ENTRY O1683 20230330 O095O168300000001 SUBENT O1683001 20230330 O095O168300100001 BIB 8 16 O168300100002 TITLE Solution of the Li-10 puzzle O168300100003 AUTHOR (H.G.Bohlen, B.Gebauer, M.von Lucke-Petsch, O168300100004 W.von Oertzen, A.N.Ostrowski, M.Wilpert, Th.Wilpert, O168300100005 H.Lenske, D.V.Alexandrov, A.S.Demyanova, E.Nikolskii, O168300100006 A.A.Korsheninnikov, A.A.Ogloblin, R.Kalpakchieva, O168300100007 Y.E.Penionzhkevich, S.Piskor) O168300100008 INSTITUTE (2GERBER,2GERMUN,4RUSKUR,4ZZZDUB) O168300100009 REFERENCE (J,ZP/A,344,381,1993) O168300100010 (C,92BERNKAST,,(C2),1992) - prelim.results O168300100011 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERBER) The accelerator VICKSI. O168300100012 METHOD (TOF) O168300100013 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Q3D magnetic spectrograph. O168300100014 (PROPC) two position sensitive proportional counter O168300100015 (SCIN) a plastic scintillator NE102A O168300100016 HISTORY (20081030C) SB O168300100017 (20230330U) SD: Ref. 92BERNKAST,,(C2) added. O168300100018 ENDBIB 16 0 O168300100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 O168300100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 O168300199999 SUBENT O1683002 20081030 O037O168300200001 BIB 8 18 O168300200002 REACTION (6-C-12(6-C-13,5-B-13)7-N-12,PAR,DA) O168300200003 SAMPLE A Be-9 target of 400 mug/cm**2 thickness contained O168300200004 contaminations of C-12 and O-16 with a thickness of O168300200005 12 mug/cm**2 and 9 mug/cm**2,respectively,was used. O168300200006 A C-12 target, thickness approx. 150 mug/cm**2 and O168300200007 self-supporting a V(2)O(5) target, thickness 200 mug/ O168300200008 cm**2 used also. O168300200009 INC-SOURCE The C-13 beam was produced in a sputter ion-source, O168300200010 preaccelerated in an 8 MV tandem and accelerated up to O168300200011 the final energy by the cyclotron. O168300200012 COMMENT *By authors*.This reaction was used for the precise O168300200013 calibration of the energy scale. O168300200014 METHOD (BCINT) The reaction was measured with a beam current O168300200015 of approx. 50 nA. The current was integrated for O168300200016 normalization purposes. O168300200017 STATUS (TABLE) table 1 O168300200018 EN-SEC (E-EXC,5-B-13) O168300200019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors in table 1 O168300200020 ENDBIB 18 0 O168300200021 COMMON 2 3 O168300200022 EN ANG O168300200023 MEV ADEG O168300200024 336. 3.8 O168300200025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O168300200026 DATA 3 6 O168300200027 E-EXC DATA-CM DATA-ERR O168300200028 MEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR O168300200029 0.00 1.10 0.15 O168300200030 3.65 2.75 0.30 O168300200031 5.21 3.57 0.40 O168300200032 6.33 18.7 2.0 O168300200033 8.24 4.1 1.0 O168300200034 10.25 9.9 1.3 O168300200035 ENDDATA 8 0 O168300200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 O168300299999 SUBENT O1683003 20081030 O037O168300300001 BIB 8 19 O168300300002 REACTION (4-BE-9(6-C-13,3-LI-10)7-N-12,PAR,DA) O168300300003 SAMPLE A Be-9 target of 400 mug/cm**2 thickness contained O168300300004 contaminations of C-12 and O-16 with a thickness of O168300300005 12 mug/cm**2 and 9 mug/cm**2,respectively,was used. O168300300006 A C-12 target, thickness approx. 150 mug/cm**2 and O168300300007 self-supporting a V(2)O(5) target, thickness 200 mug/ O168300300008 cm**2 used also. O168300300009 INC-SOURCE The C-13 beam was produced in a sputter ion-source, O168300300010 preaccelerated in an 8 MV tandem and accelerated up to O168300300011 the final energy by the cyclotron. O168300300012 COMMENT *By authors*.This reaction was used for the precise O168300300013 calibration of the energy scale. O168300300014 METHOD (BCINT) The reaction was measured with a beam current O168300300015 of approx. 50 nA. The current was integrated for O168300300016 normalization purposes. O168300300017 STATUS (TABLE) table 1 O168300300018 EN-SEC (E-EXC,3-LI-10) O168300300019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors in table 1 O168300300020 (E-EXC-ERR).The error in excitation energy. O168300300021 ENDBIB 19 0 O168300300022 COMMON 2 3 O168300300023 EN ANG O168300300024 MEV ADEG O168300300025 336. 3.8 O168300300026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O168300300027 DATA 4 3 O168300300028 E-EXC E-EXC-ERR DATA-CM DATA-ERR O168300300029 MEV MEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR O168300300030 0.00 0.24 0.10 O168300300031 0.38 0.08 0.10 0.06 O168300300032 4.05 0.10 0.26 0.10 O168300300033 ENDDATA 5 0 O168300300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 O168300399999 SUBENT O1683004 20081030 O037O168300400001 BIB 8 19 O168300400002 REACTION (6-C-12(6-C-14,3-LI-9)9-F-17,PAR,DA) O168300400003 SAMPLE The C-13 target of highly enriched material, 98% C-13 O168300400004 2% C-12 had a thickness of 300 mug/cm**2. O168300400005 The C-12 target for the calibration reaction had the O168300400006 same thickness. O168300400007 INC-SOURCE The C-14 beam was produced in a dedicated sputter ion O168300400008 source with a Cs-beam impinging on a steel pellet. The O168300400009 carbon content of the pellet consisted of 85% C-14, O168300400010 1% C-13 and 14% C-12. O168300400011 preaccelerated in an 8 MV tandem and accelerated up to O168300400012 the final energy by the cyclotron. O168300400013 COMMENT *By authors*.This reaction was used for the precise O168300400014 calibration of the energy scale. O168300400015 METHOD (BCINT) The reaction was measured with a beam current O168300400016 of approx. 30 nA. The current was integrated for O168300400017 normalization purposes. O168300400018 STATUS (TABLE) table 2 O168300400019 EN-SEC (E-EXC,3-LI-9) O168300400020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors in table 2 O168300400021 ENDBIB 19 0 O168300400022 COMMON 2 3 O168300400023 EN ANG O168300400024 MEV ADEG O168300400025 337. 5.4 O168300400026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O168300400027 DATA 3 5 O168300400028 E-EXC DATA-CM DATA-ERR O168300400029 MEV NB/SR NB/SR O168300400030 0.00 353. 50. O168300400031 2.68 30. 10. O168300400032 4.32 48. 20. O168300400033 5.48 42. 20. O168300400034 6.30 48. 20. O168300400035 ENDDATA 7 0 O168300400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 O168300499999 SUBENT O1683005 20081030 O037O168300500001 BIB 8 19 O168300500002 REACTION (6-C-13(6-C-14,3-LI-10)9-F-17,PAR,DA) O168300500003 SAMPLE The C-13 target of highly enriched material, 98% C-13 O168300500004 2% C-12 had a thickness of 300 mug/cm**2. O168300500005 The C-12 target for the calibration reaction had the O168300500006 same thickness. O168300500007 INC-SOURCE The C-14 beam was produced in a dedicated sputter ion O168300500008 source with a Cs-beam impinging on a steel pellet. The O168300500009 carbon content of the pellet consisted of 85% C-14, O168300500010 1% C-13 and 14% C-12. O168300500011 preaccelerated in an 8 MV tandem and accelerated up to O168300500012 the final energy by the cyclotron. O168300500013 COMMENT *By authors*.This reaction was used for the precise O168300500014 calibration of the energy scale. O168300500015 METHOD (BCINT) The reaction was measured with a beam current O168300500016 of approx. 30 nA. The current was integrated for O168300500017 normalization purposes. O168300500018 STATUS (TABLE) table 2 O168300500019 EN-SEC (E-EXC,3-LI-10) O168300500020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR).The error is reported by authors in table 2 O168300500021 ENDBIB 19 0 O168300500022 COMMON 2 3 O168300500023 EN ANG O168300500024 MEV ADEG O168300500025 337. 5.4 O168300500026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 O168300500027 DATA 3 2 O168300500028 E-EXC DATA-CM DATA-ERR O168300500029 MEV NB/SR NB/SR O168300500030 0.00 41. 15. O168300500031 0.38 68. 20. O168300500032 ENDDATA 4 0 O168300500033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 O168300599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 O168399999999