ENTRY C0775 20220629 C223C077500000001 SUBENT C0775001 20220629 C223C077500100001 BIB 9 26 C077500100002 TITLE Use of the (p,n) reaction to measure proton atomic C077500100003 stopping powers in Ag, Cd, in, and Sn C077500100004 AUTHOR (C.H.Johnson,R.L.Kernell) C077500100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,169,974,1968) C077500100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.169.974 C077500100007 (J,PR/C,2,639,1970) Tabulated data. C077500100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.2.639 C077500100009 (J,PR/C,20,2052,1979) Review article. C077500100010 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevc.20.2052 C077500100011 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) C077500100012 FACILITY (VDG,1USAORL) C077500100013 METHOD (BCINT) C077500100014 DETECTOR (BF3) 4pi graphite-sphere with eight BF3 counters C077500100015 embedded near its surface. C077500100016 CORRECTION Corrected for: C077500100017 . deadtime, C077500100018 . background, C077500100019 . neutron capture in target, C077500100020 . target nonuniformities. C077500100021 HISTORY (20010122C) VM C077500100022 (20180718U) BP: added doi, review article. C077500100023 (20220629A) BP: Updated entry, added tabulated data C077500100024 reference, digitized data (unobtainable data) per an C077500100025 NRDC decision for data sets that were published C077500100026 before 2000 (C32 of WP2022-01) for subentries 2-3, C077500100027 added smooth cross section curves. C077500100028 ENDBIB 26 0 C077500100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077500100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C077500199999 SUBENT C0775002 20220629 C223C077500200001 BIB 5 17 C077500200002 REACTION (47-AG-0(P,N),,SIG,,REL) Ratios to a smooth curve. C077500200003 SAMPLE Natural silver sample with areal density 3.93 mg/cm2. C077500200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars on the points in the C077500200005 figures represent random errors not including C077500200006 additions in quadrature of the proton, neutron, and C077500200007 target systematic uncertainties. They are C077500200008 combinations in quadrature of the uncertainties from C077500200009 counting statistics, deadtime corrections, random C077500200010 energy fluctuations, and background subtractions. C077500200011 (ERR-1) We estimated the background uncertainties to C077500200012 be 10% of the amount subtracted for the target backing.C077500200013 STATUS (DEP,C0775006) C077500200014 (CURVE) Fig. 4a, page 2058 of J,PR/C,20,2052,1979 C077500200015 as exp. 4. C077500200016 HISTORY (20220629A) BP: Digitized data, corrected reaction C077500200017 string, added explanation and ERR-ANALYS, updated C077500200018 STATUS. C077500200019 ENDBIB 17 0 C077500200020 COMMON 1 3 C077500200021 ERR-1 C077500200022 PER-CENT C077500200023 10.0 C077500200024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C077500200025 DATA 3 15 C077500200026 EN DATA DATA-ERR C077500200027 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C077500200028 2.787 1.004 0.012 C077500200029 2.926 0.994 0.011 C077500200030 3.108 0.995 0.011 C077500200031 3.259 0.988 0.011 C077500200032 3.543 1.005 0.010 C077500200033 3.760 1.013 0.011 C077500200034 4.021 1.005 C077500200035 4.299 1.004 0.007 C077500200036 4.583 1.002 C077500200037 4.867 1.005 0.010 C077500200038 5.164 1.002 C077500200039 5.321 1.017 C077500200040 5.472 1.007 C077500200041 5.617 0.996 C077500200042 5.775 0.998 C077500200043 ENDDATA 17 0 C077500200044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 C077500299999 SUBENT C0775003 20220629 C223C077500300001 BIB 5 17 C077500300002 REACTION (48-CD-0(P,N),,SIG,,REL) Ratios to a smooth curve. C077500300003 SAMPLE Natural cadmium sample with areal density 2.59 mg/cm2. C077500300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars on the points in the C077500300005 figures represent random errors not including C077500300006 additions in quadrature of the proton, neutron, and C077500300007 target systematic uncertainties. They are C077500300008 combinations in quadrature of the uncertainties from C077500300009 counting statistics, deadtime corrections, random C077500300010 energy fluctuations, and background subtractions. C077500300011 (ERR-1) We estimated the background uncertainties to C077500300012 be 10% of the amount subtracted for the target backing.C077500300013 STATUS (DEP,C0775007) C077500300014 (CURVE) Fig. 7a, page 2060 of J,PR/C,20,2052,1979 C077500300015 as exp. 4. C077500300016 HISTORY (20220629A) BP: Digitized data, corrected reaction C077500300017 string, added explanation and ERR-ANALYS, updated C077500300018 STATUS. C077500300019 ENDBIB 17 0 C077500300020 COMMON 1 3 C077500300021 ERR-1 C077500300022 PER-CENT C077500300023 10.0 C077500300024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C077500300025 DATA 3 12 C077500300026 EN DATA DATA-ERR C077500300027 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C077500300028 2.607 0.475 0.018 C077500300029 2.965 0.517 C077500300030 3.296 0.539 C077500300031 3.542 0.650 C077500300032 3.793 0.692 C077500300033 4.056 0.723 C077500300034 4.330 0.741 C077500300035 4.627 0.733 C077500300036 4.896 0.776 C077500300037 5.175 0.799 C077500300038 5.489 0.819 C077500300039 5.802 0.827 C077500300040 ENDDATA 14 0 C077500300041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C077500399999 SUBENT C0775004 20220629 C223C077500400001 BIB 4 5 C077500400002 REACTION (49-IN-0(P,N),,SIG) C077500400003 SAMPLE Natural indium sample with areal density 3.91 mg/cm2. C077500400004 ERR-ANALYS Systematic uncertainty given as 1.0% in C077500400005 J,PR/C,20,2052,1979. C077500400006 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 643 of J,PR/C,2,639,1970. C077500400007 ENDBIB 5 0 C077500400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077500400009 DATA 2 20 C077500400010 EN DATA C077500400011 KEV MB C077500400012 2581. 0.0119 C077500400013 2803. 0.035 C077500400014 2941. 0.066 C077500400015 3034. 0.100 C077500400016 3273. 0.248 C077500400017 3520. 0.578 C077500400018 3776. 1.24 C077500400019 3907. 1.78 C077500400020 4039. 2.53 C077500400021 4174. 3.48 C077500400022 4311. 4.82 C077500400023 4450. 6.61 C077500400024 4590. 8.79 C077500400025 4733. 11.68 C077500400026 4878. 15.42 C077500400027 5025. 19.8 C077500400028 5174. 25.4 C077500400029 5325. 31.9 C077500400030 5478. 39.5 C077500400031 5633. 48.8 C077500400032 ENDDATA 22 0 C077500400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C077500499999 SUBENT C0775005 20220629 C223C077500500001 BIB 4 4 C077500500002 REACTION (50-SN-0(P,N),,SIG) C077500500003 SAMPLE Natural tin sample with areal density 3.97 mg/cm2. C077500500004 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C077500500005 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 643 of J,PR/C,2,639,1970. C077500500006 ENDBIB 4 0 C077500500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077500500008 DATA 2 16 C077500500009 EN DATA C077500500010 KEV MB C077500500011 2581. 0.0022 C077500500012 2803. 0.0072 C077500500013 2941. 0.0141 C077500500014 3106. 0.0279 C077500500015 3273. 0.0547 C077500500016 3520. 0.180 C077500500017 3776. 0.589 C077500500018 4039. 1.29 C077500500019 4311. 2.66 C077500500020 4590. 5.79 C077500500021 4878. 11.07 C077500500022 5174. 19.1 C077500500023 5325. 24.0 C077500500024 5478. 30.5 C077500500025 5633. 38.8 C077500500026 5791. 49.6 C077500500027 ENDDATA 18 0 C077500500028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C077500599999 SUBENT C0775006 20220715 C223C077500600001 BIB 5 7 C077500600002 REACTION (47-AG-0(P,N),,SIG) Smooth cross sections. C077500600003 SAMPLE Natural samples, areal densities 2.36 and 3.92 mg/cm2 C077500600004 ANALYSIS Interpolation between adjacent energies is done using C077500600005 exp(-B/E) with B determined by the ratio of cross C077500600006 sections at the adjacent energies. C077500600007 STATUS (TABLE) Table III, page 2056 of J,PR/C,20,2052,1979. C077500600008 HISTORY (20220629C) BP C077500600009 ENDBIB 7 0 C077500600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077500600011 DATA 2 9 C077500600012 EN DATA C077500600013 MEV MB C077500600014 2.75 0.0333 C077500600015 3.00 0.162 C077500600016 3.25 0.415 C077500600017 3.50 0.950 C077500600018 4.00 3.63 C077500600019 4.50 10.43 C077500600020 5.00 24.9 C077500600021 5.50 49.3 C077500600022 6.00 85.9 C077500600023 ENDDATA 11 0 C077500600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C077500699999 SUBENT C0775007 20220715 C223C077500700001 BIB 5 7 C077500700002 REACTION (48-CD-116(P,N)49-IN-116,,SIG) Smooth cross sections. C077500700003 SAMPLE (48-CD-116,ENR=0.938) Areal density 1.92 mg/cm2 C077500700004 ANALYSIS Interpolation between adjacent energies is done using C077500700005 exp(-B/E) with B determined by the ratio of cross C077500700006 sections at the adjacent energies. C077500700007 STATUS (TABLE) Table III, page 2056 of J,PR/C,20,2052,1979. C077500700008 HISTORY (20220629C) BP C077500700009 ENDBIB 7 0 C077500700010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C077500700011 DATA 2 10 C077500700012 EN DATA C077500700013 MEV MB C077500700014 2.5 0.0132 C077500700015 2.75 0.0466 C077500700016 3.00 0.138 C077500700017 3.25 0.357 C077500700018 3.50 0.826 C077500700019 4.00 3.39 C077500700020 4.50 10.54 C077500700021 5.00 26.4 C077500700022 5.50 54.8 C077500700023 6.00 96.9 C077500700024 ENDDATA 12 0 C077500700025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C077500799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C077599999999