DICTION 16 200601 Status codes 30000 16 1 APRVD (Approved by author) 30000 16 2 Proof copy approved by author and author's corrections30000 16 3 entered. 30000 16 4 Free text = name and date of approval 30000 16 5 CPX (Data taken from data file of McGowan, et al.) 30000 16 6 The data are partly published in: 30000 16 7 ORNL-CPX-1 (1964) for reactions with Mn, Fe, Co 30000 16 8 ORNL-CPX-2 (1964) for reactions with Ni, Cu 30000 16 9 Nucl.Data/A,1,203 (1966) for reactions with Li, Be, B30000 16 10 Nucl.Data/A,2,1 (1966) for reactions with C 30000 16 11 Nucl.Data/A,3,123 (1967) for reactions with N, O 30000 16 12 Some of the data in this file were obtained from 30000 16 13 curves with a data point reader. 30000 16 14 CURVE (Data read from a curve) 30000 16 15 NACRE (Converted from NACRE files) 30000 16 16 Nuclear Astrophysics Compilation of Reaction Rates 30000 16 17 NCHKD (Original reference not checked) 30000 16 18 NDD (Data converted from NEUDADA file) 30000 16 19 PRELM (Preliminary data) 30000 16 20 Data labelled by author as preliminary 30000 16 21 Free text = author's information about finalizing the 30000 16 22 data. 30000 16 23 Also to be used for data not to be quoted prior to 30000 16 24 publication. 30000 16 25 RIDER (Data converted from file of B.F. Rider) 30000 16 26 SCSRS (Data converted from SCISRS file) 30000 16 27 Information is incomplete due to automatic 30000 16 28 conversion from SCISRS. 30000 16 29 TABLE (Data received by center in tabular form) 30000 16 30 UNOBT (Data unobtainable from author) 30000 16 31 Free text = explanation of why unobtainable 30000 16 32 ------------------------------------------------------ 30000 16 33 The following codes must be followed by an accession 30000 16 34 number indicating a cross-reference, e.g., 30000 16 35 (COREL,B0123004)= Data correlated with subentry 30000 16 36 B0123004 30000 16 37 (DEP,10048007)= Data deduced from subentry 10048007 30000 16 38 ------------------------------------------------------ 30000 16 39 COREL (Data correlated with another data set) R30000 16 40 Example: different results obtained by different 30000 16 41 analyses of the same experimental data. 30000 16 42 DEP (Dependent data) R30000 16 43 Example: Gamma width obtained by subtraction of 30000 16 44 independently measured total width and neutron 30000 16 45 width. 30000 16 46 Free text = cross-reference to the data from which 30000 16 47 the dependent data were derived. 30000 16 48 RNORM (Data renormalized by other than author) R30000 16 49 Free text = explanation of renormalization and 30000 16 50 cross-reference to author's original data 30000 16 51 =NOTE= To be used only for non-trivial renormalization30000 16 52 by an evaluator. Compilation centers should 30000 16 53 generally store the author's normalization. 30000 16 54 ------------------------------------------------------ 30000 16 55 The following codes may be followed by an accession 30000 16 56 number indicating a cross-reference, e.g., 30000 16 57 (SPSDD,10048009)= Superseded by subentry 10048009 30000 16 58 ------------------------------------------------------ 30000 16 59 OUTDT (Normalization out-of-date) S30000 16 60 Reason or cross-reference to renormalized data 30000 16 61 SPSDD (Data superseded) S30000 16 62 Superseded by author's decision. 30000 16 63 Accession number follows: revised data coded under 30000 16 64 that accession number. 30000 16 65 No subaccession number follows for: 30000 16 66 - data withdrawn by author with no replacement 30000 16 67 - replacing data not yet entered at time of 30000 16 68 compilation 30000 16 69 - old entries before 1977 when accession number field30000 16 70 was not used. 30000 16 71 Free text explanation required. 30000 16 72 ENDDICTION 71 30000 1699999