History Updated June 13, 2005 |
Original 2004 distribution completely replaces ALL earlier versions of the codes.
PREPRO 2004 can process all current ENDF/B-VI evaluations and
is designed to handle new ENDF/B-VII evaluations.
Corrected ERROR in SIGMA1 (Doppler broadening code).
This only effects very large output sections; over 120,000 energy points.
The latest version is identified as SIGMA1 2005-1.
Updated RECENT (Resonance reconstruction code)
to allow energy dependent scattering radius
for all resolved and unresolved resonance formalisms
(previous only allowed for single or multi-level Breit-Wigner formalism).
Also corrected energy dependent scattering radius output format.
The latest version is identified as RECENT 2005-1.