The MAC (OsX) version of PREPRO2017 comes with Gfortran OsX executables codes, 
in compressed form.
1) Copy MAC-OsX.tar.gz to your hard disk and uncompress, untar it: tar -xvf
   Afrer installation you should have a directory named PREPRO17 that contains
   47 files and a sub-directory named SOURCES; you can then delete
2) To verify a proper installation, it is recommended that after installation 
   you execute the script ./verify. This is a batch file that will run all the 
   codes in sequence.

3) The final two code modules will display the calculated cross sections 
   (EVALPLOT), and compare the results you calculated to a standard set of 
   results (COMPLOT). Difference of about 1 % to 2% are acceptable; larger 
   differences indicate an installation or execution problem.

   If plots are displayed before the batch file (verify) finished, the entire
   system has been verified and is ready to use. If you do not obtain plots, 
   there was an ERROR during the execution of COMPLOT and EVALPLOT.

   If the codes EVALPLOT and COMPLOT fail to execute then you may need to 
   recompile them, changing the path in the makefile that point to the 
   directory that contains your X-Windows routines, i.e. /usr/lib/X11 on a 
   computer. In this case you will need the FORTRAN source codes that are 
   contained in the SOURCES sub-directory.

4) MAC-OsX systems, as all Linux, may vary from one level/type of computer to 
   another,so that the MAC-OsX executables included in this package may not 
   run on certain systems. In this case you MUST re-compile the codes; start 
   from the SOURCES sub-directory and run the script ./Compile_OsX that further 
   access COMPLOT/OsX_Makefile and EVALPLOT/OsX_Makefile using Gfortran. 
   Another script ./Compile_OsX_ifort will perform the same steps using Intel 
   Ifort and C compilers. Yet another script ./Compile_suse will also create 
   all executables using Gfortran but on A Suse Leap 42 system.
   You may  need to edit those scripts to change compiler type, e.g. pgfortran 
   and the X11 library paths to fit your own system/infrastructure if needed. 

5) If you have any problems notify the Nuclear Data Section, IAEA, Vienna, 