MXSLST - MATXS formatted file summary report

         Source file: \ADS\matxs\Znnat.MXS                                             
          file hname:   matxs 
            user ID.: aldama/NDS/IAEA 
        file version:        1
 number of particles:        1
number of data types:        2
 number of materials:        1
    max. record size:     5000
      length of file:      238

Hollerith identification records:
ADS+ v2.0: 30-Zn-  0                                                    
Processed by NJOY 99.259+ at NDS/IAEA Jun2008                           

           particles:        n
    number of groups:      421
          Emax [MeV]:     20.0
          Emin [MeV]: 1.00E-11
          data types:    nscat  ntherm
   incident particle:        1       1
   outgoing particle:        1       1
           materials:    Znnat
        submaterials:       28
   material location:        0

material= Znnat    awt=  6.48340E+01
   Temp. [K] Sig0 [barn]  typ  n1d  n2d  loc 
       293.6 1.00000E+10    1   26    7    0
       293.6 1.00000E+04    1    9    1   22
       293.6 1.00000E+03    1    9    1   27
       293.6 1.00000E+02    1    9    1   32
       293.6 1.00000E+01    1    9    1   37
       293.6 1.00000E+00    1    9    1   42
       600.0 1.00000E+10    1   26    7   47
       600.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1   68
       600.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1   73
       600.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1   78
       600.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1   83
       600.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1   88
       900.0 1.00000E+10    1   26    7   93
       900.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  114
       900.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  119
       900.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  124
       900.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  129
       900.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  134
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    1   26    7  139
      1200.0 1.00000E+04    1    9    1  160
      1200.0 1.00000E+03    1    9    1  165
      1200.0 1.00000E+02    1    9    1  170
      1200.0 1.00000E+01    1    9    1  175
      1200.0 1.00000E+00    1    9    1  180
       293.6 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  185
       600.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  196
       900.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  207
      1200.0 1.00000E+10    2    1    1  219
Reference submaterial vector data for Znnat   
nwt0    nwt1    ntot0   ntot1   nelas   ninel   n2n     n3n     nna     
nnp     n01     ncn     ng      np      nt      na       .h1     .h3    
 .he4   heat    kerma   dame    mubar   xi      gamma   invel