ENTRY 23521 20190604 22802352100000001 SUBENT 23521001 20190603 22802352100100001 BIB 5 6 2352100100002 TITLE Resonance phenomena in the interaction of fast neutrons2352100100003 with beryllium and aluminium 2352100100004 AUTHOR (K.W.Allen, W.E.Burcham, D.H.Wilkinson) 2352100100005 REFERENCE (J,PRS/A,192,114,1947) 2352100100006 INSTITUTE (2UK CAV) 2352100100007 HISTORY (20190604C) M.M. 2352100100008 ENDBIB 6 0 2352100100009 NOCOMMON 0 0 2352100100010 ENDSUBENT 9 0 2352100199999 SUBENT 23521002 20190604 22802352100200001 BIB 9 35 2352100200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,TOT),,SIG) 2352100200003 REL-REF (A,,E.Amaldi+,J,PR,56,881,1939) 2352100200004 (A,11178003,W.E.Good+,J,PR,59,917(19),1941) 2352100200005 A,,A.I.Leipunski,J.Phys.USSR,3,231,1940 2352100200006 INC-SOURCE Deuteron beam of ~50 microA at 930keV bombards targets 2352100200007 of heavy phosphoric acid (neutrons of 1.8 - 3.75 MeV) 2352100200008 or carbon (neutrons of 0.35-0.55 MeV), mounted on a 2352100200009 brass plate. 2352100200010 Measurements were done at different angles relative to 2352100200011 the deuteron beam. 2352100200012 (D-D) 2352100200013 (D-C12) 2352100200014 SAMPLE Be samples - cylinders of 3.8 cm diameter, placed at 2352100200015 27 cm distance from the neutron source. 2352100200016 . Be (75.4%) - Al(24.6%) alloy . 2352100200017 . Separate Al sample. 2352100200018 . Pure Be samples. 2352100200019 DETECTOR (IOCH) Ionization chamber of 2.5 cm diameter, filled 2352100200020 with 3 atm of argon and 0.7 atm of hydrogen, placed 2352100200021 at 27 cm from Be sample. 2352100200022 . Similar ionization chamber - to monitor the primary 2352100200023 neutron density. 2352100200024 Arrangement of sample and ionization chamber moves in 2352100200025 horizontal plane and was fixed at angle between 0 and 2352100200026 150 deg angle. 2352100200027 METHOD (TRN) 2352100200028 CORRECTION For backgrounds - ~10%. 2352100200029 For neutron beam variation. 2352100200030 For spread of incident neutrons to obtain monoenergy 2352100200031 cross section - maximally 6% for Be. 2352100200032 For finite size of samples and ionization chamber <1%.2352100200033 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Estimated error from different runs. 2352100200034 . Quantization errors: 2352100200035 scale X- 0.0030 MeV, scale Y - 0.0050 b . 2352100200036 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 of J,PRS/A,192,114,1947 2352100200037 ENDBIB 35 0 2352100200038 COMMON 3 3 2352100200039 DATA-ERR EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 2352100200040 PER-CENT MEV B 2352100200041 3. 0.0019 0.0037 2352100200042 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352100200043 DATA 2 14 2352100200044 EN DATA 2352100200045 MEV B 2352100200046 0.4258 3.2572 2352100200047 0.4712 3.3583 2352100200048 0.5469 3.5098 2352100200049 0.6517 3.3053 2352100200050 1.7854 1.4527 2352100200051 2.0120 1.7447 2352100200052 2.1635 2.0885 2352100200053 2.3446 2.2388 2352100200054 2.5863 2.5612 2352100200055 2.8768 2.3647 2352100200056 3.1675 2.2698 2352100200057 3.5034 2.1541 2352100200058 3.8190 1.9980 2352100200059 3.9942 1.8232 2352100200060 ENDDATA 16 0 2352100200061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 2352100299999 SUBENT 23521003 20190604 22802352100300001 BIB 9 30 2352100300002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,TOT),,SIG) 2352100300003 REL-REF (A,11136010,W.H.Zinn+,J,PR,56,260,1939) 2352100300004 (A,,K.Kikuchi+,J,SCP,34,865,1938) 2352100300005 (A,,M.R.MacPhail,J,PR,57,669,1940) 2352100300006 (A,,H.Aoki,J,JMJ,21,232,1939) 2352100300007 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 2352100300008 Deuteron beam of ~50 microA at 930keV bombards targets 2352100300009 of heavy phosphoric acid (neutrons of 1.8 - 3.75 MeV) 2352100300010 Measurements were done at different angles relative to 2352100300011 the deuteron beam. 2352100300012 SAMPLE . Separate Al sample. 2352100300013 DETECTOR (IOCH) Ionization chamber of 2.5 cm diameter, filled 2352100300014 with 3 atm of argon and 0.7 atm of hydrogen, placed 2352100300015 at 27 cm from sample. 2352100300016 . Similar ionization chamber - to monitor the primary 2352100300017 neutron density. 2352100300018 Arrangement of sample and ionization chamber moves in 2352100300019 horizontal plane and was fixed at angle between 0 and 2352100300020 150 deg angle. 2352100300021 METHOD (TRN) 2352100300022 CORRECTION For backgrounds - ~10%. 2352100300023 For neutron beam variation. 2352100300024 For spread of incident neutrons to obtain monoenergy 2352100300025 cross section - maximally 10% for Al . 2352100300026 For finite size of samples and ionization chamber <1%.2352100300027 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Estimated error from different runs. 2352100300028 . Quantization errors: 2352100300029 scale X- 0.0015 MeV, scale Y - 0.0015 b . 2352100300030 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 of J,PRS/A,192,114,1947 2352100300031 (COREL,23521004) data measured with C12(d,n) source 2352100300032 ENDBIB 30 0 2352100300033 COMMON 3 3 2352100300034 DATA-ERR EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 2352100300035 PER-CENT MEV B 2352100300036 3. 0.0045 0.0024 2352100300037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352100300038 DATA 2 19 2352100300039 EN DATA 2352100300040 MEV B 2352100300041 2.0045 2.7574 2352100300042 2.1590 2.8188 2352100300043 2.2821 2.3574 2352100300044 2.3467 2.1267 2352100300045 2.4215 2.8090 2352100300046 2.5370 2.9030 2352100300047 2.6646 2.6218 2352100300048 2.7114 2.7273 2352100300049 2.7660 2.6137 2352100300050 2.8099 2.3558 2352100300051 2.8413 2.8756 2352100300052 2.8930 2.7589 2352100300053 3.0165 2.6128 2352100300054 3.1689 2.5630 2352100300055 3.2738 2.5069 2352100300056 3.3784 2.4657 2352100300057 3.5242 2.5090 2352100300058 3.7090 2.5105 2352100300059 3.7836 2.5112 2352100300060 ENDDATA 21 0 2352100300061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 2352100399999 SUBENT 23521004 20190604 22802352100400001 BIB 8 25 2352100400002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,TOT),,SIG) 2352100400003 INC-SOURCE (D-C12) 2352100400004 Deuteron beam of ~50 microA at 930keV bombards targets 2352100400005 of carbon (neutrons of 0.35-0.55 MeV), mounted on a 2352100400006 brass plate. 2352100400007 Measurements were done at different angles relative to 2352100400008 the deuteron beam. 2352100400009 SAMPLE . Separate Al sample. 2352100400010 DETECTOR (IOCH) Ionization chamber of 2.5 cm diameter, filled 2352100400011 with 3 atm of argon and 0.7 atm of hydrogen, placed 2352100400012 at 27 cm from sample. 2352100400013 . Similar ionization chamber - to monitor the primary 2352100400014 neutron density. 2352100400015 Arrangement of sample and ionization chamber moves in 2352100400016 horizontal plane and was fixed at angle between 0 and 2352100400017 150 deg angle. 2352100400018 METHOD (TRN) 2352100400019 CORRECTION For backgrounds - ~10%. 2352100400020 For neutron beam variation. 2352100400021 For spread of incident neutrons to obtain monoenergy 2352100400022 cross section - maximally 10% for Al . 2352100400023 For finite size of samples and ionization chamber <1%.2352100400024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Estimated error from different runs. 2352100400025 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 121 of J,PRS/A,192,114,1947 2352100400026 (COREL,23521003) data measured with D(d,n) source 2352100400027 ENDBIB 25 0 2352100400028 COMMON 1 3 2352100400029 DATA-ERR 2352100400030 PER-CENT 2352100400031 3. 2352100400032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352100400033 DATA 2 2 2352100400034 EN DATA 2352100400035 MEV B 2352100400036 0.35 3.85 2352100400037 0.55 3.55 2352100400038 ENDDATA 4 0 2352100400039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2352100499999 SUBENT 23521005 20190604 22802352100500001 BIB 10 21 2352100500002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,A)2-HE-6,,SIG) 2352100500003 REL-REF (D,,Bjerge,T,BJERGE,1938) ~1.0 b 2352100500004 Dissertation, Copenhagen. 2352100500005 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 2352100500006 Deuteron beam of ~50 microA at 930keV bombards targets 2352100500007 of heavy phosphoric acid (neutrons of 1.8 - 3.75 MeV) 2352100500008 Measurements were done at different angles relative to 2352100500009 the deuteron beam. 2352100500010 SAMPLE Be-Al alloy served also as Geiger counter tube 2352100500011 DETECTOR (GEMUC) Geiger counter: Al-Be alloy tube of 5.8 cm 2352100500012 length, internal diameter 1.34 cm, external diameter 2352100500013 1.94 cm; glass sheets (0.3cm) at the ends counter wire;2352100500014 filled with mixture of 6 cm Ar and 1.5 cm of alcohol. 2352100500015 (IOCH) Ionization chamber - to monitor the neutron flux2352100500016 METHOD (ACTIV) Cyclic activation of counter 2352100500017 DECAY-DATA (2-HE-6,0.80SEC,B-) 0.80+-0.06 sec measured. 2352100500018 CORRECTION For backgrounds . 2352100500019 ERR-ANALYS . Quantization errors: 2352100500020 scale X- 0.0020 MeV, scale Y - 0.000050 b . 2352100500021 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.8 of J,PRS/A,192,114,1947 2352100500022 (COREL,23521006) data measured with C12(d,n) source 2352100500023 ENDBIB 21 0 2352100500024 COMMON 2 3 2352100500025 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 2352100500026 MEV B 2352100500027 0.0029 0.000034 2352100500028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352100500029 DATA 2 10 2352100500030 EN DATA 2352100500031 MEV B 2352100500032 1.8394 0.029632 2352100500033 1.9625 0.032932 2352100500034 2.1400 0.036638 2352100500035 2.3669 0.041345 2352100500036 2.6084 0.046751 2352100500037 2.9017 0.044692 2352100500038 3.2393 0.043436 2352100500039 3.5416 0.044566 2352100500040 3.8436 0.046393 2352100500041 3.9963 0.050295 2352100500042 ENDDATA 12 0 2352100500043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2352100599999 SUBENT 23521006 20190604 22802352100600001 BIB 9 19 2352100600002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,A)2-HE-6,,SIG) 2352100600003 INC-SOURCE (D-C12) 2352100600004 Deuteron beam of ~50 microA at 930keV bombards carbon 2352100600005 target. 2352100600006 Measurements were done at different angles relative to 2352100600007 the deuteron beam. 2352100600008 SAMPLE Be-Al alloy served also as Geiger counter tube 2352100600009 DETECTOR (GEMUC) Geiger counter: Al-Be alloy tube of 5.8 cm 2352100600010 length, internal diameter 1.34 cm, external diameter 2352100600011 1.94 cm; glass sheets (0.3cm) at the ends counter wire;2352100600012 filled with mixture of 6 cm Ar and 1.5 cm of alcohol. 2352100600013 (IOCH) Ionization chamber - to monitor the neutron flux2352100600014 METHOD (ACTIV) Cyclic activation of counter 2352100600015 DECAY-DATA (2-HE-6,0.80SEC,B-) 0.80+-0.06 sec measured. 2352100600016 CORRECTION For backgrounds . 2352100600017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2352100600018 article. 2352100600019 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 124 of J,PRS/A,192,114,1947 2352100600020 (COREL,23521005) data measured with D(d,n) source 2352100600021 ENDBIB 19 0 2352100600022 NOCOMMON 0 0 2352100600023 DATA 3 1 2352100600024 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2352100600025 KEV B B 2352100600026 600. 0.0006 0.0008 2352100600027 ENDDATA 3 0 2352100600028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2352100699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 2352199999999