======================================================================= Endf2c  
      Program ENDF2C                                                     Endf2c  
      ==============                                                     Endf2c  
      Convert ENDF Data to Standard FORTRAN, C and C++ Format.           Endf2c  
      Version 2014-1 Feb. 2014 * Initial version.                        Endf2c  
              2014-2 Oct. 2014 * Changed from D to E exponential form    Endf2c  
                                 to improve compatibility between        Endf2c  
                                 computer languages.                     Endf2c  
              2015-1 Jan. 2015 * General updates for release with        Endf2c  
                                 PREPRO2015.                             Endf2c  
                               * Changed ENDF data filenames from ENDF2C Endf2c  
                                 to ENDFB, to agree with PREPRO default  Endf2c  
                                 definitions.                            Endf2c  
                               * Added code name (to be compatible       Endf2c  
                                 with PREPRO output), but NOT TIME (to   Endf2c  
                                 keep this code as computer independent  Endf2c  
                                 as possible).                           Endf2c  
              2017-1 May  2017 * Updated based on user feedbsck          Endf2c  
              2018-1 Jan. 2018 * Added on-line output for ALL ENDERROR   Endf2c  
              2019-1 June 2019 * Added /UNITS/ to allow correct output   Endf2c  
                                 at end = output either o.k. or error.   Endf2c  
      Purpose                                                            Endf2c  
      ================================================================== Endf2c  
      This code is designed for,                                         Endf2c  
      1) ENDF Data in any ENDF format = ENDF-1 through ENDF-6.           Endf2c  
      2) On any type of computer = 32 or 64 bit system/compiler          Endf2c  
      This code tries to keep things as simple as possible               Endf2c  
      1) There are NO INPUT PARAMETERS.                                  Endf2c  
      2) It reads  an ENDF formatted file named ENDFB.IN                 Endf2c  
      3) It writes an ENDF formatted file named ENDFB.OUT                Endf2c  
      4) It writes a report file named          ENDF2C.LST               Endf2c  
      Author's Message                                                   Endf2c  
      ----------------                                                   Endf2c  
      I consider insuring that ENDF data is in a standard, officially    Endf2c  
      approved format for FORTRAN, C and C++ is SO IMPORTANT this code   Endf2c  
      does only one thing - and only one thing - and it does it in the   Endf2c  
      simplest possible manner - efficiency is NOT a consideration -     Endf2c  
      ONLY accuracy and general utility of the ENDF data is considered.  Endf2c  
      Method                                                             Endf2c  
      ------                                                             Endf2c  
      Other codes that attempt to do the same thing - including codes    Endf2c  
      written be me decades ago - are very complicated, and therefore    Endf2c  
      ERROR PRONE because they try to deal with each and every variant   Endf2c  
      in which data can be coded in the ENDF format. Needless to say     Endf2c  
      this means that every time the ENDF formats and procedures change  Endf2c  
      these codes MUSE also be changed.                                  Endf2c  
      In contrast, ENDF2C uses my almost 50 years of experience dealing  Endf2c  
      with the ENDF format to realize that except for the comments at    Endf2c  
      the beginning for each evaluation (MF/MT=1/451), every line of     Endf2c  
      ENDF data is IDENTICAL - in every version of the ENDF format, from Endf2c  
      the original ENDF to today's ENDF-6. So to translate ENDF data     Endf2c  
      into an official format I do not have to consider differences in   Endf2c  
      each section (MF/MT) of data.                                      Endf2c  
      Every line of ENDF is divided into 6 fields, each 11 columns wide. Endf2c  
      Each of the 6 fields is either, blank, integer or floating point.  Endf2c  
      Floating point fields ALL include a decimal point (.). So that ALL Endf2c  
      this code does is convert every floating point field to standard   Endf2c  
      format.                                                            Endf2c  
      In order to insure that this PRESERVES the accuracy of the data    Endf2c  
      this is done by reading and writing each ENDF line as characters.  Endf2c  
      Blank and integer fields are copied exactly as read. ALL floating  Endf2c  
      point number that are read are converted internally from character Endf2c  
      to floating point - they are then converted back into characters   Endf2c  
      in a standard, officially approved format, for output.             Endf2c  
      As a last step to insure the accuracy of results the characters    Endf2c  
      to be output are again converted from characters to floating       Endf2c  
      point, and the numerical value that is output is compared to the   Endf2c  
      numerical value originally read, and if there is ANY DIFFERENCE    Endf2c  
      the characters strings read and written are listed in the output:  Endf2c  
      the characters strings read and written as well as the difference  Endf2c  
      is listed in the output report (ENDF2C.LST) and on the screen.     Endf2c  
      Running Time                                                       Endf2c  
      ------------                                                       Endf2c  
      It takes only seconds to translate an ENDF formatted evaluation,   Endf2c  
      so running time need not be a consideration. Concentrate on        Endf2c  
      keeping it simple and reliable - that should be your focus.        Endf2c  
      Documentation                                                      Endf2c  
      -------------                                                      Endf2c  
      ALL of my codes that process ENDF data and change it in ANY WAY    Endf2c  
      document what they have done by adding comment lines at the end    Endf2c  
      of the comment section (MF/MT=1/451) of each evaluation. This      Endf2c  
      allows data users to determine the pedigree of the data they are   Endf2c  
      using, by reading these comments. This code documents what is has  Endf2c  
      done by adding the following 2 comment lines.                      Endf2c  
  ***************** Program ENDF2C (Version 2019-1) ***************      Endf2c  
       Convert ENDF Data to Standard FORTRAN, C and C++ Format           Endf2c  
      WARNING - This documentation is IMPORTANT to data users and it     Endf2c  
      should not be deleted.                                             Endf2c  
      Written by                                                         Endf2c  
      ------------------------------------                               Endf2c  
      Dermott E. Cullen                                                  Endf2c  
      University of California (retired)                                 Endf2c  
 -----Present Home Address---------------------------------------------- Endf2c  
      Dermott E. Cullen                                                  Endf2c  
      1466 Hudson Way                                                    Endf2c  
      Livermore, CA 94550                                                Endf2c  
      U.S.A.                                                             Endf2c  
      Telephone  925-443-1911                                            Endf2c  
      E. Mail    RedCullen1@Comcast.net                                  Endf2c  
      Website    RedCullen1.net/HOMEPAGE.NEW                             Endf2c  
 ======================================================================= Endf2c