Capture of Malta by the French army in 1798.


Reference Paper.

EMPIRE-3.2 (Malta*)

Modular system of nuclear reaction codes for advanced modeling of nuclear reactions using various theoretical models. It consists of a number of FORTRAN codes, input parameter libraries, and experimental data library (EXFOR/CSISRS) - operated through the Graphic User Interface (GUI).

EMPIRE is intended to be a general, flexible, and easy to use tool for basic research and evaluation of nuclear data. It offers a possibility of combining several theoretical approaches, choosing among alternative input parameters and calculating extended set of observables in a single run. Nuclear data evaluation is facilitated by the ENDF-6 formatting, file verification and graphical comparison with experimental data.

EMPIRE code is distributed as a complete, self-contained and install-free package ready to run when unpacked. It comes with executables, data libraries, sources, Fortran compiler (gfortran), and local implementation of Tcl/Tk-8.4 to be used if needed. The code can be placed anywhere including home directory or an external device (e.g., flash drive or external drive). It is provided for the three most popular operating systems (Linux/Unix, Mac and MS Windows).

* While sailing towards Egypt Bonaparte captured Malta after a short fight.

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Web: Michal Herman Last Updated: 04/21/2021 06:23:42