat    kerma   
dame    p00     p01     p02     p03     p04     p05     p06     p07     
p08     p09     p10     p11     p12     p13     pcn     a00     a01     
a02     a03     a04     a05     a06     a07     a08     a09     a10     
a11     a12     a13     a14     a15     acn     mubar   xi      gamma   

 MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\Si029.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:      640

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0: 14-Si- 29                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:     Si29
        submaterials:       42
   material location:        0

material= Si29     awt=  2.87280E+01
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   74   19    0
       293.6 1.00000E+04    1    9    1   59
       293.6 1.00000E+03    1    9    1   66
       293.6 1.00000E+02    1    9    1   73
       293.6 1.00000E+01    1    9    1   80
       293.6 1.00000E+00    1    9    1   87
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   74   19   94
       600.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  152
       600.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  159
       600.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  166
       600.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  173
       600.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  180
       900.0 1.00000E+10    1   74   19  187
       900.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  245
       900.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  252
       900.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  259
       900.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  266
       900.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  273
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    1   74   19  280
      1200.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  338
      1200.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  345
      1200.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  352
      1200.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  359
      1200.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  366
      1500.0 1.00000E+10    1   74   19  373
      1500.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  431
      1500.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  438
      1500.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  445
      1500.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  452
      1500.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  459
      1800.0 1.00000E+10    1   74   19  466
      1800.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  524
      1800.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  531
      1800.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  538
      1800.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  545
      1800.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  552
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  559
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  570
       900.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  582
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  594
      1500.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  607
      1800.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  620
Reference submaterial vector data for Si29    
nwt0    nwt1    ntot0   ntot1   nelas   ninel   n2n     nna     nnp     
n01     n02     n03     n04     n05     n06     n07     n08     n09     
n10     n11     n12     n13     n14     ncn     ng      np      na      
 .h1     .he4   heat    kerma   dame    p00     p01     p02     p03     
p04     p05     p06     p07     p08     p09     p10     p11     p12     
p13     p14     p15     pcn     a00     a01     a02     a03     a04     
a05     a06     a07     a08     a09     a10     a11     a12     a13     
a14     a15     a16     a17     a18     a19     acn     mubar   xi      
gamma   invel   

 MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\Si030.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:      514

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0: 14-Si- 30                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:     Si30
        submaterials:       42
   material location:        0

material= Si30     awt=  2.97160E+01
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   48   11    0
       293.6 1.00000E+04    1    9    1   43
       293.6 1.00000E+03    1    9    1   49
       293.6 1.00000E+02    1    9    1   55
       293.6 1.00000E+01    1    9    1   61
       293.6 1.00000E+00    1    9    1   67
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   48   11   73
       600.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  115
       600.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  121
       600.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  127
       600.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  133
       600.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  139
       900.0 1.00000E+10    1   48   11  145
       900.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  187
       900.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  193
       900.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  199
       900.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  205
       900.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  211
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    1   48   11  217
      1200.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  259
      1200.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  265
      1200.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  271
      1200.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  277
      1200.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  283
      1500.0 1.00000E+10    1   48   11  289
      1500.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  331
      1500.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  337
      1500.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  343
      1500.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  349
      1500.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  355
      1800.0 1.00000E+10    1   48   11  361
      1800.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  403
      1800.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  409
      1800.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  415
      1800.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  421
      1800.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  427
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  433
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  444
       900.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  456
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  468
      1500.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  481
      1800.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  494
Reference submaterial vector data for Si30    
nwt0    nwt1    ntot0   ntot1   nelas   ninel   n2n     nna     nnp     
n01     n02     n03     n04     n05     n06     ncn     ng      np      
na       .h1     .he4   heat    kerma   dame    p00     p01     p02     
p03     p04     p05     pcn     a00     a01     a02     a03     a04     
a05     a06     a07     a08     a09     a10     a11     acn     mubar   
xi      gamma   invel