\Displacement_XS          : Data files with atomic displacement cross-sections for materials

                            from Li to Bi obtained using evaluated data, results of nuclear 

                            model calculations, BCA-MD modeling, the arc-dpa model, and the 

                            NRT model at primary neutron and proton energies from 10.**-5 eV 

                            to 10 GeV

\Gas_Production_XS        : Data files with proton-,deuteron-, triton-, 3He-, and alpha-particle-

                            production cross-sections for different materials evaluated using 

                            experimental data and results of model calculations at primary nucleon 

                            energies up to 3 GeV

A.Yu.Konobeyev, U.Fischer, P.E.Pereslavtsev, S.P.Simakov, S.Akca

E-mail: alexander.konobeev@kit.edu