ENTRY 20761 20230202 23132076100000001 SUBENT 20761001 20230202 23132076100100001 BIB 15 68 2076100100002 TITLE The differential cross section and polarization 2076100100003 for the elastic scattering of 2.9 MeV neutrons by 2076100100004 Fe, Cu, I, Hg and Pb 2076100100005 AUTHOR (R.B.Galloway,A.Waheed) 2076100100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,318,173,1979) Tables. 2076100100007 (C,75ZURICH,,605,1975) Curves are given. 2076100100008 (P,NEANDC(E)-182U,(8),51,1977) Abstract,and curves. 2076100100009 (P,NEANDC(E)-172U,(8),59,1976) Abstract. 2076100100010 (P,NEANDC(E)-162U,(8),79,1975) Abstract and tables. 2076100100011 REL-REF (I,,R.B.Galloway+,J,NIM,128,505,1975) Details on 2076100100012 apparatus GVN. 2076100100013 (M,,R.B.Galloway+,J,NIM,128,515,1975) Details on 2076100100014 method given. 2076100100015 INSTITUTE (2UK EDG) Department of physics. 2076100100016 FACILITY (VDG,2UK EDG) 0.5 MeV accelerator provided a 300 KeV 2076100100017 deuteron beam for 2.9 MeV range. 2076100100018 INC-SOURCE (POLNS,D-D) 2.9 MeV neutrons. 2076100100019 Polarized neutrons with a polarization rate of 15% for 2076100100020 the 2.9 MeV neutrons (at 49 degr. to the deuteron beam)2076100100021 SAMPLE Natural targets 2076100100022 METHOD (TOF,ASSOP) 2076100100023 An associated particle time-of-flight system was used 2076100100024 to provide 2.9MeV neutrons. 2076100100025 Fast neutron polarimeter and CAMAC-PDP11/05 2076100100026 multi-channel analyser data collection system were 2076100100027 used. 2076100100028 The asymmetry in the scattering of polarized neutrons 2076100100029 was determined simultaneously at 3 sct angles,while 2076100100030 adequate monitoring of the N-flux provided to 2076100100031 enable the diff.cs. to be obtained also. 2076100100032 (PHD) Gammas were rejected by pulse-height 2076100100033 discrimination. 2076100100034 DETECTOR (SCIN) Scintillation counters with pulse-shape 2076100100035 discrimination against gamma-rays were used to detect 2076100100036 the scattered neutrons. 2076100100037 Six and twelve cylindrical NE213 liquid scintillators 2076100100038 (152.4mm long,50.8mm diam.) with their axes 2076100100039 perpendicular to the scattering plane were used for 2076100100040 2.9 and 16.1 MeV energy range respectively. 2076100100041 Their containers were made of thin Al and completely 2076100100042 filled with liquid. 2076100100043 Detectors moved in 2 groups of 3 around the scatterer,2076100100044 one group for measuring scattering to the right,the 2076100100045 other to the left.Within each group the angle between 2076100100046 the detectors was fixed at 28 degrees. 2076100100047 The table carrying the sct sample and six detectors 2076100100048 was mounted on a 2-wheeled cradle which could rotate 2076100100049 about an axis joining the n-producing target to the 2076100100050 centre of the sct.sample. 2076100100051 In addition to the 6 detectors,2 neutrons monitors 2076100100052 were required for normalization to determine sct.cs. 2076100100053 One,the collimated beam monitor was a NE213 liquid 2076100100054 scintillator in a glass cell(12.7cm diam,3.8cm thick) 2076100100055 the other a 2mm thick Li-I(eV) crystal scintillation 2076100100056 detector(enriched to 96% Li-6) surrounded by 10 cm 2076100100057 thickness of paraffin wax, was placed near the target.2076100100058 COMMENT Comparison with published optical model calculations. 2076100100059 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from private communication. 2076100100060 16.1 MeV data compiled in a separate EXFOR entry. 2076100100061 CORRECTION Multiple scattering and finite geometry were taken 2076100100062 into account. 2076100100063 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error: Statistical errors 2076100100064 (ERR-SYS) 3% systematic error. 2076100100065 HISTORY (19771207C) 2076100100066 (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076100100067 (20060807U) Date and reference are corrected. 2076100100068 (20230202A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. 2076100100069 Ref. 75HARWELL,,62 deleted (no data). 2076100100070 ENDBIB 68 0 2076100100071 COMMON 2 3 2076100100072 EN ERR-SYS 2076100100073 MEV PER-CENT 2076100100074 2.9 3. 2076100100075 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2076100100076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 2076100199999 SUBENT 20761002 20230202 23132076100200001 BIB 2 4 2076100200002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,EL)26-FE-0,,DA) 2076100200003 HISTORY (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076100200004 (20060807A) REACTION SF4 added 2076100200005 (20230202U) SD: DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. 2076100200006 ENDBIB 4 0 2076100200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 2076100200008 DATA 3 9 2076100200009 ANG DATA ERR-T 2076100200010 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 2076100200011 20. 956. 48. 2076100200012 34. 565. 29. 2076100200013 48. 230. 12. 2076100200014 62. 57. 3. 2076100200015 76. 20. 2. 2076100200016 90. 41. 2. 2076100200017 104. 63. 4. 2076100200018 132. 74. 5. 2076100200019 160. 86. 5. 2076100200020 ENDDATA 11 0 2076100200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2076100299999 SUBENT 20761003 20230202 23132076100300001 BIB 2 4 2076100300002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,EL)26-FE-0,,POL/DA,,ANA) 2076100300003 HISTORY (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076100300004 (20060807A) REACTION SF4, SF8 added 2076100300005 (20230202U) SD: DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. 2076100300006 ENDBIB 4 0 2076100300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 2076100300008 DATA 3 9 2076100300009 ANG DATA ERR-T 2076100300010 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2076100300011 20. -0.09 0.04 2076100300012 34. -0.05 0.06 2076100300013 48. -0.10 0.07 2076100300014 62. -0.14 0.09 2076100300015 76. 0.19 0.13 2076100300016 90. 0.23 0.10 2076100300017 104. -0.01 0.12 2076100300018 132. -0.28 0.12 2076100300019 160. 0.29 0.12 2076100300020 ENDDATA 11 0 2076100300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2076100399999 SUBENT 20761004 20230202 23132076100400001 BIB 2 4 2076100400002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,EL)29-CU-0,,DA) 2076100400003 HISTORY (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076100400004 (20060807A) REACTION SF4 added 2076100400005 (20230202U) SD: DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. 2076100400006 ENDBIB 4 0 2076100400007 NOCOMMON 0 0 2076100400008 DATA 3 11 2076100400009 ANG DATA ERR-T 2076100400010 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 2076100400011 20. 1006. 50. 2076100400012 30. 702. 35. 2076100400013 40. 400. 20. 2076100400014 50. 167. 10. 2076100400015 60. 58. 4. 2076100400016 70. 29. 2. 2076100400017 80. 51. 4. 2076100400018 90. 80. 5. 2076100400019 104. 98. 6. 2076100400020 132. 55. 4. 2076100400021 160. 36. 3. 2076100400022 ENDDATA 13 0 2076100400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2076100499999 SUBENT 20761005 20230202 23132076100500001 BIB 2 4 2076100500002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,EL)29-CU-0,,POL/DA,,ANA) 2076100500003 HISTORY (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076100500004 (20060807A) REACTION SF4, SF8 added 2076100500005 (20230202U) SD: DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. 2076100500006 ENDBIB 4 0 2076100500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 2076100500008 DATA 3 10 2076100500009 ANG DATA ERR-T 2076100500010 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2076100500011 20. -0.03 0.05 2076100500012 30. -0.09 0.05 2076100500013 40. -0.05 0.06 2076100500014 50. -0.12 0.11 2076100500015 70. 0.28 0.15 2076100500016 80. 0.22 0.12 2076100500017 90. 0.23 0.10 2076100500018 104. 0.03 0.17 2076100500019 132. -0.41 0.20 2076100500020 160. 0.50 0.21 2076100500021 ENDDATA 12 0 2076100500022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2076100599999 SUBENT 20761006 20230202 23132076100600001 BIB 3 5 2076100600002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,SCT)53-I-127,PAR,DA) 2076100600003 CORRECTION Without correction for inelastic scattering. 2076100600004 HISTORY (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076100600005 (20230202A) SD: SF3=EL -> SCT and SF5=PAR added to 2076100600006 REACTION code. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. E-LVL-MAX added. 2076100600007 ENDBIB 5 0 2076100600008 COMMON 1 3 2076100600009 E-LVL-MAX 2076100600010 MEV 2076100600011 0.745 2076100600012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2076100600013 DATA 3 9 2076100600014 ANG DATA ERR-T 2076100600015 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 2076100600016 20. 1597. 80. 2076100600017 34. 1102. 55. 2076100600018 48. 489. 25. 2076100600019 62. 149. 8. 2076100600020 76. 126. 6. 2076100600021 90. 58. 3. 2076100600022 104. 46. 3. 2076100600023 132. 103. 6. 2076100600024 160. 109. 6. 2076100600025 ENDDATA 11 0 2076100600026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2076100699999 SUBENT 20761007 20230202 23132076100700001 BIB 3 5 2076100700002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,EL)53-I-127,,POL/DA,,ANA) 2076100700003 CORRECTION Without correction for inelastic scattering. 2076100700004 HISTORY (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076100700005 (20060807A) REACTION SF8 added 2076100700006 (20230202U) SD: DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. 2076100700007 ENDBIB 5 0 2076100700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2076100700009 DATA 3 9 2076100700010 ANG DATA ERR-T 2076100700011 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2076100700012 20. -0.09 0.06 2076100700013 34. 0.11 0.05 2076100700014 48. 0.06 0.08 2076100700015 62. 0.07 0.08 2076100700016 76. 0.46 0.10 2076100700017 90. 0.41 0.10 2076100700018 104. 0.01 0.16 2076100700019 132. -0.29 0.13 2076100700020 160. 0.23 0.13 2076100700021 ENDDATA 11 0 2076100700022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2076100799999 SUBENT 20761008 20230202 23132076100800001 BIB 3 5 2076100800002 REACTION (80-HG-0(N,EL)80-HG-0,,DA) 2076100800003 CORRECTION Without correction for inelastic scattering. 2076100800004 HISTORY (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076100800005 (20060807A) REACTION SF4 added 2076100800006 (20230202U) SD: DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. 2076100800007 ENDBIB 5 0 2076100800008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2076100800009 DATA 3 9 2076100800010 ANG DATA ERR-T 2076100800011 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 2076100800012 20. 3410. 170. 2076100800013 34. 1602. 80. 2076100800014 48. 360. 18. 2076100800015 62. 42. 2. 2076100800016 76. 135. 7. 2076100800017 90. 197. 10. 2076100800018 104. 134. 7. 2076100800019 132. 64. 4. 2076100800020 160. 117. 6. 2076100800021 ENDDATA 11 0 2076100800022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2076100899999 SUBENT 20761009 20230202 23132076100900001 BIB 3 5 2076100900002 REACTION (80-HG-0(N,EL)80-HG-0,,POL/DA,,ANA) 2076100900003 CORRECTION Without correction for inelastic scattering. 2076100900004 HISTORY (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076100900005 (20060807A) REACTION SF4, SF8 added 2076100900006 (20230202U) SD: DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. 2076100900007 ENDBIB 5 0 2076100900008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2076100900009 DATA 3 9 2076100900010 ANG DATA ERR-T 2076100900011 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2076100900012 20. 0.17 0.04 2076100900013 34. 0.14 0.05 2076100900014 48. 0.28 0.07 2076100900015 62. 0.30 0.13 2076100900016 76. 0.42 0.10 2076100900017 90. -0.18 0.09 2076100900018 104. -0.27 0.11 2076100900019 132. -0.27 0.15 2076100900020 160. -0.30 0.12 2076100900021 ENDDATA 11 0 2076100900022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2076100999999 SUBENT 20761010 20230202 23132076101000001 BIB 2 4 2076101000002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,DA) 2076101000003 HISTORY (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076101000004 (20060807A) REACTION SF4 added 2076101000005 (20230202U) SD: DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. 2076101000006 ENDBIB 4 0 2076101000007 NOCOMMON 0 0 2076101000008 DATA 3 11 2076101000009 ANG DATA ERR-T 2076101000010 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 2076101000011 20. 3825. 190. 2076101000012 34. 1937. 97. 2076101000013 48. 465. 24. 2076101000014 62. 188. 10. 2076101000015 76. 275. 14. 2076101000016 90. 296. 15. 2076101000017 104. 249. 14. 2076101000018 118. 167. 11. 2076101000019 132. 106. 6. 2076101000020 146. 165. 11. 2076101000021 160. 352. 19. 2076101000022 ENDDATA 13 0 2076101000023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2076101099999 SUBENT 20761011 20230202 23132076101100001 BIB 2 4 2076101100002 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,POL/DA,,ANA) 2076101100003 HISTORY (19800805A) BIB and common sections corrected. 2076101100004 (20060807A) REACTION SF4, SF8 added 2076101100005 (20230202U) SD: DATA-ERR -> ERR-T. 2076101100006 ENDBIB 4 0 2076101100007 NOCOMMON 0 0 2076101100008 DATA 3 11 2076101100009 ANG DATA ERR-T 2076101100010 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM 2076101100011 20. 0.18 0.04 2076101100012 34. 0.13 0.05 2076101100013 48. -0.12 0.08 2076101100014 62. 0.23 0.10 2076101100015 76. 0.05 0.10 2076101100016 90. 0.25 0.08 2076101100017 104. -0.46 0.11 2076101100018 118. -0.65 0.17 2076101100019 132. -0.29 0.11 2076101100020 146. 0.13 0.16 2076101100021 160. -0.27 0.09 2076101100022 ENDDATA 13 0 2076101100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2076101199999 ENDENTRY 11 0 2076199999999