ENTRY O0312 20230408 O096O031200000001 SUBENT O0312001 20230408 O096O031200100001 BIB 11 27 O031200100002 TITLE Cross-section measurements for the (p,n) analog O031200100003 transition in Ta-181, Au-197 and Bi-209. O031200100004 AUTHOR (S.M.Grimes,J.D.Anderson,J.C.Davis,W.H.Dunlop,C.Wong) O031200100005 INSTITUTE (1USALRL) O031200100006 REFERENCE (J,PRL,30,992,1973) O031200100007 FACILITY (CYGFF,1USALRL) O031200100008 DETECTOR Any information is absent. O031200100009 METHOD (TOF) O031200100010 COMMENT /by Authors/ At energies beyond the threshold for O031200100011 populating excited analog states, coincidence O031200100012 measurements with adequate neutron energy resolution O031200100013 should yield cross sections smaller than the O031200100014 noncoincidence- p' (the analog state) spectra. In O031200100015 addition, the neutron spectra gated by p' events shouldO031200100016 peaks corresponding to excited analog states as well asO031200100017 the ground state. O031200100018 /by Authors/ The inconsistencies between (p,n) and O031200100019 (p,np') measurements was observed for Bi-209 target O031200100020 but not for Ta-181 and Au-197 targets. p'-analog state.O031200100021 ADD-RES (COMP) A weak-coupling model. O031200100022 Configurations for low-lying levels in Bi-208 and O031200100023 Bi-209 was reported. O031200100024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty O031200100025 HISTORY (19970313C) O031200100026 (19970722U) last checking has been done. O031200100027 (20230408A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. O031200100028 Corrections in all Subents. O031200100029 ENDBIB 27 0 O031200100030 COMMON 1 3 O031200100031 EN O031200100032 MEV O031200100033 27. O031200100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O031200100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 O031200199999 SUBENT O0312002 20230408 O096O031200200001 BIB 6 10 O031200200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(P,N)84-PO-209,PAR,DA) O031200200003 COMMENT - by compiler- energy of this isobar analogue state O031200200004 is given according to table of isotopes - eighth O031200200005 edition. But compiler has not sure that it is right. O031200200006 SAMPLE Bi-209 was used as target. Other information is absent.O031200200007 ANALYSIS (INTED) Cross section for the (p,n) transition to O031200200008 analog states for target of Bi-209. O031200200009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1 from Phys.Rev.Let.,30(1973)992 O031200200010 HISTORY (20230408A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O031200200011 ANG-ERR->ANG-ERR-D; ERR-T->DATA-ERR. E-EXC->IAS-NUMB. O031200200012 ENDBIB 10 0 O031200200013 COMMON 2 3 O031200200014 IAS-NUMB ANG-ERR-D O031200200015 NO-DIM ADEG O031200200016 1. 0.8 O031200200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O031200200018 DATA 3 19 O031200200019 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR O031200200020 ADEG MB/SR PER-CENT O031200200021 4.0 0.88 27. O031200200022 9.3 1.13 20. O031200200023 16.8 1.13 19. O031200200024 16.9 1.19 18. O031200200025 24.3 1.53 16. O031200200026 31.8 1.16 10. O031200200027 32.3 1.05 13. O031200200028 45.7 0.61 10. O031200200029 53.7 1.00 12. O031200200030 54.2 0.98 8. O031200200031 61.2 0.67 13. O031200200032 68.7 0.38 26. O031200200033 69.2 0.44 18. O031200200034 83.1 0.26 27. O031200200035 99.2 0.33 21. O031200200036 113.6 0.18 40. O031200200037 128.6 0.25 21. O031200200038 128.7 0.14 40. O031200200039 144.1 0.15 50. O031200200040 ENDDATA 21 0 O031200200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 O031200299999 SUBENT O0312003 20230408 O096O031200300001 BIB 6 10 O031200300002 REACTION (73-TA-181(P,N)74-W-181,PAR,DA) O031200300003 COMMENT - by compiler - authors did not give isobar analogue O031200300004 state energy. O031200300005 SAMPLE Ta-181 was used as target. Other information is absent.O031200300006 ANALYSIS (INTED) Cross section for the (p,n) transition to O031200300007 analog state for target of Ta-181. O031200300008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1 from Phys.Rev.Let.,30(1973)992 O031200300009 HISTORY (20230408A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O031200300010 ANG-ERR -> ANG-ERR-D; ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O031200300011 LVL-NUMB -> IAS-NUMB. O031200300012 ENDBIB 10 0 O031200300013 COMMON 2 3 O031200300014 IAS-NUMB ANG-ERR-D O031200300015 NO-DIM ADEG O031200300016 1. 0.8 O031200300017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O031200300018 DATA 3 16 O031200300019 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR O031200300020 ADEG MB/SR PER-CENT O031200300021 8.6 2.01 13. O031200300022 16.6 1.54 10. O031200300023 16.7 1.30 40. O031200300024 24.1 2.54 8. O031200300025 31.6 2.31 8. O031200300026 32.1 2.09 10. O031200300027 45.5 0.95 13. O031200300028 53.5 0.96 14. O031200300029 54.1 0.69 16. O031200300030 61.0 0.89 10. O031200300031 69.0 0.52 17. O031200300032 70.1 0.59 15. O031200300033 82.4 0.42 26. O031200300034 99.5 0.38 24. O031200300035 113.4 0.28 25. O031200300036 128.9 0.19 40. O031200300037 ENDDATA 18 0 O031200300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 O031200399999 SUBENT O0312004 20230408 O096O031200400001 BIB 6 10 O031200400002 REACTION (79-AU-197(P,N)80-HG-197,PAR,DA) O031200400003 COMMENT - by compiler - authors did not give isobar analogue O031200400004 state energy. O031200400005 SAMPLE Au-197 was used as target. Other information is absent.O031200400006 ANALYSIS (INTED) Cross section for the (p,n) transition to O031200400007 analog state for target of Au-197. O031200400008 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1 from Phys.Rev.Let.,30(1973)992 O031200400009 HISTORY (20230408A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code. O031200400010 ANG-ERR -> ANG-ERR-D; ERR-T -> DATA-ERR. O031200400011 LVL-NUMB -> IAS-NUMB. O031200400012 ENDBIB 10 0 O031200400013 COMMON 2 3 O031200400014 IAS-NUMB ANG-ERR-D O031200400015 NO-DIM ADEG O031200400016 1. 0.8 O031200400017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O031200400018 DATA 3 17 O031200400019 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR O031200400020 ADEG MB/SR PER-CENT O031200400021 3.5 1.10 27. O031200400022 9.4 0.86 30. O031200400023 16.9 0.91 14. O031200400024 17.4 1.19 15. O031200400025 23.7 1.97 8. O031200400026 31.2 1.84 8. O031200400027 32.3 1.79 11. O031200400028 45.2 0.71 13. O031200400029 53.2 0.98 16. O031200400030 53.3 0.87 10. O031200400031 60.7 1.09 9. O031200400032 68.8 0.47 23. O031200400033 68.9 0.47 21. O031200400034 81.6 0.28 30. O031200400035 98.7 0.37 19. O031200400036 128.1 0.22 40. O031200400037 128.7 0.24 30. O031200400038 ENDDATA 19 0 O031200400039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 O031200499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 O031299999999