ENTRY O1033 20230521 O096O103300000001 SUBENT O1033001 20230521 O096O103300100001 BIB 12 27 O103300100002 TITLE Studies of the Al-27(He3,He3)Al-27 and Al-27(He3,alpha)O103300100003 reactions. O103300100004 AUTHOR (C.S.Lin, E.K.Lin, P.S.Song, Wen-Ming, H.C.Meng, O103300100005 C.C.Wung, J.C.Chou) O103300100006 INSTITUTE (3CHFTHU,3CHFSHI) O103300100007 REFERENCE (J,CHP,10,84,1972) O103300100008 ADD-RES (COMP) Optical model analysis. O103300100009 (POT) O103300100010 SAMPLE A self-supporting natural aluminum foil with a O103300100011 thickness of 192 mug/cm**2 were used. O103300100012 FACILITY (VDG,3CHFTHU) A 7-MeV Van de Graaff accelerator. O103300100013 METHOD (BCINT) Integrator efficiency was determined by O103300100014 Rutherford scattering alpha particles by gold target O103300100015 of known thickness. O103300100016 (SITA) Variations in the effective target thickness O103300100017 were recorded using a target monitor which registered O103300100018 elastically scattered 3-He particles at a fixed angle. O103300100019 DETECTOR (SIBAR) 500 mu-m thick O103300100020 INC-SPECT *EN-RSL* the overall experimental resolution due to O103300100021 target thickness, detector resolution, finite angular O103300100022 acceptance and electronics was approximately 110-KeV. O103300100023 STATUS (CURVE) By CAJAD. O103300100024 HISTORY (20030213C) O103300100025 (20030326U) Last checking has been done. O103300100026 (20110314A) SD: Data in Subent 003 were re-digitized. O103300100027 Subent 003 split on two. O103300100028 (20230521A) SD: Correction in Subent 004. O103300100029 ENDBIB 27 0 O103300100030 COMMON 1 3 O103300100031 EN-RSL O103300100032 KEV O103300100033 110. O103300100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O103300100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 O103300199999 SUBENT O1033002 20030326 0000O103300200001 BIB 2 7 O103300200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(HE3,EL)13-AL-27,,DA,,RTH) O103300200003 ERR-ANALYS The relative errors of experimental points are of the O103300200004 order 3%. The absolute errors of the data are O103300200005 determined mainly by the uncertainty of the beam O103300200006 intensity and are estimated to be about 5%. O103300200007 (ERR-DIG) Data-point reader uncertainty. O103300200008 (ANG-ERR-D).Data-point reader uncertainty. O103300200009 ENDBIB 7 0 O103300200010 COMMON 2 3 O103300200011 ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG O103300200012 ADEG NO-DIM O103300200013 0.5 0.014 O103300200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O103300200015 DATA 3 108 O103300200016 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM O103300200017 MEV ADEG NO-DIM O103300200018 5. 39.4 0.93 O103300200019 5. 45. 0.869 O103300200020 5. 50.1 0.85 O103300200021 5. 55.4 0.915 O103300200022 5. 60.4 0.917 O103300200023 5. 66.1 0.998 O103300200024 5. 70.4 0.977 O103300200025 5. 76.1 0.956 O103300200026 5. 81.7 0.993 O103300200027 5. 86.7 0.972 O103300200028 5. 91.4 0.896 O103300200029 5. 96.4 0.931 O103300200030 5. 101.4 0.944 O103300200031 5. 105.8 0.935 O103300200032 5. 111.4 0.982 O103300200033 5. 116.1 0.961 O103300200034 5. 120.1 1.009 O103300200035 5. 125.5 0.954 O103300200036 5. 130.1 0.933 O103300200037 5. 134.5 0.881 O103300200038 5. 138.8 0.852 O103300200039 5. 143.8 0.834 O103300200040 5. 148.2 0.826 O103300200041 5. 153.2 0.808 O103300200042 5. 157.2 0.839 O103300200043 5. 161.5 0.811 O103300200044 5. 165.9 0.794 O103300200045 5.5 38.5 0.942 O103300200046 5.5 44.6 0.83 O103300200047 5.5 49.3 0.791 O103300200048 5.5 54.6 0.826 O103300200049 5.5 60.2 0.882 O103300200050 5.5 65.3 0.804 O103300200051 5.5 70.6 0.859 O103300200052 5.5 75.6 0.838 O103300200053 5.5 82. 0.781 O103300200054 5.5 85.6 0.797 O103300200055 5.5 90.7 0.769 O103300200056 5.5 96. 0.767 O103300200057 5.5 101.4 0.749 O103300200058 5.5 105.4 0.722 O103300200059 5.5 110.4 0.689 O103300200060 5.5 115.4 0.695 O103300200061 5.5 120.8 0.627 O103300200062 5.5 124.8 0.654 O103300200063 5.5 129.8 0.61 O103300200064 5.5 134.1 0.623 O103300200065 5.5 138.5 0.549 O103300200066 5.5 143.2 0.542 O103300200067 5.5 148.2 0.535 O103300200068 5.5 152.2 0.558 O103300200069 5.5 155.9 0.545 O103300200070 5.5 161.5 0.556 O103300200071 5.5 165.5 0.581 O103300200072 6. 38.9 0.943 O103300200073 6. 44.6 0.86 O103300200074 6. 49.9 0.87 O103300200075 6. 54.9 0.89 O103300200076 6. 60.2 0.86 O103300200077 6. 65.6 0.811 O103300200078 6. 70.9 0.757 O103300200079 6. 76.3 0.74 O103300200080 6. 80.6 0.723 O103300200081 6. 86. 0.731 O103300200082 6. 91.3 0.643 O103300200083 6. 97.3 0.698 O103300200084 6. 101. 0.659 O103300200085 6. 106.4 0.621 O103300200086 6. 111. 0.593 O103300200087 6. 115.4 0.535 O103300200088 6. 120.4 0.522 O103300200089 6. 124.7 0.516 O103300200090 6. 130.4 0.522 O103300200091 6. 135.1 0.487 O103300200092 6. 138.4 0.51 O103300200093 6. 143.4 0.528 O103300200094 6. 148.8 0.504 O103300200095 6. 152.4 0.51 O103300200096 6. 156.1 0.547 O103300200097 6. 162.1 0.516 O103300200098 6. 166.5 0.493 O103300200099 6.5 38.8 0.873 O103300200100 6.5 44.2 0.855 O103300200101 6.5 49.5 0.81 O103300200102 6.5 55.2 0.725 O103300200103 6.5 60.5 0.744 O103300200104 6.5 65.5 0.788 O103300200105 6.5 70.2 0.772 O103300200106 6.5 75.9 0.654 O103300200107 6.5 81.2 0.641 O103300200108 6.5 85.9 0.649 O103300200109 6.5 91.3 0.543 O103300200110 6.5 96.3 0.582 O103300200111 6.5 100.9 0.624 O103300200112 6.5 105.6 0.585 O103300200113 6.5 110.6 0.548 O103300200114 6.5 116. 0.525 O103300200115 6.5 120.7 0.508 O103300200116 6.5 124.7 0.492 O103300200117 6.5 130.3 0.477 O103300200118 6.5 134.7 0.422 O103300200119 6.5 138.7 0.463 O103300200120 6.5 143.4 0.474 O103300200121 6.5 148.7 0.444 O103300200122 6.5 152.4 0.45 O103300200123 6.5 156.1 0.435 O103300200124 6.5 162.1 0.432 O103300200125 6.5 166.4 0.386 O103300200126 ENDDATA 110 0 O103300200127 ENDSUBENT 126 0 O103300299999 SUBENT O1033003 20110314 O045O103300300001 BIB 6 13 O103300300002 REACTION (13-AL-27(HE3,A)13-AL-26,PAR,DA) Fig. 5-6. O103300300003 PART-DET (A) O103300300004 EN-SEC (E-LVL,13-AL-26) O103300300005 COMMENT - By authors. Excited state which is marked as 1760 O103300300006 KeV is 1760+1852 KeV doublet. O103300300007 Excited state which is marked as 2.072-MeV is 2.072+ O103300300008 2.080 MeV doublet. O103300300009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars are indicated on figures. O103300300010 (DATA-ERR) The absolute errors of the measured O103300300011 differential cross sections were estimated to be O103300300012 within 10%. O103300300013 (ANG-ERR-D).Data-point reader uncertainty. O103300300014 HISTORY (20110314A) SD: Data were redigitized. O103300300015 ENDBIB 13 0 O103300300016 COMMON 4 3 O103300300017 EN ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG DATA-ERR O103300300018 MEV ADEG MB/SR PER-CENT O103300300019 6.5 0.5 0.0004 10.0 O103300300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O103300300021 DATA 4 48 O103300300022 E-LVL ANG DATA ERR-S O103300300023 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR O103300300024 0.000 49.5 0.0745 0.0032 O103300300025 0.000 59.6 0.1064 0.0032 O103300300026 0.000 70.1 0.0818 0.0050 O103300300027 0.000 80.0 0.1187 0.0062 O103300300028 0.000 88.2 0.1075 0.0059 O103300300029 0.000 98.7 0.0996 0.0039 O103300300030 0.000 110.0 0.0772 0.0025 O103300300031 0.000 120.1 0.0597 0.0057 O103300300032 0.000 129.8 0.0635 0.0066 O103300300033 0.000 139.9 0.0549 0.0064 O103300300034 0.000 149.9 0.0364 0.0032 O103300300035 0.000 159.6 0.0476 0.0068 O103300300036 0.229 49.7 0.0291 0.0021 O103300300037 0.229 59.6 0.0362 0.0008 O103300300038 0.229 69.5 0.0263 0.0021 O103300300039 0.229 79.8 0.0261 0.0022 O103300300040 0.229 89.6 0.0242 0.0025 O103300300041 0.229 100.0 0.0291 0.0015 O103300300042 0.229 110.0 0.0302 0.0018 O103300300043 0.229 119.9 0.0197 0.0013 O103300300044 0.229 129.8 0.0292 0.0019 O103300300045 0.229 139.7 0.0312 0.0016 O103300300046 0.229 149.7 0.0274 0.0018 O103300300047 0.229 159.4 0.0216 0.0011 O103300300048 0.418 49.7 0.0475 0.0030 O103300300049 0.418 59.5 0.0494 0.0031 O103300300050 0.418 69.8 0.0355 0.0030 O103300300051 0.418 79.4 0.0721 0.0033 O103300300052 0.418 89.1 0.0819 0.0038 O103300300053 0.418 99.3 0.0778 0.0031 O103300300054 0.418 109.3 0.0666 0.0035 O103300300055 0.418 119.4 0.0405 0.0029 O103300300056 0.418 129.4 0.0678 0.0031 O103300300057 0.418 139.2 0.0602 0.0033 O103300300058 0.418 149.2 0.0627 0.0031 O103300300059 0.418 159.0 0.0686 0.0027 O103300300060 1.059 49.6 0.0744 0.0014 O103300300061 1.059 59.4 0.0633 0.0016 O103300300062 1.059 69.5 0.0483 0.0017 O103300300063 1.059 79.2 0.0473 0.0010 O103300300064 1.059 89.3 0.0434 0.0017 O103300300065 1.059 99.7 0.0360 0.0031 O103300300066 1.059 109.6 0.0387 0.0032 O103300300067 1.059 119.5 0.0354 0.0029 O103300300068 1.059 129.3 0.0523 0.0035 O103300300069 1.059 139.4 0.0453 0.0029 O103300300070 1.059 149.5 0.0373 0.0032 O103300300071 1.059 159.6 0.0326 0.0029 O103300300072 ENDDATA 50 0 O103300300073 ENDSUBENT 72 0 O103300399999 SUBENT O1033004 20230521 O096O103300400001 BIB 7 13 O103300400002 REACTION (13-AL-27(HE3,A)13-AL-26,PAR,DA) O103300400003 PART-DET (A) O103300400004 EN-SEC (E-LVL,13-AL-26) O103300400005 COMMENT - By authors. Excited state which is marked as 1760 keVO103300400006 is 1760+1852 keV doublet. O103300400007 Excited state which is marked as 2.072-MeV is 2.072+ O103300400008 2.080 MeV doublet. O103300400009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error O103300400010 (ERR-T) The absolute errors O103300400011 STATUS (CURVE) Figs 7-8 from Chinese J. of Physics,10(1972)84 O103300400012 HISTORY (20110314A) SD: Data were re-digitized. O103300400013 (20230521U) SD: STATUS added. Col.DATA-ERR in DATA O103300400014 section renamed (ERR-S). O103300400015 ENDBIB 13 0 O103300400016 COMMON 4 3 O103300400017 EN ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG ERR-T O103300400018 MEV ADEG MB/SR PER-CENT O103300400019 6.5 0.5 0.0004 10. O103300400020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O103300400021 DATA 5 24 O103300400022 E-LVL E-LVL ANG DATA ERR-S O103300400023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR O103300400024 1.760 1.852 49.4 0.17203 0.00359 O103300400025 1.760 1.852 60.1 0.05909 0.00326 O103300400026 1.760 1.852 70.3 0.04888 0.00310 O103300400027 1.760 1.852 79.9 0.08320 0.00359 O103300400028 1.760 1.852 89.8 0.06402 0.00310 O103300400029 1.760 1.852 99.6 0.07714 0.00326 O103300400030 1.760 1.852 109.6 0.07134 0.00261 O103300400031 1.760 1.852 119.9 0.04842 0.00261 O103300400032 1.760 1.852 129.9 0.05974 0.00277 O103300400033 1.760 1.852 139.9 0.05019 0.00228 O103300400034 1.760 1.852 149.9 0.03770 0.00310 O103300400035 1.760 1.852 160.0 0.05017 0.00277 O103300400036 2.072 2.080 50.0 0.21531 0.00693 O103300400037 2.072 2.080 59.9 0.22329 0.00692 O103300400038 2.072 2.080 69.6 0.20390 0.00660 O103300400039 2.072 2.080 79.7 0.22968 0.00693 O103300400040 2.072 2.080 89.8 0.18721 0.00660 O103300400041 2.072 2.080 99.7 0.18892 0.00528 O103300400042 2.072 2.080 109.6 0.18932 0.00660 O103300400043 2.072 2.080 119.4 0.15673 0.00660 O103300400044 2.072 2.080 129.2 0.20725 0.00693 O103300400045 2.072 2.080 139.4 0.20171 0.00594 O103300400046 2.072 2.080 149.5 0.17605 0.00593 O103300400047 2.072 2.080 159.5 0.25295 0.00561 O103300400048 ENDDATA 26 0 O103300400049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 O103300499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 O103399999999