International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC)
What is NRDC?
The International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC) constitutes a worldwide cooperation of nuclear data centres under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Network was established to coordinate the world-wide collection, compilation and dissemination of nuclear reaction data.

Objectives and Tasks
The primary goal of the Network is the dissemination of nuclear reaction data and associated documentation to users. The following specific tasks must be carried out in order to accomplish this important aim:
- Compilation of relevant bibliographic information (CINDA),
- Compilation of experimental nuclear reaction data (EXFOR),
- Collection of evaluated nuclear reaction data (ENDF),
- Exchange of nuclear reaction data of all types,
- Promotion of the development of special purpose evaluated data files,
- Development of common formats for computerized exchange of nuclear data,
- Coordinated development of computer software for managing and disseminating nuclear data,
- Coordination of the development and dissemination of end user software for both on line and local access to nuclear data,
- Documentation of current and future data needs in order to be able to meet changing user demands.
N.Otuka, E.Dupont, V.Semkova, B.Pritychenko, A.I.Blokhin, M.Aikawa, S.Babykina, M.Bossant, G.Chen, S.Dunaeva, R.A.Forrest, T.Fukahori, N.Furutachi, S.Ganesan, Z.Ge, O.O.Gritzay, M.Herman, S.Hlavač, K.Katō, B.Lalremruata, Y.O.Lee, A.Makinaga, K.Matsumoto, M.Mikhaylyukova, G.Pikulina, V.G.Pronyaev, A.Saxena, O.Schwerer, S.P.Simakov, N.Soppera, R.Suzuki, S.Takács, X.Tao, S.Taova, F.Tárkányi, V.V.Varlamov, J.Wang, S.C.Yang, V.Zerkin, Y.Zhuang, "Towards a More Complete and Accurate Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data Library (EXFOR): International Collaboration Between Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC)", Nucl. Data Sheets 120(2014)272 [pdf] [BibTeX]. More reports in NRDC reports to Nuclear Data Conferences.

Country | Centre | Joined |
Hungary | Nuclear Data Group (ATOMKI) Institute for Nuclear Research, Debrecen | 1992 |
Russia | Centre for Photonuclear Experiments Data (CDFE) Moscow State University, Moscow | 1982 |
Russia | Russian Nuclear Data Center (CJD) Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk | 1966 |
China | China Nuclear Data Center (CNDC) China Institute of Atomic Energy Beijing | 1987 |
Russia | Center of Nuclear Physics Data (CNPD) All Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov | 1997 |
Japan | Nuclear Data Center (JAEA/NDC) Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki | 1991 |
Japan | Hokkaido University Nuclear Reaction Data Centre (JCPRG) Hokkaido University, Sapporo | 1975 |
Korea | Korea Nuclear Data Center (KNDC) Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Yuseong, Daejeon | 2000 |
India | Nuclear Data Physics Centre of India (NDPCI) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Mumbai | 2008 |
IAEA | IAEA Nuclear Data Section (NDS) Vienna | 1966 |
OECD | OECD NEA Data Bank (NEA DB) Boulogne-Billancourt | 1966 |
U.S.A | US National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY | 1966 |
Ukraine | Ukrainian Nuclear Data Center (UkrNDC) Institute for Nuclear Research, Kyiv | 1998 |