ENTRY 31408 20240216 32113140800000001 SUBENT 31408001 20240216 32113140800100001 BIB 15 36 3140800100002 TITLE Activation cross section of Zn and Zr for 13-18 MeV 3140800100003 neutrons 3140800100004 AUTHOR (Lu Hanlin, Zhao Wenrong, Yu Weixiang) 3140800100005 INSTITUTE (3CPRAEP) 3140800100006 REFERENCE (J,CNP,13,11,1991) 3140800100007 (R,INDC(CPR)-16,1989) numerical data 3140800100008 FACILITY (VDG,3CPRAEP) 3140800100009 (CCW,3CPRAEP) 3140800100010 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Samples placed around the neutron source at 3140800100011 distances from 2 to 5 cm. 3140800100012 SAMPLE Natural Zn and Zr, 0.5 mm thick and 20 mm in diameter 3140800100013 sandwiched with 0.03 mm thick Nb foils 3140800100014 METHOD (ACTIV) 3140800100015 DETECTOR (GELI) 3140800100016 MONITOR (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG) 3140800100017 DECAY-MON (41-NB-92-M,10.15D,DG,934.,.990) 3140800100018 CORRECTION Corrected for 3140800100019 . gamma-ray self-absorption in samples 3140800100020 . finite area of the source 3140800100021 . sum peak effects 3140800100022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Quadrature sum of errors due to 3140800100023 . reference cross section 3140800100024 . Ge(Li) detector efficiency 3140800100025 . neutron yield variation during irradiation 3140800100026 . sample position 3140800100027 . counting statistics 3140800100028 . corrections 3140800100029 STATUS (TABLE,,Lu Hanlin+,J,CNP,13,11,1991) Table 2 3140800100030 HISTORY (19921102C) HW 3140800100031 (19930119A) HW.- Mispunches corrected in BIB-sections 3140800100032 of Subentries 001 and 005, STATUS altered.- 3140800100033 (19930408U) HW.- REACTION code altered in Subents 3140800100034 002-005.- 3140800100035 (20090730U) SD: Updated to new date formats, lower case3140800100036 (20121228A) VS REACTION code corrected all subentries. 3140800100037 (20240216U) On. REFERENCE(CNP): Issue number deleted. 3140800100038 ENDBIB 36 0 3140800100039 NOCOMMON 0 0 3140800100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 3140800199999 SUBENT 31408002 20130131 31583140800200001 BIB 3 13 3140800200002 REACTION (30-ZN-66(N,2N)30-ZN-65,,SIG) 3140800200003 the contributing 30-Zn-64(n,g)30-Zn-65 3140800200004 reaction also can proceed by scattered and background 3140800200005 neutrons with lower energies as well as by the D-D 3140800200006 neutrons from the self build-up D-target reaction. 3140800200007 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-65,244.1D,DG,1116.,.5075) The gamma rays are 3140800200008 mixed with those of Ni-65 which originate from the 3140800200009 Zn-68(n,alpha)Ni-65 reaction and have the same energy 3140800200010 of 1116 keV. Since the half live corresponding to the 3140800200011 latter is much shorter ( 2.52hr) the activity of Zn-65 3140800200012 could be determined after long enough cooling time. 3140800200013 HISTORY (19930407U) HW.-Reaction code altered.- 3140800200014 (20121228A) VS REACTION code corrected. 3140800200015 ENDBIB 13 0 3140800200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 3140800200017 DATA 6 9 3140800200018 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3140800200019 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB 3140800200020 12.82 0.45 274. 9. 434. 12. 3140800200021 14.09 0.12 588. 13. 457.4 4.73140800200022 14.47 0.17 618. 20. 458.9 4.73140800200023 14.58 0.17 746. 16. 459.1 4.93140800200024 14.78 0.35 739. 24. 458.6 5.63140800200025 14.80 0.19 766. 17. 458.6 5.63140800200026 16.86 0.96 772. 26. 415.0 11.73140800200027 17.63 0.21 793. 26. 396.8 10.53140800200028 17.69 0.25 820. 28. 396.5 11.53140800200029 ENDDATA 11 0 3140800200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 3140800299999 SUBENT 31408003 20130131 31583140800300001 BIB 3 5 3140800300002 REACTION ((30-ZN-67(N,P)29-CU-67,,SIG)+ 3140800300003 (30-ZN-68(N,X)29-CU-67,,SIG,,RAB)) 3140800300004 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-67,61.9HR,DG,185.,.47) 3140800300005 HISTORY (19930407U) HW.-Reaction code altered.- 3140800300006 (20121228A) VS REACTION code corrected. 3140800300007 ENDBIB 5 0 3140800300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 3140800300009 DATA 6 6 3140800300010 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3140800300011 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB 3140800300012 12.82 0.45 38.6 1.4 434. 12. 3140800300013 14.09 0.12 56.8 1.5 457.4 4.73140800300014 14.47 0.17 73.9 2.0 458.9 4.73140800300015 14.80 0.19 76.2 2.2 458.6 5.63140800300016 16.86 0.96 130. 5. 415.0 11.73140800300017 17.63 0.21 165. 6. 396.8 10.53140800300018 ENDDATA 8 0 3140800300019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 3140800399999 SUBENT 31408004 20130131 31583140800400001 BIB 3 11 3140800400002 REACTION (30-ZN-70(N,2N)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG) 3140800400003 The contributing 30-Zn-68(n,g)30-Zn-69-m 3140800400004 reaction also can proceed by scattered and background 3140800400005 neutrons with lower energies as well as by the D-D 3140800400006 neutrons from the self build-up D-target reaction. 3140800400007 The contribution of these neutrons to the measured 3140800400008 cross section may be important since the isotopic ab- 3140800400009 undance of Zn-68 is 31 times larger than that of Zn-70.3140800400010 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.76HR,DG,439.,.948) 3140800400011 HISTORY (19930407U) HW.-Reaction code altered.- 3140800400012 (20121228A) VS REACTION code corrected. 3140800400013 ENDBIB 11 0 3140800400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 3140800400015 DATA 6 5 3140800400016 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3140800400017 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB 3140800400018 12.82 0.45 395. 13. 434. 12. 3140800400019 14.09 0.12 564. 13. 457.4 4.73140800400020 14.58 0.17 671. 16. 459.1 4.93140800400021 16.86 0.96 644. 23. 415.0 11.73140800400022 17.63 0.21 651. 22. 396.8 10.53140800400023 ENDDATA 7 0 3140800400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 3140800499999 SUBENT 31408005 20130131 31583140800500001 BIB 3 10 3140800500002 REACTION (40-ZR-96(N,2N)40-ZR-95,,SIG) 3140800500003 The contributing 40-Zr-94(n,g)40-Zr-95 3140800500004 reaction also can proceed by scattered and background 3140800500005 neutrons with lower energies as well as by the D-D 3140800500006 neutrons from the self build-up D-target reaction. 3140800500007 DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-95,64.02D,DG,724.,.442, 3140800500008 DG,757.,.545) 3140800500009 HISTORY (19930119U) HW.-Mispunch corrected in reaction code.- 3140800500010 (19930407U) HW.-Reaction code altered.- 3140800500011 (20121228A) VS REACTION code corrected. 3140800500012 ENDBIB 10 0 3140800500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 3140800500014 DATA 6 7 3140800500015 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MONIT MONIT-ERR 3140800500016 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB 3140800500017 12.82 0.45 1426. 45. 434. 12. 3140800500018 14.09 0.12 1499. 34. 457.4 4.73140800500019 14.60 0.30 1514. 31. 459.1 4.93140800500020 14.80 0.19 1594. 32. 458.6 5.63140800500021 16.86 0.96 1299. 42. 415.0 11.73140800500022 17.63 0.21 1170. 36. 396.8 10.53140800500023 17.69 0.25 1220. 41. 396.5 11.53140800500024 ENDDATA 9 0 3140800500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 3140800599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 3140899999999