International Atomic Energy Agency
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Atlas of neutron capture cross sections
Prepared by
Contributions by
J.-Ch.Sublet, J.A.Simpson, R.A.Forrest and D.Nierop
Web Design and Plots by
The NGATLAS contains neutron capture cross sections in the range
10-5eV - 20MeV as evaluated and compiled in recent activation
libraries. Numerical values of (n,g) cross sections are
available for a total of 739 targets for the elements
H (Z=1, A=1) to Cm (Z=96, A=248) totaling 972 reactions.
Plots of the pointwise data and comparisons
with the available experimental values at thermal energy, 30 keV
and 14.5 MeV can be found in the Report INDC(NDS)-362 (IAEA,
Vienna 1997) available upon request from the IAEA Nuclear Data
Z=1, H
Z=2, He
Z=3, Li
Z=4, Be
Z=5, B
Z=6, C
Z=7, N
Z=8, O
Z=9, F
Z=10, Ne
Z=11, Na
Z=12, Mg
Z=13, Al
Z=14, Si
Z=15, P
Z=16, S
Z=17, Cl
Z=18, Ar
Z=19, K
Z=20, Ca
Z=21, Sc
Z=22, Ti
Z=23, V
Z=24, Cr
Z=25, Mn
Z=26, Fe
Z=27, Co
Z=28, Ni
Z=29, Cu
Z=30, Zn
Z=31, Ga
Z=32, Ge
Z=33, As
Z=34, Se
Z=35, Br
Z=36, Kr
Z=37, Rb
Z=38, Sr
Z=39, Y
Z=40, Zr
Z=41, Nb
Z=42, Mo
Z=43, Tc
Z=44, Ru
Z=45, Rh
Z=46, Pd
Z=47, Ag
Z=48, Cd
Z=49, In
Z=50, Sn
Z=51, Sb
Z=52, Te
Z=53, I
Z=54, Xe
Z=55, Cs
Z=56, Ba
Z=57, La
Z=58, Ce
Z=59, Pr
Z=60, Nd
Z=61, Pm
Z=62, Sm
Z=63, Eu
Z=64, Gd
Z=65, Tb
Z=66, Dy
Z=67, Ho
Z=68, Er
Z=69, Tm
Z=70, Yb
Z=71, Lu
Z=72, Hf
Z=73, Ta
Z=74, W
Z=75, Re
Z=76, Os
Z=77, Ir
Z=78, Pt
Z=79, Au
Z=80, Hg
Z=81, Tl
Z=82, Pb
Z=83, Bi
Z=84, Po
Z=86, Rn
Z=88, Ra
Z=89, Ac
Z=90, Th
Z=91, Pa
Z=92, U
Z=93, Np
Z=94, Pu
Z=95, Am
Z=96, Cm
Web design: V.Zerkin, IAEA, September-2001
Last updated: 05/22/2012 09:29:56