ENTRY 30046 20231006 32103004600000001 SUBENT 30046001 20231006 32103004600100001 BIB 11 68 3004600100002 TITLE Prompt nubar measurements for thermal neutron fission 3004600100003 AUTHOR (J.W.Boldeman, A.W.Dalton) 3004600100004 INSTITUTE (3AULAUA) 3004600100005 REFERENCE (R,AAEC/E-172,1967) 3004600100006 (J,NSE,91,114,1985) Revised 252Cf(sf) P(nu) in table 3004600100007 (J,AEA,18,(2),2,1975) Revised 252Cf(sf) nu-bar in table3004600100008 (C,73KIEV,4,83,1973) Revised 252Cf(sf) nu-bar in table 3004600100009 FACILITY (REAC,3AULAUA) 10 KW UTR-10 reactor MOATA 3004600100010 DETECTOR (STANK) NE323 liquid scintillator tank (76 cm diam., 3004600100011 240 l) loaded with 0.5% by weight Gd. 3004600100012 Scintillations viewed by 12 photo-multipliers 3004600100013 connected in 3 coincident banks of four to minimize 3004600100014 spurious counts. 3004600100015 Axial tube 3 inch in diameter through tank allowed 3004600100016 passage of neutron beam and held fission counter. 3004600100017 Efficiency measured with Cf252 source. 3004600100018 Analysed influence on efficiency of Pm-gain, fission 3004600100019 counter position, neutron energy, fission counter 3004600100020 bias level and dead time. 3004600100021 (FISCH) Fast parallel plate ionization chamber to 3004600100022 record fissions 3004600100023 METHOD Gadolinium bath in coincidence with pulses from fission3004600100024 counter. 3004600100025 Coincidence resolving time 21 ns. 3004600100026 Gated neutron recording time 40 us. 3004600100027 After 100 us waiting period background recorded for 3004600100028 40 us. 3004600100029 At end of entire counting cycle contents of temporary 3004600100030 store transferred to multiple event counter provided 3004600100031 second detectable fission event had not occurred. 3004600100032 If so contents temporary store were erased. 3004600100033 REL-REF (M,,B.C.Diven+,J,PR,101,1012,1956) 3004600100034 Formula to calculate probability distribution 3004600100035 event were calculated with formula of Diven (1956). 3004600100036 CORRECTION The following corrections were taken in consideration, 3004600100037 - counter drifts 3004600100038 - fission by fast neutrons 3004600100039 - impurities 3004600100040 - counter location 3004600100041 - false gates 3004600100042 - preferential detection anisotropy 3004600100043 - fission spectra differences 3004600100044 - dead time 3004600100045 - double fission inhibit 3004600100046 - delayed gamma rays 3004600100047 - electronic errors 3004600100048 -varying background. 3004600100049 The efficiency curve has a slope of 0.245% per 0.1 MeV 3004600100050 change in the mean energy of the fission neutron 3004600100051 spectra, for which the following values were assumed: 3004600100052 U-233 1.974 MeV 3004600100053 U-235 1.935 MeV 3004600100054 Pu-239 2.084 MeV 3004600100055 Pu-241 1.987 MeV 3004600100056 Cf-252 2.150 MeV 3004600100057 COMMENT The data given here represent a consistent set of 3004600100058 correlated absolute nu-bar values for the 5 nuclides 3004600100059 considered, as resulting from the experiments and 3004600100060 analysis of corrections at lucas heights. 3004600100061 Other publications by same authors give different 3004600100062 values which are related to different values of 3004600100063 252Cf(sf) nu-bar. 3004600100064 HISTORY (19721129A) Data revised by Boldeman 3004600100065 (19770112A) ISO-QUANT correction. Ref., comment added 3004600100066 (20080215A) BIB section updated 3004600100067 (20120504A) VS. INC-SOURCE moved from 001 to 002-005. 3004600100068 (20150522U) VS Subent. 006 STATUS updated. 3004600100069 (20231006A) On. Data in 002-005 restored.007-011 added.3004600100070 ENDBIB 68 0 3004600100071 NOCOMMON 0 0 3004600100072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 3004600199999 SUBENT 30046002 20231006 32103004600200001 BIB 8 36 3004600200002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW) 3004600200003 EXP-YEAR (1972) 3004600200004 SAMPLE 2.1 mg, electroplated onto Ni disc (0.006 inch thick) 3004600200005 (92-U-233,ENR=0.9927) 3004600200006 (92-U-234,ENR=0.0007) 3004600200007 (92-U-235,ENR=0.0004) 3004600200008 (92-U-236,ENR=0.0007) 3004600200009 (92-U-238,ENR=0.0053) 3004600200010 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) Collimated beam of thermal neutrons 1 in diam. 3004600200011 Maximum flux 2.5E10+03 n/cm2/sec. 3004600200012 CORRECTION Corrected for 3004600200013 - false gates (0.015%) 3004600200014 - preferential detection (0.02%) 3004600200015 - dead time (-0.20%) 3004600200016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR1) Absolute error 3004600200017 (DATA-ERR2) Error relative to 252Cf(sf) nu-bar: 3004600200018 Error-contributions in % 3004600200019 for absolute and relative error 3004600200020 statistics U-233/Cf-252 0.168% 3004600200021 french effect 0.10% 3004600200022 delayed gammas Cf-252 0.07% 3004600200023 delayed gammas U-233 0.18% 3004600200024 shape of efficiency curve 0.17% 3004600200025 mean en of Maxwellian (+/-0.03MeV) 0.07% 3004600200026 for absolute error only 3004600200027 statistics Cf-252/proton recoil 0.24% 3004600200028 background in recoil counter 0.10% 3004600200029 for relative error only 3004600200030 mean En of Maxw Cf-252(+/-0.05 MeV) 0.12% 3004600200031 STATUS (TABLE,,J.W.Boldeman+,W,BOLDEMAN,19721107) Letter 3004600200032 (SPSDD,30772002) 3004600200033 HISTORY (19670328R) Data received from Symonds on tape 3004600200034 (19670418C) Data compiled into DASTAR 3004600200035 (19701124T) Transformed from DASTAR-00136 3004600200036 (19721129A) Data revised by Boldeman. HDL(FM)3004600200037 (20231006S) On. Data restored from TRANS.3009. 3004600200038 ENDBIB 36 0 3004600200039 NOCOMMON 0 0 3004600200040 DATA 4 1 3004600200041 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR1 DATA-ERR2 3004600200042 EV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 3004600200043 0.0253 2.455 0.010 0.009 3004600200044 ENDDATA 3 0 3004600200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 3004600299999 SUBENT 30046003 20231006 32103004600300001 BIB 8 35 3004600300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW) 3004600300003 EXP-YEAR (1972) 3004600300004 SAMPLE 8.1 mg, electroplated onto Ni disc (0.006 inch thick) 3004600300005 (92-U-234,ENR=0.0128) 3004600300006 (92-U-235,ENR=0.9272) 3004600300007 (92-U-236,ENR=0.00254) 3004600300008 (92-U-238,ENR=0.0575) 3004600300009 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) Collimated beam of thermal neutrons 1 in diam. 3004600300010 Maximum flux 2.5E10+03 n/cm2/sec. 3004600300011 CORRECTION Corrected for 3004600300012 - false gates (0.010%) 3004600300013 - preferential detection (0.05%) 3004600300014 - dead time (-0.30%) 3004600300015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR1) Absolute error 3004600300016 (DATA-ERR2) Error relative to 252Cf(sf) nu-bar: 3004600300017 Error contributions in percent= 3004600300018 for absolute and relative error 3004600300019 statistics U-235/Cf-252 0.103% 3004600300020 french effect 0.10% 3004600300021 delayed gammas Cf-252 0.07% 3004600300022 delayed gammas U-235 0.18% 3004600300023 shape of efficiency curve 0.17% 3004600300024 mean En of Maxwellian (+/-0.03 MeV) 0.07% 3004600300025 for absolute error only 3004600300026 statistics Cf-252/proton recoil 0.24% 3004600300027 background in recoil counter 0.10% 3004600300028 for relative error only 3004600300029 mean En of Maxw Cf-252(+/-0.05 MeV) 0.12% 3004600300030 STATUS (TABLE,,J.W.Boldeman+,W,BOLDEMAN,19721107) Letter 3004600300031 (SPSDD,30772003) 3004600300032 HISTORY (19670328R) Data received from Symonds on tape 3004600300033 (19670418C) Data compiled into DASTAR 3004600300034 (19701124T) Data transformed from DASTAR-00137 3004600300035 (19721129A) Data revised by Boldeman. HDL(FM)3004600300036 (20231006S) On. Data restored from TRANS.3009. 3004600300037 ENDBIB 35 0 3004600300038 NOCOMMON 0 0 3004600300039 DATA 4 1 3004600300040 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR1 DATA-ERR2 3004600300041 EV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 3004600300042 0.0253 2.379 0.010 0.008 3004600300043 ENDDATA 3 0 3004600300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 3004600399999 SUBENT 30046004 20231006 32103004600400001 BIB 8 33 3004600400002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW) 3004600400003 EXP-YEAR (1972) 3004600400004 SAMPLE 0.7 mg, electroplated onto a Ni disc (0.006 inch thick)3004600400005 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9983) 3004600400006 (94-PU-240,ENR=0.0017) 3004600400007 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) Collimated beam of thermal neutrons 1 in diam. 3004600400008 Maximum flux 2.5E10+03 n/cm2/sec. 3004600400009 CORRECTION Corrected for 3004600400010 - impurities 240Pu (0.004%) 3004600400011 - false gates (0.02%) 3004600400012 - dead time (-0.05%) 3004600400013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR1) Absolute error 3004600400014 (DATA-ERR2) Error relative to 252Cf(sf) nu-bar: 3004600400015 Error contributions in percent= 3004600400016 for absolute and relative error 3004600400017 statistics Pu-239/Cf-252 0.155% 3004600400018 french effect 0.10% 3004600400019 delayed gammas Cf-252 0.07% 3004600400020 delayed gammas Pu-239 0.17% 3004600400021 shape of efficiency curve 0.17% 3004600400022 mean En of Maxwellian (+/-0.03MeV) 0.07% 3004600400023 for absolute error only 3004600400024 statistics Cf-252/proton recoil 0.24% 3004600400025 background in recoil counter 0.10% 3004600400026 for relative error only 3004600400027 mean En of Maxw Cf-252(+/-0.05 MeV) 0.12% 3004600400028 STATUS (TABLE,,J.W.Boldeman+,W,BOLDEMAN,19721107) Letter 3004600400029 (SPSDD,30772004) 3004600400030 HISTORY (19670328R) Data received from Symonds on tape 3004600400031 (19670418C) Data entered into DASTAR 3004600400032 (19701124T) Data transformed from DASTAR-00138 3004600400033 (19721129A) Data revised by Boldeman. HDL(FM)3004600400034 (20231006S) On. Data restored from TRANS.3009. 3004600400035 ENDBIB 33 0 3004600400036 NOCOMMON 0 0 3004600400037 DATA 4 1 3004600400038 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR1 DATA-ERR2 3004600400039 EV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 3004600400040 0.0253 2.862 0.012 0.010 3004600400041 ENDDATA 3 0 3004600400042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 3004600499999 SUBENT 30046005 20231006 32103004600500001 BIB 8 37 3004600500002 REACTION (94-PU-241(N,F),PR,NU,,MXW) 3004600500003 EXP-YEAR (1972) 3004600500004 SAMPLE 2.8 mg, electroplated onto a Ni disc (0.006 inch thick)3004600500005 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.0144) 3004600500006 (94-PU-240,ENR=0.0569) 3004600500007 (94-PU-241,ENR=0.9178) 3004600500008 (94-PU-242,ENR=0.0109) 3004600500009 INC-SOURCE (THCOL) Collimated beam of thermal neutrons 1 in diam. 3004600500010 Maximum flux 2.5E10+03 n/cm2/sec. 3004600500011 CORRECTION Corrected for 3004600500012 - impurities Pu239 (0.014%) 3004600500013 - impurities Pu240 (0.17%) 3004600500014 - impurities Pu242 (0.040%) 3004600500015 - false gates (0.014%) 3004600500016 - preferential detection (0.02%) 3004600500017 - dead time (-0.10%) 3004600500018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR1) Absolute error 3004600500019 (DATA-ERR2) Error relative to 252Cf(sf) nu-bar: 3004600500020 Error contributions in percent= 3004600500021 for absolute and relative error 3004600500022 statistics Pu-241/Cf-252 0.108% 3004600500023 french effect 0.10% 3004600500024 delayed gammas Cf-252 0.07% 3004600500025 delayed gammas Pu-241 0.17% 3004600500026 shape of efficiency curve 0.17% 3004600500027 mean en of Maxwellian (+/-0.03 MeV) 0.07% 3004600500028 for absolute error only 3004600500029 statistics Cf-252/proton recoil 0.24% 3004600500030 background in recoil counter 0.10% 3004600500031 for relative error only 3004600500032 mean en of Maxw Cf-252(+/-0.05 MeV) 0.12% 3004600500033 STATUS (TABLE,,J.W.Boldeman+,W,BOLDEMAN,19721107) Letter 3004600500034 (SPSDD,30772005) 3004600500035 HISTORY (19670328R) Data received from symonds on tape 3004600500036 (19670418C) Data compiled into DASTAR 3004600500037 (19701124T) Data transformed from DASTAR-00139 3004600500038 (20231006S) On. Data restored from TRANS.3009. 3004600500039 ENDBIB 37 0 3004600500040 NOCOMMON 0 0 3004600500041 DATA 4 1 3004600500042 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR1 DATA-ERR2 3004600500043 EV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 3004600500044 0.0253 2.896 0.011 0.009 3004600500045 ENDDATA 3 0 3004600500046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 3004600599999 SUBENT 30046006 20231006 32103004600600001 BIB 4 10 3004600600002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU) 3004600600003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty 3004600600004 STATUS (TABLE,,R.L.Walsh,J,AEA,18,(2),2,1975) Text (p.7) 3004600600005 (SPSDD,31761002) 3004600600006 HISTORY (19670328R) Data received from Symonds on tape 3004600600007 (19670418C) Data entered into DASTAR 3004600600008 (19701124T) Data transformed from Dastar-00140 3004600600009 (19770121U) Reference and comment added. YAG. 3004600600010 (20150522U) VS Subent. 006 STATUS updated. 3004600600011 (20231006S) On. Data restored from TRANS.3023. 3004600600012 ENDBIB 10 0 3004600600013 NOCOMMON 0 0 3004600600014 DATA 2 1 3004600600015 DATA DATA-ERR 3004600600016 PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 3004600600017 3.735 0.014 3004600600018 ENDDATA 3 0 3004600600019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 3004600699999 SUBENT 30046007 20231006 32103004600700001 BIB 7 10 3004600700002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F),NUM,NU,,MXW) 3004600700003 EXP-YEAR (1966) 3004600700004 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-233(N,F),PR,NU) 3004600700005 ADD-RES = 7.416 +/- 0.034 3004600700006 var(nu)= 1.099 +/- 0.004 3004600700007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Experimental reproducibility 3004600700008 STATUS (TABLE,,J.W.Boldeman+,R,AAEC/E-172,1967) Table 10 3004600700009 (DEP,30046002) nu-bar 3004600700010 (SPSDD,30772009) 3004600700011 HISTORY (20231006C) On 3004600700012 ENDBIB 10 0 3004600700013 COMMON 3 3 3004600700014 EN-DUMMY ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 3004600700015 EV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 3004600700016 0.0253 2.492 0.008 3004600700017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3004600700018 DATA 3 7 3004600700019 PART-OUT DATA DATA-ERR 3004600700020 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 3004600700021 0. 0.0259 0.0010 3004600700022 1. 0.1526 0.0020 3004600700023 2. 0.3289 0.0034 3004600700024 3. 0.3282 0.0035 3004600700025 4. 0.1320 0.0017 3004600700026 5. 0.0252 0.0020 3004600700027 6. 0.0045 0.0020 3004600700028 ENDDATA 9 0 3004600700029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 3004600799999 SUBENT 30046008 20231006 32103004600800001 BIB 7 10 3004600800002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),NUM,NU,,MXW) 3004600800003 EXP-YEAR (1966) 3004600800004 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F),PR,NU) 3004600800005 ADD-RES = 7.073 +/- 0.032 3004600800006 var(nu)= 1.112 +/- 0.004 3004600800007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Experimental reproducibility 3004600800008 STATUS (TABLE,,J.W.Boldeman+,R,AAEC/E-172,1967) Table 10 3004600800009 (DEP,30046003) nu-bar 3004600800010 (SPSDD,30772010) 3004600800011 HISTORY (20231006C) On 3004600800012 ENDBIB 10 0 3004600800013 COMMON 3 3 3004600800014 EN-DUMMY ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 3004600800015 EV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 3004600800016 0.0253 2.416 0.008 3004600800017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3004600800018 DATA 3 7 3004600800019 PART-OUT DATA DATA-ERR 3004600800020 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 3004600800021 0. 0.0313 0.0060 3004600800022 1. 0.1729 0.0016 3004600800023 2. 0.3336 0.0029 3004600800024 3. 0.3078 0.0029 3004600800025 4. 0.1232 0.0016 3004600800026 5. 0.0275 0.0020 3004600800027 6. 0.0038 0.0015 3004600800028 ENDDATA 9 0 3004600800029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 3004600899999 SUBENT 30046009 20231006 32103004600900001 BIB 7 10 3004600900002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,F),NUM,NU,,MXW) 3004600900003 EXP-YEAR (1966) 3004600900004 ASSUMED (ASSUM,94-PU-239(N,F),PR,NU) 3004600900005 ADD-RES = 9.838 +/- 0.040 3004600900006 var(nu)= 1.185 +/- 0.005 3004600900007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Experimental reproducibility 3004600900008 STATUS (TABLE,,J.W.Boldeman+,R,AAEC/E-172,1967) Table 10 3004600900009 (DEP,30046004) nu-bar 3004600900010 (SPSDD,30772011) 3004600900011 HISTORY (20231006C) On 3004600900012 ENDBIB 10 0 3004600900013 COMMON 3 3 3004600900014 EN-DUMMY ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 3004600900015 EV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 3004600900016 0.0253 2.904 0.008 3004600900017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3004600900018 DATA 3 7 3004600900019 PART-OUT DATA DATA-ERR 3004600900020 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 3004600900021 0. 0.0094 0.0010 3004600900022 1. 0.0990 0.0027 3004600900023 2. 0.2696 0.0034 3004600900024 3. 0.3297 0.0035 3004600900025 4. 0.1982 0.0030 3004600900026 5. 0.0924 0.0040 3004600900027 6. 0.0119 0.0020 3004600900028 ENDDATA 9 0 3004600900029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 3004600999999 SUBENT 30046010 20231006 32103004601000001 BIB 7 10 3004601000002 REACTION (94-PU-241(N,F),NUM,NU,,MXW) 3004601000003 EXP-YEAR (1966) 3004601000004 ASSUMED (ASSUM,94-PU-241(N,F),PR,NU) 3004601000005 ADD-RES =10.063 +/- 0.037 3004601000006 var(nu)= 1.173 +/- 0.004 3004601000007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Experimental reproducibility 3004601000008 STATUS (TABLE,,J.W.Boldeman+,R,AAEC/E-172,1967) Table 10 3004601000009 (DEP,30046005) nu-bar 3004601000010 (SPSDD,30772012) 3004601000011 HISTORY (20231006C) On 3004601000012 ENDBIB 10 0 3004601000013 COMMON 3 3 3004601000014 EN-DUMMY ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 3004601000015 EV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS 3004601000016 0.0253 2.947 0.007 3004601000017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3004601000018 DATA 3 7 3004601000019 PART-OUT DATA DATA-ERR 3004601000020 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 3004601000021 0. 0.0097 0.0010 3004601000022 1. 0.0877 0.0025 3004601000023 2. 0.2636 0.0030 3004601000024 3. 0.3343 0.0032 3004601000025 4. 0.2099 0.0035 3004601000026 5. 0.0811 0.0040 3004601000027 6. 0.0112 0.0020 3004601000028 ENDDATA 9 0 3004601000029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 3004601099999 SUBENT 30046011 20231006 32103004601100001 BIB 7 8 3004601100002 REACTION (98-CF-252(0,F),NUM,NU) 3004601100003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,98-CF-252(0,F),PR,NU) 3004601100004 REL-REF (R,,E.J.Axton,R,EUR-8805,1984) nu-bar=3.757 3004601100005 ADD-RES =15.724 +/- 0.007 3004601100006 var(nu)= 1.607 +/- 0.003 3004601100007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Experimental reproducibility 3004601100008 STATUS (TABLE,,J.W.Boldeman+,J,NSE,91,114,1985) Table III 3004601100009 HISTORY (20231006C) On 3004601100010 ENDBIB 8 0 3004601100011 COMMON 1 3 3004601100012 ASSUM 3004601100013 PRT/FIS 3004601100014 3.757 3004601100015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 3004601100016 DATA 3 9 3004601100017 PART-OUT DATA DATA-ERR 3004601100018 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 3004601100019 0. 0.00212 0.00008 3004601100020 1. 0.02598 0.00025 3004601100021 2. 0.1267 0.0005 3004601100022 3. 0.2734 0.0008 3004601100023 4. 0.3039 0.0010 3004601100024 5. 0.1848 0.0007 3004601100025 6. 0.0657 0.0006 3004601100026 7. 0.0154 0.0003 3004601100027 8. 0.0020 0.0002 3004601100028 ENDDATA 11 0 3004601100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 3004601199999 ENDENTRY 11 0 3004699999999