ENTRY D4072 20230103 D138D407200000001 SUBENT D4072001 20230103 D138D407200100001 BIB 13 30 D407200100002 TITLE Production of 38K at a low energy cyclotron D407200100003 AUTHOR (S.M.Qaim, F.Tarkanyi, Z.Kovacs, G.Stoecklin) D407200100004 REFERENCE (J,JLCR,32,(S1),478,1993) D407200100005 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL) D407200100006 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERJUL) D407200100007 SAMPLE (18-AR-38,ENR=0.957) Highly enriched 38Ar gas at D407200100008 0.5 bar in stainless steel cells (8 ml) having Al D407200100009 windows. D407200100010 DETECTOR (HPGE) D407200100011 METHOD (ACTIV,EXTB) One cell was irradiated at a time for D407200100012 10 min at a beam current of 200 nA. D407200100013 (GSPEC) Each irradiated gas cell was counted directly. D407200100014 REL-REF (R,,E.Browne+,B,BROWNE,,,1986) D407200100015 Decay data D407200100016 (R,,C.F.Williamson+,R,CEA-R-3042,1966) D407200100017 Stopping power and range D407200100018 MONITOR Cu monitor foils placed in front and at the back of D407200100019 each cell. D407200100020 1(29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) D407200100021 2(29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) D407200100022 DECAY-MON 1(30-ZN-62,9.1HR,DG,548.,0.141) D407200100023 2(30-ZN-63,38.1MIN,DG,669.,0.084) D407200100024 MONIT-REF (,A.Gruetter,J,NP/A,383,98,1982) D407200100025 (,P.Kopecky,J,ARI,36,657,1985) D407200100026 HISTORY (19970521C) D407200100027 (19971217U) D407200100028 (20060730U) BIB section upgraded D407200100029 (20180214A) On. Major revision in 003. D407200100030 (20230103D) VT+On. Subent 002 deleted: As digitized D407200100031 data superseded by D4006.002 D407200100032 ENDBIB 30 0 D407200100033 NOCOMMON 0 0 D407200100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 D407200199999 NOSUBENT D4072002 20230103 D138D407200200001 SUBENT D4072003 20180214 D114D407200300001 BIB 4 5 D407200300002 REACTION (18-AR-38(P,N)19-K-38,,TTY,,SAT,DERIV) D407200300003 ANALYSIS Integration of measured excitation function D407200300004 STATUS (TABLE) Text (p478) D407200300005 (DEP,D4072002) Excitation function D407200300006 HISTORY (20180214A) On. REACTION(SF8): DT -> SAT D407200300007 ENDBIB 5 0 D407200300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 D407200300009 DATA 3 1 D407200300010 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA D407200300011 MEV MEV MBQ/MUA D407200300012 16. 12. 777. D407200300013 ENDDATA 3 0 D407200300014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 D407200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 D407299999999