DICTION 21 200601 Method Codes 30000 21 1 =======================================================30000 21 2 General use 30000 21 3 =======================================================30000 21 4 ACTIV (Activation) 30000 21 5 AMS (Accelerator mass spectrometry) 30000 21 6 ANC (Asymptotic normalization constant) 30000 21 7 ASEP (Separation by mass-separator) 30000 21 8 ASSOP (Associated particle) 30000 21 9 BCINT (Beam current integrated) 30000 21 10 Code used only if values given in the data section are30000 21 11 based on this measurement 30000 21 12 BGCT (Beta-gamma coincidence technique) 30000 21 13 BSPEC (Beta ray spectrometry) 30000 21 14 CHARG (Measurements in gas discharge) 30000 21 15 CHSEP (Chemical separation) 30000 21 16 COINC (Coincidence) 30000 21 17 DSCAT (Double scattering) 30000 21 18 EDE (Particle identification by 'E/Delta E' measurement) 30000 21 19 EDEG (Energy degradation by foils) 30000 21 20 The projectile energy was considerably degraded before30000 21 21 hitting the target. The initial projectile energy and 30000 21 22 the reference of the energy loss relation used should 30000 21 23 be stated. 30000 21 24 EXTB (Irradiation with external beam) 30000 21 25 FNB (Filtered neutron beam) 30000 21 26 GSPEC (Gamma ray spectrometry) 30000 21 27 HE-AC (Helium accumulation method) 30000 21 28 HEJET (Collection by He jet) 30000 21 29 INTB (Irradiation with internal beam) 30000 21 30 JET (Collection by gas jet) 30000 21 31 LRASY (Left-right asymmetry) 30000 21 32 MAGFR (Magnetic field rotation) 30000 21 33 MASSP (Mass spectrometry of a product) 30000 21 34 MOMIX (Mixed monitor) 30000 21 35 Monitor and target combined as chemical compound or 30000 21 36 mixture, or monitor reaction has the same target 30000 21 37 nuclide as the reaction given under 'REACTION' 30000 21 38 MOSEP (Separate monitor foil) 30000 21 39 OLMS (On-line mass separation) 30000 21 40 PHD (Pulse-height discrimination) 30000 21 41 PLSED (Pulse die-away) 30000 21 42 PSD (Pulse-shape discrimination) 30000 21 43 REC (Collection of recoils) 30000 21 44 RINGR (Ring ratio method) 30000 21 45 SFLIP (Spin flip) 30000 21 46 SITA (Single target irradiation) 30000 21 47 STATD (Statistically determined) 30000 21 48 STTA (Stacked target irradiation) 30000 21 49 THERM (Gas thermochromatographic separation) 30000 21 50 TOF (Time-of-flight) 30000 21 51 TRN (Transmission method) 30000 21 52I TROJA (Trojan-horse method) 30000 21 53 TTM (Thick-target method) 30000 21 54 XSPEC (X-ray spectrometry) 30000 21 55 =======================================================30000 21 56 Neutron data only 30000 21 57 =======================================================30000 21 58 BURN (Burn-up) 30000 21 59 CADMB (Cadmium bath) 30000 21 60 CHRFL (Christiansen filter) 30000 21 61 DIFFR (Diffraction) 30000 21 62 MANGB (Manganese bath) 30000 21 63 REAC (Reactivity measurement) 30000 21 64 REFL (Total reflection from mirrors) 30000 21 65 SHELT (Shell transmission) 30000 21 66 SLODT (Slowing-down time) 30000 21 67 =======================================================30000 21 68 Fission product yields 30000 21 69 =======================================================30000 21 70 ABSFY (Absolute fission yield measurement) 30000 21 71 i.e., not relative to another fission yield, though 30000 21 72 may be relative to a monitor cross section 30000 21 73 FISCT (Absolute fission counting) 30000 21 74 of the total number of fissions with a detector to 30000 21 75 be specified 30000 21 76 FLUX (Neutron flux monitoring) 30000 21 77 by a reaction to be coded under MONITOR 30000 21 78 FPGAM (Direct gamma-ray spectrometry) 30000 21 79 of unseparated fission products 30000 21 80 HADT (Heavy atom difference technique) 30000 21 81 by mass spectrometry 30000 21 82 HATOM (Hot atom method) 30000 21 83 RCHEM (Radiochemical separation) 30000 21 84 RELFY (Relative fission yield measurement) 30000 21 85 i.e., relative to another fission yield value 30000 21 86 RVAL (R-value measurement) 30000 21 87 see LEXFOR under Fission Yields 30000 21 88 ENDDICTION 87 30000 2199999