ENTRY D4430 20240207 D142D443000000001 SUBENT D4430001 20240207 D142D443000100001 BIB 10 33 D443000100002 TITLE Experimental determination of the 3He(a,g)7Be reaction D443000100003 cross section above the 7Be proton separation thresholdD443000100004 AUTHOR (A.Toth,T.Szucs,T.N.Szegedi,Gy.Gyurky,Z.Halasz, D443000100005 G.G.Kiss,Zs.Fulop) D443000100006 INSTITUTE (3HUNDEB,3HUNKOS) D443000100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,108,025802,2023) D443000100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.108.025802 D443000100009 FACILITY (CYCLO,3HUNDEB) D443000100010 SAMPLE 100 mbar high purity (99.999%) 3He gas in a 41.9 mm D443000100011 long target chamber, closed by a 10 um Al entrance D443000100012 window and 10, 15, 20 1nd 25 um of exit windows D443000100013 depending on the enrgy of the produced 7Be. D443000100014 DETECTOR (HPGE) D443000100015 (LEGE) D443000100016 METHOD (ACTIV) The activation method was used for the D443000100017 3He(a,g)7Be reaction cross section determination. D443000100018 (SITA) The experiment was performed using a thin-windowD443000100019 gas cell with two high-purity Al foils as entrance and D443000100020 exit windows. D443000100021 The activity of the 7Be nuclei implanted in the D443000100022 exit foil was measured by detecting the yield of the D443000100023 emitted gamma rays using shielded high-purity germaniumD443000100024 detectors. Irradiation times were between 10 and 26 h. D443000100025 Beam intensity varied between 0.6 and 1.2 uA. D443000100026 ERR-ANALYS The uncertainty on the cross section values are D443000100027 estimated in the standard way as the square root of D443000100028 the quadratic summation of the independently D443000100029 contributing parameters. D443000100030 Uncertainty of time parameters is not included. D443000100031 (ERR-1,2.5,2.8) number of target atoms(2.5 - 2.8%) D443000100032 (ERR-2) beam intensity (3.0%) D443000100033 (ERR-4) detector efficiency (1.5%) D443000100034 HISTORY (20240207C) ts D443000100035 ENDBIB 33 0 D443000100036 COMMON 2 3 D443000100037 ERR-2 ERR-4 D443000100038 PER-CENT PER-CENT D443000100039 3. 1.5 D443000100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 D443000100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 D443000199999 SUBENT D4430002 20240207 D142D443000200001 BIB 6 8 D443000200002 REACTION (2-HE-3(A,G)4-BE-7,,SIG) D443000200003 DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.22D,DG,477.6,0.1044) D443000200004 MISC-COL (MISC) Beam energy in laboratory system D443000200005 FLAG (1.) Measured by LEGE detector only. D443000200006 (2.) Thinner entrance foil was used. D443000200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty D443000200008 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty D443000200009 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Toth+,J,PR/C,108,025802,2023) Table 2 D443000200010 ENDBIB 8 0 D443000200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 D443000200012 DATA 8 24 D443000200013 EN-CM EN-ERR MISC DATA ERR-S ERR-SYS D443000200014 FLAG FLAG D443000200015 MEV MEV MEV MB MICRO-B MICRO-B D443000200016 NO-DIM NO-DIM D443000200017 4.284 0.014 11.0 10.19 0.36 0.44 D443000200018 1.0 D443000200019 4.517 0.015 11.5 10.56 0.20 0.46 D443000200020 D443000200021 4.742 0.015 12.0 10.89 0.21 0.47 D443000200022 D443000200023 4.881 0.015 12.0 10.43 0.28 0.45 D443000200024 2.0 D443000200025 4.962 0.016 12.5 10.90 0.21 0.47 D443000200026 D443000200027 5.104 0.016 12.5 10.35 0.27 0.45 D443000200028 2.0 D443000200029 5.202 0.017 13.0 11.09 0.21 0.48 D443000200030 D443000200031 5.315 0.016 13.0 11.65 0.30 0.51 D443000200032 1.0 2.0 D443000200033 5.415 0.017 13.5 11.07 0.20 0.48 D443000200034 D443000200035 5.582 0.017 13.6 12.09 0.25 0.52 D443000200036 1.0 2.0 D443000200037 5.648 0.018 14.0 11.33 0.20 0.49 D443000200038 D443000200039 5.877 0.018 14.5 11.62 0.20 0.50 D443000200040 D443000200041 6.093 0.019 15.0 12.42 0.22 0.54 D443000200042 D443000200043 6.317 0.020 15.5 11.96 0.20 0.52 D443000200044 D443000200045 6.544 0.020 16.0 12.79 0.27 0.56 D443000200046 D443000200047 6.759 0.021 16.5 11.64 0.20 0.51 D443000200048 D443000200049 6.917 0.021 16.6 11.31 0.22 0.49 D443000200050 2.0 D443000200051 7.084 0.021 17.0 11.66 0.28 0.51 D443000200052 1.0 2.0 D443000200053 7.209 0.022 17.5 11.12 0.21 0.48 D443000200054 D443000200055 7.423 0.023 18.0 10.58 0.19 0.46 D443000200056 D443000200057 7.656 0.023 18.5 9.95 0.19 0.43 D443000200058 D443000200059 7.868 0.024 19.0 9.89 0.17 0.43 D443000200060 D443000200061 8.097 0.025 19.5 9.38 0.17 0.41 D443000200062 D443000200063 8.309 0.025 20.0 8.88 0.22 0.39 D443000200064 D443000200065 ENDDATA 52 0 D443000200066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 D443000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 D443099999999