# | Product | Issued | Title [Link] Comment [Download] |
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EMPIRE-3.2.3 Portable for Windows-642023-06-21 |
Jun-2023 |
Modular system of nuclear reaction codes for advanced modeling of nuclear reactions using various theoretical models. Portable version for MS-Windows 64-bit [readme.txt]
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EMPIRE-3.2.3src Linux + MacOS2023-06-21 |
Jun-2023 |
Modular system of nuclear reaction codes for advanced modeling of nuclear reactions using various theoretical models. Sources + installation scripts for Linux and MacOS [readme.txt]
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ENDF libraries Part-1 |
Jun-2017 |
35 Evaluated Data Libraries including ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.2, JENDL-4.0, CENDL-3.1, BROND-3.1, ROSFOND-2010, IRDFF-v1.05 [page] |
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ENDF libraries Part-2 |
Jun-2021 |
12 Evaluated Data Libraries including ENDF-B-VIII.0, ENDF-B-VII.0, FENDL-3.2, IAEA-PD-2019, IRDF-82, IRDFF-II, JEFF-3.3 [page] |
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Dec-2021 |
ENDF Data Processing Code Package [page]
Hide Download (zip:269M) doc, source, tests, installers for Linux, Windows, MacOS
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X4Apps X4Lite2021-12-15 |
Dec-2021 |
EXFOR-CINDA database (SQLite) with GUI (Java) retrieval system for Windows, Linux, MacOSX. Provides scripts and utility codes for EXFOR data search, retrieval and conversion to: Html, XML, JSON, C5. Includes Endver/GUI package integrated with Prepro, EXFOR, ZVView. No installation. [screen-shots] This is united package of: "EXFOR-CINDA for Windows", "EXFOR for Applications", "Endver/GUI"
| Hide Download(zip:369M):x4sqlite1.db replace x4apps/x4cd/x4sqlite/x4sqlite1.db
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EXFOR-X5json 2023-08-28 |
Aug-2023 |
Comprehensive presentation of full EXFOR library with supplementary data in X5-json format. X5json files (one file per Entry) include meta-data, dictionary-information, data in original and computational form, data for renormalization by monitor cross sections and decay data. See: [about], [readme]; examples: [data-plot], iTree: [x5tree]Info: [copyright] [license] [version] |
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EXFOR-C5 2023-08-28 |
Aug-2023 |
Full EXFOR library translated to computational format C5. C5 format is compatible with C4 format based on ENDF designation MF:MT, and extended by: generalized systematic and statistical uncertanties, various recalculations (e.g. C.M. to Lab), automatic [renormalization] by monitor cross sections and decay data, etc. See: [readme], [history], examples: data: [C5], data: [plot], original vs. renormalized data: [plot]Info: [copyright] [license] [version] [output-files] |
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X4Pro 2024-07-03 |
July-2024 |
X4Pro - universal, fully relational EXFOR database (professional edition). The package includes: ✓ X4Pro/SQLite database: mini-version (2023-06-30), full version (2024-07-03) ✓ Fortran/C/SQL EXFOR data retrieval demo programs: • execute SQL and retrieve from local X4Pro: F1, SIG, DAE, SIG→C4 • retrieve and recalculate EXFOR data [DA,LEG/RS]&[SIG]→[DA]→ [C4] #mod✓ Python demo programs, ver.2023-03-15: • retrieve and plot local EXFOR and remote ENDF data: SIG, DA, DE, DAE, [FY], [DA+MF34] #new • renormalize and correct EXFOR data: automatically, by own code, by expert's codes • recalculate EXFOR data: [Ratio]→[SIG], [DA,LEG]→[SIG] • recalculate EXFOR data: [DA,LEG/RS]&[SIG]→[DA]; [DA,LEG]→[DA]→[R33] #new • retrieve and plot original EXFOR covariance data En×En: [pdf1] Reac×Reac: [pdf2] • export X5json from X4Pro to CouchDB (NoSQL database): [all_docs][doc1][find] #newEnvironment: Windows/Linux/MacOS + Python3 with packages: plotly, matplotlib, requests, couchdb See: readme.txt with installation instructions Info: [page] [copyright] [license] [version]Presentations: NRDC-2022, ND-2022, [EXFOR.WS-2022], [WPEC-SG50:2023]Publication: ND-2022 https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202328414015 |
Archive |
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ADS v-2.0 |
Dec-2008 |
Application Library for Accelerator Driven Systems [page] |
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EMPIRE-3.2.3 Portable for Windows-64/32 |
Nov-2021 |
Modular system of nuclear reaction codes for advanced modeling of nuclear reactions using various theoretical models. Portable version for MS-Windows 64-bit (includes sources and installation scripts for 32-bit) [readme.txt]
Hide Download (zip, 804Mb) /Empire-5310:2021-11-10.src+exe64 + EXFOR.C4:2021-11-10/
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EMPIRE-3.2.3 Src2021-11-12 |
Nov-2021 |
Modular system of nuclear reaction codes for advanced modeling of nuclear reactions using various theoretical models. Sources + installation scripts for Linux and MacOS [readme.txt] [patch2023.txt]
Hide Download (tar.gz:289Mb)/Empire-5310,XC4:20211110/ Patch2023:MacOS.Tcl/Tk:
13 |
EMPIRE-3.2.3 Portable for Windows-64 |
May-2018 |
Modular system of nuclear reaction codes for advanced modeling of nuclear reactions using various theoretical models. Portable version for MS-Windows (64-bit) [readme.txt]
Hide Download (zip, 802Mb) /Empire-5114:2018-05-14.src+exe +EXFOR.C4:2018-05-14/
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EMPIRE-3.2.3 Src + exe.linux |
May-2018 |
System of codes for nuclear reaction calculations and nuclear data evaluation.
Hide Download (tar.gz, 320Mb) /Empire-5114:2018-05-14.src+exe.linux32 +EXFOR.C4:2018-05-14/
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EMPIRE-3.2.2 Portable for Windows-32 |
Nov-2014 |
System of codes for nuclear reaction calculations and nuclear data evaluation. Experimental version for MS-Windows [screen-shots]
Hide Download (zip, 759Mb) /EMPIRE:2014-01-20 incl. EXFOR.C4:2017-02-01/
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EPICS2014 |
Oct-2014 |
Electron and Photon Interaction Cross Sections [page] |
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EXFOR-CINDA for Applications + Endver/GUI |
Nov-2019 |
Database retrieval systems for Linux, Windows and MacOSX. Includes Endver/GUI package integrated with Prepro and full EXFOR database. Portable: does not need neither installation nor configuration. [screen-shots] |
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EXFOR-CINDA for Windows |
Nov-2019 |
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FOND2.2 |
Mar-2002 |
Russian library of evaluated neutron data (see doc and data) for generating sets of constants in the [ABBN] system |
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GRUCON-2020 |
Dec-2020 |
ENDF Data Processing Code Package [page]
Hide Download (zip, 91Mb: doc, source, tests, installers for Linux, Windows and MacOS)
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Mar-2014 |
Ion Beam Analysis Data Library [web]
Hide Download (zip, 45Mb, data + Web interface for Windows)
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May-2005 |
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Feb-2005 |
Evaluated Neutron Reaction Data, 2005 [page] |
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Oct-2001 |
Atlas of Neutron Capture Cross Sections [web] |
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PADF-2007 |
Sep-2007 |
Proton Activation Data File [page] |
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Jan-2000 |
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Feb-2006 |
Nuclear Data for Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis [page] [web] |
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POINT2018 |
2018 |
Temperature dependant cross sections: ENDF/B-VII.1 processed using the PREPRO-2018 codes [page] |
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PREPRO-2019 |
2019 |
ENDF Preprocessing and Utility Codes [page] |
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Nov-2000 |
Reference Neutron Activation Library [page] |
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RIPL-2 |
Mar-2003 |
Reference Input Parameter Library for theoretical calculations of nuclear reactions (does not supersede RIPL-1) [page] |
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SaBa |
Sep-2001 |
The library of evaluated and experimental data on charged particles for fusion application [doc]
Hide Download (zip, 3.5Mb) //Program and database (83 reactions). Setup for Windows-95, NT, XP
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July-2008 |
Software and Data to Plot and Compare Neutron Nuclear cross sections from WIMS-D Library files [page] |
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Feb-2002 |
Theoretical evaluation of neutron and proton induced fission cross-sections for Pb-Pu targets in energy range 20-200 MeV [archive] |