FENDL-3.0: Related Documentation

    Compilation of proton activation cross sections
    F. Tarkanyi [zip]
    Low and medium energy deuteron-induced reactions on 63,65Cu nuclei.
    E. Šimečková, P. Bém, M. Honusek, M. Štefánik, U. Fischer, S.P. Simakov, R.A. Forrest, A.J. Koning, J.-C. Sublet, M. Avrigeanu, F.L. Roman and V. Avrigeanu, Phys. Rev. C 84, (2011) 014605. [abstract]
    Extension of the H-3 evaluation to 60 MeV for FENDL-3
    A. Trkov, October 2011 [pdf].
    Extension of the He-3 evaluation to 60 MeV for FENDL-3
    A. Trkov, October 2011 [pdf].
    Extension of the He-4 evaluation to 60 MeV for FENDL-3
    A. Trkov, October 2011 [pdf].
    J.-Ch. Sublet, L.W. Packer, J. Kopecky, R.A. Forrest, A.J. Koning, D.A. Rochman, Report CCFE-R(10)05, April 2011 [pdf].
    Complete phenomenological model for projectile-breakup reactions (Report to the 2nd RCM of the FENDL-3 CRP).
    C. Kalbach Walker, March 2010 [pdf].
    Additional data needs for ITER.
    M. Loughlin, March 2010 [pdf].
    FENDL3 cross-section testing: sensitivity of the neutron flux deep in the shield of an ITER-like tokamak.
    Gašper Žerovnik, Andrej Trkov and Ivan Kodeli, February 2010. [pdf]
    IFMIF neutron data needs.
    U.Fischer, March 2009. [pdf]
    IFMIF deuteron and proton data data needs.
    U.Fischer, March 2009. [pdf]
    Impact of ENDF/B-VII release on FENDL-2.1.
    M. Sawan, Presentation at CSWEG meeting, November 2007. [pdf]
    Review of experimental validation of FENDL-2.1 nuclear data library, needs for improvements and recommendations.
    P.Batistoni, C. Konno, U. Fischer. [pdf];
    1. Appendix 1: Typical results of analyses for benchmark experiments at FNG. [pdf]
    2. Appendix 2: Typical results of analyses for benchmark experiments at FNG. [pdf]
 Last Updated: 06/18/2021 14:37:20