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Consultant's Meeting on Total Absorption Gamma-ray Spectroscopy (TAGS)

15-17 December 2014, IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria


The objective of the meeting was to review the current status of TAGS measurements and re-assess the data needs for decay heat calculations, beta-delayed neutrons and anti-neutrino spectra.


The Adopted Agenda is available here.

Summary Report

The summary report INDC(NDS)-0676 is now available.


1A. AlgoraTAGS measurements by Valencia group (I)PDF
2M. KarnyTAGS measurements by ORNL-Warsaw groupPDF
3M. FallotTAGS measurements for anti-neutrino spectra-recent anti-neutrino measurementsPDF
4J.-L. TainTAGS measurements by Valencia group (II)PPT
5T. YoshidaPart I: Analysis of reactor beta- and anti-neutrino energy spectra on the basis of the gross theoryPPT
6T. YoshidaPart II: Contributions of Jyvaskyla and Idaho TAGS to FP Decay-Heat Calculations: Their Complementarity and Problems LeftPPT
7A. SonzogniTAGS data in ENDF/B VII.1PPT
8J.-Ch. SubletVerification and Validation: EASY=II & TENDL-2013, ENDF/B-VII.1, JENDL-4.0u or JEFF-3.2PDF
9A. AlgoraTesting Nuclear Models with TAGS DataPDF
10P. DimitriouConnection with IAEA Database on beta-delayed neutronsPDF

 Last Updated: 03/20/2015 08:51:51