
Updated June 13, 2005

You should download the codes again if ANY of the following changes are important to you.
November 2004

Original 2004 distribution completely replaces ALL earlier versions of the codes.

PREPRO 2004 can process all current ENDF/B-VI evaluations and

is designed to handle new ENDF/B-VII evaluations.

June 2005

Corrected ERROR in SIGMA1 (Doppler broadening code).

This only effects very large output sections; over 120,000 energy points.

The latest version is identified as SIGMA1 2005-1.

June 2005

Updated RECENT (Resonance reconstruction code)

to allow energy dependent scattering radius

for all resolved and unresolved resonance formalisms

(previous only allowed for single or multi-level Breit-Wigner formalism).

Also corrected energy dependent scattering radius output format.

The latest version is identified as RECENT 2005-1.