FENDL-3.2: General purpose neutron sublibrary

This table contains ENDF and processed files of the FENDL neutron sublibrary. The columns with additional information about the file contents are extracted from the headers of the ENDF files. Please note that these headers do not necessarily accurately reflect the content of the files due to modifications. For more details consult the text description in the file headers and the main website of the FENDL library. A list of modified and added ENDF files since FENDL 3.1d can be found here.

# Mat Material Lab. Date Authors Source Emax (eV) File
0 125 1-H-1 LANL EVAL-OCT05 G.M.Hale FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
1 128 1-H-2 LANL EVAL-FEB97 P.G.Young,G.M.Hale,M.B.Chadwick ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
2 131 1-H-3 LANL EVAL-NOV01 G.M.Hale ENDF/B-VII 6.00e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
3 225 2-He-3 JAERI EVAL-JUN87 K.SHIBATA JENDL-4 6.00e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
4 228 2-He-4 LANL EVAL-SEP10 Hale ENDF/B-VII 6.00e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
5 325 3-Li-6 LANL EVAL-APR06 G.M.Hale, P.G.Young FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
6 328 3-Li-7 LANL EVAL-AUG88 P.G.Young FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
7 425 4-Be-9 LLNL,LANL EVAL-OCT09 G.HALE,PERKINS ET AL,FRANKLE FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
8 525 5-B-10 LANL EVAL-FEB17 G.M.Hale FENDL-3.2 6.00e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
9 528 5-B-11 LANL EVAL-MAY89 P.G.Young FENDL-3.2 6.00e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
10 625 6-C-12 Kyushu U. EVAL-JUL03 Y. Watanabe FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
11 628 6-C-13 NRG EVAL-NOV14 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2014 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
12 715 7-N-15 LANL EVAL-DEC05 V.KOSCHEEV FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
13 725 7-N-14 JNDC EVAL-JUN89 Y.KANDA(KYU) T.MURATA(NAIG)+ FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
14 825 8-O-16 AITEL,IAEA EVAL-MAY05 T.Murata, K.Kosako and T.Fukahori INDEN-1.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
15 828 8-O-17 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
16 831 8-O-18 EVAL-APR14 T.MURATA, K.Kosako FENDL-3.2 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
17 925 9-F-19 CNDC,ORNL EVAL-OCT03 Z.X.Zhao,C.Y.Fu,D.C.Larson, Leal+ FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
18 1025 10-Ne-20 IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
19 1028 10-Ne-21 IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
20 1031 10-Ne-22 IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
21 1125 11-NA-23 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
22 1225 12-MG-24 KYUSHU EVAL-DEC 3 Sun Weili and Y.Watanabe FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
23 1228 12-MG-25 KYUSHU EVAL-DEC 3 Sun Weili and Y.Watanabe FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
24 1231 12-MG-26 KYUSHU EVAL-DEC 3 Sun Weili and Y.Watanabe FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
25 1325 13-Al-27 LANL EVAL-FEB97 M.B.CHADWICK & P.G.YOUNG JEFF-311 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
26 1425 14-Si-28 LANL,ORNL EVAL-DEC02 M.B.Chadwick,P.G.Young,D.Hetrick ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
27 1428 14-Si-29 LANL,ORNL EVAL-JUN97 M.B.Chadwick,P.G.Young,D.Hetrick ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
28 1431 14-Si-30 LANL,ORNL EVAL-JUN97 M.B.Chadwick,P.G.Young,D.Hetrick ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
29 1525 15-P-31 NRG EVAL-NOV14 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2014 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
30 1625 16-S-32 NRG EVAL-OCT10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
31 1628 16-S-33 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
32 1631 16-S-34 NRG EVAL-NOV14 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2014 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
33 1637 16-S-36 NRG EVAL-NOV14 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2014 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
34 1725 17-Cl-35 ORNL,LANL EVAL-OCT03 Sayer,Guber,Leal,Larson,Young+ FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
35 1731 17-Cl-37 ORNL,LANL EVAL-OCT03 Sayer,Guber,Leal,Larson,Young+ FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
36 1825 18-AR-36 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
37 1831 18-AR-38 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
38 1837 18-AR-40 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
39 1925 19-K-39 NRG EVAL-DEC15 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2015 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
40 1928 19-K-40 NRG EVAL-DEC15 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2015 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
41 1931 19-K-41 NRG EVAL-DEC15 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2015 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
42 2025 20-CA-40 SAEI EVAL-MAY 3 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
43 2031 20-CA-42 SAEI EVAL-MAY 3 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
44 2034 20-CA-43 SAEI EVAL-MAY 3 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
45 2037 20-CA-44 SAEI EVAL-MAY 3 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
46 2043 20-CA-46 SAEI EVAL-MAY 3 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
47 2049 20-CA-48 SAEI EVAL-MAY 3 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
48 2125 21-Sc-45 NRG EVAL-OCT04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
49 2225 22-Ti-46 LANL EVAL-Feb09 T.Kawano, S-Y.Oh, A.Kahler FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
50 2228 22-Ti-47 LANL EVAL-Feb09 T.Kawano, S-Y.Oh, A.Kahler FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
51 2231 22-Ti-48 LANL,ORNL EVAL-Aug10 T.Kawano, L.Leal, A.Kahler FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
52 2234 22-Ti-49 LANL EVAL-Feb09 T.Kawano, S-Y.Oh, A.Kahler FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
53 2237 22-Ti-50 LANL EVAL-Feb09 T.Kawano, S-Y.Oh, A.Kahler FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
54 2300 23-V-51 SAEI EVAL-MAY 3 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
55 2325 23-V-50 JAEA EVAL-Mar10 N.Iwamoto FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
56 2425 24-Cr-50 BNL,ORNL EVAL-AUG20 G.Nobre,M.Pigni,R.Capote,A.Trkov UNKNOWN-3 6.50e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
57 2431 24-Cr-52 BNL,ORNL EVAL-AUG20 G.Nobre,M.Pigni,R.Capote,A.Trkov UNKNOWN-3 6.50e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
58 2434 24-Cr-53 BNL,ORNL EVAL-AUG20 G.Nobre,M.Pigni,R.Capote,A.Trkov UNKNOWN-3 6.50e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
59 2437 24-Cr-54 BNL,ORNL EVAL-AUG20 G.Nobre,M.Pigni,R.Capote,A.Trkov UNKNOWN-3 6.50e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
60 2525 25-Mn-55 IAEA Eval-Feb11 IAEA Evaluation Consortium INDL/V-3 6.00e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
61 2625 26-Fe-54 CIELO EVAL-DEC17 Nobre, Brown, Herman, Arcilla+ ENDF/B-VIII.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
62 2631 26-Fe-56 IAEA AUG-2018 IAEA Consortium INDEN-1.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
63 2634 26-Fe-57 IAEA,BNL EVAL-Oct16 Brown,Nobre,Herman,Leal,Trkov,+ INDEN-1.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
64 2637 26-Fe-58 NRG EVAL-OCT04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
65 2725 27-Co-59 ANL,ORNL EVAL-JUL89 A.Smith+,G.Desaussure+ FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
66 2825 28-Ni-58 LANL,ORNL EVAL-SEP97 S.Chiba,M.B.Chadwick,Larson ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
67 2831 28-Ni-60 LANL,ORNL EVAL-SEP97 S.Chiba,M.B.Chadwick,Larson ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
68 2834 28-Ni-61 LANL,ORNL EVAL-SEP97 S.Chiba,M.B.Chadwick,Hetrick ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
69 2837 28-Ni-62 LANL,ORNL EVAL-SEP97 S.Chiba,M.B.Chadwick,Hetrick ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
70 2843 28-Ni-64 LANL,ORNL EVAL-SEP97 S.Chiba,M.B.Chadwick,Hetrick ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
71 2925 29-Cu-63 LANL,ORNL EVAL-FEB98 A.Koning,M.Chadwick,Hetrick ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
72 2931 29-Cu-65 LANL,ORNL EVAL-FEB98 A.Koning,M.Chadwick,Hetrick ENDF/B-VII 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
73 3025 30-ZN-64 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-AUG 7 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
74 3031 30-ZN-66 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-AUG 7 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
75 3034 30-ZN-67 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-AUG 7 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
76 3037 30-ZN-68 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-AUG 7 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
77 3043 30-ZN-70 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-AUG 7 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
78 3125 31-GA-69 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 7 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
79 3131 31-GA-71 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 7 K. Kosako FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
80 3225 32-Ge-70 NRG EVAL-DEC04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
81 3231 32-Ge-72 NRG EVAL-DEC04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
82 3234 32-Ge-73 NRG EVAL-DEC04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
83 3237 32-Ge-74 NRG EVAL-OCT04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
84 3243 32-Ge-76 NRG EVAL-OCT04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
85 3525 35-Br-79 JAEA EVAL-AUG09 K.Shibata, A.Ichihara, S.Kunieda JENDL-4 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
86 3531 35-Br-81 JAEA EVAL-AUG09 K.Shibata, A.Ichihara, S.Kunieda JENDL-4 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
87 3925 39-Y-89 BNL-LANL EVAL-AUG06 Rochman,Chadwick,Herman,Kawano+ FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
88 4025 40-Zr-90 JNDC EVAL-AUG89 JNDC FP NUCLEAR DATA W.G. FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
89 4028 40-Zr-91 JAEA EVAL-JUL 7 S.Kunieda ENDF/B-III 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
90 4031 40-Zr-92 JAEA EVAL-JUL 7 S.Kunieda ENDF/B-III 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
91 4037 40-Zr-94 JAEA EVAL-JUL 7 S.Kunieda ENDF/B-III 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
92 4043 40-Zr-96 JAEA EVAL-JUL 7 S.Kunieda ENDF/B-III 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
93 4125 41-Nb-93 JAEA EVAL-JUL 7 S.Kunieda ENDF/B-III 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
94 4225 42-Mo-92 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako JENDL-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
95 4231 42-Mo-94 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako JENDL-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
96 4234 42-Mo-95 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako JENDL-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
97 4237 42-Mo-96 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako JENDL-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
98 4240 42-Mo-97 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako JENDL-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
99 4243 42-Mo-98 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako JENDL-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
100 4249 42-Mo-100 SIT.SHIMZ EVAL-MAY 6 K. Kosako JENDL-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
101 4525 45-Rh-103 CAD,BRC,+ EVAL-FEB05 E.DUPONT, E.BAUGE, M.C.Moxon FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
102 4725 47-Ag-107 JAERI,BNL EVAL-MAR05 Liu+, Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
103 4731 47-Ag-109 BNL,KAERI EVAL-FEB06 Kim,Herman,Oh,Mughabghab+ FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
104 4825 48-Cd-106 IRMM,JNDC EVAL-OCT10 I.Sirakov,S.Kopecky+,JNDC FPND WG FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
105 4831 48-Cd-108 IRMM,UA,ANL EVAL-OCT10 I.Sirakov,S.Kopecky+,J.McCabe+ FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
106 4837 48-Cd-110 IRMM,UA,ANL EVAL-OCT10 I.Sirakov,S.Kopecky+,J.McCabe+ FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
107 4840 48-Cd-111 IRMM,JNDC EVAL-OCT10 I.Sirakov,S.Kopecky+,JNDC FPND WG FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
108 4843 48-Cd-112 IRMM,UA,ANL EVAL-OCT10 I.Sirakov,S.Kopecky+,J.McCabe+ FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
109 4846 48-Cd-113 BNL, CNDL EVAL-MAR05 Mughabghab, J.W.Zhao+, FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
110 4849 48-Cd-114 IRMM,UA,ANL EVAL-OCT10 I.Sirakov,S.Kopecky+,J.McCabe+ FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
111 4855 48-Cd-116 IRMM,UA,ANL EVAL-OCT10 I.Sirakov,S.Kopecky+,J.McCabe+ FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
112 5025 50-Sn-112 JAEA EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
113 5031 50-Sn-114 JAEA EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
114 5034 50-Sn-115 JAEA EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
115 5037 50-Sn-116 JAEA EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
116 5040 50-Sn-117 JAEA EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
117 5043 50-Sn-118 JAEA EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
118 5046 50-Sn-119 JAEA EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
119 5049 50-Sn-120 JAEA EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
120 5055 50-Sn-122 JAEA EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
121 5061 50-Sn-124 JAEA EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
122 5125 51-Sb-121 CNDC,BNL EVAL-DEC04 Zhao+, Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
123 5131 51-Sb-123 CNDC,BNL EVAL-DEC04 Zhang+, Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
124 5325 53-I-127 LANL,BNL EVAL-JAN05 Young, MacFarlane, Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
125 5525 55-Cs-133 JAEA+ EVAL-Apr09 N.Iwamoto,H.Matsunobu FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
126 5625 56-Ba-130 JNDC,BNL EVAL-JAN05 JNDC FPND W.G., Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
127 5631 56-Ba-132 JNDC,BNL EVAL-JAN05 JNDC FPND W.G., Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
128 5637 56-Ba-134 JNDC,BNL EVAL-JAN05 JNDC FPND W.G., Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
129 5640 56-Ba-135 JNDC,BNL EVAL-JAN05 JNDC FPND W.G., Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
130 5643 56-Ba-136 JNDC,BNL EVAL-JAN05 JNDC FPND W.G., Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
131 5646 56-Ba-137 JNDC,BNL EVAL-JAN05 JNDC FPND W.G., Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
132 5649 56-Ba-138 CNDC,BNL EVAL-JAN05 W.N.Su+, Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
133 5725 57-La-138 NRG EVAL-NOV14 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2014 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
134 5728 57-La-139 NRG EVAL-NOV14 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman FENDL-3.2 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
135 5825 58-Ce-136 BNL EVAL-MAR06 Herman,Oblozinsky,Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
136 5831 58-Ce-138 BNL EVAL-MAR06 Herman,Oblozinsky,Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
137 5837 58-Ce-140 JNDC,BNL EVAL-JAN05 JNDC FPND W.G., Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
138 5843 58-Ce-142 JNDC,BNL EVAL-JAN05 JNDC FPND W.G., Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
139 6225 62-Sm-144 IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
140 6234 62-Sm-147 IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
141 6237 62-Sm-148 IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
142 6240 62-Sm-149 IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
143 6243 62-Sm-150 IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
144 6249 62-Sm-152 IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
145 6255 62-Sm-154 IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
146 6425 64-Gd-152 JAEA+ EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,A.Zukeran,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
147 6431 64-Gd-154 JAEA+ EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,A.Zukeran,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
148 6434 64-Gd-155 JAEA+ EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,A.Zukeran,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
149 6437 64-Gd-156 JAEA+ EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,A.Zukeran,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
150 6440 64-Gd-157 JAEA+ EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,A.Zukeran,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
151 6443 64-Gd-158 JAEA+ EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,A.Zukeran,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
152 6449 64-Gd-160 JAEA+ EVAL-Dec09 N.Iwamoto,A.Zukeran,K.Shibata FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
153 6825 68-Er-162 TIT EVAL-SEP00 A.K.M. Harun-Ar-Rashid+ FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
154 6831 68-Er-164 TIT EVAL-SEP00 A.K.M. Harun-Ar-Rashid+ FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
155 6837 68-Er-166 TIT,BNL EVAL-JAN05 Harun-Ar-Rashid+, Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
156 6840 68-Er-167 TIT,BNL EVAL-JAN05 Harun-Ar-Rashid+, Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
157 6843 68-Er-168 TIT,BNL EVAL-JAN05 Harun-Ar-Rashid+, Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
158 6849 68-Er-170 TIT,BNL EVAL-JAN05 Harun-Ar-Rashid+, Mughabghab FENDL-3.0 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
159 7125 71-Lu-175 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
160 7128 71-Lu-176 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
161 7225 72-Hf-174 JAEA EVAL-JUL09 K. Shibata (JAEA) JENDL-4 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
162 7231 72-Hf-176 JAEA EVAL-JUL09 K. Shibata (JAEA) JENDL-4 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
163 7234 72-Hf-177 JAEA EVAL-JUL09 K. Shibata (JAEA) JENDL-4 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
164 7237 72-Hf-178 JAEA EVAL-AUG09 K. Shibata (JAEA) JENDL-4 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
165 7240 72-Hf-179 JAEA EVAL-JUL09 K. Shibata (JAEA) JENDL-4 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
166 7243 72-Hf-180 JAEA EVAL-JUL09 K. Shibata (JAEA) JENDL-4 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
167 7326 73-Ta-180M IAEA EVAL-NOV19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
168 7328 73-TA-181 JAEA EVAL-JUL 6 S.Chiba, Y.Watanabe, T.Fukahori FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
169 7425 74-W-180 IAEA Eval090806 INDL/V-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
170 7431 74-W-182 IAEA Eval090806 INDL/V-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
171 7434 74-W-183 IAEA Eval090806 INDL/V-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
172 7437 74-W-184 IAEA Eval090806 INDL/V-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
173 7443 74-W-186 IAEA Eval090806 INDL/V-3 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
174 7525 75-Re-185 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
175 7531 75-Re-187 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
176 7825 78-Pt-190 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
177 7831 78-Pt-192 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
178 7837 78-Pt-194 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
179 7840 78-Pt-195 NRG EVAL-OCT10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
180 7843 78-Pt-196 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
181 7849 78-Pt-198 NRG EVAL-NOV10 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2010 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
182 7925 79-Au-197 LANL EVAL-JAN84 P.G.Young FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
183 8225 82-Pb-204 NRG EVAL-DEC04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
184 8231 82-Pb-206 NRG EVAL-DEC04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
185 8234 82-Pb-207 NRG EVAL-DEC04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
186 8237 82-Pb-208 NRG EVAL-DEC04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
187 8325 83-Bi-209 NRG EVAL-DEC04 A.J. Koning JEFF-311 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
188 9040 90-Th-232 IAEA Eval-Feb06 CRP/Th-U Co-ordinator A. Trkov INDL/V-3 6.00e+07 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
189 9225 92-U-234 IAEA EVAL-DEC19 A.J. Koning and D. Rochman TENDL-2019 2.00e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
190 9228 92-U-235 ORNL,LANL,+ EVAL-SEP06 Young,Chadwick,Talou,Madland,Leal FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
191 9237 92-U-238 ORNL,LANL+ EVAL-SEP06 Young,Chadwick,Derrien,Courcelle FENDL-3.0 1.50e+08 [endf] [ace] [xsd] [gendf] [matxs] [fig: ace, htr] [njoy: inp, out]
 Last Updated: 01/11/2022 10:19:19