ENTRY A0568 20190716 A092A056800000001 SUBENT A0568001 20190716 A092A056800100001 BIB 14 52 A056800100002 TITLE Production cross sections and yields of long lived A056800100003 Ti-44 from 100 MeV proton bombardment of vanadium. A056800100004 AUTHOR (N.G.Zaitseva,E.Rurarz,M.B.Tchikalov,M.Vobecky, A056800100005 V.A.Khalkin,L.M.Popinenkova) A056800100006 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB,3POLIPJ,3CZRCZA,4RUSFVE) A056800100007 REFERENCE (J,RCA,65,157,1994) A056800100008 FACILITY (LINAC,4RUSFVE) Lu-100 at the Institute For High EnergyA056800100009 Physics in Serpukhuv (RUSSIA). A056800100010 SAMPLE High purity natural V in metallic form was used as a A056800100011 target material for irradiations. The thicknesses of V A056800100012 foils were determined by weight and area measurements A056800100013 for each individual foil. The stack consisting of 25 A056800100014 numbered circular V foils (the foils weighed between- A056800100015 0.8573 g and 0.8950 g ,had thicknesses about 0.5 mm A056800100016 and were cut into 19 mm diam. discs) was exposed to A056800100017 an external proton beam. A056800100018 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,CUM,SIG,,,EVAL) - adopted valuesA056800100019 MONIT-REF (,J.Tobailem+,R,CEA-N-1466,1971) A056800100020 DETECTOR (HPGE) The gamma-ray spectra from separate foils were A056800100021 measured using a computerized gamma-spectroscopy A056800100022 system, CICERO-8K equipped with a HPGe detector in JINRA056800100023 The spectrometer was calibrated for gamma-ray energy A056800100024 using calibrated radionuclide sources of 133Ba A056800100025 and 152Eu. A056800100026 METHOD (STTA,ACTIV,BCINT,EXTB) A056800100027 (GSPEC) A056800100028 A target containing 7.7 g/cm**2 25 foils in the stack A056800100029 of vanadium was bombarded at a proton beam current of A056800100030 160 nanoAmperes approximately for 406 hours -during A056800100031 intermittent bombardment over a period of 4.5 years. A056800100032 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The total errors in the cross section were A056800100033 obtained by taking square roots of the sums of the A056800100034 squares of all the individual errors, like those in: A056800100035 * the detection efficiency, A056800100036 * counting geometry and statistics, A056800100037 * attenuation corrections, A056800100038 * irradiation and cooling times, A056800100039 * proton beam monitoring, A056800100040 * decay schemes, A056800100041 * computer spectral integration, etc. A056800100042 The resulting total error is thus partly systematic A056800100043 and amounts to between 15-20%. Authors assumed for the A056800100044 cross sections an error of 20%. A056800100045 ADD-RES (COMP).Hybrid Model of Nuclear Reactions using the wellA056800100046 developed Computer Code overlaid ALICE. A056800100047 (TTY-C) A056800100048 STATUS (TABLE) Tbl. 1 from Radiochimica Acta,65(1994)157 A056800100049 HISTORY (19970205C) A056800100050 (19970220U) Last checking has been done. A056800100051 (20190716A) SD: Updated to new date formats. ERR-ANALYSA056800100052 updated. ERR-T->DATA-ERR. DATA-ERR moved to Subent 001.A056800100053 Corrections in all Subents. DETECTOR corrected. A056800100054 ENDBIB 52 0 A056800100055 COMMON 1 3 A056800100056 DATA-ERR A056800100057 PER-CENT A056800100058 20. A056800100059 ENDCOMMON 3 0 A056800100060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 A056800199999 SUBENT A0568002 20190716 A092A056800200001 BIB 4 8 A056800200002 REACTION (23-V-51(P,X)22-TI-44,CUM,SIG) A056800200003 DECAY-DATA (22-TI-44,49.YR,DG,68.,0.91, A056800200004 DG,78.,0.962) A056800200005 COMMENT A little admixture of 50-V (0.25%) can not change theseA056800200006 data. A056800200007 HISTORY (20190716A) SD:REACTION code (2) deleted (not measured)A056800200008 Free text from REACTION code moved to COMMENT. ERR-T A056800200009 moved to Subent 001 as DATA-ERR. A056800200010 ENDBIB 8 0 A056800200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A056800200012 DATA 2 25 A056800200013 EN DATA A056800200014 MEV MB A056800200015 54.6 0.11 A056800200016 56.9 0.13 A056800200017 59.2 0.16 A056800200018 61.3 0.20 A056800200019 63.4 0.27 A056800200020 65.5 0.35 A056800200021 67.5 0.42 A056800200022 69.5 0.50 A056800200023 71.5 0.56 A056800200024 73.4 0.61 A056800200025 75.3 0.63 A056800200026 77.1 0.65 A056800200027 79.0 0.65 A056800200028 80.8 0.66 A056800200029 82.5 0.63 A056800200030 84.3 0.61 A056800200031 86.0 0.60 A056800200032 87.7 0.55 A056800200033 89.3 0.54 A056800200034 90.9 0.54 A056800200035 92.5 0.51 A056800200036 94.1 0.50 A056800200037 95.7 0.47 A056800200038 97.2 0.51 A056800200039 98.7 0.50 A056800200040 ENDDATA 27 0 A056800200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 A056800299999 SUBENT A0568003 20190716 A092A056800300001 BIB 4 8 A056800300002 REACTION (23-V-51(P,X)21-SC-46-G,M+,SIG) independent A056800300003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-46-G,83.8D,DG,888.,1., A056800300004 DG,1120.,1.) A056800300005 COMMENT A little admixture of 50-V (0.25%) can not change theseA056800300006 data. A056800300007 HISTORY (20190716A) SD: SF3=3N+3P -> X in REACTION code. A056800300008 Free text from REACTION code moved to COMMENT. ERR-T A056800300009 moved to Subent 001 as DATA-ERR. A056800300010 ENDBIB 8 0 A056800300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 A056800300012 DATA 2 25 A056800300013 EN DATA A056800300014 MEV MB A056800300015 54.6 24.8 A056800300016 56.9 21.0 A056800300017 59.2 20.8 A056800300018 61.3 19.4 A056800300019 63.4 18.8 A056800300020 65.5 17.6 A056800300021 67.5 17.0 A056800300022 69.5 16.0 A056800300023 71.5 16.4 A056800300024 73.4 16.8 A056800300025 75.3 17.2 A056800300026 77.1 17.8 A056800300027 79.0 18.2 A056800300028 80.8 16.6 A056800300029 82.5 18.4 A056800300030 84.3 16.8 A056800300031 86.0 20.4 A056800300032 87.7 19.8 A056800300033 89.3 20.0 A056800300034 90.9 20.4 A056800300035 92.5 20.4 A056800300036 94.1 20.6 A056800300037 95.7 20.8 A056800300038 97.2 21.2 A056800300039 98.7 22.4 A056800300040 ENDDATA 27 0 A056800300041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 A056800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 A056899999999