Digitization Procedure

Consultant's Meeting on Benchmarking of Digitization Software (Vienna, 12-14 November 2012) made recommendations on digitization procedure for EXFOR compilation. Selected recommendations for EXFOR compilers are summarized below with materials for digitization practice. See the summary report of the meeting (INDC(NDS)-0629) for the full list of recommendations.

Recommendations to EXFOR compilers

Guideline for expression of digitized data in EXFOR

  1. Keep consistency for the number of digits between the digitized values and uncertainties. For example,
      EN         DATA       DATA-ERR
      MEV        MB         MB
       14.1       12.34      2.34
       14.3       12.3       2.3
       14.5        1.234E+01  0.234E+01
       14.6        1.23 E+01  0.23 E+01
  2. Use the fixed and floating decimal point expression for the numbers digitized from linear and logarithmic scale, respectively. For example,
    (a value digitized from linear scale)
    (a value digitized from logarithmic scale)
  3. Digitization accuracy may be given in the absolute unit (e.g., ADEG) or relative unit (e.g., PER-CENT) for the numbers digitized from linear and logarithmic scale, respectively. For example,
      ADEG       PER-CENT
       0.12       1.2
      ANG-CM     DATA       DATA-ERR
      ADEG       MB         MB
        5.67       3.456E+02  0.234E+02
       12.31       2.345E+02  0.123E+02
  4. Consider rounding of digitized values to integers if values are for atomic numbers, mass numbers etc., and digitized values are close to integers.

Materials for digitization exercise