
- "": it is the main model

- "": script for modeling angular and energy distribution of the FNG, it is used in the main file model

- "fng_from_routine.csv": has the table with the angular and energy distribution of the FNG, used by ""

- "": script for applying the IRDFF-II dosimetry cross sections as flux multiplier to the reaction rate tallies (required at leat for the Nb93 foil), it is used in the main file model

- "***.acef" files are from IRDFF-II cross section specific for the activation foils

- "": whenever the main model is run it generates a folder named as the type of simulation run and a classic openmc statepoint file in it, this script generates the csv files with the results (like the ones already provided)

- "***.csv" files are alrady ready restuls from the very same model here provided (1e10 particles total for foil reaction rates and 5e10 particles for the heating dose)

User will most likely run only the "" main model and the postprocessing "" files

Results explanation:

The experiment was run in 3 different configurations:
1) 'reaction_rates_onaxis': neutron source on axis with the duct, activation foils group 1 and 2 come from this simulation
2) 'reaction_rates_onaxis': neutron source off axis (shifted 5.3 cm apart from the duct axis)
3) 'heating': neutron source off axis and measurements on neutron heating 

it is possible to specify the type of simulation one wants to simulate directly before running the model and get the subsequent postprocessing results

Run the model:

The model can be run as a classic python script, it just requires OpenMC installed ( as well as an OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS environment variable defined ( It has however some arguments that the user can specify depending on which type of simulation they want to run and with how many particles. 
Possile args:
-p : followed by an integer number (default: 10000), it is the number of particles per batch to sample, batches are defaulted to 100 so the total number of particles sampled is going to be the number specified by the user 
-s : followed by an integer number (default: 1) number of threads to use for simulation parallelization
-r : simulation to run type activation foils on axis
-o : simulation to run type activation foils off axis
-d : simulation to run type nuclear heating

Running the model will generate a folder named after the type of simulation chosen in which there will be the model .xml and statepoint files

example run:

$python3 fng_str_model -p 1000000 -s 6 -r

means that the simulation will sample one million particles per batch (100 million in total), parallelized on 6 threads and in "on axis" type