ENTRY F1471 20230310 F095F1471 0 1 SUBENT F1471001 20230310 F095F1471 1 1 BIB 9 27 F1471 1 2 TITLE Cross section measurements of 151Eu(3He,5n) reaction: F1471 1 3 new opportunities for medical alpha emitter 149Tb F1471 1 4 production F1471 1 5 AUTHOR (A.N.Moiseeva,R.A.Aliev,V.N.Unezhev,V.A.Zagryadskiy, F1471 1 6 S.T.Latushkin,V.N.Aksenov,N.S.Gustova,M.G.Voronuk, F1471 1 7 G.Ya.Starodub,A.A.Ogloblin) F1471 1 8 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) F1471 1 9 (4RUSMOS) Chemistry Department F1471 1 10 (4ZZZDUB) Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions F1471 1 11 REFERENCE (J,SCR,10,508,2020) F1471 1 12 #doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109609 F1471 1 13 FACILITY (ISOCY,4RUSKUR) U-150 isochronous cyclotron F1471 1 14 SAMPLE A stack of thin (100 mu-m/cm2) 151Eu targets in oxide F1471 1 15 form (97.5 + - 0.1% enrichment) was used. It contains F1471 1 16 0.02% Nd, 0.02% Gd, <0.01% Sm impurities. 151Eu F1471 1 17 targets were prepared by electrodeposition from F1471 1 18 isopropanol solution on 2 mu-m thick titanium foil. F1471 1 19 METHOD (STTA,EDEG) Up to 10 151Eu/Ti target foils were F1471 1 20 irradiated in one run using the conventional stack F1471 1 21 foils technique. Apart from the target foils, the F1471 1 22 stack also contained 9 mu-m Al and 13 mu-m Cu F1471 1 23 monitors for controlling the beam parameters, and F1471 1 24 aluminum degraders (53-159 mu-m). F1471 1 25 (ACTIV) The beam current averaged 1 mu-A irradiation F1471 1 26 time 1 hour. F1471 1 27 MONITOR (13-AL-27(HE3,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) F1471 1 28 HISTORY (20230310C) F1471 1 29 ENDBIB 27 0 F1471 1 30 NOCOMMON 0 0 F1471 1 31 ENDSUBENT 30 0 F1471 199999 SUBENT F1471002 20230310 F095F1471 2 1 BIB 6 20 F1471 2 2 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,5N)65-TB-149-G,,SIG) F1471 2 3 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-149-G,4.118HR,A,,,DG,352.2,0.2943) F1471 2 4 METHOD (ASPEC) F1471 2 5 DETECTOR (SI) ORTEC Alpha Suite Alpha Duo instrument with F1471 2 6 ULTRA Ion Implanted Silicon Charged Particle Radiation F1471 2 7 Detector with an energy resolution of up to 20 keV F1471 2 8 was used. F1471 2 9 ERR-ANALYS The initial beam energy varies within + - 1 MeV. F1471 2 10 (ERR-T) The overall experimental uncertainty was F1471 2 11 calculated as the square root of the sum of the F1471 2 12 squares of the individual relative uncertainties: F1471 2 13 (ERR-1,5.,7.) uncertainty in determining the F1471 2 14 efficiency of the detector; F1471 2 15 (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty in determining the photopeakF1471 2 16 area; F1471 2 17 (ERR-3) uncertainty in determining of Eu targets F1471 2 18 thickness and composition; F1471 2 19 (ERR-4) uncertainty of nuclear decay data. F1471 2 20 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F1471 2 21 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2a. F1471 2 22 ENDBIB 20 0 F1471 2 23 COMMON 2 3 F1471 2 24 ERR-3 ERR-4 F1471 2 25 PER-CENT PER-CENT F1471 2 26 10. 3. F1471 2 27 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F1471 2 28 DATA 4 18 F1471 2 29 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T F1471 2 30 MEV MEV MB MB F1471 2 31 69.8 1.1 12.3 2.5 F1471 2 32 66.2 1.2 13.1 2.6 F1471 2 33 63.7 1.3 17.5 3.5 F1471 2 34 60.9 1.4 18.1 3.6 F1471 2 35 58.7 1.5 26.2 5.2 F1471 2 36 56.1 1.5 34.9 7.0 F1471 2 37 53.5 1.6 43.3 8.7 F1471 2 38 51.0 1.6 56.2 11.2 F1471 2 39 48.2 1.8 69.8 14.0 F1471 2 40 46.1 1.9 46.8 9.4 F1471 2 41 44.8 1.1 66.1 13.2 F1471 2 42 40.1 1.4 63.1 12.6 F1471 2 43 35.0 1.6 15.3 3.1 F1471 2 44 31.2 1.8 0.4 0.1 F1471 2 45 26.9 2.1 0.0 F1471 2 46 22.0 2.6 0.0 F1471 2 47 16.2 3.4 0.0 F1471 2 48 12.0 4.3 0.0 F1471 2 49 ENDDATA 20 0 F1471 2 50 ENDSUBENT 49 0 F1471 299999 SUBENT F1471003 20230310 F095F1471 3 1 BIB 6 22 F1471 3 2 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,4N)65-TB-150-G,,SIG) F1471 3 3 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-150-G,3.48HR,DG,638.1,0.720) F1471 3 4 METHOD (GSPEC) F1471 3 5 DETECTOR (HPGE) High purity germanium detector ORTEC GEM 35P4 F1471 3 6 Series, with the energy resolution of 850 eV for 122 F1471 3 7 keV line and of 1.5 keV for 1.33 MeV was used. The F1471 3 8 measurement was carried out in two geometries at a F1471 3 9 distance of 11 cm and 6 cm so that the dead time did F1471 3 10 not exceed 6-7%. F1471 3 11 ERR-ANALYS The initial beam energy varies within + - 1 MeV. F1471 3 12 (ERR-T) The overall experimental uncertainty was F1471 3 13 calculated as the square root of the sum of the F1471 3 14 squares of the individual relative uncertainties: F1471 3 15 (ERR-1,5.,7.) uncertainty in determining the F1471 3 16 efficiency of the detector; F1471 3 17 (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty in determining the photopeakF1471 3 18 area; F1471 3 19 (ERR-3) uncertainty in determining of Eu targets F1471 3 20 thickness and composition; F1471 3 21 (ERR-4) uncertainty of nuclear decay data. F1471 3 22 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F1471 3 23 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2a. F1471 3 24 ENDBIB 22 0 F1471 3 25 COMMON 2 3 F1471 3 26 ERR-3 ERR-4 F1471 3 27 PER-CENT PER-CENT F1471 3 28 10. 3. F1471 3 29 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F1471 3 30 DATA 4 18 F1471 3 31 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T F1471 3 32 MEV MEV MB MB F1471 3 33 69.8 1.1 10.8 7.4 F1471 3 34 66.2 1.2 10.1 12.1 F1471 3 35 63.7 1.3 23.6 13.2 F1471 3 36 60.9 1.4 22.3 10.3 F1471 3 37 58.7 1.5 27.1 14.5 F1471 3 38 56.1 1.5 11.6 11.4 F1471 3 39 53.5 1.6 15.3 15.7 F1471 3 40 51.0 1.6 26.1 17.2 F1471 3 41 48.2 1.8 46.9 18.8 F1471 3 42 46.1 1.9 78.0 23.9 F1471 3 43 44.8 1.1 61.8 9.8 F1471 3 44 40.1 1.4 97.9 16.1 F1471 3 45 35.0 1.6 205.0 28.5 F1471 3 46 31.2 1.8 191.5 26.9 F1471 3 47 26.9 2.1 91.9 13.7 F1471 3 48 22.0 2.6 0.0 F1471 3 49 16.2 3.4 0.0 F1471 3 50 12.0 4.3 0.0 F1471 3 51 ENDDATA 20 0 F1471 3 52 ENDSUBENT 51 0 F1471 399999 SUBENT F1471004 20230310 F095F1471 4 1 BIB 6 23 F1471 4 2 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,3N)65-TB-151-G,M+,SIG) F1471 4 3 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-151-G,17.609HR,DG,108.1,0.243,DG,251.9,0.263, F1471 4 4 DG,287.4,0.283) F1471 4 5 METHOD (GSPEC) F1471 4 6 DETECTOR (HPGE) High purity germanium detector ORTEC GEM 35P4 F1471 4 7 Series, with the energy resolution of 850 eV for 122 F1471 4 8 keV line and of 1.5 keV for 1.33 MeV was used. The F1471 4 9 measurement was carried out in two geometries at a F1471 4 10 distance of 11 cm and 6 cm so that the dead time did F1471 4 11 not exceed 6-7%. F1471 4 12 ERR-ANALYS The initial beam energy varies within + - 1 MeV. F1471 4 13 (ERR-T) The overall experimental uncertainty was F1471 4 14 calculated as the square root of the sum of the F1471 4 15 squares of the individual relative uncertainties: F1471 4 16 (ERR-1,5.,7.) uncertainty in determining the F1471 4 17 efficiency of the detector; F1471 4 18 (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty in determining the photopeakF1471 4 19 area; F1471 4 20 (ERR-3) uncertainty in determining of Eu targets F1471 4 21 thickness and composition; F1471 4 22 (ERR-4) uncertainty of nuclear decay data. F1471 4 23 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F1471 4 24 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2a. F1471 4 25 ENDBIB 23 0 F1471 4 26 COMMON 2 3 F1471 4 27 ERR-3 ERR-4 F1471 4 28 PER-CENT PER-CENT F1471 4 29 10. 3. F1471 4 30 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F1471 4 31 DATA 4 18 F1471 4 32 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T F1471 4 33 MEV MEV MB MB F1471 4 34 69.8 1.1 13.0 3.1 F1471 4 35 66.2 1.2 15.6 5.8 F1471 4 36 63.7 1.3 15.5 5.2 F1471 4 37 60.9 1.4 20.5 5.6 F1471 4 38 58.7 1.5 21.6 5.9 F1471 4 39 56.1 1.5 25.5 5.7 F1471 4 40 53.5 1.6 28.8 5.7 F1471 4 41 51.0 1.6 37.1 8.9 F1471 4 42 48.2 1.8 42.9 9.2 F1471 4 43 46.1 1.9 44.3 9.0 F1471 4 44 44.8 1.1 52.4 7.8 F1471 4 45 40.1 1.4 52.8 8.1 F1471 4 46 35.0 1.6 96.7 13.0 F1471 4 47 31.2 1.8 163.8 21.5 F1471 4 48 26.9 2.1 330.2 42.0 F1471 4 49 22.0 2.6 256.3 32.5 F1471 4 50 16.2 3.4 14.4 3.1 F1471 4 51 12.0 4.3 0.0 F1471 4 52 ENDDATA 20 0 F1471 4 53 ENDSUBENT 52 0 F1471 499999 SUBENT F1471005 20230310 F095F1471 5 1 BIB 6 22 F1471 5 2 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,2N)65-TB-152-G,M+,SIG) F1471 5 3 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-152-G,17.5HR,DG,344.3,0.650) F1471 5 4 METHOD (GSPEC) F1471 5 5 DETECTOR (HPGE) High purity germanium detector ORTEC GEM 35P4 F1471 5 6 Series, with the energy resolution of 850 eV for 122 F1471 5 7 keV line and of 1.5 keV for 1.33 MeV was used. The F1471 5 8 measurement was carried out in two geometries at a F1471 5 9 distance of 11 cm and 6 cm so that the dead time did F1471 5 10 not exceed 6-7%. F1471 5 11 ERR-ANALYS The initial beam energy varies within + - 1 MeV. F1471 5 12 (ERR-T) The overall experimental uncertainty was F1471 5 13 calculated as the square root of the sum of the F1471 5 14 squares of the individual relative uncertainties: F1471 5 15 (ERR-1,5.,7.) uncertainty in determining the F1471 5 16 efficiency of the detector; F1471 5 17 (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty in determining the photopeakF1471 5 18 area; F1471 5 19 (ERR-3) uncertainty in determining of Eu targets F1471 5 20 thickness and composition; F1471 5 21 (ERR-4) uncertainty of nuclear decay data. F1471 5 22 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F1471 5 23 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2a. F1471 5 24 ENDBIB 22 0 F1471 5 25 COMMON 2 3 F1471 5 26 ERR-3 ERR-4 F1471 5 27 PER-CENT PER-CENT F1471 5 28 10. 3. F1471 5 29 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F1471 5 30 DATA 4 18 F1471 5 31 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T F1471 5 32 MEV MEV MB MB F1471 5 33 69.8 1.1 3.2 1.0 F1471 5 34 66.2 1.2 3.5 1.6 F1471 5 35 63.7 1.3 4.0 1.4 F1471 5 36 60.9 1.4 4.4 1.4 F1471 5 37 58.7 1.5 4.0 1.4 F1471 5 38 56.1 1.5 3.6 1.1 F1471 5 39 53.5 1.6 6.5 1.4 F1471 5 40 51.0 1.6 7.7 1.8 F1471 5 41 48.2 1.8 10.7 2.1 F1471 5 42 46.1 1.9 11.7 2.2 F1471 5 43 44.8 1.1 11.5 1.7 F1471 5 44 40.1 1.4 14.8 2.3 F1471 5 45 35.0 1.6 19.4 2.8 F1471 5 46 31.2 1.8 19.0 2.7 F1471 5 47 26.9 2.1 22.9 3.1 F1471 5 48 22.0 2.6 32.7 4.3 F1471 5 49 16.2 3.4 25.0 3.2 F1471 5 50 12.0 4.3 0.8 1.2 F1471 5 51 ENDDATA 20 0 F1471 5 52 ENDSUBENT 51 0 F1471 599999 SUBENT F1471006 20230310 F095F1471 6 1 BIB 5 7 F1471 6 2 REACTION 1(63-EU-151(HE3,5N)65-TB-149-G,,TTY,,PHY,DERIV) F1471 6 3 2(63-EU-151(HE3,5N)65-TB-149-G,,TTY,,SAT,DERIV) F1471 6 4 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-149-G,4.118HR,A,,,DG,352.2,0.2943) F1471 6 5 ANALYSIS (INTEF) F1471 6 6 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No source of uncertainty is given F1471 6 7 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data from textF1471 6 8 (DEP,F1471002) Excitation function F1471 6 9 ENDBIB 7 0 F1471 6 10 NOCOMMON 0 0 F1471 6 11 DATA 6 1 F1471 6 12 EN-MAX EN-MIN TIME-IRRD DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2F1471 6 13 MEV MEV HR MBQ/MUAHR MBQ/MUAHR MBQ/MUA F1471 6 14 70. 30. 1. 38.7 7.7 230.F1471 6 15 ENDDATA 3 0 F1471 6 16 ENDSUBENT 15 0 F1471 699999 SUBENT F1471007 20230310 F095F1471 7 1 BIB 4 6 F1471 7 2 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,4N)65-TB-150-G,,TTY,,PHY,DERIV) F1471 7 3 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-150-G,3.48HR,DG,638.1,0.720) F1471 7 4 ANALYSIS (INTEF) F1471 7 5 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F1471 7 6 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2b. F1471 7 7 (DEP,F1471003) Excitation function F1471 7 8 ENDBIB 6 0 F1471 7 9 NOCOMMON 0 0 F1471 7 10 DATA 4 1 F1471 7 11 EN-MAX EN-MIN TIME-IRRD DATA F1471 7 12 MEV MEV HR MBQ/MUAHR F1471 7 13 70. 12. 1. 93. F1471 7 14 ENDDATA 3 0 F1471 7 15 ENDSUBENT 14 0 F1471 799999 SUBENT F1471008 20230310 F095F1471 8 1 BIB 4 7 F1471 8 2 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,3N)65-TB-151-G,M+,TTY,,PHY,DERIV) F1471 8 3 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-151-G,17.609HR,DG,108.1,0.243,DG,251.9,0.263, F1471 8 4 DG,287.4,0.283) F1471 8 5 ANALYSIS (INTEF) F1471 8 6 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F1471 8 7 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2b. F1471 8 8 (DEP,F1471004) Excitation function F1471 8 9 ENDBIB 7 0 F1471 8 10 NOCOMMON 0 0 F1471 8 11 DATA 4 1 F1471 8 12 EN-MAX EN-MIN TIME-IRRD DATA F1471 8 13 MEV MEV HR MBQ/MUAHR F1471 8 14 70. 12. 1. 26.2 F1471 8 15 ENDDATA 3 0 F1471 8 16 ENDSUBENT 15 0 F1471 899999 SUBENT F1471009 20230310 F095F1471 9 1 BIB 4 6 F1471 9 2 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,2N)65-TB-152-G,M+,TTY,,PHY,DERIV) F1471 9 3 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-152-G,17.5HR,DG,344.3,0.650) F1471 9 4 ANALYSIS (INTEF) F1471 9 5 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F1471 9 6 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2b. F1471 9 7 (DEP,F1471005) Excitation function F1471 9 8 ENDBIB 6 0 F1471 9 9 NOCOMMON 0 0 F1471 9 10 DATA 4 1 F1471 9 11 EN-MAX EN-MIN TIME-IRRD DATA F1471 9 12 MEV MEV HR MBQ/MUAHR F1471 9 13 70. 12. 1. 4.34 F1471 9 14 ENDDATA 3 0 F1471 9 15 ENDSUBENT 14 0 F1471 999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 F147199999999