An International Database of Reference Gamma Spectra

IDB is a web-accessible database of reference gamma spectra for measurement of uranium (U) and plutonium (Pu) isotopic composition, developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The database provides access to well-characterized groups of gamma spectra curated by international experts in gamma spectroscopy to promote sustainability and maintenance of software used to determine the isotopic abundances of U and Pu.

Search the database

The database can be queried for metadata attributes describing the spectra, including source information, measurement configuration and detector specifications. By selecting a set of metadata attributes, users can access the spectra that correspond to that query.

The database can also be queried via a programmatic API. Please see the API documention for more details.

Download the database

Download the latest version of the database (zip, ~105 MB):

All previous versions of the database can be downloaded from the Versions page.


If a spectrum has a certificate, it can be browsed and downloaded from the Certificates library.

Cite the database

IDB Database, IAEA, 2025,