Benchmarking of Digitization Software

(Consultants' Meeting, 12 to 14 November 2012, IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria)

Summary Report



The meeting will bring together software developers and compilers to discuss the quality and consistency of the digitization software. About 40% of all entries included in EXFOR during the last decade contain digitized data. It is important to ensure the correctness of the data included in EXFOR database.
There have been new developments in the digitization software, used by compiles, since the last benchmark organized by Nuclear Data Section in 2005 (WP2005-24). In addition some new codes have become available as well.
   A benchmark exercise was distributed within the NRDC community (Memo CP-D761) in order to evaluate the digitization procedure and identify the potential sources of inaccuracy. The results from the benchmark will be discussed at the meeting and the new software developments will be presented.
   Summary of the presentations and discussions are given in the published report INDC(NDS)-0629 of the meeting together with recommendations to software developers and compilers.




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