ENTRY 31482 20240216 32113148200000001 SUBENT 31482001 20240216 32113148200100001 BIB 15 42 3148200100002 TITLE Measurement of neutron capture cross section for 180Hf 3148200100003 AUTHOR (Chen Jinxiang, Shi Zhaomin, Tang Guoyou, Zhang Guohui,3148200100004 Lu Hanlin, Han Xiaogang, Huang Xiaolong) 3148200100005 INSTITUTE (3CPRBJG,3CPRAEP) 3148200100006 REFERENCE (J,CNP,19,110,1997) 3148200100007 (J,CNDP,17,13,1997) Same data in table 3148200100008 FACILITY (VDG,3CPRBJG) 4.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator 3148200100009 INC-SOURCE (P-T) Irradiation of solid T-Ti target (1.48 mg/cm2) 3148200100010 by proton beam at 1.45, 2.0 and 2.5 MeV 3148200100011 SAMPLE Natural metallic Hf powder with purity 88.398% pressed 3148200100012 into disks of 10 mm in diamater and 1.0 mm in 3148200100013 thickness. 3148200100014 Each sample was sandwiched between Au disks. 3148200100015 The samples were placed at zero degree's relative to 3148200100016 the incident proton beam at about 1.4 cm from the 3148200100017 T-Ti target. 3148200100018 METHOD (ACTIV) 3148200100019 DETECTOR (HPGE) 3148200100020 (BF3) to monitor fluctuation in neutron fluence rate 3148200100021 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) ENDF/B-VI 3148200100022 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-G,64.704HR,DG,411.8,.9557) 3148200100023 CORRECTION Corrected for 3148200100024 . detector efficiency 3148200100025 . cascade effect 3148200100026 . gamma intensity 3148200100027 . fluctuation of neutron fluence rate 3148200100028 . gamma-ray self absorption in samples 3148200100029 ERR-ANALYS Principal sources of errors 3148200100030 (MONIT-ERR) Reference cross section (3.5-4.5%)3148200100031 (ERR-1,0.7,1.0) counting statistics - 181Hf (0.7-1.0%)3148200100032 (ERR-2,0.5,0.8) counting statistics - 198Au (0.5-0.8%)3148200100033 (ERR-3) detection efficiency - 181Hf (1.5%)3148200100034 (ERR-4) detection efficiency - 198Au (1.5%)3148200100035 (ERR-5) self-absorption - 181Hf (1.0%)3148200100036 (ERR-6) cascade effect - 181Hf (1.5%)3148200100037 (ERR-7) 180Hf weight (0.2%)3148200100038 (ERR-8) 197Au weight (0.1%)3148200100039 STATUS (TABLE,,Chen Jinxiang+,J,CNP,19,110,1997) Table 2 3148200100040 HISTORY (19970819C) HW 3148200100041 (20030122U) ML:changed reference to journal; additional3148200100042 small revisions (dates,lower case) 3148200100043 (20240216U) On. REFERENCE(CNP): Issue number deleted. 3148200100044 ENDBIB 42 0 3148200100045 NOCOMMON 0 0 3148200100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 3148200199999 SUBENT 31482002 20030124 00003148200200001 BIB 2 2 3148200200002 REACTION (72-HF-180(N,G)72-HF-181,,SIG) 3148200200003 DECAY-DATA (72-HF-181,1017.36HR,DG,482.,.806) 3148200200004 ENDBIB 2 0 3148200200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 3148200200006 DATA 6 3 3148200200007 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR 3148200200008 MEV MEV MB MB MB MB 3148200200009 0.52 0.03 36.3 1.8 127.0 4.4 3148200200010 1.10 0.03 45.3 2.7 77.2 3.4 3148200200011 1.60 0.04 39.8 2.4 66.5 2.9 3148200200012 ENDDATA 5 0 3148200200013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 3148200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 3148299999999