ENTRY 20363 20220823 23122036300000001 SUBENT 20363001 20220823 23122036300100001 BIB 13 32 2036300100002 TITLE A measurement of the fission cross sections of 239Pu 2036300100003 and 233U relative to 235U 2036300100004 AUTHOR (E.Pfletschinger, F.Kaeppeler) 2036300100005 INSTITUTE (2GERKFK) 2036300100006 REFERENCE (J,NSE,40,375,1970) 2036300100007 (R,KFK-1240,1970) Reprint of J,NSE,40,375,1970 2036300100008 (R,EANDC(E)-121,1969) The second version is a 2036300100009 preprint of J,NSE,40,375,1970 2036300100010 (W,KAEPPELER,196911) Corrected version of EANDC(E)-121 2036300100011 FACILITY (VDG,2GERKFK) 3-MV pulsed Van de Graaff accelerator 2036300100012 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Thick/thin 7Li targets below/above 200 keV 2036300100013 INC-SPECT Continuous neutron spectra below 200 keV, and peaked 2036300100014 neutron spectra above 200 keV 2036300100015 METHOD (TOF) Flight path of 31.5 cm and time resolution of 2036300100016 12 nsec/m below 200 keV. Flight path of 1.50 m and 2036300100017 resolution better than 2 nsec/m above 200 keV. 2036300100018 DETECTOR (SCIN) Flowing Ar gas scintillation chamber 2036300100019 MONITOR Absolute measurement 2036300100020 CORRECTION Corrected for 2036300100021 - neutron capture gamma background, 2036300100022 - absorption loss of fission fragment in sample 2036300100023 - dead time 2036300100024 - fission of other than the target nuclide of interest2036300100025 STATUS (TABLE) Table III of Nucl.Sci.Eng.40(1970)375 2036300100026 HISTORY (19690926C) 2036300100027 (19691010L) 2036300100028 (19740929E) 2036300100029 (20071218A) Date is corrected.DATA-ERR changed to ERR-T2036300100030 (20071218U) Last checking has been done. 2036300100031 (20170724A) On. ERR-ANALYS moved to 002-003. Major 2036300100032 revision in 002-003. 2036300100033 (20220823U) On. Minor revision in 003. 2036300100034 ENDBIB 32 0 2036300100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 2036300100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2036300199999 SUBENT 20363002 20170724 22622036300200001 BIB 5 25 2036300200002 REACTION ((92-U-233(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 2036300200003 SAMPLE 233U and 235U electro-spraying on Vyns foils 2036300200004 (90 ug/cm2 thick) metallized with Al (30 ug/cm2 thick)2036300200005 233U: 2.88 g+/-0.4% and 6.14 g+/-0.4% 2036300200006 (233U 87.803%, 232U 0.002%, 234U 0.846%, 2036300200007 235U 0.099%, 236U 0.0005%, 238U 11.25%) 2036300200008 235U: 5.21 g+/-0.4% 2036300200009 (235U 99.45%, 234U 0.169%, 236U 0.027%, 2036300200010 238U 0.353%) 2036300200011 Some other 233U and 235U foils were used to obtain 2036300200012 data for corrections. 2036300200013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Overall total uncertainty consisting of 2036300200014 (ERR-S,0.7,1.5) Statistics (0.7%-1.5%) 2036300200015 (ERR-SYS) Total constant uncertainty (1.55%) 2036300200016 (ERR-1) 233U capture gamma background (0.5%) 2036300200017 (ERR-2) 235U capture gamma background (0.5%) 2036300200018 (ERR-3) 233U fission fragment absorption loss (0.8%) 2036300200019 (ERR-4) 235U fission fragment absorption loss (0.8%) 2036300200020 (ERR-5) 233U sample mass (0.4%) 2036300200021 (ERR-6) 235U sample mass (0.4%) 2036300200022 (ERR-7) Correction for isotopic composition (0.5%) 2036300200023 STATUS (APRVD) F.Kaeppeler, letter to CCDN (1969-11-24) 2036300200024 HISTORY (19700114A) Corrected version from author 2036300200025 (20071218A) Error structure is given 2036300200026 (20170724A) On. EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW 2036300200027 ENDBIB 25 0 2036300200028 COMMON 8 6 2036300200029 ERR-SYS ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 2036300200030 ERR-6 ERR-7 2036300200031 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2036300200032 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2036300200033 1.55 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.4 2036300200034 0.4 0.5 2036300200035 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2036300200036 DATA 5 49 2036300200037 EN EN-RSL EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T 2036300200038 KEV NSEC/M KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT 2036300200039 5.2 12. 1.350 2.7 2036300200040 8.3 12. 1.388 2.3 2036300200041 11.3 12. 1.349 2.2 2036300200042 13.7 12. 1.365 2.5 2036300200043 15.5 12. 1.395 2.4 2036300200044 17.5 12. 1.327 2.2 2036300200045 19.7 12. 1.348 2.2 2036300200046 21.5 12. 1.320 2.2 2036300200047 23.6 12. 1.335 2.0 2036300200048 26.7 12. 1.311 1.9 2036300200049 29.8 12. 1.301 2.0 2036300200050 32.3 12. 1.347 2.1 2036300200051 35.3 12. 1.304 1.9 2036300200052 38.6 12. 1.345 2.0 2036300200053 42.5 12. 1.351 1.8 2036300200054 47.0 12. 1.325 1.9 2036300200055 51.1 12. 1.302 1.8 2036300200056 55.7 12. 1.334 1.8 2036300200057 62.6 12. 1.362 1.8 2036300200058 68.9 12. 1.392 2.0 2036300200059 74.3 12. 1.414 1.8 2036300200060 80.4 12. 1.441 2.0 2036300200061 87.3 12. 1.390 1.8 2036300200062 98.0 12. 1.403 1.8 2036300200063 110.7 12. 1.433 1.9 2036300200064 121.8 12. 1.433 2.3 2036300200065 130.3 12. 1.455 2.3 2036300200066 139.6 12. 1.489 2.3 2036300200067 150.1 12. 1.540 2.3 2036300200068 161.7 12. 1.493 2.3 2036300200069 174.8 12. 1.517 2.5 2036300200070 200. 20. 1.626 2.0 2036300200071 230. 21. 1.615 1.7 2036300200072 253. 16. 1.701 1.8 2036300200073 280. 15. 1.730 2.0 2036300200074 334. 18. 1.711 1.9 2036300200075 386. 15. 1.692 2.2 2036300200076 440. 18. 1.696 1.7 2036300200077 495. 26. 1.710 1.6 2036300200078 546. 25. 1.661 1.7 2036300200079 582. 22. 1.681 1.7 2036300200080 648. 28. 1.687 1.6 2036300200081 693. 30. 1.684 1.9 2036300200082 758. 28. 1.631 1.9 2036300200083 803. 25. 1.624 1.9 2036300200084 863. 28. 1.589 1.8 2036300200085 915. 33. 1.522 1.8 2036300200086 967. 28. 1.564 1.9 2036300200087 1015. 20. 1.472 1.8 2036300200088 ENDDATA 51 0 2036300200089 ENDSUBENT 88 0 2036300299999 SUBENT 20363003 20220823 23122036300300001 BIB 5 26 2036300300002 REACTION ((94-PU-239(N,F),,SIG)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)) 2036300300003 SAMPLE 239Pu and 235U electro-spraying on Vyns foils 2036300300004 (90 ug/cm2 thick) metallized with Al (30 ug/cm2 thick)2036300300005 239Pu: 1.78 g+/-1.0% 2036300300006 (239Pu 96.32%, 240Pu 3.53%, 241Pu 0.15%) 2036300300007 235U: 5.21 g+/-0.4% 2036300300008 (235U 99.45%, 234U 0.169%, 236U 0.027%, 2036300300009 238U 0.353%) 2036300300010 Some other 239Pu and 235U foils were used to obtain 2036300300011 data for corrections. 2036300300012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Overall total uncertainty consisting of 2036300300013 (ERR-S,0.7,1.5) Statistics (0.7%-1.5%) 2036300300014 (ERR-SYS) Total constant uncertainty (1.75%) 2036300300015 (ERR-1) 239Pu capture gamma background (0.5%) 2036300300016 (ERR-2) 235U capture gamma background (0.5%) 2036300300017 (ERR-3) 239Pu fission fragment absorption loss (0.8%) 2036300300018 (ERR-4) 235U fission fragment absorption loss (0.8%) 2036300300019 (ERR-5) 239Pu sample mass (1.0%) 2036300300020 (ERR-6) 235U sample mass (0.4%) 2036300300021 (ERR-7) Correction for isotopic composition (0.2%) 2036300300022 (ERR-8) Dead time (0.2%) 2036300300023 STATUS (APRVD) F.Kaeppeler, letter to CCDN (1969-11-24) 2036300300024 HISTORY (19700114A) Corrected version from author. 2036300300025 (20071218A) Error structure is given 2036300300026 (20170724A) On. EN-RSL -> EN-RSL-HW 2036300300027 (20220823U) On. ERR-ANALYS(ERR-1) revised. 2036300300028 ENDBIB 26 0 2036300300029 COMMON 9 6 2036300300030 ERR-SYS ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 2036300300031 ERR-6 ERR-7 ERR-8 2036300300032 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2036300300033 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2036300300034 1.75 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.0 2036300300035 0.4 0.2 0.2 2036300300036 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2036300300037 DATA 5 48 2036300300038 EN EN-RSL EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T 2036300300039 KEV NSEC/M KEV NO-DIM PER-CENT 2036300300040 5.2 12. 0.711 4.2 2036300300041 8.2 12. 0.663 3.0 2036300300042 11.1 12. 0.678 2.6 2036300300043 13.6 12. 0.636 2.7 2036300300044 15.5 12. 0.693 2.7 2036300300045 17.5 12. 0.674 2.6 2036300300046 19.5 12. 0.737 2.4 2036300300047 21.4 12. 0.686 2.4 2036300300048 23.8 12. 0.736 2.2 2036300300049 26.8 12. 0.714 2.1 2036300300050 30.0 12. 0.754 2.2 2036300300051 32.6 12. 0.791 2.2 2036300300052 34.9 12. 0.800 2.2 2036300300053 38.2 12. 0.789 2.0 2036300300054 42.0 12. 0.813 2.1 2036300300055 46.4 12. 0.812 2.0 2036300300056 51.5 12. 0.836 2.0 2036300300057 56.2 12. 0.853 2.0 2036300300058 61.7 12. 0.870 2.0 2036300300059 67.9 12. 0.860 2.0 2036300300060 75.1 12. 0.909 2.0 2036300300061 81.3 12. 0.924 2.0 2036300300062 88.3 12. 0.920 2.0 2036300300063 99.1 12. 0.963 2.0 2036300300064 112.1 12. 0.972 2.1 2036300300065 123.5 12. 0.968 2.2 2036300300066 132.1 12. 1.035 2.4 2036300300067 141.7 12. 1.010 2.1 2036300300068 152.3 12. 1.014 2.5 2036300300069 164.2 12. 1.004 2.2 2036300300070 177.6 12. 1.057 2.6 2036300300071 192.6 12. 1.024 2.4 2036300300072 226. 34. 1.051 2.1 2036300300073 284. 32. 1.136 2.2 2036300300074 330. 35. 1.155 2.6 2036300300075 389. 23. 1.212 2.0 2036300300076 445. 25. 1.258 2.1 2036300300077 483. 35. 1.329 1.8 2036300300078 557. 22. 1.331 2.0 2036300300079 608. 22. 1.379 2.2 2036300300080 645. 25. 1.354 2.5 2036300300081 706. 20. 1.400 2.2 2036300300082 750. 35. 1.440 2.0 2036300300083 811. 20. 1.453 2.1 2036300300084 850. 34. 1.414 2.0 2036300300085 905. 28. 1.357 2.0 2036300300086 950. 30. 1.316 2.2 2036300300087 1008. 36. 1.359 2.1 2036300300088 ENDDATA 50 0 2036300300089 ENDSUBENT 88 0 2036300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2036399999999