First Research Coordination Meeting of the CRP on Updating Fission Yield Data for Applications
The Agenda is available here.
Summary Report
The summary report is available as INDC(NDS)-0817.
# | Author | Title | Link |
1 | A. Al-Adili, et al. | Experiments on Fission Yields and neutron multiplicities for enhanced fission modelling | |
2 | O. Cabellos | Checking, Processing & Verification, Benchmarking & Validation of Fission Yields data | |
3 | A. Chebboubi, et al. | Fission Fragments observables measured at the LOHENGRIN recoil separator | |
4 | S. Chiba | Evaluation of FPY and associated covariance data | |
5 | S.W. Finch, et al. | Experimental results on monoenergetic neutron- and photon-induced fission from the TUNL-LANL-LLNL FPY collaboration | |
6 | S. Goriely and S. Hilaire | Microscopic determination of fission fragment distributions | |
7 | T. Kawano, et al. | Energy-Dependent Fission Product Yields Modelling and Evaluation | |
8 | G. Kessedjian, et al. | 235U(nth,f) Fission Yield evaluation - status and perspectives | |
9 | A. Mattera, et al. | 238U(n,f) induced by fast neutrons, the prototype for a modern and comprehensive database of experimental fission yields | |
10 | R. Mills | Available Fission Product Yield Experimental data from the UK database and its analysis for evaluations | |
11 | F. Minato | Present Status and Perspectives of JENDL Fission Product Yield Data | |
12 | D. Rochman and S. Okumura | Bayesian Monte Carlo for FY evaluation with GEF: example and plan | |
13 | K.-H. Schmidt, et al. | Fission yields with GEF | |
14 | O. Serot, et al. | Potential use of the FIFRELIN Monte Carlo code for the future Fission Yield evaluations | |
15 | A. Sonzogni, et al. | A re-evaluation of the energy released in fission that is converted into heat in a nuclear reactor | |
16 | R. Vogt | FREYA Capabilities | |
17 | A. Tudora | Influence of fragment distributions Y(A,TKE) on PbP model results | |
18 | D.E. Gremyachkin, et al. | Approaches for validation CY databases using delayed neutron macroscopic characteristics | |
19 | K.V. Mitrofanov, et al. | Cumulative yields of Bromine, Krypton, Rubidium and Iodine isotopes from fission of 233U, 235U, 238U by neutrons in the energy range from thermal to 5 MeV | |
20 | N.M.A. Mohamed | Fission Yield Applications at ETRR-2 | |
21 | N. Otsuka | Status of Experimental FPY Compilation | |
22 | B. Pritychenko | Current status of FY Compilations (Area 1) | |
23 | N. Shu, et al. | Fission yield studies at CNDC | |
24 | E. McCutchan, et al. | Decay data measurements to aid in FPY determinations |