DICTION 5 200601 Journal Codes 30000 5 1 Note= In CINDA, 5-char journal-codes (e.g., ACR/A) 30000 5 2 are converted to 4-char codes by omitting the 30000 5 3 slash (e.g., ACRA). 4-char codes remain the 30000 5 4 same, even if they include a slash. 30000 5 5 The CINDA-code for JNE/AB is JNAB. 30000 5 6 AAA (Astronomy and Astrophysics) 2GER30000 5 7 AAB (Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias) 3BZL30000 5 8 AAF (Annales Acad. Sci. Fennicae, Series A6: Physica) 2SF 30000 5 9 AANL (Atti Acad. Naz. Lincei,Rend.,Sci.Fis.,Mat.Nat.) 2ITY30000 5 10 Atti della Academia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma), 30000 5 11 Rendiconti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Mathematiche 30000 5 12 e Naturali 30000 5 13 AAST (Atti Acad. Sci. Torino, Cl.Sci.Fis.Mat.Nat.) 2ITY30000 5 14 Atti della Academia della Scienze di Torino, 30000 5 15 Classe de Scienze Fisiche, Mathematiche e Naturali 30000 5 16 ABS (Memoires de l'Acad. Roy.Belg.,Cl.Sci.) 2BLG30000 5 17 AC (Analytical Chemistry) 1USA30000 5 18 ACA (Analitica Chimica Acta) 2NED30000 5 19 ACH (Angewandte Chemie) 2GER30000 5 20 ACJ (Acta Chemica Scandinavica) 2DEN30000 5 21 ACR (Acta Crystallographica) 2DEN30000 5 22X (continued 1970 in parts A and B) 30000 5 23X ACR/A (Acta Crystallographica, Part A) 2DEN30000 5 24 Started with vol.26 in 1970 30000 5 25 ACR/B (Acta Crystallographica, Part B) 2DEN30000 5 26 From vol.26 (1970) 30000 5 27 ACS (Journal of the American Chemical Society) 1USA30000 5 28 ADC (Annales de Chimie) 2FR 30000 5 29 ADP (Annalen der Physik) 3DDR30000 5 30X (published in former DDR, 30000 5 31X restarted with Vol.1 in 1992, see ANP). 30000 5 32X AE (Atomnaya Energiya) 4RUS30000 5 33 (English translation see AE/T (earlier SJA), 30000 5 34 French see EAF). 30000 5 35 Selected articles and abstracts from vol.1 (1956) 30000 5 36 to vol.20 (1966) translated into English in JNE 30000 5 37 vol.3 (1956) to vol.21 (1967). 30000 5 38 AE/S (Atomnaya Energiya, Supplement) 4RUS30000 5 39 (English translation see SJA/S) 30000 5 40 AE/T (Atomic Energy) 1USA30000 5 41 (English of AE), continuation of SJA, 30000 5 42 starting with vol.72, no.3 (1992) 30000 5 43 AEA (Atomic Energy in Australia) 3AUL30000 5 44 AEJ (Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan) 2JPN30000 5 45 Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkaishi 30000 5 46 AF (Arkiv foer Fysik) 2SWD30000 5 47X (1970 replaced by Physica Scripta) 30000 5 48X AHP (Acta Physica Hungarica) 3HUN30000 5 49 Since vol.54 (1983). 30000 5 50 (up to vol.53 (1982) called Acta Phys. Acad. Sci. Hung.30000 5 51 AHT (Acta Technica (Budapest)) 3HUN30000 5 52 Formerly Acta Technica Hungarica and also Acta 30000 5 53 Technica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 30000 5 54 AIF (Anales del Instituto de Fisica) 3MEX30000 5 55X (publ. 1955 only) 30000 5 56X AIP (Advances in Physics) 2UK 30000 5 57 (suppl. to Philosophical Magazine) 30000 5 58 AJ (Astrophysical Journal) 1USA30000 5 59 AJ/L (Astrophysical Journal, Letters) 1USA30000 5 60 AJ/S (Astrophysical Journal, Supplement) 1USA30000 5 61 AJN (Arab Journal of Nuclear Sci.and Application) 3EGY30000 5 62 AJP (American Journal of Physics) 1USA30000 5 63 AJS (Australian Journal of Science) 3AUL30000 5 64X (up to vol.32, 1970) 30000 5 65X Discontinued with vol.32 no.12 (June 1970) 30000 5 66X New journal 'Search' started instead. 30000 5 67X AJSE (Arabian J.for Science and Engineering) 3SAR30000 5 68 AK ( Atomki Koezlemenyek) 3HUN30000 5 69 (Atommag Kutato Intezet) 30000 5 70 AKE (Atomkernenergie) 2GER30000 5 71X (up to vol.32 (1978); 30000 5 72X from vol.33 (1979) to vol.49 (1986) called 30000 5 73X 'Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik'; 30000 5 74X from vol.50 (1987) called 'Kerntechnik', see KT) 30000 5 75X Use 'AKE' for all pre-1987 entries. 30000 5 76X AKS (Atomki Kozlemenyek Supplement) 3HUN30000 5 77 ANA (Analyst (London)) 2UK 30000 5 78 AND (Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables) 1USA30000 5 79 Starting with vol.12 Aug.1973 as continuation of 30000 5 80 'Atomic Data' and 'Nuclear Data Tables' 30000 5 81 ANE (Annals of Nuclear Energy) 2UK 30000 5 82 Vol.1 (1974) was called Annals of Nucl. Sci. and 30000 5 83 Engineering 30000 5 84 Cont'd with vol.2 (Jan.1975) under Annals of Nuclear 30000 5 85 Energy. 30000 5 86 Formerly JNE. 30000 5 87 ANP (Annalen der Physik (Leipzig).) 2GER30000 5 88 Continuation of ADP, restarted with vol.1 in 1992. 30000 5 89 ANS (Transactions of the American Nuclear Society) 1USA30000 5 90 AOS (Acta Oncologica (Stockholm)) 2SWD30000 5 91 AP (Annals of Physics (New York)) 1USA30000 5 92 APA (Acta Physica Austriaca) 2AUS30000 5 93 APH (Annales de Physique (Paris)) 2FR 30000 5 94 APL (Applied Physics Letters) 1USA30000 5 95 APP (Acta Physica Polonica) 3POL30000 5 96X (until vol.36, 1969; continued in parts A and B) 30000 5 97X APP/A (Acta Physica Polonica, Part A) 3POL30000 5 98 General, Solid State, and Applied Physics. 30000 5 99 (starting with vol.37, 1970) 30000 5 100 APP/B (Acta Physica Polonica, Part B) 3POL30000 5 101 Elementary Particles, Nuclear Physics, Relativity 30000 5 102 and Field Theory. 30000 5 103 (starting with vol.1, 1970) 30000 5 104 APPL/A (Applied Physics A) 2GER30000 5 105 Materials Science and Processing 30000 5 106 APPL/B (Applied Physics B) 2GER30000 5 107 Lasers and Optics 30000 5 108 APS (Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica) 2SWD30000 5 109 ARI (Applied Radiation and Isotopes) 2UK 30000 5 110 (Part A of Int. Journal of Radiation Applications and 30000 5 111 Instrumentation', starting with vol.37 in 1986; 30000 5 112 up to vol.36 (1985) called 'Int. Journal of Applied 30000 5 113 Radiation and Isotopes') 30000 5 114 ARN (Annual Review of Nuclear and Part.Sci.) 1USA30000 5 115 Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. 30000 5 116 Until 1977 title was 'Annual Review of Nuclear 30000 5 117 Science' 30000 5 118 ARS (Anales de Fisica y Quimica) 2SPN30000 5 119 Formerly Anales de la Real Sociedad Espanola de 30000 5 120 Fisica y Quimica 30000 5 121 ASI (Acta Physica Sinica) 3CPR30000 5 122 (articles in Chinese) 30000 5 123 ASL (Acta Physica Slovaca) 3SLK30000 5 124 ASP (Astrophysics and Space Science) 2NED30000 5 125 ASS (Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles) 2BLG30000 5 126 AT (Atomes) 2FR 30000 5 127 ATP (Atompraxis) 2GER30000 5 128 ATT (Atomtechnikai Tajekoztato) 3HUN30000 5 129 ATW (Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik) 2GER30000 5 130 Formerly Atomwirtschaft 30000 5 131 AUJ (Australian Journal of Physics) 3AUL30000 5 132 BAP (Bulletin of the American Physical Society) 1USA30000 5 133 BAS (Bull.Russian Academy of Sciences - Physics) 1USA30000 5 134 Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 30000 5 135 Physics 30000 5 136 (English of IZV); formerly Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR. 30000 5 137 BCF (Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France) 2FR 30000 5 138 BCI (Bull.Research Council of Israel, Sect. F) 3ISL30000 5 139 Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section 30000 5 140 F, Mathematics and Physics 30000 5 141 (superseded by Israel Jour. Math.) 30000 5 142 BCJ (Bull.of the Chemical Soc.of Japan) 2JPN30000 5 143 BCR (Bull.of Inst.Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ.) 2JPN30000 5 144X (from Vol.31 no.1 (1953) to Vol. 73,no.1 (1995)) 30000 5 145X BCS (Bull.de la Classe des Sci.,Acad.Roy.Belgique) 2BLG30000 5 146 Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences, Academie Royale 30000 5 147 de Belgique 30000 5 148 Supersedes Bull. de l'Academie Royale de Belgique 30000 5 149 BIP (Bull. of the Israel Physical Society) 3ISL30000 5 150 BIS (Bull.d'Informations Scientifiques et Techniques) 2FR 30000 5 151 Bulletin d'Informations Scientifiques et Techniques 30000 5 152 Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique 30000 5 153 BJA (British Journal of Applied Physics) 2UK 30000 5 154 BJA/S (British J.of Applied Physics, Suppl.) 2UK 30000 5 155 BJE (Bezpecnost Jaderne Energie) 3CZR30000 5 156 Safety of Nuclear Energy 30000 5 157 (continuation of JE, started in 1993) 30000 5 158 BJP (Bulgarian J.of Physics) 3BUL30000 5 159 BKE (Bull.Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Electron.) 3YUG30000 5 160X Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear 30000 5 161X Sciences, Electronics 30000 5 162X (only vol.18) 30000 5 163X BKN (Bull. Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Nucl.Eng.) 3YUG30000 5 164X Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear 30000 5 165X Sciences, Nuclear Engineering. 30000 5 166X (only vols. 18 (1967) - 22 (1971)) 30000 5 167X BKP (Bull. Boris Kidrich Inst.Nucl.Sci., Physics) 3YUG30000 5 168X Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear 30000 5 169X Sciences, Physics. 30000 5 170X (only vols. 18 (1967) - 21 (1970)) 30000 5 171X BNE (Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society) 2UK 30000 5 172 BOS (Transactions of the Bose Research Inst.,Calcutta) 3IND30000 5 173 BPC (Bull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci., Chimique) 3POL30000 5 174 Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 30000 5 175 Serie des Sciences Chimiques. 30000 5 176 BPP (Bull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci.,Math.,Astr.,Phys.) 3POL30000 5 177 Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 30000 5 178 Serie des Sciences Mathematiques, Astronomiques et 30000 5 179 Physiques 30000 5 180 BPT (Bull.de l'Acad.Pol.Sci.,Ser.Sci.Techniques) 3POL30000 5 181 Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 30000 5 182 Serie des Sciences Techniques 30000 5 183 BSI (Bolletino della Societa Italiana di Fisica) 2ITY30000 5 184 BSL (Bull.Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege) 2BLG30000 5 185 BTI (Bull.of the Tokyo Inst.of Technology) 2JPN30000 5 186X (English edition; content differs from Japanese edition30000 5 187 (from Vol. 39 (1961) to Vol. 131 (1975)) 30000 5 188 CA (Chemia Analityczna) 3POL30000 5 189 CDP (Cahiers de Physique) 2FR 30000 5 190 CEC (Ciencia e Cultura (Sao Paulo)) 3BZL30000 5 191 CHP (Chinese Journal of Physics (Taiwan)) 3CHF30000 5 192 CJC (Canadian Journal of Chemistry) 1CAN30000 5 193 CJP (Canadian Journal of Physics) 1CAN30000 5 194 Formerly, Canadian J. Research, Part A. 30000 5 195 CJR (Canadian Journal of Research) 1CAN30000 5 196X (later split into CJP and CJC) 30000 5 197X CJR/A (Canadian Journal Research, Part A) 1CAN30000 5 198X (existing in 1947) 30000 5 199X CJR/B (Canadian Journal Research, Part B) 1CAN30000 5 200X CNDP (Communication of Nuclear Data Progress) 3CPR30000 5 201 Up to Vol. 22 (1999) this series was coded as 30000 5 202 report CNIC-. 30000 5 203 Other names on cover: CNIC-, CNDC-, INDC(CPR)- 30000 5 204 CNP (Chinese J.of Nuclear Physics (Beijing).) 3CPR30000 5 205 Up to vol.10 (1988) in Chinese, 30000 5 206 with English abstracts; 30000 5 207 from vol.11 (1989) onwards published in English. 30000 5 208 Each issue starts with page 1 30000 5 209 Publication ceased after Vol. 19, No. 4 (1997) 30000 5 210 CNST (Nuclear Science and Techniques (Shanghai).) 3CPR30000 5 211 In English. Contains translations from 'Nuclear 30000 5 212 Techniques' (NTC) and original articles. 30000 5 213 CNT (Canadian Nuclear Technology) 1CAN30000 5 214X (superseded by Canadian Res. Develop.) 30000 5 215X CP (Chinese Physics) 1USA30000 5 216 (English translations of selected articles from several30000 5 217 Chinese journals) 30000 5 218 Ceased publication after 1992. Last issue = Vol.12 no.430000 5 219 CPC (Computer Physics Communications) 2NED30000 5 220 CPH (Chinese Physics) 3CPR30000 5 221 published by Chinese Physical Society and 30000 5 222 Inst. of Physics (UK) 30000 5 223 Started in 2001 with Vol. 10 30000 5 224 Compare CP (Chinese Physics), translation journal, 30000 5 225 last volume received at IAEA: Vol. 12 (1992) 30000 5 226 CPL (Chinese Physics Letters) 3CPR30000 5 227 published by Chinese Physical Society and 30000 5 228 Inst. of Physics (UK), 30000 5 229 starting with Vol. 18 (2001) 30000 5 230 CR (Comptes Rendus, Serie B, Physique) 2FR 30000 5 231 Earlier CINDA entries coded as CR refer to CR/B 30000 5 232 CR/B (Comptes Rendus, Serie B, Physique) 2FR 30000 5 233 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de 30000 5 234 l'Academie des Sciences, Serie B, Physique 30000 5 235 Serie A (Mathematique) and Serie B (Physique) appear 30000 5 236 mostly together in same issue but with separate 30000 5 237 pagination. 30000 5 238 CR/C (Comptes rendus, Serie C, Chimie) 2FR 30000 5 239 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de 30000 5 240 l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Chimie 30000 5 241 CRB (Comptes Rendus Acad.Bulgare Sci.) 3BUL30000 5 242 Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences. 30000 5 243 CS (Current Science) 3IND30000 5 244 CSA (Abstracts of papers, American Chemical Soc.) 1USA30000 5 245 Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society 30000 5 246 CST (Atomic Energy Science and Technology) 3CPR30000 5 247 Yuanzineng Kexue Jishu (in Chinese) 30000 5 248 CZC (Collection of Czech.Chemical Communications) 3CZR30000 5 249 Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 30000 5 250 CZJ (Czechoslovak Journal of Physics) 3CZR30000 5 251 (from 1951 (vol.1) to 1965 (vol.15); 30000 5 252 1966-89 (vols.16-39) continued in 2 Parts CZJA, CZJB; 30000 5 253 restarted in 1990 (vol.40) as continuation of CZJB) 30000 5 254 CZJ/A (Ceskoslovensky Casopys pro Fyziku) 3CZR30000 5 255 (articles in Czech and Slovak). 30000 5 256 From vol.16 (1966) to vol.39 (1989) called 30000 5 257 Czech. J. of Physics, Sect. A 30000 5 258 CZJ/B (Czech.J.of Physics, Part B) 3CZR30000 5 259X International issue. 30000 5 260X From vol. 16 (1966) to vol. 39 (1989), continuing CZJ 30000 5 261X as the part containing original articles in foreign lan30000 5 262X Continued as CZJ from vol. 40 (1990) 30000 5 263X DA (Dissertation Abstracts) 1USA30000 5 264X Until no.26, 1966/67. 30000 5 265X DA/B (Dissertation Abstracts B (Sciences)) 1USA30000 5 266 From no.27 1966/67. 30000 5 267 From vol.30 (1969) journal is called Dissertation 30000 5 268 Abstracts International B 30000 5 269 DOK (Doklady Akademii Nauk) 4CCP30000 5 270 Previously Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 30000 5 271 (English translation: see SPD) 30000 5 272 EAF (Energie Atomique) 2FR 30000 5 273X (French translation of AE). 30000 5 274X Discontinued with vol.28, nr.6 (1970) 30000 5 275X EARR (European Applied Research Reports) 2ZZZ30000 5 276 EAT (Energia es Atomtechnika) 3HUN30000 5 277 EEN (Ergebnisse der Exakten Naturwissenschaften) 2GER30000 5 278 EN (Energia Nucleare (Milan)) 2ITY30000 5 279 ENF (Energie Nucleaire) 2FR 30000 5 280 ENM (Europ.J.of Nucl.Medicine and Molecular Imaging) 2GER30000 5 281 EON (Euronuclear) 2UK 30000 5 282X (extinct May 1966) 30000 5 283X EPJ/A (European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei) 2GER30000 5 284 Successor journal to ZP/A (from 1998) 30000 5 285 EPJ/C (Europ. Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields) 2GER30000 5 286 EPL (Earth and Planetary Sci.Letters) 2NED30000 5 287 ESJ (J.of Engineering Sciences, Univ. of Riyadh) 3SAR30000 5 288 ETP (Experimentelle Technik der Physik) 3GER30000 5 289 EUL (Europhysics Letters) 2FR 30000 5 290 EXP (Experientia) 2SWT30000 5 291 FBS (Few-Body Systems) 2AUS30000 5 292 FBS/S (Few-Body Systems, Supplement) 2AUS30000 5 293 FCY (Fizika Elementarnykh Chastic i Atomnogo Yadra) 4RUS30000 5 294 (see SJPN for English translation) 30000 5 295 FDP (Fortschritte der Physik) 2GER30000 5 296 FIZ (Fizika) 3CRO30000 5 297X Volume 1 started 1968 30000 5 298X (up to vol.23 (1991); continued as Fizika A, B) 30000 5 299X FIZ/B (Fizika B) 3CRO30000 5 300 General, Nuclear, Particle Physics 30000 5 301 (continuation of Fizika, starting in 1992 (vol.1)) 30000 5 302 FIZ/S (Fizika, Supplement) 3CRO30000 5 303 FMM (Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniya) 4RUS30000 5 304 FT (Fysisk Tidsskrift) 2DEN30000 5 305 FTT (Fizika Tverdogo Tela) 4RUS30000 5 306 Solid State Physics 30000 5 307 (English translation see SPS) 30000 5 308 GCA (Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta) 2UK 30000 5 309 GK (Genshiryoku Kogyo) 2JPN30000 5 310X Nuclear Engineering 30000 5 311 (from Vol.1 (1955) to Vol. 43 (1997)) 30000 5 312 GUS (Godishnik na Sofijskija Univ. 'Kliment Ohridski') 3BUL30000 5 313 (Annuaire de l'Univ.de Sofia 'Kliment Ohridski') 30000 5 314 HCA (Helvetica Chimica Acta) 2SWT30000 5 315 HEN (High Energy Physics and Nucl.Phys.,Engl.ed.) 1USA30000 5 316 (translation of PHE, 30000 5 317 started with vol.12 in 1988) 30000 5 318 HFH (He Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue) 3CPR30000 5 319 Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry 30000 5 320 (= J.Nucl.and Radiochemistry), Beijing. 30000 5 321 In Chinese with English abstracts and table of contents30000 5 322 HI (Hyperfine Interactions) 2SWT30000 5 323 HP (Health Physics) 1USA30000 5 324 HPA (Helvetica Physica Acta) 2SWT30000 5 325 IAB (Int.Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin) 3ZZZ30000 5 326 IAC (Proc.Indian Assoc.for Cultiv.of Sci.) 3IND30000 5 327 Proceedings of the Indian Assocociation for the 30000 5 328 Cultivation of Science 30000 5 329 IBK (Bull.Boris Kidrich Inst.of Nucl.Sci.) 3YUG30000 5 330X Bulletin of the Boris Kidrich Institute of 30000 5 331X Nuclear Sciences 30000 5 332X (vols. 1-17) 30000 5 333X IET (Instruments and Experimental Techniques) 1USA30000 5 334 (English translation of PTE); 30000 5 335 1958-1970 no volume number printed on cover 30000 5 336 (an artificial no. is given), 30000 5 337 Volume number printed on journal cover starts 30000 5 338 with Vol.14 (1971). 30000 5 339 Volume number and issue date same as PTE 30000 5 340 IFG (Trudy Inst.Fiziki Gruzinskoi Akad.Nauk) 4GRG30000 5 341 Trudy Instituta Fiziki Gruzinskoi Akademii Nauk 30000 5 342 IFI (Izvestiya na Fizicheskija Institut s ANEB) 3BUL30000 5 343X Bulletin de l'Institut de Physique et de Recherche 30000 5 344X Atomique 30000 5 345X (up to vol.24, 1973) 30000 5 346X as of 1974 replaced by BJP 30000 5 347X IJM (Israel Journal of Mathematics) 3ISL30000 5 348 IJP (Indian Journal of Physics) 3IND30000 5 349 (until vol.50(1976), continued as IJP/A,B until vol. 7830000 5 350 From then on again publ. as Indian J.Physics (without A30000 5 351 IJP/A (Indian Journal of Physics, Part A) 3IND30000 5 352X (starting with vol.51 (1977), until vo. 78 No. 6 (2004)30000 5 353 IMP/E (Int. Journal of Modern Physics, Part E) 1USA30000 5 354 INC (Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters) 2UK 30000 5 355X (last publication in Dec. 1981, replaced by 30000 5 356X Polyhedron (PLY)) 30000 5 357X IP (Isotopenpraxis) 2GER30000 5 358 IPA (Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics) 3IND30000 5 359 IPC (Int.Journal for Radiation Physics and Chemistry) 2UK 30000 5 360 International Journal for Radiation Physics and 30000 5 361 Chemistry 30000 5 362 IRE (IEE Transactions on Nuclear Science) 1USA30000 5 363 (up to Vol.9 called IRE Trans. on Nuclear Sci.) 30000 5 364 ISA (Indian Science Abstracts) 3IND30000 5 365 ISC (Israel J.of Chemistry) 3ISL30000 5 366 ISP (Israel J.of Physics) 3ISL30000 5 367 IVU (Izv.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Ser.Fizika) 4RUS30000 5 368 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya 30000 5 369 Fizika 30000 5 370 (English translation: see SPJ) 30000 5 371 Other existing series are Energetika, Pravovedenie, 30000 5 372 Yad.Energetika (IV/Y) 30000 5 373 IV/Y (Izv.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii,Ser.Yad.En.) 4RUS30000 5 374 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya 30000 5 375 Yadernaya Energetika 30000 5 376 IZA (Izv.Azerb.Akad.Nauk,Ser.Fiz.-Tekh.i Mat.) 4AZR30000 5 377 Izvestiya Azerbaydzh. Akad. Nauk, Fiz.,Tekh. i Mat. 30000 5 378 IZK (Izv.Kaz.Akad.Nauk,Ser.Fiz.-Mat.) 4KAS30000 5 379 IZL (Izv.Latviiskoi Akad.Nauk) 4LAT30000 5 380 This journal has no volume-numbers. It is coded 30000 5 381 in the form (J,IZL,,(3),127,6803) 30000 5 382 IZV (Izv. Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Ser.Fiz.) 4RUS30000 5 383 Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Seriya 30000 5 384 Fizicheskaya. 30000 5 385 Formerly Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya 30000 5 386 Fizicheskaya. 30000 5 387 (English translation: see BAS) 30000 5 388 JAC (J.of Applied Crystallography) 2DEN30000 5 389 JAE (Yadernaya Energetika) 4RUS30000 5 390 JALC (Journal of Alloys and Compounds) 2NED30000 5 391I JAP (Journal of Applied Physics) 1USA30000 5 392 JBAS (J.of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences) 3BAN30000 5 393 JBS (J.of Research of Nat.Bureau of Standards) 1USA30000 5 394 Journal of Research of the National Bureau of 30000 5 395 Standards 30000 5 396 JCP (J.Chemical Physics) 1USA30000 5 397 JE (Jaderna Energie (Prague).) 3CZR30000 5 398X stopped after 1992 30000 5 399X Continued from 1993 as BJE (starting with vol.1) 30000 5 400X JEB (Jaderna Energiya, Bulgarian Acad.Sci.) 3BUL30000 5 401 JEL (JETP Letters) 1USA30000 5 402 (English of ZEP) 30000 5 403 JES (J.of the Electro-Chemical Society Belgium) 2BLG30000 5 404 Journal of the Electro-Chemical Society of Belgium 30000 5 405 JET (Soviet Physics - JETP) 1USA30000 5 406 (English of ZET) 30000 5 407 JFI (Journal of the Franklin Institute) 1USA30000 5 408 JGR (Journal of Geophysical Research) 1USA30000 5 409X (until vol.82 (1977), then JGRA,B,C) 30000 5 410X JGR/A (Journal of Geophysical Research, Part A) 1USA30000 5 411 (from vol.83 (1978)) 30000 5 412 JGR/B (Journal of Geophysical Research, Part B) 1USA30000 5 413 (from vol.83 (1978)) 30000 5 414 JGR/C (Journal of Geophysical Research, Part C) 1USA30000 5 415 (from vol.83 (1978)) 30000 5 416 JIN (Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry) 2UK 30000 5 417X (last publication in Dec. 1981, replaced by 30000 5 418X Polyhedron (PLY)) 30000 5 419X JJAP (Japanese Journal of Applied Physics) 2JPN30000 5 420I JLCR (J.of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceut.) 2UK 30000 5 421 Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 30000 5 422 JLCR/S (J.of Labelled Comp.and Radiopharmaceut.Suppl.) 2UK 30000 5 423 Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 30000 5 424 Supplement 30000 5 425 JMJ (Proc.Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan) 2JPN30000 5 426X Superseded by J. Phys. Soc. Japan (JPJ) 30000 5 427X JMM (Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials) 2NED30000 5 428 JMS (J.of Mass Spectrom.and Ion Physics) 2NED30000 5 429 JNC (Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids) 2NED30000 5 430 JNE (Journal of Nuclear Energy) 2UK 30000 5 431X (vol.1-9 (1954-59) and vol.21-27 (1967-73); 30000 5 432X continued as ANE) 30000 5 433X JNE Part C started with vol.1 (1959) under the 30000 5 434X name 'Plasma Physics' which from vol.9 (1967) 30000 5 435X became an independant journal. 30000 5 436X JNE/A (Reactor Science (J.Nucl.Energy, Part A)) 2UK 30000 5 437X From vol.10 (1959) to vol.13 (1961) 30000 5 438X JNE/AB (J. Nuclear Energy, Part A+B (Reactor Sci.Techn.)) 2UK 30000 5 439X From vol.14 (1961) to vol.20 (1966) 30000 5 440X JNE/B (Reactor Technology (J.Nucl.Energy, Part B)) 2UK 30000 5 441X From vol.10(1959) to vol.13(1961) 30000 5 442X JNM (Journal of Nuclear Materials) 2NED30000 5 443 JNRS (Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences) 2JPN30000 5 444 JOES (J.of the Electro-Chemical Society (USA)) 1USA30000 5 445I Journal of the Electro-Chemical Society (USA) 30000 5 446I JP/A (Jour. of Physics, Part A (Mathematical+General)) 2UK 30000 5 447 Nucl.Phys. part split as JP/G from Jan (1975). 30000 5 448 JP/AL (Jour.of Physics, Part A, Letters to the editor) 2UK 30000 5 449 JP/C (Jour.of Physics, Part C (Solid State Physics)) 2UK 30000 5 450 Started with vol.1 Jan. 1968, continuation of PPS 30000 5 451 Issued in 2 parts (regular and letters). Letter 30000 5 452 part is coded with 'L' behind vol.no, e.g.,JP/C,3L,.. 30000 5 453 JP/D (Jour. of Physics, Part D (Applied Physics)) 2UK 30000 5 454 JP/E (Jour. of Physics, Part E (Sci.Instruments)) 2UK 30000 5 455 Started with vol.1(1968) 30000 5 456 JP/F (Jour. of Physics, Part F (Metal Physics)) 2UK 30000 5 457 JP/G (Jour. of Physics, Part G (Nucl.and Part.Phys.)) 2UK 30000 5 458 Started with vol.1(1975) cont. of part of JP/A 30000 5 459 JP/GL (Jour. of Physics, Part G, Letters to the editor) 2UK 30000 5 460 JP/S (Jour. of Physics, Part G, Supplement) 2UK 30000 5 461 JPC (J.de Chimie Physique et Physicochimie Biol.) 2FR 30000 5 462 Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physicochimie 30000 5 463 Biologique 30000 5 464 JPJ (Journal of the Physical Society of Japan) 2JPN30000 5 465 JPJ/S (Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Suppl.) 2JPN30000 5 466I JPR (Journal de Physique) 2FR 30000 5 467 (to vol.23 (1962)= Journal de Physique et le Radium) 30000 5 468 JPR/A (Journal de Physique, Suppl.A, Physique Appliquee) 2FR 30000 5 469X Supplement to some volumes of J.de Physique, then 30000 5 470X continued as a separate journal 'Revue de Physique 30000 5 471X Appliquee' starting with vol.1 (1966) 30000 5 472X JPR/C (Journal de Physique - Colloque) 2FR 30000 5 473 Supplement to J.de Physique, starting with 30000 5 474 vol.28 (1967) 30000 5 475 JPR/L (Journal de Physique - Lettres) 2FR 30000 5 476 Supplement of Journal de Physique, 30000 5 477 (starting with vol.35, no.1 (1974)) 30000 5 478 Covers also field of RPA. 30000 5 479 JPR/S (Journal de Physique, Suppl.S, Soc.Francaise) 2FR 30000 5 480 Supplement to some volumes of Journal de Physique, 30000 5 481 containing Comptes rendus des seances de la 30000 5 482 Societe Francaise de Physique 30000 5 483 JR (J.of Research of Nat.Inst.Stand.+Technology) 1USA30000 5 484 Journal of Research of the National Institute 30000 5 485 of Standards and Technology 30000 5 486 JRC (J.of Radioanalytical Chemistry) 3HUN30000 5 487X (up to vol.80 (1983); continued as JRN) 30000 5 488X JRN (J.of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry) 3HUN30000 5 489 (started Jan 1984 with vol.81 as continuation of JRC) 30000 5 490 4 vols. per year; last 3 volume numbers each 30000 5 491 year reserved for JRN/L. 30000 5 492 JRN/L (J. Radioanalytical and Nucl. Chem., Letters) 3HUN30000 5 493 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 30000 5 494 Letters 30000 5 495 (started Jan 1984 with vol.81 as continuation of RRL) 30000 5 496 3 vols. per year; first 4 volume numbers each 30000 5 497 year reserved for JRN. 30000 5 498 JSIU (J.of Sichuan Univ., Natural Science Ed.) 3CPR30000 5 499 KDV (Kgl.Danske Videns.Selskab.Mat.-Fys.Medd.) 2DEN30000 5 500 Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. 30000 5 501 Matematisk-Fysiske Meddelelser 30000 5 502 KE (Kernenergie) 3DDR30000 5 503X Ceased publication with vol.34 (1991) 30000 5 504X (after reunion absorbed by KT in 1992) 30000 5 505X KFI (KFKI Kozlemenyek) 3HUN30000 5 506 KFKI (Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezet) Kozlemenyek 30000 5 507 KFKN (KFK-Nachrichten) 2GER30000 5 508 KNS (Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society) 3KOR30000 5 509 KPS (Journal of the Korean Physical Society) 3KOR30000 5 510 KRI (Kristallografiya) 4RUS30000 5 511 (English translation see SPC) 30000 5 512 KSF (Kratkie Soobshcheniya po Fizike) 4RUS30000 5 513X (English translation see SPL) 30000 5 514 Extinct. 30000 5 515 KT (Kerntechnik) 2GER30000 5 516 Title varied, at times called 30000 5 517 Kerntechnik, Isotopentechnik und -Chemie 30000 5 518 (published from vol.1 to vol.20 (1978) and again from 30000 5 519 vol.50 (1987) onwards; between 1979 and 1986 30000 5 520 published as Atomkernenergie/Kerntechnik (AKE)) 30000 5 521 KUV (Vestnik Kiev State Univ.) 4UKR30000 5 522 KXT (Kexue Tongbao (Chinese Sci.Letters)) 3CPR30000 5 523 - foreign language edition. 30000 5 524 LEB (Issled.po Neitr.Fiz., Trudy Fiz. Inst. Lebedeva) 4RUS30000 5 525 Akad. Nauk SSSR, Issledovaniya po Neitronnoi 30000 5 526 Fizike, Trudy Fizicheskogo Instituta Im. P.N. 30000 5 527 Lebedeva 30000 5 528 (= Studies in Neutron Phys.), publication of the Lebede30000 5 529 Physics Inst. 30000 5 530 Some English translations in the LA-TR- series. 30000 5 531 LPS (Lunar and Planetary Science Conferences) 1USA30000 5 532 Journal reporting on annual conferences in Houston, TX30000 5 533 Conferences before 1991 were cited as conferences (Pro30000 5 534 MAB (Monatsber.d.Deutschen Akad.Wiss.Berlin) 2GER30000 5 535 Monatsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der 30000 5 536 Wissenschaften zu Berlin 30000 5 537 MED (Medical Physics) 1USA30000 5 538 MET (Metrologia) 2GER30000 5 539 MFC (Matematicko-Fyzikalny Casopis) 3CSR30000 5 540 MFF (Magyar Fizikai Folyoirat) 3HUN30000 5 541 MSK/A (Memoirs Faculty of Sci., Kyoto Univ.,Ser.Phys.) 2JPN30000 5 542 Memoirs od the Faculty of Science, Kyoto 30000 5 543 University, Series of Physics, 30000 5 544 Astrophysics, Geophysics and Chemistry 30000 5 545 MSL (Memoires de la Soc.Royale des Sci.de Liege) 2BLG30000 5 546 Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de 30000 5 547 Liege 30000 5 548 MUPB (Moscow Univ.Physics Bulletin) 1USA30000 5 549 (English of VMU) 30000 5 550 NAP (Nuclear Applications) 1USA30000 5 551X vol.1 (1965) - 6 (1969) 30000 5 552X (vol.7 (1969) - 9 (1970) is called 'Nucl. Appl. and 30000 5 553X Technology') 30000 5 554X Then see NT. 30000 5 555X NAT (Nature (London)) 2UK 30000 5 556 NAW (Proc.Koninklijke Nederlandse Akad.Wetenschappen) 2NED30000 5 557 NC (Nuovo Cimento) 2ITY30000 5 558X (after vol.39, Oct. 1965, continued in parts A to D) 30000 5 559X NC/A (Nuovo Cimento A) 2ITY30000 5 560 Contains Elementary Particle Physics 30000 5 561 (starting: vol.40, no.1, Nov. 1965) 30000 5 562 NC/B (Nuovo Cimento B) 2ITY30000 5 563 (starting: vol.40, no.1, Nov. 1965) 30000 5 564 NCL (Lettere al Nuovo Cimento) 2ITY30000 5 565 NCR (Rivista del Nuovo Cimento) 2ITY30000 5 566 NCS (Nuovo Cimento, Suppl.) 2ITY30000 5 567 ND/A (Nuclear Data Tables (Nuclear Data Sect.A)) 1USA30000 5 568X (ends with vol.11, 1973, for continuation see AND) 30000 5 569X ND/B (Nuclear Data Sheets (Nuclear Data Sect.B)) 1USA30000 5 570 NDF (Notas de Fisica) 3BZL30000 5 571 - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas 30000 5 572 NE (Nuclear Engineering International) 2UK 30000 5 573 (formerly Nucl. Eng., also contains Nucl. Power) 30000 5 574 NEN (Nuklearna Energija) 3YUG30000 5 575 NF (Nuclear Fusion (IAEA)) 3ZZZ30000 5 576 NIM (Nuclear Instrum.and Methods in Physics Res.) 2NED30000 5 577X Formerly Nucl. Instruments and Methods 30000 5 578X (in 1984, vol. 219-228 = NIMA vol. 219-228, 30000 5 579X vol. 229-233 = NIMB vol. 1-5; 30000 5 580X from 1985 on extinct, continued as NIMA and NIMB) 30000 5 581X NIM/A (Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.A) 2NED30000 5 582 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 30000 5 583 section A - accelerators, spectrometers, detectors 30000 5 584 and associated equipment 30000 5 585 (continuation of NIM since vol.219 (1984)). 30000 5 586 In 1984, vol.219-228 coded as NIM/A or NIM; from 30000 5 587 1985 only NIM/A is used. 30000 5 588 In the first volumes of section A, the 'A' 30000 5 589 appears only on the cover. For volumes > 233, use of 30000 5 590 code NIM/A is obligatory. 30000 5 591 NIM/B (Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.B) 2NED30000 5 592 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 30000 5 593 Section B - Beam interactions with materials and 30000 5 594 atoms 30000 5 595 (starting with vol. 229 (=B1), 1984). 30000 5 596 Vols. B1-B5 = NIM vols.229-233; from 1985 on only 30000 5 597 NIM/B is used. 30000 5 598 For these duplicate vol.nrs. use either NIM,229 or 30000 5 599 NIM/B,1 but not NIM/B, 229. 30000 5 600 NIN (Nuclear India) 3IND30000 5 601 Dept. of Atomic Energy, Bombay) 30000 5 602 NKA (Nukleonika) 3POL30000 5 603 NKK (Nippon Kagaku Kaishi) 2JPN30000 5 604 Journal of the Chemical Soc. of Japan 30000 5 605 NKN (Nukleon) 3CSR30000 5 606 NM (Nuklearmedizin) 2GER30000 5 607 Nuclear Medicine, Medecine Nucleaire, etc. 30000 5 608 With meeting proceedings as supplements. 30000 5 609 NMB (Int. Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology) 2UK 30000 5 610 NP (Nuclear Physics) 2NED30000 5 611X (until vol.89 (1966), continued as parts A,B) 30000 5 612X NP/A (Nuclear Physics, Section A) 2NED30000 5 613 From vol.90,Jan (1967). 30000 5 614 NP/B (Nuclear Physics, Section B) 2NED30000 5 615 From vol.1,Jan (1967). 30000 5 616 NPW (Nuclear Power) 2UK 30000 5 617X Started in 1956, discontinued in April 1963 (vol.8) and30000 5 618X Absorbed in 1963 by Nucl. Eng. 30000 5 619X which later became Nucl. Eng. International 30000 5 620X NSA (Nuclear Science Abstracts) 1USA30000 5 621 NSB (Nuclear Science and Applications (Dhaka)) 3BAN30000 5 622 - restarted with vol.1 (1989) combining NSDA and NSDB; 30000 5 623 Note the gap of 3 years: vol.3 no.1 publ.91-01, 30000 5 624 vol.3 no.2 publ.94-07 30000 5 625 NSD (Nuclear Science and Applications (Dhaka).) 3BAN30000 5 626X Existed 1965-1968; continued as NSDA (1969 on) and 30000 5 627X NSDB (1968 on). 30000 5 628X Existing issues = 1(1) Dec.65, 2(1) Apr.66, 2(2) Oct.6630000 5 629X 3(2) Oct.67, 4(1) Apr.68. 3(1) was not issued 30000 5 630X Note= Each issue starts with page 1, so that the 30000 5 631X issue number must always be included. 30000 5 632X NSD/A (Nuclear Science and Applications, Series A) 3BAN30000 5 633X - Biological Sciences (1969-1985) 30000 5 634X restarted 1989, see NSB. 30000 5 635X Starting with vol.5 Apr.69, 1 issue per year 30000 5 636X NSD/B (Nuclear Science and Applications, series B) 3BAN30000 5 637X - Physical Sciences (1969-1985) 30000 5 638X restarted 1989, see NSB. 30000 5 639X Starting with vol.4 oct.68, 1 issue per year 30000 5 640X NSE (Nuclear Science and Engineering) 1USA30000 5 641 NSF (Nuclear Science, Taiwan) 3CHF30000 5 642X Ho Tzu k'o Hsueh 30000 5 643 (ceased publication as of January 2002) 30000 5 644 NSJ (Nuclear Science Abstracts of Japan) 2JPN30000 5 645X (from Vol. 1 (1961) to Vol.9 No.2 (1971)) 30000 5 646X NSP (Nuclear Science and Applications) 3BAN30000 5 647O (existed 1965-1968) 30000 5 648O Existing issues = 1(1) Dec.65, 2(1) Apr.66, 2(2) Oct.6630000 5 649O 3(2) Oct.67, 4(1) Apr.68. 3(1) was not issued. 30000 5 650O Note= each issue starts with page 1, so that the 30000 5 651O issue number must always be included. 30000 5 652O NSP/A (Nuclear Science and Applications A) 3BAN30000 5 653O Biological Sciences 30000 5 654O Starting with vol.5 Apr. 1969, 1 issue per year 30000 5 655O NSP/B (Nuclear Science and Applications B) 3BAN30000 5 656O Physical Sciences 30000 5 657O Starting with vol.4, Oct. 1968, 1 issue per year 30000 5 658O NST (J. of Nuclear Science and Technology, Tokyo) 2JPN30000 5 659 NSTS (J.Nucl.Science and Technol.Tokyo,Supplement) 2JPN30000 5 660 NT (Nuclear Technology) 1USA30000 5 661 (title from vol.10, 1971 onwards) 30000 5 662 Published by Am. Nuclear Soc. 30000 5 663 vol.1(1965)-5(1968) = Nuclear Applications 30000 5 664 vol.6(1969)-9(1970) = Nucl.Appl.and Technol. 30000 5 665 NTC ((Chinese J.of) Nuclear Techniques, Shanghai.) 3CPR30000 5 666 In Chinese. 30000 5 667 Occasionally cited as (Chinese J.of) Nucl.Techniques 30000 5 668 in Science Res.,Industry,Medicine and Agriculture. 30000 5 669 Compare CNST 30000 5 670 Note: until 1986 no volume number was printed on the 30000 5 671 cover (in CINDA the year was given as volume number). 30000 5 672 Numbering started with vol.10 in 1987. 30000 5 673 NTF (Fusion Technology) 1USA30000 5 674 NTN (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde) 2NED30000 5 675 NUC (Nucleonics) 1USA30000 5 676X Vol.1 (1947) - vol.25 (1967) 30000 5 677X NUK (Nukleonik) 2GER30000 5 678 NWS (Naturwissenschaften) 2GER30000 5 679 NYA (Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences) 1USA30000 5 680 OAW (Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Sitzungsber.) 2AUS30000 5 681 Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 30000 5 682 mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Sitzungs- 30000 5 683 berichte, Abteilung 2. 30000 5 684 OAWA (Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Anzeiger) 2AUS30000 5 685O ***Use OSA 30000 5 686O OAWS (Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Sitzungsber.) 2AUS30000 5 687O ***Use OAW 30000 5 688O OE (Onde Electrique) 2FR 30000 5 689 OSA (Oesterr.Akad.Wiss.,Math-Naturw.Kl.,Anzeiger) 2AUS30000 5 690 Anzeiger der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissen- 30000 5 691 schaften,mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. 30000 5 692 PA (Physics Abstracts) 2UK 30000 5 693 PAC (Pure and Applied Chemistry) 2UK 30000 5 694 PAN (Physics of Atomic Nuclei) 1USA30000 5 695 (English of YF; continues SNP, 30000 5 696 starting with vol.56, 1993) 30000 5 697 PAS (Phys. Abhandlungen aus der Sowjetunion) 3GER30000 5 698X (German translations from various USSR periodicals) 30000 5 699X Last issue vol. 7(6) 1962. 30000 5 700X PB (Physikalische Blaetter) 2GER30000 5 701 PC (Physics in Canada) 1CAN30000 5 702 Bull. of the Assoc. of Physicists 30000 5 703 PCJ (Journal of Physical Chemistry) 1USA30000 5 704 by Am. Chem. Society 30000 5 705 PCM (Physics of Condensed Matter) 2GER30000 5 706X Last issue vol.19(1974), cont'd as ZP/B 30000 5 707X PCN (Physical and Chemical News (Morocco)) 3MOR30000 5 708 PCP (Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Soc.) 2UK 30000 5 709 PCS (Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids) 2UK 30000 5 710 PF (Postepy Fizyki) 3POL30000 5 711 PHCL (Physicalia (Journal of the Belgian Phys.Soc.)) 2BLG30000 5 712 PHE (High Energy Physics and Nucl.Physics,Chinese ed.) 3CPR30000 5 713 (= current subtitle; 30000 5 714 until 1986 subtitle was 'Physica Energiae Fortis et 30000 5 715 Physica Nuclearis'). 30000 5 716 In Chinese with English abstracts 30000 5 717 and table of contents. 30000 5 718 English translation: see HEN. 30000 5 719 Gaomeng Wuli Yu Hewuli 30000 5 720 PHF (Physica Fennica) 2SF 30000 5 721 PHN (Notes Scientifiques de l'Universite de Grenoble) 2FR 30000 5 722 PHY (Physica (Utrecht)) 2NED30000 5 723 PIA (Proc. of the Indian Acad. Sciences, Sect. A) 3IND30000 5 724 Proceedings of the Indian Academy Sciences, Section A 30000 5 725 PJA (Proceedings of the Japan Academy) 2JPN30000 5 726X (from Vol.21 No.3 (1945) to Vol. 53 No.3 (1977)) 30000 5 727X PJS (Prikladnaya Yadernaya Spektroskopiya) 4CCP30000 5 728 Applied Nuclear Spectroscopy 30000 5 729 PKL (Problemy Yadernoj Fiziki i Kosmicheskikh Luchej) 4CCP30000 5 730 PL (Physics Letters) 2NED30000 5 731X (until vol.23, 1966. Continued as parts A,B) 30000 5 732X PL/A (Physics Letters, Section A) 2NED30000 5 733 From vol.24, Jan (1967). 30000 5 734 PL/B (Physics Letters,Section B) 2NED30000 5 735 From vol.24, Jan (1967) 30000 5 736 PL/C (Phys.Letters,Sect.C, Physics Reports) 2NED30000 5 737X A review section of Phys.Letters (section C) 30000 5 738X from Jan.1971. Reference to 'Part C' removed with 30000 5 739X vol.44,1978. 30000 5 740X PLY (Polyhedron) 2UK 30000 5 741 Started 1982. Supersedes J.Inorg. Nucl.Chem. (JIN) 30000 5 742 and Inorg. Nucl.Chem.Lett. (INC) 30000 5 743 PM (Philosophical Magazine) 2UK 30000 5 744 PMB (Physics in Medicine and Biology) 2UK 30000 5 745 PNA (Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.) 1USA30000 5 746 PNE (Progress in Nuclear Energy) 2UK 30000 5 747 Started 1977 with vol.1. 30000 5 748 For 1956-59 publication see book PR.NUC.EN. 30000 5 749 PNJ (Philippines Nuclear Journal) 3PHP30000 5 750X Ceased publication with vol2, no2 (1970) 30000 5 751X PNP (Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics) 2UK 30000 5 752 Formerly Prog.in Nuclear Physics. 30000 5 753 PNV (Physica Norvegica) 2NOR30000 5 754X Ceased publication as of 1978. 30000 5 755X PPA (Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences) 3PAK30000 5 756 PPS (Proceedings of the Physical Society (London),) 2UK 30000 5 757X ends with vol.92, Dec.1967, cont'd as JP. 30000 5 758X PPS/A (Proc.Physical Society (London), Section A) 2UK 30000 5 759X Proceedings of the Physical Society (London), Section A30000 5 760X (existing vol.62, Jan.1949 - vol.70, Dec.1957) 30000 5 761X PQR (Quarterly Rev.Scientific Publ.Polish Acad.Sci.) 3POL30000 5 762 Quarterly Review of Scientific Publications of the 30000 5 763 Polish Academy of Sciences. 30000 5 764 PR (Physical Review) 1USA30000 5 765X (replaced by Phys. Rev. A, B, C, D) 30000 5 766X PR/A (Physical Review, Part A, General Physics) 1USA30000 5 767 PR/B (Physical Review, Part B, Condensed Matter) 1USA30000 5 768 PR/C (Physical Review, Part C, Nuclear Physics) 1USA30000 5 769 Started with vol.1 (1970) 30000 5 770 PR/D (Physical Review, Part D, Particles and Fields) 1USA30000 5 771 Starting with vol.1 (1970) 30000 5 772 PRE (Proceedings of the Royal Society Edinburgh) 2UK 30000 5 773 PRE/A (Proc. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Series A) 2UK 30000 5 774 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Series A30000 5 775 PRL (Physical Review Letters) 1USA30000 5 776 PRM (Pramana) 3IND30000 5 777 Journal of Physics, India 30000 5 778 PRN (Physics Reports) 2NED30000 5 779X A review section of Phys.Letters 30000 5 780X Until vol.44,1978 publ.as 'Part C' of 30000 5 781X Physics Letters, see PL/C. 30000 5 782X PRS (Proc. of the Royal Society (London)) 2UK 30000 5 783 Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) 30000 5 784 PRS/A (Proc. Royal Society (London), Series A) 2UK 30000 5 785 Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) Series A, 30000 5 786 Mathematical and Physical Sciences 30000 5 787 PS (Physica Scripta) 2SWD30000 5 788 Started 1970. 30000 5 789 PSS (Physica Status Solidi) 2GER30000 5 790 PT (Physics Today) 1USA30000 5 791 PTE (Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta) 4CCP30000 5 792 (English translation: see IET); 30000 5 793 no volume numbers; artificial number given, starting 30000 5 794 with vol.1 (1956). 30000 5 795 PTP (Progress of Theoretical Physics) 2JPN30000 5 796 PTP/S (Progress of Theoretical Physics, Suppl.) 2JPN30000 5 797 PZ (Physikalische Zeitschrift) 3DDR30000 5 798 RAK (Radiokhimiya) 4RUS30000 5 799 (English translation: see SRA) 30000 5 800 RBF (Brasilian Journal of Physics) 3BZL30000 5 801 (up to vol.21(1991): Revista Brasileira de Fisica) 30000 5 802 RCA (Radiochimica Acta) 2GER30000 5 803 RE (Radiation Effects) 2UK 30000 5 804 REA (Atomic Energy Review, IAEA) 3ZZZ30000 5 805X REF (Referativnyi Zhurnal, Fizika) 4CCP30000 5 806 RFT (Reactor and Fuel-Processing Technology) 1USA30000 5 807 RI (Radioisotopes) 2JPN30000 5 808 RIC (Ricerca Scientifica) 2ITY30000 5 809X RIZ (Radioaktivni Izotopi i Zracenja.) 3YUG30000 5 810 RJP (Romanian Journal of Physics) 3RUM30000 5 811 (continuation of RRP, starting with vol.37(7), 1992) 30000 5 812 RJP/S (Romanian Journal of Physics, Supplement) 3RUM30000 5 813 RM (Radiation Measurements) 2NED30000 5 814 RMF (Revista Mexicana de Fisica) 3MEX30000 5 815 RMP (Review of Modern Physics.) 1USA30000 5 816 RPA (Revue de Physique Appliquee) 2FR 30000 5 817 Started 1966 as supplement to Journal de Physique 30000 5 818 For Letters section, see JPR/L. 30000 5 819 RPC (RPCC Newsletter) 1USA30000 5 820O ***Use report-code RPCC- 30000 5 821O Also used for 'Reactor Phys. Constants' (ANL-5800) 30000 5 822O RPP (Reports on Progress in Physics) 2UK 30000 5 823 RPQ (Revista Portugesa de Qimica) 2PRT30000 5 824 RR (Radiation Research) 1USA30000 5 825 RRIP (Romanian Reports in Physics) 3RUM30000 5 826 (starting with vol.44,no.8(1992); formerly SCF) 30000 5 827 RRL (Radiochem. and Radioanal. Letters) 3HUN30000 5 828 (up to vol. 59 (1983); continued as JRNL) 30000 5 829 RRP (Revue Roumaine de Physique) 3RUM30000 5 830X Vol.1(1956) - vol.8(1963)= Revue de Physique 30000 5 831X Vol.9(1964) onwards = Revue Roumaine de Physique 30000 5 832X Vol.6(1961)supplement is coded '61BUCHAR' 30000 5 833X (continued as 'Romanian J.of Physics' (RJP) 30000 5 834X from vol. 37 (7), 1992) 30000 5 835X RSA (Rumanian Scientific Abstracts, Natural Sciences) 3RUM30000 5 836 RSE (Transactions of the Royal Society Edinburgh) 2UK 30000 5 837 RSI (Review of Scientific Instruments) 1USA30000 5 838 RSR (Review of Science Research) 3CZR30000 5 839 RST (Reactor Science and Technology) 2UK 30000 5 840O (now JNAB) 30000 5 841O SAJ (South African Journal of Science) 3SAF30000 5 842 SAP (South African Journal of Physics) 3SAF30000 5 843 SCF (Studii si Cercetari de Fizica) 3RUM30000 5 844X Until vol.44,no.7. 30000 5 845X (continued as RRIP from vol.44,no.8 (1992)) 30000 5 846X SCI (Science) 1USA30000 5 847 (Am. Assoc. for Adv. of Sci.) 30000 5 848 SCP (Scient.Papers Inst.Phys.Chem.Res.,Tokyo) 2JPN30000 5 849X Scientific Papers of the Institute of Physical and 30000 5 850 Chemical Research 30000 5 851 (from Vol.1 (1922) to Vol. 42 (1947) and 30000 5 852 from Vol. 52 (1958) to Vol. 87 (1991)) 30000 5 853 SCS (Science in China, Series A) 3CPR30000 5 854 (in English); 30000 5 855 formerly Scientia Sinica, Series A 30000 5 856 Mathem., Physical, Astronom. and Technical Sciences 30000 5 857 SIA (Surface and Interface Analysis) 1USA30000 5 858 SJA (Soviet Atomic Energy) 1USA30000 5 859X (English of AE); 30000 5 860X continued from vol.72, no.3 (1992) as 'Atomic Energy' (30000 5 861X SJA/S (Soviet Atomic Energy, Supplement) 1USA30000 5 862X (English of AE/S) 30000 5 863 SJPN (Soviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei) 1USA30000 5 864 (English of FCY) 30000 5 865 starting with vol.3, 1972 30000 5 866 SNP (Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics) 1USA30000 5 867X (English of YF) until 1992; 30000 5 868X from 1993 continued as PAN with vol.56. 30000 5 869X SPC (Soviet Physics-Cristallography) 1USA30000 5 870 (English of KRI) 30000 5 871 SPD (Soviet Physics-Doklady) 1USA30000 5 872 (English of DOK) 30000 5 873 SPL (Soviet Physics - Lebedev Inst.Report) 1USA30000 5 874X (English of KSF) 30000 5 875 Extinct. 30000 5 876 SPS (Soviet Physics-Solid State) 1USA30000 5 877 (English of FTT) 30000 5 878 SPT (Soviet Physics-Technical Physics) 1USA30000 5 879 (English of ZTF) 30000 5 880 SPU (Soviet Physics-Uspekhi) 1USA30000 5 881 (English of UFN) 30000 5 882 SRA (Soviet Radiochemistry) 1USA30000 5 883 (English of RAK) 30000 5 884 SSC (Solid State Communications) 2UK 30000 5 885 TAL (Talanta) 2UK 30000 5 886 TMF (Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika) 4RUS30000 5 887 TNS (The Nucleus (Lahore)) 3PAK30000 5 888 TRS/A (Philosophical Transactions, Series A) 2UK 30000 5 889 Royal Society of London 30000 5 890 TUG (Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskolas Handlingar) 2SWD30000 5 891 Transactions of the Chalmers University of 30000 5 892 Technology, Gothenburg 30000 5 893 UFN (Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk) 4CCP30000 5 894 (English translation: see SPU) 30000 5 895 UFZ (Ukrainskii Fizichnii Zhurnal) 4UKR30000 5 896 (English translation see UPJ) 30000 5 897 UPJ (Ukrainian Physics Journal) 1USA30000 5 898X (English of UFZ) 30000 5 899X Ceased publication with vol 13 no 12, 1969. 30000 5 900X UZHV (Naukovny Visnyk Uzhgorods'kogo Univ., Ser.Fiz.) 4UKR30000 5 901I VAN (Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR) 4RUS30000 5 902 VAT/F (Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Fiziki) 4RUS30000 5 903 Vysokykh Energij i Atomnogo Yadra 30000 5 904 VAT/O (Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Obshch.) 4RUS30000 5 905 Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Obshchej i 30000 5 906 Yadernoj Fiziki 30000 5 907 VAT/R (Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Reak.) 4RUS30000 5 908 Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya 30000 5 909 Reaktorostroenie 30000 5 910 VAT/Y (Voprocy Atomn.Nauki i Tekhniki,Ser.Fiz.Yad.Reak.) 4RUS30000 5 911 Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya 30000 5 912 Fizika Yadernykh Reaktorov 30000 5 913 VBF (Vestsi Ak.Navuk, Ser.Fiz.En.) 4BLR30000 5 914 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belaruskai SSR, Seriya 30000 5 915 Fizika-Energetychnykh Navuk 30000 5 916 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk BSSR. 30000 5 917 VDPG (Verhandlung.Deutsch.Physik.Ges.) 2GER30000 5 918 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen 30000 5 919 Gesellschaft 30000 5 920 VKHU (Visnyk Kharkivs'kogo Univ., Ser.Fiz.) 4UKR30000 5 921I VLU (Vestnik Leningradskogo Univ., Fizika, Khimiya) 4RUS30000 5 922 Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Fizika, Khimiya 30000 5 923 VMU (Vestnik Moskovskogo Univ., Seriya Fiz.Astron.) 4RUS30000 5 924 Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya III, 30000 5 925 Fizika i Astronomiya 30000 5 926 (English translation: see MUPB) 30000 5 927 VTYF (Voprosy Teoreticheskoy i Yadernoy Fiziki) 4RUS30000 5 928 Int. scientific collection, published by Saratov Univ. 30000 5 929 WULI (Wuli (Physics)) 3CPR30000 5 930 WZD (Wiss.Zeitschr.der Univ.Dresden) 3DDR30000 5 931 YF (Yadernaya Fizika) 4RUS30000 5 932 (English translation: see PAN, earlier SNP) 30000 5 933 YK (Vop. At.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Yadernye Konstanty) 4RUS30000 5 934 Voprocy Atomnoy Nauki i Tekhniki, Seriya Yadernye 30000 5 935 Konstanty. 30000 5 936 (starting in 1982 with issue 1(45) (coded as 1/45); 30000 5 937 from 1985 onwards, only an issue number is given 30000 5 938 (coded with the year as vol. nr. plus the issue 30000 5 939 nr.); until 1981 entered as report YK-). 30000 5 940 YTN (Yuan Tzu Neng (Atomic Energy)) 3CPR30000 5 941 ZAP (Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Physik) 2GER30000 5 942 ZEC (Zeitschrift fuer Elektrochemie) 2GER30000 5 943 ZEP (Zhurnal Eksper. i Teoret. Fiz., Pisma v Redakt.) 4RUS30000 5 944 Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 30000 5 945 Pis'ma v Redaktsiyu. 30000 5 946 (English translation: see JEL) 30000 5 947 ZET (Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoret. Fiziki) 4RUS30000 5 948 (English translation: see JET) 30000 5 949 ZK (Z.fuer Kristallographie) 2GER30000 5 950 (Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie) 30000 5 951 ZMM (Z.fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik) 2GER30000 5 952 Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 30000 5 953 ZMP (Zeit. fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik) 2SWT30000 5 954 Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 30000 5 955 ZN (Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung) 2GER30000 5 956X only vol.1 (1946) 30000 5 957X ZNJD (Zbir.Nauk.Kyiv Inst.Yad.Dosl.) 24UK30000 5 958 Zbirnik naukovyh prac Kyiv Inst. yadernyh doslidzhen 30000 5 959 Scientific Papers of the Kiev Inst. of Nucl.Res. 30000 5 960 ZN/A (Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Section A) 2GER30000 5 961 from vol.2 (1947) 30000 5 962 ZN/B (Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Section B) 2GER30000 5 963 from vol.2 (1947) 30000 5 964 ZP (Zeitschrift fuer Physik) 2GER30000 5 965X Last issue vol.271 (1974) 30000 5 966X (continued as ZP/A and ZP/B) 30000 5 967X ZP/A (Zeitschrift fuer Physik, Section A) 2GER30000 5 968X Hadrons and Nuclei 30000 5 969 Starting with vol.338 (Jan.1991). 30000 5 970 Previously 'Atoms and Nuclei' (vol.272 (1975) to vol.3330000 5 971 Extinct. Successor journal: EPJ/A 30000 5 972 ZP/B (Zeitschrift fuer Physik, Section B) 2GER30000 5 973 Condensed matter and quanta 30000 5 974 Starting with vol.20 (Jan.1975) as continuation of PCM 30000 5 975 ZPC (Z. Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig)) 3DDR30000 5 976 Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig) 30000 5 977 ZPF (Z. Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt)) 2GER30000 5 978 Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt am 30000 5 979 Main) 30000 5 980 ZTF (Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki) 4RUS30000 5 981 (English translation see SPT) 30000 5 982 ENDDICTION 981 30000 599999