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First Research Coordination Meeting of the CRP on Updating Fission Yield Data for Applications

31 August - 4 September 2020, IAEA, Vienna


The Agenda is available here.

Summary Report

The summary report is available as INDC(NDS)-0817.


1A. Al-Adili, et al.Experiments on Fission Yields and neutron multiplicities for enhanced fission modellingPDF
2O. CabellosChecking, Processing & Verification, Benchmarking & Validation of Fission Yields dataPDF
3A. Chebboubi, et al.Fission Fragments observables measured at the LOHENGRIN recoil separatorPDF
4S. ChibaEvaluation of FPY and associated covariance dataPDF
5S.W. Finch, et al.Experimental results on monoenergetic neutron- and photon-induced fission from the TUNL-LANL-LLNL FPY collaborationPDF
6S. Goriely and S. HilaireMicroscopic determination of fission fragment distributionsPDF
7T. Kawano, et al.Energy-Dependent Fission Product Yields Modelling and EvaluationPDF
8G. Kessedjian, et al.235U(nth,f) Fission Yield evaluation - status and perspectivesPDF
9A. Mattera, et al.238U(n,f) induced by fast neutrons, the prototype for a modern and comprehensive database of experimental fission yieldsPDF
10R. MillsAvailable Fission Product Yield Experimental data from the UK database and its analysis for evaluationsPDF
11F. MinatoPresent Status and Perspectives of JENDL Fission Product Yield DataPDF
12D. Rochman and S. OkumuraBayesian Monte Carlo for FY evaluation with GEF: example and planPDF
13K.-H. Schmidt, et al.Fission yields with GEFPDF
14O. Serot, et al.Potential use of the FIFRELIN Monte Carlo code for the future Fission Yield evaluationsPDF
15A. Sonzogni, et al.A re-evaluation of the energy released in fission that is converted into heat in a nuclear reactorPDF
16R. VogtFREYA CapabilitiesPDF
17A. TudoraInfluence of fragment distributions Y(A,TKE) on PbP model results PDF
18D.E. Gremyachkin, et al.Approaches for validation CY databases using delayed neutron macroscopic characteristicsPDF
19K.V. Mitrofanov, et al.Cumulative yields of Bromine, Krypton, Rubidium and Iodine isotopes from fission of 233U, 235U, 238U by neutrons in the energy range from thermal to 5 MeVPDF
20N.M.A. MohamedFission Yield Applications at ETRR-2PDF
21N. OtsukaStatus of Experimental FPY CompilationPDF
22B. PritychenkoCurrent status of FY Compilations (Area 1)PDF
23N. Shu, et al.Fission yield studies at CNDC PDF
24E. McCutchan, et al.Decay data measurements to aid in FPY determinationsPDF

 Last Updated: 03/14/2023 12:52:57