MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\Th232.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:     1262

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0: 90-Th-232                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:    Th232
        submaterials:       66
   material location:        0

material= Th232    awt=  2.30045E+02
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   71   48    0
       293.6 1.00000E+04    1   10    1  154
       293.6 3.00000E+03    1   10    1  159
       293.6 1.00000E+03    1   10    1  164
       293.6 3.00000E+02    1   10    1  169
       293.6 1.00000E+02    1   10    1  174
       293.6 6.00000E+01    1   10    1  179
       293.6 3.00000E+01    1   10    1  184
       293.6 1.00000E+01    1   10    1  189
       293.6 1.00000E+00    1   10    1  194
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   71   48  199
       600.0 1.00000E+04    1   10    1  352
       600.0 3.00000E+03    1   10    1  357
       600.0 1.00000E+03    1   10    1  362
       600.0 3.00000E+02    1   10    1  367
       600.0 1.00000E+02    1   10    1  372
       600.0 6.00000E+01    1   10    1  377
       600.0 3.00000E+01    1   10    1  382
       600.0 1.00000E+01    1   10    1  387
       600.0 1.00000E+00    1   10    1  392
       900.0 1.00000E+10    1   71   48  397
       900.0 1.00000E+04    1   10    1  550
       900.0 3.00000E+03    1   10    1  555
       900.0 1.00000E+03    1   10    1  560
       900.0 3.00000E+02    1   10    1  565
       900.0 1.00000E+02    1   10    1  570
       900.0 6.00000E+01    1   10    1  575
       900.0 3.00000E+01    1   10    1  580
       900.0 1.00000E+01    1   10    1  585
       900.0 1.00000E+00    1   10    1  590
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    1   71   48  595
      1200.0 1.00000E+04    1   10    1  748
      1200.0 3.00000E+03    1   10    1  753
      1200.0 1.00000E+03    1   10    1  758
      1200.0 3.00000E+02    1   10    1  763
      1200.0 1.00000E+02    1   10    1  768
      1200.0 6.00000E+01    1   10    1  773
      1200.0 3.00000E+01    1   10    1  778
      1200.0 1.00000E+01    1   10    1  783
      1200.0 1.00000E+00    1   10    1  788
      1500.0 1.00000E+10    1   71   48  793
      1500.0 1.00000E+04    1   10    1  946
      1500.0 3.00000E+03    1   10    1  951
      1500.0 1.00000E+03    1   10    1  956
      1500.0 3.00000E+02    1   10    1  961
      1500.0 1.00000E+02    1   10    1  966
      1500.0 6.00000E+01    1   10    1  971
      1500.0 3.00000E+01    1   10    1  976
      1500.0 1.00000E+01    1   10    1  981
      1500.0 1.00000E+00    1   10    1  986
      1800.0 1.00000E+10    1   71   48  991
      1800.0 1.00000E+04    1   10    1 1144
      1800.0 3.00000E+03    1   10    1 1149
      1800.0 1.00000E+03    1   10    1 1154
      1800.0 3.00000E+02    1   10    1 1159
      1800.0 1.00000E+02    1   10    1 1164
      1800.0 6.00000E+01    1   10    1 1169
      1800.0 3.00000E+01    1   10    1 1174
      1800.0 1.00000E+01    1   10    1 1179
      1800.0 1.00000E+00    1   10    1 1184
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    1    1 1189
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1 1200
       900.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1 1211
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1 1222
      1500.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1 1233
      1800.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1 1244
Reference submaterial vector data for Th232   
nwt0    nwt1    ntot0   ntot1   nelas   ninel   nx      n2n     n3n     
nftot   nna     n2na    nnp     n2np    n01     n02     n03     n04     
n05     n06     n07     n08     n09     n10     n11     n12     n13     
n14     n15     n16     n17     n18     n19     n20     n21     n22     
n23     n24     n25     n26     n27     n28     n29     n30     n31     
n32     n33     n34     n35     n36     n37     n38     n39     ncn     
ng       .h1     .he4   heat    kerma   dame    p00     pcn     a00     
acn     mubar   xi      gamma   invel   nutot   nudel   chid