ENTRY 12347 20230707 150712347000 1 SUBENT 12347001 20230707 150712347001 1 BIB 7 11 12347001 2 INSTITUTE (1CANCRC) 12347001 3 REFERENCE (R,CRP-378,1948) 12347001 4 AUTHOR (A.J.Cruikshank,D.J.Littler,A.G.Ward) 12347001 5 TITLE a determination of eta(thermal) of U233. 12347001 6 FACILITY (OSCIP,1CANCRC) Pile oscillator 12347001 7 INC-SPECT Thermal spectrum 12347001 8 HISTORY (19760804T) Translated from SCISRS 12347001 9 (19820519A) Converted to REACTION formalism 12347001 10 (20230706A) OS. Data units and STATUS corrected, 12347001 11 converted to lower and upper case, added SAMPLE, 12347001 12 ERR-ANALYS 12347001 13 ENDBIB 11 0 12347001 14 NOCOMMON 0 0 12347001 15 ENDSUBENT 14 0 1234700199999 SUBENT 12347002 20230707 150712347002 1 BIB 6 7 12347002 2 REACTION (92-U-233(N,ABS),,ETA,,MXW) 12347002 3 SAMPLE Several samples, size of the order of 40 mg U-233 12347002 4 MONITOR (5-B-0(N,ABS),,SIG) 12347002 5 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty given is dominated by the error 12347002 6 in the resonance escape probability 12347002 7 STATUS (TABLE,,A.J.Cruikshank+,R,CRP-378,1948) Text on p.78 12347002 8 HISTORY (20230706A) Data units changed to PRT/REAC 12347002 9 ENDBIB 7 0 12347002 10 NOCOMMON 0 0 12347002 11 DATA 3 1 12347002 12 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 12347002 13 MEV PRT/REAC PRT/REAC 12347002 14 2.53 -08 2.38 +00 8. -02 12347002 15 ENDDATA 3 0 12347002 16 ENDSUBENT 15 0 1234700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1234799999999