ENTRY C2614 20211109 C208C261400000001 SUBENT C2614001 20211107 C208C261400100001 BIB 12 20 C261400100002 TITLE Radionuclide development at BNL for nuclear medicine C261400100003 therapy C261400100004 AUTHOR (L.F.Mausner,K.L.Kolsky,V.Joshi,S.C.Srivastava) C261400100005 INSTITUTE (1USABNL) C261400100006 REFERENCE (J,ARI,49,285,1998) C261400100007 #doi:10.1016/S0969-8043(97)00040-7 C261400100008 FACILITY (LINAC,1USABNL) C261400100009 DETECTOR (GE) C261400100010 METHOD (CHSEP,ACTIV) C261400100011 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) C261400100012 MONIT-REF ((MONIT)B0022003,J.B.Cumming,J,ARN,13,261,1963) C261400100013 DECAY-DATA All decay data was taken by the authors from Table of C261400100014 isotopes (7th ed.) C.M. Lederer and V.S. Shirley, ed., C261400100015 Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1978. C261400100016 ((1.)21-SC-44-M,2.44D) C261400100017 ((2.)21-SC-46-G,83.83D) C261400100018 ((3.)21-SC-47,3.35D) C261400100019 ((4.)21-SC-48,43.7HR) C261400100020 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.2 (p.289) in Appl.Rad.Isot.,49,285,1998. C261400100021 HISTORY (20210720C) OG C261400100022 ENDBIB 20 0 C261400100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 C261400100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C261400199999 SUBENT C2614002 20211107 C208C261400200001 BIB 3 14 C261400200002 REACTION (22-TI-0(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) C261400200003 SAMPLE Target assemblies consisted of 25 mm x 25 mm high C261400200004 purity 0.025 mm metal foils of Ti-nat placed behind a C261400200005 0.035 mm Ai foil which served for flux monitoring of C261400200006 the natTi-nat targets. C261400200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The cross-section uncertainties comprise: C261400200008 (a) total random error, decay curve fits, timing, and C261400200009 target misalignment; and C261400200010 (b) total systematic error, counter efficiencies, C261400200011 volume measurements, decay scheme, energy C261400200012 determination, and monitor cross-sections. C261400200013 The relative cross-section uncertainties do not includeC261400200014 uncertainties from target misalignment or monitor C261400200015 cross-sections. C261400200016 ENDBIB 14 0 C261400200017 COMMON 1 3 C261400200018 ELEMENT C261400200019 NO-DIM C261400200020 21. C261400200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C261400200022 DATA 7 24 C261400200023 EN EN-RSL MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-ERR C261400200024 DECAY-FLAG C261400200025 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB C261400200026 NO-DIM C261400200027 49.1 2.2 44. 1. 9.2 1.7 C261400200028 1. C261400200029 49.1 2.2 46. 51.9 10.5 C261400200030 2. C261400200031 49.1 2.2 47. 20.6 2.8 C261400200032 3. C261400200033 49.1 2.2 48. 1.3 0.3 C261400200034 4. C261400200035 79.0 1.6 44. 1. 19.9 2.5 C261400200036 1. C261400200037 79.0 1.6 46. 42.0 6.5 C261400200038 2. C261400200039 79.0 1.6 47. 21.6 2.8 C261400200040 3. C261400200041 79.0 1.6 48. 2.1 0.3 C261400200042 4. C261400200043 107.3 1.2 44. 1. 18.6 4.2 C261400200044 1. C261400200045 107.3 1.2 46. 40.7 9.8 C261400200046 2. C261400200047 107.3 1.2 47. 22.6 5.1 C261400200048 3. C261400200049 107.3 1.2 48. 2.4 0.5 C261400200050 4. C261400200051 121.0 5.6 44. 1. 15.1 4.0 C261400200052 1. C261400200053 121.0 5.6 46. 36.7 10.3 C261400200054 2. C261400200055 121.0 5.6 47. 21.0 5.6 C261400200056 3. C261400200057 121.0 5.6 48. 3.4 0.9 C261400200058 4. C261400200059 150.2 0.9 44. 1. 12.4 1.6 C261400200060 1. C261400200061 150.2 0.9 46. 36.3 4.7 C261400200062 2. C261400200063 150.2 0.9 47. 24.0 3.2 C261400200064 3. C261400200065 150.2 0.9 48. 2.5 0.3 C261400200066 4. C261400200067 191.1 0.8 44. 1. 11.5 4.0 C261400200068 1. C261400200069 191.1 0.8 46. 20.3 7.0 C261400200070 2. C261400200071 191.1 0.8 47. 22.8 7.9 C261400200072 3. C261400200073 191.1 0.8 48. 2.5 0.9 C261400200074 4. C261400200075 ENDDATA 52 0 C261400200076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 C261400299999 SUBENT C2614003 20210720 C208C261400300001 BIB 2 8 C261400300002 REACTION ((22-TI-48(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG)/ C261400300003 (22-TI-48(P,2P)21-SC-47,,SIG)) C261400300004 SAMPLE (22-TI-48,ENR=0.9981) C261400300005 The target mixture, typically 94 mg total (20% 48TiO2, C261400300006 80% Al), were packed into the cell. The front surface C261400300007 of the cell was then sealed with 0.05 mm Mylar foil andC261400300008 epoxy. The targets were then dried at 50 C degrees C261400300009 overnight under 50 mu vacuum. C261400300010 ENDBIB 8 0 C261400300011 COMMON 1 3 C261400300012 ELEMENT C261400300013 NO-DIM C261400300014 21. C261400300015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C261400300016 DATA 7 15 C261400300017 EN EN-RSL MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-MAX C261400300018 DECAY-FLAG C261400300019 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C261400300020 NO-DIM C261400300021 48.4 1.0 44. 1. 0.23 C261400300022 1. C261400300023 48.4 1.0 46. 3.54 C261400300024 2. C261400300025 48.4 1.0 48. 2.7E-4C261400300026 4. C261400300027 78.5 1.5 44. 1. 1.03 C261400300028 1. C261400300029 78.5 1.5 46. 2.36 C261400300030 2. C261400300031 78.5 1.5 48. 2.5E-4C261400300032 4. C261400300033 106.9 1.2 44. 1. 0.78 C261400300034 1. C261400300035 106.9 1.2 46. 1.92 C261400300036 2. C261400300037 106.9 1.2 48. 3.4E-4C261400300038 4. C261400300039 131.3 1.0 44. 1. 0.45 C261400300040 1. C261400300041 131.3 1.0 46. 1.73 C261400300042 2. C261400300043 131.3 1.0 48. 2.9E-4C261400300044 4. C261400300045 149.9 0.9 44. 1. 0.58 C261400300046 1. C261400300047 149.9 0.9 46. 1.55 C261400300048 2. C261400300049 149.9 0.9 48. 0.01 C261400300050 4. C261400300051 ENDDATA 34 0 C261400300052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 C261400399999 SUBENT C2614004 20211107 C208C261400400001 BIB 3 15 C261400400002 REACTION (23-V-51(P,X)ELEM/MASS,,SIG) C261400400003 SAMPLE (23-V-51,ENR=0.998) C261400400004 The targets consisted of 25 mmx 25 mm square high C261400400005 purity vanadium foils (0.025 mm) with a 0.025 mm Al C261400400006 foil mounted in front of the target foil for flux C261400400007 monitoring. C261400400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The cross-section uncertainties comprise: C261400400009 (a) total random error, decay curve fits, timing, and C261400400010 target misalignment; and C261400400011 (b) total systematic error, counter efficiencies, C261400400012 volume measurements, decay scheme, energy C261400400013 determination, and monitor cross-sections. C261400400014 The relative cross-section uncertainties do not includeC261400400015 uncertainties from target misalignment or monitor C261400400016 cross-sections. C261400400017 ENDBIB 15 0 C261400400018 COMMON 1 3 C261400400019 ELEMENT C261400400020 NO-DIM C261400400021 21. C261400400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C261400400023 DATA 7 4 C261400400024 EN EN-RSL MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-ERR C261400400025 DECAY-FLAG C261400400026 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB C261400400027 NO-DIM C261400400028 191.1 0.8 44. 1. 9.4 2.3 C261400400029 1. C261400400030 191.1 0.8 46. 23.4 5.6 C261400400031 2. C261400400032 191.1 0.8 47. 13.8 3.3 C261400400033 3. C261400400034 191.1 0.8 48. 3.6 0.9 C261400400035 4. C261400400036 ENDDATA 12 0 C261400400037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C261400499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 C261499999999