ENTRY C1111 20230802 C231C1111000 1 SUBENT C1111001 20230802 C231C1111001 1 BIB 8 19 C1111001 2 TITLE The 46Ti(p,gamma)47V, 50Cr(p,gamma)51Mn, C1111001 3 58Ni(alpha,gamma)62Zn and 58Ni(alpha,p)61Cu cross C1111001 4 sections C1111001 5 AUTHOR (M.Rios,B.D.Anderson,J.S.Schweitzer) C1111001 6 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,236,523,1974) C1111001 7 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(74)90271-1 C1111001 8 INSTITUTE (1USACAL) C1111001 9 (1USAUSA) California State Polytechnic University, C1111001 10 Pomona, California 91768 USA C1111001 11 FACILITY (VDGT,1USACAL) C1111001 12 DETECTOR (NAICR) The spectrometer consisted of two 7.6 cm C1111001 13 diameter x 7.6 cm long NaI(Tl) detectors mounted C1111001 14 collinearly in a lead encasement. C1111001 15 METHOD (ACTIV,COINC) The cross sections were measured by C1111001 16 using the activation technique in which the C1111001 17 annihilation radiation from the induced positron C1111001 18 activity is detected in coincidence. C1111001 19 HISTORY (20170922C) BP C1111001 20 (20230717A) OS. ERR-ANALYS corrected in subs.2,3 C1111001 21 ENDBIB 19 0 C1111001 22 NOCOMMON 0 0 C1111001 23 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C111100199999 SUBENT C1111002 20230802 C231C1111002 1 BIB 6 24 C1111002 2 REACTION (22-TI-46(P,G)23-V-47,,SIG) C1111002 3 SAMPLE (22-TI-46,ENR=0.86) Measurements we made with both C1111002 4 enriched and natural targets. One 46Ti target C1111002 5 enriched to 86% abundance was made by evaporation. C1111002 6 The thickness of this target was also determined by C1111002 7 comparing its yield to that of the natural abundance C1111002 8 targets but at an incident lab energy of 1.22 MeV. C1111002 9 Titanium targets of naturally occurring abundances C1111002 10 were prepared by evaporation onto 0.5 mm tantalum C1111002 11 pieces. Titanium targets were ~400 microg/cm2 thick. C1111002 12 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) The absolute uncertainty in the (p,gamma) C1111002 13 cross sections is estimated to be +-20%. This C1111002 14 estimate includes uncertainties C1111002 15 (ERR-1) +-10% uncertainty in the target thickness. C1111002 16 (ERR-2) +-5% uncertainty in the absolute efficiency C1111002 17 calibration of the annihilation spectrometer and in C1111002 18 the current integration. C1111002 19 (ERR-3) Cross sections remeasured for both proton C1111002 20 capture reactions reproduced within +-15% of the C1111002 21 average value. C1111002 22 DECAY-DATA (23-V-47,33.MIN,AR) C1111002 23 STATUS (CURVE,,M.Rios+,J,NP/A,236,523,1974) Fig.1 C1111002 24 HISTORY (20230717A) DATA-ERR in COMMON changed to ERR-SYS; C1111002 25 DATA-ERR in DATA section deleted (=ERR-SYS for 3 pts) C1111002 26 ENDBIB 24 0 C1111002 27 COMMON 4 3 C1111002 28 ERR-SYS ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 C1111002 29 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C1111002 30 20.0 10.0 5.0 15.0 C1111002 31 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C1111002 32 DATA 2 28 C1111002 33 EN-CM DATA C1111002 34 MEV B C1111002 35 0.930 9.429E-06 C1111002 36 1.047 5.399E-05 C1111002 37 1.150 2.879E-05 C1111002 38 1.242 1.090E-04 C1111002 39 1.338 1.251E-04 C1111002 40 1.441 5.140E-05 C1111002 41 1.540 1.831E-04 C1111002 42 1.636 1.247E-04 C1111002 43 1.739 6.964E-05 C1111002 44 1.839 2.762E-04 C1111002 45 1.942 1.716E-04 C1111002 46 2.038 1.282E-04 C1111002 47 2.143 1.341E-04 C1111002 48 2.217 2.326E-04 C1111002 49 2.329 1.904E-04 C1111002 50 2.441 1.932E-04 C1111002 51 2.522 2.216E-04 C1111002 52 2.628 3.247E-04 C1111002 53 2.707 2.618E-04 C1111002 54 2.811 2.016E-04 C1111002 55 2.924 1.984E-04 C1111002 56 3.006 3.337E-04 C1111002 57 3.118 2.905E-04 C1111002 58 3.214 2.815E-04 C1111002 59 3.312 3.939E-04 C1111002 60 3.414 1.695E-04 C1111002 61 3.511 1.974E-04 C1111002 62 3.609 3.811E-04 C1111002 63 ENDDATA 30 0 C1111002 64 ENDSUBENT 63 0 C111100299999 SUBENT C1111003 20230802 C231C1111003 1 BIB 6 27 C1111003 2 REACTION (24-CR-50(P,G)25-MN-51,,SIG) C1111003 3 SAMPLE (24-CR-50,ENR=0.986) Measurements we made with both C1111003 4 enriched and natural targets. Four 50Cr targets C1111003 5 enriched to 98.6%, with thicknesses of approximately C1111003 6 520, 580, 600 and 750 microg/cm2 were made by C1111003 7 evaporation. The enriched 50Cr target thicknesses C1111003 8 were determined by comparing the yield from the C1111003 9 enriched targets to the yield of the natural C1111003 10 abundance targets at an incident lab energy of 1.40 C1111003 11 MeV. Chromium targets of naturally occurring C1111003 12 abundances were prepared by evaporation onto 0.5 mm C1111003 13 tantalum pieces. The chromium targets were ~600 C1111003 14 microg/cm2 thick. C1111003 15 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) The absolute uncertainty in the (p,gamma) C1111003 16 cross sections is estimated to be +-20%. This C1111003 17 estimate includes uncertainties C1111003 18 (ERR-1) +-10% uncertainty in the target thickness. C1111003 19 (ERR-2) +-5% uncertainty in the absolute efficiency C1111003 20 calibration of the annihilation spectrometer and in C1111003 21 the current integration. C1111003 22 (ERR-3) Cross sections remeasured for both proton C1111003 23 capture reactions reproduced within +-15% of the C1111003 24 average value. C1111003 25 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-51,45.MIN,AR) C1111003 26 STATUS (CURVE,,M.Rios+,J,NP/A,236,523,1974) Fig.2 C1111003 27 HISTORY (20230717A) DATA-ERR in COMMON changed to ERR-SYS; C1111003 28 DATA-ERR in DATA section deleted (=ERR-SYS for 3 pts) C1111003 29 ENDBIB 27 0 C1111003 30 COMMON 4 3 C1111003 31 ERR-SYS ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 C1111003 32 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C1111003 33 20.0 10.0 5.0 15.0 C1111003 34 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C1111003 35 DATA 2 35 C1111003 36 EN-CM DATA C1111003 37 MEV B C1111003 38 0.745 1.119E-06 C1111003 39 0.838 2.524E-06 C1111003 40 0.932 7.602E-06 C1111003 41 1.034 3.625E-05 C1111003 42 1.143 8.105E-06 C1111003 43 1.240 3.495E-06 C1111003 44 1.340 5.828E-06 C1111003 45 1.442 3.910E-05 C1111003 46 1.542 6.694E-05 C1111003 47 1.634 7.431E-05 C1111003 48 1.739 4.449E-05 C1111003 49 1.830 5.414E-05 C1111003 50 1.936 5.777E-05 C1111003 51 2.042 7.605E-05 C1111003 52 2.141 7.117E-05 C1111003 53 2.232 6.660E-05 C1111003 54 2.338 8.103E-05 C1111003 55 2.437 8.994E-05 C1111003 56 2.536 8.988E-05 C1111003 57 2.635 1.499E-04 C1111003 58 2.741 1.498E-04 C1111003 59 2.832 9.206E-05 C1111003 60 2.939 1.728E-04 C1111003 61 3.037 1.682E-04 C1111003 62 3.130 2.661E-04 C1111003 63 3.234 1.552E-04 C1111003 64 3.333 1.635E-04 C1111003 65 3.426 3.028E-04 C1111003 66 3.517 2.518E-04 C1111003 67 3.623 2.516E-04 C1111003 68 3.707 2.581E-04 C1111003 69 3.812 1.785E-04 C1111003 70 3.905 3.057E-04 C1111003 71 4.018 3.576E-04 C1111003 72 4.108 1.713E-04 C1111003 73 ENDDATA 37 0 C1111003 74 ENDSUBENT 73 0 C111100399999 SUBENT C1111004 20170922 C171C111100400001 BIB 7 10 C111100400002 REACTION (28-NI-58(A,G)30-ZN-62,,SIG,,,DERIV) C111100400003 SAMPLE 0.25 mm Ni foils were used as infinitely thick targets.C111100400004 ANALYSIS (DECAY) A least squares fit to the decay curve was C111100400005 used to extract the yield. C111100400006 (TTUNF) Differentiation of TTY C111100400007 RAD-DET (30-ZN-62,AR) C111100400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors include both relative and absolute C111100400009 uncertainties. C111100400010 REL-REF (A,C0703001,F.K.McGowan+,J,PR,133,B907,1964) C111100400011 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3, page 529. C111100400012 ENDBIB 10 0 C111100400013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C111100400014 DATA 3 9 C111100400015 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR C111100400016 MEV B B C111100400017 4.067 4.391E-08 1.511E-07 C111100400018 4.166 2.819E-07 1.626E-07 C111100400019 4.246 2.880E-07 1.393E-07 C111100400020 4.349 4.025E-07 1.956E-07 C111100400021 4.442 1.076E-06 3.671E-07 C111100400022 4.528 1.076E-06 3.380E-07 C111100400023 4.634 1.037E-06 1.883E-07 C111100400024 4.728 1.320E-06 2.520E-07 C111100400025 4.826 3.662E-06 8.680E-07 C111100400026 ENDDATA 11 0 C111100400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C111100499999 SUBENT C1111005 20170922 C171C111100500001 BIB 7 13 C111100500002 REACTION (28-NI-58(A,P)29-CU-61,,SIG,,,DERIV) C111100500003 SAMPLE Ni foils. C111100500004 ANALYSIS (DECAY) A least squares fit to the decay curve was C111100500005 used to extract the yield. C111100500006 (TTUNF) Differentiation of TTY C111100500007 RAD-DET (29-CU-61,AR) C111100500008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Because of short-lived contaminant C111100500009 activities, the reaction yields could not be C111100500010 determined as accurately as those for the (alpha,gamma)C111100500011 reaction. Consequently, the cross sections have large C111100500012 uncertainties. C111100500013 REL-REF (A,C0703001,F.K.McGowan+,J,PR,133,B907,1964) C111100500014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4, page 530. C111100500015 ENDBIB 13 0 C111100500016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C111100500017 DATA 3 6 C111100500018 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR C111100500019 MEV B B C111100500020 4.252 1.060E-07 1.462E-07 C111100500021 4.449 2.596E-07 3.763E-07 C111100500022 4.542 4.304E-07 3.825E-07 C111100500023 4.628 1.535E-06 3.173E-07 C111100500024 4.738 2.214E-07 2.548E-07 C111100500025 4.818 1.826E-06 1.343E-06 C111100500026 ENDDATA 8 0 C111100500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C111100599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C111199999999