Nuclear Data Section (NDS) Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O.Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Tel:(+43 1) 2600-21714; Fax:(+43 1) 26007 Full EXFOR in C5 format Created 3-August-2023 by Viktor Zerkin, Last updated: 28-August-2023 _______________________________________________________________________________ Contents: 1. EXFOR-C5v[N] (size:~133Mb) contains: 1) C5 files (total size:~2.6Gb): in a directory structure - one ENTRY in one file; full EXFOR translated into C5* format, data version [N]:0|2|3|4 2) EXFOR-C5v[N]-YYYYMMDD.tto: terminal output of x4toc5 3) EXFOR-C5v[N]-YYYYMMDD.readme: rules of citation of this distribution 4) Datasets.json, Datasets.csv: datasets index - summary table of the contents of C5 files 5) bash script to produce single C5 file 6) Python-3 code to reproduce datasets index files (JSON and CSV) 7) Python code to retrieve and plot c5data 8) retrieve and compare renormalized vs. original data 2. Official files: LICENSE.TXT, COPYRIGHT.TXT 3. readme.txt: this file 4. history.txt: distribution of full EXFOR in C4/C5, IAEA-NDS, 2007-2023 5. x4toc4usr.txt: Users' guide for program X4TOC4 (includes description of C4) 6. EXFOR14A.DAT: X4TOC4 EXFOR Reaction - MF/MT Equivalence Table _______________________________________________________________________________ Data Versions: EXFOR-C5v0 - converted incident energy from C.M. to Lab. - converted Rutherford-Ratio to B/SR (MF4) EXFOR-C5v1 - options from EXFOR-C5v0 + - datasets with unknown MT are included (MF>0, MT=0) EXFOR-C5v2 - options from EXFOR-C5v0 + - angle and data: C.M. to Lab. (for MT4) - replaced Q-Value by E-Level - reset MT51, MT601, by MT+iLevel (for partial reactions) - sort data: CS(EN), DA(EN:AN), DE(EN,E2), DAE(EN:AN:E2) EXFOR-C5v3 - options from EXFOR-C5v2 + - auto-renormalized using modern monitor CS data EXFOR-C5v4 - options from EXFOR-C5v3 + - auto-renormalized using modern Decay-data _______________________________________________________________________________ Examples. Required: Python3: $ python --version Plotly: $ pip install plotly Programs: 1)* find all c5 files recursively, read, produce Datasets-index in JSON, CSV 2) find datasets in CSV by reaction, extract data, plot by Plotly -> html 3) find renormalized data, recalculate original values, plot by Plotly *Note. This version of exclude "derived" data from the Dataset index, i.e. EXFOR data having SF9 are not considered: CALC Calculated data DERIV Derived data EVAL Evaluated data RECOM Recommended data Run: $ python -B $ python -B $ python -B _______________________________________________________________________________ Questions and Answers. 1.Q: What is C4 format? A: C4 is a computation format presenting experimental data from EXFOR database. Data in C4 format are much easier to process by application programs than EXFOR format*. C4 was designed for comparison of experi- mental data with evaluations and therefore uses ENDF coding (MF-MT-ZA). Program converting data from EXFOR to C4 (X4TOC4) was written by D.E.Cullen (when working in the IAEA) and developed by A.Trkov. "Users' guide for program X4TOC4" says: "The computation format uses a classification system and units which are compatible with ENDF. Data is classified by (1) ZA of projectile, (2) ZA of target, (3) metastable state of target, (4) MF - type of data, (5) MT - reaction, (6) metastable state of residual nucleus. To identify the source of the data the first author and year and the EXFOR accession and sub-accession number are included in the format. In addition, fields are assigned to define the status of the EXFOR data (e.g., S = superceded), whether data is in the laboratory or center-of-mass frame of reference and the physical significance of the last 2 output fields (LVL = level energy, HL = half-life). Finally the format includes 8 fields in which the output data are contained (e.g., incident energy, data, cosine, uncertainties, etc.)" See full description in the file "x4toc4usr.txt". * EXFOR originaly stands for "EXchange FORmat" - format for exchange experimental data between national/international nuclear data centres. 2.Q: What is C5 format? A: It is C4 format extended with: a) Identification information is given as comment starting with #. b) Information is presented as sequence of Datasets; Dataset presents data of single Reaction corresponding to EXFOR . Content of C5 file: #C5.2.3 __ #DATASET #1 | #ENTRY | ...ENTRY Information: reference, title, full list of authors,... | ...DATASET Information: EXFOR-Reaction, MF, MT,... | #C5CORR #Corrections description | #/C5CORR | #C5DATA | ...DATA as in C4 format with additional columns | #/C5DATA |__ #/DATASET #DATASET #2 #DATASET #3 ... #DATASET #n #/C5.2.3 3.Q: What are the options to translate EXFOR to C5 data by "x4toc5"? A: Program x4toc5 can generate C5 file recalculating data: - by default, all data translated to "basic units", e.g. "MeV" to "eV" - convert Rutherford ratios to B/SR - convert C.M. data to Lab (for angular distributions) - recalculate data to inverse reactions - renormalize data using monitors (old and new cross section data) - renormalize data using intensities of gamma-lines in DECAY-DATA and DECAY-MON - set MT+iLevel for excited states: MT50+, MT600+, MT650+, searching iLevel in RIPL - replace Q-Value by E-Level (for partial reactions) - sort data: CS(EN), DA(EN:AN), DE(EN,E2), DAE(EN:AN:E2) - include old and new monitor data without data renormalization 4.Q: What is the differences between versions of C5 files? A: Versions of C5 data: EXFOR-C5v0 - default optons of C4 EXFOR-C5v2 - converted C.M. to Lab. (for MT4) - replaced Q-Value by E-Level - reset MT51, MT601, by MT+iLevel (for partial reactions) - sort data: CS(EN), DA(EN:AN), DE(EN,E2), DAE(EN:AN:E2) EXFOR-C5v3 - options from EXFOR-C5v2 + - auto-renormalized using modern monitor CS data EXFOR-C5v4 - options from EXFOR-C5v3 + - auto-renormalized using modern Decay-data 5.Q: What is the contents of C5 columns additional to C4? A: Columns 132:167: (4F9.0) dSys, dStat, dOther, dTot - generalized absolute: fully correlated, uncorrelated, partially correlated and total uncertainties A: Columns 168:212 (5F9.0) dSys%, dStat%, dOther%, dTot%, dData% generalized relative uncertainties (dData/Data) in per-cents A: Columns 213:235 (5F9.0) M0,dM0,M1,dM1,Fc M0:old montor (cross sections in barn); dM0:uncertanty of M0 (barn) M1:new montor (cross sections in barn); dM1:uncertanty of M1 (barn) Fc: final factor (including renormalization by monitor and decay-data) 6.Q: What is the meaning of the fields in the lines #C5.2.2 and #/C5.2.2? A: These lines mark begin/end of an C5 file: a) #C5.2.2 N1 N2 N3 N1 - date of request (date when this C4-file was created) N2 - time, when request started N3 - date of last update of EXFOR database, from which data were retrieved (source database) b) #/C5.2.2 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N1 - number of Entries in this file (start with #ENTRY) N2 - number of Datasets in this file (start with #DATASET) N3 - total number of datasets in the source EXFOR database N5 - total number of data points 7.Q: Is there any alternative way to get EXFOR data in computational form? A: NDS provides several ways/methods to get EXFOR data in computational form: a) Web EXFOR retrieval system: b) X4Pro - universal, fully relational EXFOR database (SQLite) c) EXFOR-X5json - comprehensive presentation of full EXFOR library with supplementary data in X5-json format -End-