ENTRY C2761 20220519 C220C276100000001 SUBENT C2761001 20220519 C220C276100100001 BIB 8 15 C276100100002 TITLE The origin of neutron groups in Be(alpha,n) sources C276100100003 AUTHOR (R.L.Lehman) C276100100004 REFERENCE (J,NIM,60,253,1968) C276100100005 #doi:10.1016/0029-554X(68)90128-6 C276100100006 INSTITUTE (1USACLA) C276100100007 DETECTOR (PLATE) One by 3 inch Ilford L.4 emulsions, 600 C276100100008 microm thick. C276100100009 METHOD (REC) The neutron spectra were measured by C276100100010 differentiation of proton track distributions sampled C276100100011 from nuclear emulsion. C276100100012 ADD-RES (N-SPC) Special analysis of the track distributions C276100100013 revealed peaks at 0.54, 0.78, 1.1, 2.3, 3.2, 4.8, 5.6, C276100100014 7.8 and 9.8 MeV in both spectra. These findings are C276100100015 given on page 253 of J,NIM,60,253,1968. C276100100016 HISTORY (20220519C) BP C276100100017 ENDBIB 15 0 C276100100018 COMMON 1 3 C276100100019 EN-RSL C276100100020 KEV C276100100021 250.0 C276100100022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C276100100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C276100199999 SUBENT C2761002 20220519 C220C276100200001 BIB 5 9 C276100200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,,DE,,REL) C276100200003 COMMENT Arbitrary units derived from 12500 tracks. C276100200004 INC-SOURCE 11Ci 210PoBe neutron source. C276100200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars represent statistical C276100200006 uncertainty only, and were obtained by allowing the C276100200007 points of the integral track spectrum to vary C276100200008 randomly within statistical limits, and by redrawing C276100200009 several times the smooth curve for differentiation. C276100200010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 254 of J.NIM,60,253,1968. C276100200011 ENDBIB 9 0 C276100200012 COMMON 1 3 C276100200013 EN C276100200014 MEV C276100200015 5.40753 C276100200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C276100200017 DATA 4 32 C276100200018 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-S C276100200019 MEV MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C276100200020 0.420 0.600 3.540 C276100200021 0.600 0.800 3.120 C276100200022 0.800 1.040 2.740 C276100200023 1.040 1.260 2.140 C276100200024 1.260 1.710 2.340 C276100200025 1.710 1.940 2.850 C276100200026 1.940 2.250 4.250 C276100200027 2.250 2.470 4.060 C276100200028 2.470 2.820 3.100 0.293 C276100200029 2.820 2.980 4.435 C276100200030 2.980 3.200 6.840 C276100200031 3.200 3.520 7.100 C276100200032 3.520 4.150 4.520 0.324 C276100200033 4.150 4.450 4.997 C276100200034 4.450 4.980 6.480 0.247 C276100200035 4.980 5.200 4.510 C276100200036 5.200 5.500 4.250 C276100200037 5.500 5.720 4.070 C276100200038 5.720 5.930 2.830 C276100200039 5.930 6.230 1.740 C276100200040 6.230 6.570 1.550 0.339 C276100200041 6.570 6.850 2.355 C276100200042 6.850 7.160 2.000 C276100200043 7.160 7.630 2.170 C276100200044 7.630 8.000 2.590 0.247 C276100200045 8.000 8.380 1.637 C276100200046 8.380 8.800 0.940 C276100200047 8.800 9.170 0.515 0.201 C276100200048 9.170 9.630 0.840 C276100200049 9.630 10.000 1.100 C276100200050 10.000 10.330 0.920 C276100200051 10.330 10.730 0.360 C276100200052 ENDDATA 34 0 C276100200053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 C276100299999 SUBENT C2761003 20220519 C220C276100300001 BIB 5 9 C276100300002 REACTION (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,,DE,,REL) C276100300003 COMMENT Arbitrary units derived from 12500 tracks. C276100300004 INC-SOURCE 80g 239PuBe neutron source. C276100300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars represent statistical C276100300006 uncertainty only, and were obtained by allowing the C276100300007 points of the integral track spectrum to vary C276100300008 randomly within statistical limits, and by redrawing C276100300009 several times the smooth curve for differentiation. C276100300010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 254 of J.NIM,60,253,1968. C276100300011 ENDBIB 9 0 C276100300012 COMMON 1 3 C276100300013 EN C276100300014 MEV C276100300015 5.156 C276100300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C276100300017 DATA 4 29 C276100300018 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-S C276100300019 MEV MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C276100300020 0.360 0.580 4.060 C276100300021 0.580 0.840 3.530 C276100300022 0.840 1.270 3.140 C276100300023 1.270 1.450 2.820 C276100300024 1.450 1.740 2.370 C276100300025 1.740 1.970 2.835 C276100300026 1.970 2.300 3.540 C276100300027 2.300 2.840 3.090 0.310 C276100300028 2.840 3.020 4.435 C276100300029 3.020 3.510 6.310 C276100300030 3.510 4.200 4.500 0.277 C276100300031 4.200 4.420 5.000 C276100300032 4.420 4.900 6.460 0.293 C276100300033 4.900 5.300 4.500 C276100300034 5.300 5.550 3.510 C276100300035 5.550 5.700 3.170 C276100300036 5.700 5.950 2.320 C276100300037 5.950 6.250 1.760 C276100300038 6.250 6.530 1.590 0.293 C276100300039 6.530 7.200 1.990 C276100300040 7.200 7.600 2.170 C276100300041 7.600 7.970 2.600 0.246 C276100300042 7.970 8.370 1.650 C276100300043 8.370 8.760 0.950 C276100300044 8.760 9.150 0.515 0.200 C276100300045 9.150 9.570 0.825 C276100300046 9.570 10.000 1.120 C276100300047 10.000 10.300 0.930 C276100300048 10.300 10.730 0.352 C276100300049 ENDDATA 31 0 C276100300050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 C276100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C276199999999