Dermott E. Cullen
University of California
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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FAX: 510-422-9560
November 22, 2000
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A Temperature Dependent
ENDF/B-VI, Release 7
Cross Section Library
Dermott E. Cullen
University of California
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O.Box 808
Livermore, CA 94550
November 22, 2000
The ENDF/B data library has recently been
updated and is now freely available through the National Nuclear Data Center
(NNDC), Brookhaven National Laboratory. This most recent library is identified
as ENDF/B-VI, Release 7. Release 7 completely supersedes all preceding
As distributed the ENDF/B-VI, Release 7 data includes cross sections represented in the form of a combination of resonance parameters and/or tabulated energy dependent cross sections,
nominally at 0 Kelvin temperature.
For use in applications this library has
been processed into the form of temperature dependent cross sections at eight
temperatures between 0 and 2100 Kelvin, in steps of 300 Kelvin. At each
temperature the cross sections are tabulated and linearly interpolable in
All results are in the computer
independent ENDF/B-VI character format [1], which allows the data to be easily
transported between computers. In its processed form this library is
approximately 1.6 gigabyte in size and is distributed on three CDs.
Earlier Versions of ENDF/B-VI
Between the
original distribution (Release 0) and Release 2 libraries, 74 evaluations were
updated and distributed in July 1994 (see, UCRL-ID-117797). Between Release 2
and 3 libraries, 18 evaluations were updated and distributed in January 1996
(see, UCRL-ID-124171). Between Release 0 and 3 no completely new evaluations
were added to the library. Between Release 3 and 4(see, UCRL-ID-127776), 87
evaluations were updated and five completely new evaluations were added, namely
for Gd152, Gd154, Ir191, Ir193 and
Pu236. In additional the evaluation for natural Cd was deleted and
replaced by evaluations for the individual isotopes. The result was a library
of 321 evaluations. For details, see the above mentioned three reports:
UCRL-ID-117797, UCRL-ID-124171, and UCRL-ID-127776.
ENDF/B-VI, Release 7 Data
Between the last version of this library (POINT97), which was based on release 4 data, and the current version (POINT2000), which is based on release 7 data, the following changes were made to the evaluations (listed below in ascending ZA order),
Material MAT Changes
1-H -1 125 Minor changes to low energy cross sections. Extended to 150 MeV.
1-H -2 128 Cross section changes above 40 keV. Extended to 150 MeV.
6-C -Nat 600 Major changes to low energy cross sections. Extended to 150 MeV.
7-N -14 725 Cross section changes only above 20 MeV. Extended to 150 MeV.
8-O -16 825
Cross section changes above 6 MeV. Extended to 150 MeV.
13-Al-27 1325 Cross section changes only above 20 MeV. Extended to 150 MeV.
14-Si-28 1425 New evaluation up to 150 MeV.
14-Si-29 1428 New evaluation up to 150 MeV.
14-Si-30 1431 New evaluation up to 150 MeV.
15-P -31 1525 Extended to 150 MeV.
16-S -Nat 1600 I removed bogus "fission widths" from resonance parameters
20-Ca-Nat 2000 Extended to 150 MeV.
24-Cr-50 2425 Extended to 150 MeV.
24-Cr-52 2431 Extended to 150 MeV.
24-Cr-53 2434 Extended to 150 MeV.
24-Cr-54 2437 Extended to 150 MeV.
25-Mn-55 2525 Minor changes to energy-angle correlated
26-Fe-54 2625 Extended to 150 MeV.
26-Fe-56 2631 Extended to 150 MeV.
26-Fe-57 2634 Extended to 150 MeV.
26-Fe-58 2637 Minor changes to energy-angle correlated data.
28-Ni-58 2825 Extended to 150 MeV.
28-Ni-60 2831 Extended to 150 MeV.
28-Ni-61 2834 Extended to 150 MeV.
28-Ni-62 2837 Extended to 150 MeV.
28-Ni-64 2843
Extended to 150 MeV.
29-Cu-63 2925 Extended to 150 MeV.
29-Cu-65 2931 Extended to 150 MeV.
41-Nb-93 4125 Extended to 150 MeV.
46-Pd-102 4625 New cross sections. Extended to 30 MeV.
46-Pd-104 4631 New cross sections. Extended to 30 MeV.
46-Pd-105 4634 New cross sections.
Extended to 30 MeV.
46-Pd-106 4637 New cross sections. Extended to 30 MeV.
46-Pd-108 4643 New resonance parameters and cross sections. Extended to 30 MeV.
46-Pd-110 4649 New cross sections above 210 eV. Extended to 30 MeV.
55-Cs-133 5525 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
55-Cs-134 5528 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
55-Cs-135 5531 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
56-Ba-134 5637 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
59-Pr-141 5925 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
62-Sm-147 6234 I removed bogus "fission widths" from resonance parameters
62-Sm-149 6240 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
63-Eu-153 6331 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
63-Eu-154 6334 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
63-Eu-155 6337 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
66-Dy-160 6637 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
66-Dy-161 6640 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
66-Dy-162 6643 New resonance parameters and cross sections.
66-Dy-163 6646 New resonance parameters and cross
66-Dy-164 6649 New resonance parameters and cross
67-Ho-165 6725 Changes in resonance parameters.
71-Lu-175 7125 New resonance parameters and cross
71-Lu-176 7128 New resonance
parameters and cross sections.
74-W -182 7431 New resonance parameters and cross
sections. Extended to 150 MeV.
74-W -183 7434 New resonance parameters and cross
sections. Extended to 150 MeV.
74-W -184 7437 New resonance parameters and cross
sections. Extended to 150 MeV.
74-W -186 7443 New resonance parameters and cross
sections. Extended to 150 MeV.
82-Pb-206 8231 Extended to 150 MeV.
82-Pb-207 8234 Extended to 150 MeV.
82-Pb-208 8237 New cross sections above 1 MeV. Extended to 150 MeV.
83-Bi-209 8325 Extended to 150 MeV.
92-U -235 9228 New nu-bar. New resonance parameters.
92-U -238 9237 Minor changes to resonance parameters.
94-Pu-239 9437 Minor changes to resonance parameters.
95-Am-243 9549 New nu-bar. New cross sections. Extended to 30 MeV.
96-Cm-243 9634
New nu-bar. New resonance parameters and cross sections.
96-Cm-245 9640 New nu-bar. New resonance parameters and cross sections.
96-Cm-246 9643 New nu-bar. New resonance parameters and cross sections.
The result is a library of 324
In addition to the changes in the
ENDF/B-VI evaluations, it should be noted that between the last version of this
report, where the PREPRO'97 codes were used, and the current version, where the PREPRO2000 codes were used, there have been major improvements in the ENDF/B Pre-processing codes. The major improvements were both in terms of improving the basic methods used by the codes and in terms of incorporating the latest ENDF/B-VI Formats and Procedures used by the current evaluations. The result is more accurate cross section data throughout the POINT2000 library.
WARNING - due to recent changes in ENDF/B-VI Formats and Procedures only the latest version of the ENDF/B Pre-processing codes, namely PREPRO2000, can be used to accurately process all current ENDF/B-VI evaluations. If you fail to heed this warning and you use any earlier versions of these codes the results will be inaccurate.
The PREPRO2000 codes run on virtually any
computer, and are now available FREE on-line from the Nuclear Data Section,
IAEA, Vienna, Austria, website at,
Please do not contact the author of this
report to request this data; I do not have the resources necessary to directly
respond to requests for this data. This data has been distributed to and is
Internationally available from nuclear data/code centers throughout the World,
Within the
United States: contact the National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, Vicki McLane at services@bnlnd2.dne.bnl.gov
Western Europe: contact the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency/ Data Bank (NEA/DB),
Paris, France, Enrico Sartori at sartori@nea.fr
contact the Nuclear Data Section, international Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,
Austria, Vladimir Pronyaev at v.pronyaev@iaea.org
Data Processing
As distributed the original evaluated
data includes cross sections represented in the form of a combination of
resonance parameters and/or tabulated energy dependent cross sections,
nominally at 0 Kelvin temperature. For use in applications, this data has been
processed using the 2000 version of the ENDF/B Pre-processing codes
(PREPRO2000) to produce temperature dependent, linearly interpolable in energy,
tabulated cross sections, in the ENDF/B-VI format.
Data is included for eight temperatures
between 0 and 2100 Kelvin, in steps of 300 Kelvin.
The steps required and codes used to
produce room temperature, linearly interpolable tabulated cross sections, in
the ENDF/B-VI format, are described below (the name of each code in given in
parenthesis; for details of each code see reference [2]).
Here are the steps, and PREPRO2000 codes,
used to process the data, in the order in which the codes were used.
1) Linearly interpolable, tabulated cross
sections (LINEAR)
2) Including the resonance contribution (RECENT)
3) Doppler broaden all cross sections to
temperature (SIGMA1)
4) Check data, define redundant cross sections by summation (FIXUP)
For the "cold" (0 Kelvin) data
steps 1), 2) and 4) were used. For the data at other temperatures, after steps
1) and 2), the data was Doppler broadened to each temperature using step 3),
and the results were then made consistent with the ENDF/B formats and
conventions using step 4), to produce the final distributed data.
The result is linearly interpolable in
energy, tabulated, temperature dependent cross sections, in the ENDF/B-VI
format, ready to be used in applications.
Note - this processing only involved the energy dependent neutron cross sections. All other data in the evaluations,
e.g., angular and energy distributions, was not effected by this processing,
and is identical in all versions of the final results, i.e., is the same in all
of the directories, ORIGINAL, as well as K0 through K2100, on the CDs.
Accuracy of Results
Each of the codes described above that
was used to process data to obtain tabulated, linearly interpolable in energy
cross sections, processed the data to within a user defined accuracy, or
allowable uncertainty. The ENDF/B Pre-processing codes (PREPRO2000) are
self-documenting, in the sense that the ENDF/B formatted output data that each
code produces includes comments at the beginning of each evaluation defining
the accuracy to which the cross sections were calculated. The combination of
comments added by all of the codes defines the sequence and accuracy used by
all of them. The accuracy is the same for all evaluations. Therefore, for exact
details of the accuracy of the data, see the comments at the beginning of any
Compared to the processing of earlier
versions of ENDF/B-VI, the current results were generated to higher accuracy,
which is why the resulting data base is larger. Also, they were generated using
an energy dependent accuracy, to allow the low energy cross sections, where
there are no narrow resonances, to be generated to much higher accuracy,
without a significant increase in the overall size of the data base. This was
done in order to improve the cross sections for use in thermal and slow neutron
applications. Again, for details see the comments in any evaluation.
Contents of the Library
This library contains all of the evaluations in the ENDF/B-VI general purpose library. The following table summarizes the contents of the ENDF/B-VI general purpose library. This library contains evaluations for 324 materials (isotopes or naturally occurring elemental mixtures of isotopes).
This library does not contain data from special purpose ENDF/B-VI libraries, such as fission products, thermal scattering, photon interaction data. To obtain any of these special purpose libraries contact the National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory,
In this library each evaluation is stored
as a separate file. The following table defines each material and the
corresponding filename. The entire library is in the computer independent
ENDF/B-VI character format, which allows the data to be easily transported
between computers. The entire library requires approximately 1.6 gigabyte of
storage and is distributed on three CDs; see below for details of the CD
This library contains data for some
metastable materials, which are indicated by an "M" at the end of
their descriptions.
The majority of these evaluations are
complete, in the sense that they include all cross sections over the energy
range 10-5 eV to at least 20 MeV. However, the following are only
partial evaluations that either only contain single reactions and no total
cross section (Mg24, K41, Ti46, Ti47, Ti48, Ti50 and Ni59), or do not include energy dependent cross sections above the resonance region (Ar40, Mo92, Mo98, Mo100, In115, Sn120, Sn122 and Sn124).
CD Format and Layout
The CDs were written using ISO 9660
format that can be read on almost any computer. One restriction of the ISO 9660
format is that it is similar to DOS diskettes, in that it does not distinguish
between upper and lower case characters. Therefore when the data is read from
the CDs, on so me computers the filenames will end up in upper case, and on
other computers they will be lower case.
The three CDs are divided into ten
CD# 1
DOCUMENT -A copy of this report in various formats.
ORIGINAL -The original ENDF/B data before it was processed.
K0 -0 Kelvin cross sections
K300 -300 Kelvin cross sections
CD# 2
K600 -600 Kelvin cross sections
K900 -900 Kelvin cross sections
K1200 -1200 Kelvin cross sections
CD# 3
K1500 -1500 Kelvin cross sections
K1800 -1800 Kelvin cross sections
K2100 -2100 Kelvin cross sections
With the exception of DOCUMENT, each of
these directories contains 324 files, one file for each evaluation. Each file
is a complete ENDF/B "tape" [1], including a starting
"tape" identification line, and ending with a "tape" end
line [1]. In this form, each file can be used by a wide variety of available
computer codes that treat data in the ENDF/B format.
The Effects of Temperature and Doppler Broadening
For those readers who are not familiar
with the effects of temperature and Doppler broadening on neutron cross
sections and transport, I suggest that you read references [3] and [4], listed
Users of neutron cross sections should be
aware that there are several important effects of temperature and Doppler
1) There is the well known effect in the
neutron resonance region, where as the temperature increases resonances become
broader, hence the name Doppler broadening. Figure 1 illustrates the effect of
temperature on the U238 capture cross section. From this figure we
can see that as temperature increases the peaks of the resonances become lower,
and the minima between resonances become higher. At extremely high temperature
the entire resonance structure disappears and the cross sections approaches a
simple 1/v (where v is the neutron speed) shape. This temperature effect will
have a very important effect on resonance self-shielding in any neutron
transport calculation.
2) Another, less well known, effect of
Doppler broadening is at lower energies where as temperature increases the low
energy constant scattering cross section increases, and at very low energies
approaches a simple 1/v (where v is the neutron speed) shape. Figure 2
illustrates the effect of temperature on the hydrogen total cross section. From
this figure we can see that starting from a "cold" (0 Kelvin) cross section
that is constant at about 20 barns, as temperature increases the cross section
increases. Compared to the "cold" 20 barn cross section, at thermal energy the
Doppler broadened cross section is about 30 barns, i.e., 50 % higher. Note also
from this figure that this effect extends well above thermal energy. For
example, at 300 Kelvin the thermal energy is 0.0253 eV, but we can see this
effect up to about 1 eV. From the lower half of figure 2 we can see that at
very low energy the cross section approaches 1/v (where v is the neutron speed)
and the cross sections at various temperatures become proportional to one
another. This effect on the cross sections at low energy is very important for
thermal and low energy neutron systems.
3) Yet another important effect of
temperature is that at lower energies neutrons do not slow down in energy as
quickly and neutron scatter can even result in the upscatter of neutrons, i.e.,
when neutrons scatter they can gain, rather than lose, energy. This is a well
known effect at low energies, where thermal scattering law data or a free gas
model is used to model the interaction of neutrons with target atoms that are
moving about with thermal motion. This effect can also be important at higher
energies, particularly near narrow resonances, where thermal motion of the
target atoms can cause neutrons to slightly upscatter, but even slight
upscatter can cause a neutron to scatter from below to above the energy of a
very narrow resonance. See reference [4], below for a routine designed to be
used in conjunction with the SIGMA1 method of Doppler broadening [3], to handle
neutron thermal scattering. This routine [4] is completely compatible for use
with the cross sections included here, since these cross sections were Doppler
broadened using the SIGMA1 method [3].
The combination of SIGMA1 [3] Doppler
broadened cross sections and THERMAL [4] to handle thermal scattering, is
currently used in the TART98 Monte Carlo transport code [5].
I thank Vicki McLane and Marion Blennau,
of the National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC), Brookhaven National Laboratory, for
supplying the original ENDF/B, Release 7 data, used in this project. I thank
Vladimir Pronyaev and Kevin McLaughlin, of the Nuclear Data Section,
International Atomic Energy Agency, for supplying the ENDF/B Pre-processing
codes, PREPRO2000, used in this project.
[1] Data Formats and Procedures for the
Evaluated Nuclear Data File ENDF-6, BNL-NCS-44945, Rev. 11/95, edited by V.McLane, C.L. Dunford, P.F. Rose, National Nuclear Data Center,Brookhaven National Laboratory
"PREPRO2000: The 2000 ENDF/B Pre-Processing Codes,"
by D.E. Cullen, Nuclear Data Section, International Atomic Energy Agency,
Vienna, Austria, IAEA-NDS-39, Rev. 10, April 1, 2000.
[3] "Exact Doppler Broadening of
Tabulated Cross Sections," by D.E. Cullen and C.R. Weisbin, Nuclear
Science and Engineering 60, p. 199 (1975)
[4]"THERMAL: A Routine Designed to Calculate Neutron Thermal
Scattering," by D.E. Cullen, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
UCRL-ID-120560-Rev-1, Sept. 1995.
[5] "TART98: A Coupled Neutron-Photon
3-D, Time Dependent, Combinatorial Geometry Monte Carlo Transport Code,"
by D.E. Cullen, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-ID-126455, Rev. 2,
November, 1998.
ENDF/B-VI Release 7 Library (Z = 1 to 51)
Filename Material Filename Material Filename Material
ZA001001 1-H -1 ZA028064 28-Ni-64 ZA042099 42-Mo-99
ZA001002 1-H -2 ZA029063 29-Cu-63 ZA042100 42-Mo-100
ZA001003 1-H -3 ZA029065 29-Cu-65 ZA043099
ZA002003 2-He-3 ZA031000 31-Ga-Nat ZA044096 44-Ru-96
ZA002004 2-He-4 ZA032072 32-Ge-72 ZA044098 44-Ru-98
ZA003006 3-Li-6 ZA032073 32-Ge-73 ZA044099 44-Ru-99
ZA003007 3-Li-7 ZA032074 32-Ge-74 ZA044100 44-Ru-100
ZA004009 4-Be-9 ZA032076 32-Ge-76 ZA044101 44-Ru-101
ZA005010 5-B -10 ZA033075 33-As-75 ZA044102 44-Ru-102
ZA005011 5-B -11 ZA034074 34-Se-74
ZA044103 44-Ru-103
ZA006000 6-C -Nat ZA034076 34-Se-76 ZA044104 44-Ru-104
ZA007014 7-N -14 ZA034077 34-Se-77 ZA044105 44-Ru-105
ZA007015 7-N -15 ZA034078 34-Se-78 ZA044106 44-Ru-106
ZA008016 8-O -16 ZA034080 34-Se-80 ZA045103 45-Rh-103
ZA008017 8-O -17 ZA034082 34-Se-82 ZA045105 45-Rh-105
ZA009019 9-F -19 ZA035079 35-Br-79 ZA046102 46-Pd-102
ZA011023 11-Na-23 ZA035081 35-Br-81 ZA046104 46-Pd-104
ZA012000 12-Mg-Nat ZA036078 36-Kr-78 ZA046105 46-Pd-105
ZA012024 12-Mg-24 ZA036080 36-Kr-80 ZA046106 46-Pd-106
ZA013027 13-Al-27 ZA036082 36-Kr-82 ZA046107 46-Pd-107
ZA014000 14-Si-Nat ZA036083 36-Kr-83 ZA046108 46-Pd-108
ZA014028 14-Si-28 ZA036084 36-Kr-84 ZA046110 46-Pd-110
ZA014029 14-Si-29 ZA036085 36-Kr-85
ZA047107 47-Ag-107
ZA014030 14-Si-30 ZA036086 36-Kr-86 ZA047109 47-Ag-109
ZA015031 15-P -31 ZA037085 37-Rb-85 ZA047111 47-Ag-111
ZA016000 16-S -Nat ZA037086 37-Rb-86 ZA048106 48-Cd-106
ZA016032 16-S -32 ZA037087 37-Rb-87 ZA048108 48-Cd-108
ZA017000 17-Cl-Nat ZA038084 38-Sr-84 ZA048110 48-Cd-110
ZA018040 18-Ar-40 ZA038086 38-Sr-86 ZA048111 48-Cd-111
ZA019000 19-K -Nat ZA038087 38-Sr-87
ZA048112 48-Cd-112
ZA019041 19-K -41 ZA038088 38-Sr-88 ZA048113 48-Cd-113
ZA020000 20-Ca-Nat ZA038089 38-Sr-89 ZA048114 48-Cd-114
21-Sc-45 ZA038090 38-Sr-90 ZA048115.M
ZA022000 22-Ti-Nat ZA039089 39-Y -89 ZA048116 48-Cd-116
ZA022046 22-Ti-46 ZA039090 39-Y -90 ZA049000 49-In-Nat
ZA022047 22-Ti-47 ZA039091 39-Y -91 ZA049113
ZA022048 22-Ti-48 ZA040000 40-Zr-Nat ZA049115 49-In-115
ZA022050 22-Ti-50 ZA040090 40-Zr-90 ZA050112 50-Sn-112
ZA023000 23-V -Nat ZA040091 40-Zr-91 ZA050114 50-Sn-114
ZA024050 24-Cr-50 ZA040092 40-Zr-92 ZA050115 50-Sn-115
ZA024052 24-Cr-52 ZA040093 40-Zr-93 ZA050116 50-Sn-116
ZA024053 24-Cr-53 ZA040094 40-Zr-94 ZA050117 50-Sn-117
ZA024054 24-Cr-54 ZA040095 40-Zr-95
ZA050118 50-Sn-118
ZA025055 25-Mn-55 ZA040096 40-Zr-96 ZA050119 50-Sn-119
ZA026054 26-Fe-54 ZA041093 41-Nb-93 ZA050120 50-Sn-120
ZA026056 26-Fe-56 ZA041094 41-Nb-94 ZA050122 50-Sn-122
ZA026057 26-Fe-57 ZA041095 41-Nb-95 ZA050123 50-Sn-123
ZA026058 26-Fe-58 ZA042000 42-Mo-Nat ZA050124 50-Sn-124
ZA027059 27-Co-59 ZA042092 42-Mo-92 ZA050125 50-Sn-125
ZA028058 28-Ni-58 ZA042094 42-Mo-94 ZA050126 50-Sn-126
ZA028059 28-Ni-59 ZA042095 42-Mo-95 ZA051121 51-Sb-121
ZA028060 28-Ni-60 ZA042096
42-Mo-96 ZA051123 51-Sb-123
ZA028061 28-Ni-61 ZA042097 42-Mo-97 ZA051124 51-Sb-124
ZA028062 28-Ni-62 ZA042098 42-Mo-98 ZA051125 51-Sb-125
ENDF/B-VI Release 7 Library (Z = 51 to 99)
Filename Material Filename Material Filename Material
ZA051126 51-Sb-126 ZA060147 60-Nd-147 ZA074183 74-W -183
ZA052120 52-Te-120 ZA060148 60-Nd-148 ZA074184 74-W -184
ZA052122 52-Te-122 ZA060150 60-Nd-150 ZA074186 74-W -186
ZA052123 52-Te-123 ZA061147 61-Pm-147 ZA075185 75-Re-185
ZA052124 52-Te-124 ZA061148 61-Pm-148 ZA075187 75-Re-187
ZA052125 52-Te-125 ZA061148.M 61-Pm-148m ZA077191 77-Ir-191
ZA052126 52-Te-126 ZA061149 61-Pm-149
ZA077193 77-Ir-193
52-Te-127m ZA061151 61-Pm-151 ZA079197
ZA052128 52-Te-128 ZA062144 62-Sm-144 ZA082206 82-Pb-206
52-Te-129m ZA062147 62-Sm-147 ZA082207
ZA052130 52-Te-130 ZA062148 62-Sm-148 ZA082208 82-Pb-208
ZA052132 52-Te-132 ZA062149 62-Sm-149 ZA083209 83-Bi-209
ZA053127 53-I -127 ZA062150 62-Sm-150 ZA090230 90-Th-230
ZA053129 53-I -129 ZA062151 62-Sm-151 ZA090232 90-Th-232
ZA053130 53-I -130 ZA062152 62-Sm-152 ZA091231 91-Pa-231
ZA053131 53-I -131 ZA062153 62-Sm-153 ZA091233 91-Pa-233
ZA053135 53-I -135 ZA062154 62-Sm-154 ZA092232 92-U -232
ZA054124 54-Xe-124 ZA063151 63-Eu-151 ZA092233 92-U -233
ZA054126 54-Xe-126 ZA063152 63-Eu-152 ZA092234 92-U -234
ZA054128 54-Xe-128 ZA063153 63-Eu-153 ZA092235 92-U -235
ZA054129 54-Xe-129 ZA063154 63-Eu-154 ZA092236 92-U -236
ZA054130 54-Xe-130 ZA063155 63-Eu-155 ZA092237 92-U -237
ZA054131 54-Xe-131 ZA063156 63-Eu-156 ZA092238 92-U -238
ZA054132 54-Xe-132 ZA063157 63-Eu-157 ZA093237 93-Np-237
ZA054133 54-Xe-133 ZA064152 64-Gd-152 ZA093238 93-Np-238
ZA054134 54-Xe-134 ZA064154 64-Gd-154 ZA093239 93-Np-239
ZA054135 54-Xe-135 ZA064155 64-Gd-155 ZA094236 94-Pu-236
ZA054136 54-Xe-136 ZA064156 64-Gd-156 ZA094237 94-Pu-237
ZA055133 55-Cs-133 ZA064157 64-Gd-157 ZA094238 94-Pu-238
ZA055134 55-Cs-134 ZA064158 64-Gd-158 ZA094239 94-Pu-239
ZA055135 55-Cs-135 ZA064160 64-Gd-160 ZA094240 94-Pu-240
ZA055136 55-Cs-136 ZA065159 65-Tb-159 ZA094241 94-Pu-241
ZA055137 55-Cs-137 ZA065160 65-Tb-160 ZA094242 94-Pu-242
ZA056134 56-Ba-134 ZA066160 66-Dy-160 ZA094243 94-Pu-243
ZA056135 56-Ba-135 ZA066161 66-Dy-161 ZA094244 94-Pu-244
ZA056136 56-Ba-136 ZA066162 66-Dy-162 ZA095241 95-Am-241
ZA056137 56-Ba-137 ZA066163 66-Dy-163 ZA095242 95-Am-242
ZA056138 56-Ba-138 ZA066164 66-Dy-164 ZA095242.M 95-Am-242m
ZA056140 56-Ba-140 ZA067165 67-Ho-165 ZA095243 95-Am-243
ZA057139 57-La-139 ZA068166 68-Er-166
ZA096241 96-Cm-241
ZA057140 57-La-140 ZA068167 68-Er-167 ZA096242 96-Cm-242
ZA058140 58-Ce-140 ZA071175 71-Lu-175 ZA096243 96-Cm-243
ZA058141 58-Ce-141 ZA071176 71-Lu-176 ZA096244 96-Cm-244
ZA058142 58-Ce-142 ZA072000 72-Hf-Nat ZA096245 96-Cm-245
ZA058143 58-Ce-143 ZA072174 72-Hf-174 ZA096246 96-Cm-246
ZA058144 58-Ce-144 ZA072176 72-Hf-176 ZA096247 96-Cm-247
ZA059141 59-Pr-141 ZA072177 72-Hf-177 ZA096248 96-Cm-248
ZA059142 59-Pr-142 ZA072178 72-Hf-178 ZA097249 97-Bk-249
ZA059143 59-Pr-143 ZA072179 72-Hf-179 ZA098249 98-Cf-249
ZA060142 60-Nd-142 ZA072180 72-Hf-180 ZA098250 98-Cf-250
ZA060143 60-Nd-143 ZA073181 73-Ta-181 ZA098251 98-Cf-251
ZA060144 60-Nd-144 ZA073182 73-Ta-182 ZA098252 98-Cf-252
ZA060145 60-Nd-145 ZA074000 74-W -Nat ZA098253 98-Cf-253
ZA060146 60-Nd-146 ZA074182 74-W -182 ZA099253 99-Es-253
Fig.1: Effect of Doppler
Broadening on Resonance Cross Sections
Fig.2: Effect of Doppler
Broadening on Low Energy Cross Sections