The PowerMAC version of PREPRO2004 comes with
executables codes, in compressed form.
1) To uncompress and install, copy PREPROZ.sit to
   your hard drive, and then use Stuffit Expander
   on PREPROZ.sit. After installation you can delete
2) To VERIFY proper installation, it is recommended
   that after installation you execute the codes in
   the order shown in the file named VERIFY (this is
   a batch file, that on other types of computers
   will run the codes in sequence; on your PowerMAC
   you will have to do this manually).
   The final two codes will display the calculated
   cross sections (EVALPLOT), and compare the results
   you calculated to a standard set of results (COMPLOT).
   Difference of about 1 % are acceptable; larger
   differences indicate an installation problem.
3) If you have any problems notify the Nuclear Data
   Section, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.